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Vauban Tweaks For Bastille And Vortex


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Hi fellow tenno, this is my first thread so bear with me. It is also being slowly typed on a smart phone with a slow keyboard, so please excuse typos.

Long thread, so heres the short version. 1)Tweak bastille to partially block incoming fire by decreasing incoming damage by some small percentage

2)Make vortex effective range and damage increase with mods.

3)If you got beef about frost, at least skim the post before you rant

Huge wall of text, go!


Recently, i hopped on vauban just to lvl him on my spare time. I started out with mobile def at kappa and cyath, and found myself using only bastille with the occasional vortex for fun. His performance was commendable, but didnt quite live up to my high expectations.

After getting him to a respectable lvl and slapping on some duration and range mods, i took him to ODD and thought he was fantastic! Against infested, bastille is amazing. But vortex was still somewhat lackluster, but paired nicely with AOE weaponry and punch thru mods. I didnt screw around with the tazer nades (seemed to weak to be useful) or the bounce pads (gimmicky imo) and I have only been playing vauban for a short while (rhino for life), but i thought he could use a few tweaks.

The other thread

Another thread about bastille showed up on the forums a few weeks ago but the poster`s idea were shot down quickly and the thread didnt really go anywhere after that. The other poster's beef was that vauban seemed to be highly effective against infested, but with U11 and the infested becoming an endangered species, the poster thought vauban should be tweaked to become more useful against corpus and grineer. This thread is somewhat unimaginative because i thought he/she had a valid point that wasn't discussed effectively. I thought he/she had the right idea and would like to see vauban get a few tweaks to deal with the increase in gun-toting foes.

Bastille tweak

One possible tweak i had in mind was to make bastille reduce incoming bullet damage by some small percentage that would cap out at say, 30% with focus or 50% with max blind rage. The numbers are rough eatimates, so I'm cool with changing them. Or, it could be a flat percentage that doesnt scale with strength, that seems fair (not sure what to do about spamming bastille in the same spot, but the power draw seems to be an effective preventative measure). I know this is stepping on frost's territory and could render him [frost] useless, but i rarely see vauban brought to def missions against corpus and grineer. This could be because vauban is a rare frame, and one could also make the argument that frost is rarely brought to ODD. However, frosts snow globe slows enemies, similar to bastille. I think it would be fair if bastille similarly decreased bullet damage by some percent (or flat amount, but that would be op early on imo). What do you guys think? Please discuss, and dont just whine about frost like they did in the other thread, please.

Vortex stuff

Second thing, vortex seemed kinda lame. I used it on ODD once or twice because i was worried my bastille would fill up with enemies and not stop anymore, but its tactical advantages over bastille are slim. It could hold an unlimited amount of enemies in one spot, but bastille is cheaper, has much better range to catch lots of enemies, and holds the enemy in place for people w/o punch thru mods or pentas to shoot easily.

I have seen vortex used effectively in two situations, 1)i had my penta or shred modded vectis/soma and murdered everything that ventured to close to the vortex, and 2)i popped iron skin on my rhino, whipped out my fully modded galatine and cleaved my way to 1k melee kills in 30~ mins in surv. That was it. Seems kinda lame for an ult when i only see it get used twice.

True, those two times it was effective, so i only suggest minor tweaks.

Vortex tweaks

One idea, make the gravity well of the vortex increase with range mods to catch more enemies (seems stupid that it doesnt since everyone slaps on stretch for bastille anyway). Another idea, buff the dmg of vortex and/or make it affected by strength mods. It spits out a measly 8-16 dmg to anyone trapped in the vortex, which just blows my mind. One, its an ult and should be venturing into 4 digit dmg territory if not high 3 digit. And two, its some sci fi futuristic black hole grenade that can swallow an unlimited amount of enemies and crush their corpses into a singularity, but tickles any enemy beyond lvl 20 (while still crushing their lifeless bodies despite having 1000 rated space age alloy armor). I know i'm committing a sin by trying to apply logic to a scifi video game and the damage is continuous and lasts 30~ secs and bla bla bla, sure. I understand it is more a utility skill, so i wish the effective range where it could catch enemies has the potential to increase. A buff in dmg or a way to increase it would be appreciated, but would just be a nice touch.

Bla bla bla

I have only played vauban a little, but i have played this game since closed beta (sold my lato vandal :/) and i have stalked the forums for quite some time. I think the tweaks are fair, given snow globe's ability to slow enemies and block all damage, and vortex just seems kind of lame. I would appreciate your thoughts on the matter and do hope the thread does not turn into an extended battle between the usefullness of vauban and frost. I dont want to replace frost by any means, just make vauban slightly more useful beyond the infested. What do you think?

Edited by NogginMasher
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As for you saying that Vortex is lame: It can hold an unlimited amount of enemies, while Vauban's Bastille can hold 12 without mods, to a maximum of 27 with max Blind Rage and Focus.

Vortex is generally better in late wave Infested, since so many of them come. I like Vauban the way he is: the Frost for Infested. I think we just need to bring the infested back (main base on Eris, as many people have said).

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Vortex stuff

Second thing, vortex seemed kinda lame. I used it on ODD once or twice because i was worried my bastille would fill up with enemies and not stop anymore, but its tactical advantages over bastille are slim. It could hold an unlimited amount of enemies in one spot, but bastille is cheaper, has much better range to catch lots of enemies, and holds the enemy in place for people w/o punch thru mods or pentas to shoot easily.

I have seen vortex used effectively in two situations, 1)i had my penta or shred modded vectis/soma and murdered everything that ventured to close to the vortex, and 2)i popped iron skin on my rhino, whipped out my fully modded galatine and cleaved my way to 1k melee kills in 30~ mins in surv. That was it. Seems kinda lame for an ult when i only see it get used twice.

I don't want to say too much otherwise we will see the Nerf bat out again on Vauban. They nerfed bastille, but luckily they nerfed the wrong power. I only equip vortex and it is fantastic. When you have played Vauban a bit more you might change your opinion.

The only downside with vortex is the lag it causes, but frightened to go on about it to DE, in case they revisit Vortex.

Edited by DaveC
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instead of having bastile to partially decrease incoming damage, why not just have vauban work with loki or frost. 


Also they need to fix vortex's crash/lag issues. 


Bastile is fine as it is. It can be spam. By spamming bastile, enemies will be hang before they get any chance to fire at you. 

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Vauban's abilities are fine as is.

Bastille works to hold melee units (and stupid gunners), while Vortex sucks everything else away from key objectives.

The only problem with Vortex is that your overall accuracy drops for firing at enemies inside that. I sent a ticket to DE questioning this some time ago, and they're apparently stumped in terms of fixing that flaw.



I wish Bastille wasn't nerfed so hard.

Aye, but it was necessary.


Just imagine an unnerfed Bastille with Max Overextended + Stretch. Hold the entire level in that net.

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Vauban is actually one of the best warframes you can get. He's a monster in infested mission, and performs quite well in other missions. I don't think he needs a buff.


infested are easy since you can kite anyway.  thats why they moved them to their own zone, they were too easy to level on.

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Bastille And Vortex are very strong CC skills already. 

Vauban does suffer against ranged attacks from being squishy, I wouldnt mind if his shields or armor got a buff. Or remake usless jumppad into some personal survivability skill. 





As a Vauban player who uses Bounce for things beyond trolling and has come to understand how to make it mesh with a well coordinated squad (or just chucking it at advancing enemies) I've found Bounce to be pretty dang invaluable. Not just for shenanigans. It's one of those powers you need to think about to find a creative use for and as soon as you do it's hard to put it down.


Not to mention the mobility of the skill has saved my &#! numerous times. 


Vauban is one of the more team oriented players in the fact that he'll rely more on their support than other frames would due to his inherent squishiness, if players don't bother putting any survivability mods on him. 


Personally I run a build that gives me 75% power efficiency with two Duration Mods to bandaid the loss of ability time, leaving three slots free for survival mods.


I can consistently lock down entire maps on a whim, Stretch and Power strength aren't needed, just quick thinking, aim, and a weapon that's good for cutting down swathes of enemies. You'd be amazed how much longer Vauban can live with a well modded Penta or Ogris. 


With practice of course.

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  • 2 months later...

Let's Desecrate this thread and see if it pops out an answer.


How do you Vortex? Like, am I missing something? Because I'll be lucky to catch three enemies in it, maybe five if it's Defense against Infested. Most of the time the enemies just ignore it. They're not even 5 feet away, the sparkly sparkles of my Vortex gently slapping them in the face and they're giving exactly zero damns. Sometimes an enemy trapped inside it will even fall out, stand up, dust himself off and start shooting me again. With his head lodged firmly up Vortex' vortex.

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