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Acrid Is Desperately Needing A Rebuff...


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In my opinion.


Yeah, many have probably said already that Acrid is "replaced" by the Tysis, but I'm not asking Tysis for a nerf, by the way.


Though, I have my own reasons why I ask for Acrid for a buff:


- Its a Research weapon unlike the Tysis.

- It uses semi-automatic, despite of having a rate of fire of 6.7, which is unusable to perform.

- It does less damage than its non-Research counterpart.

- Poor critical chance and damage.

- It has a mediocre clip size for a supposedly fire-firing weapon.

- Its status chance is minuscule compared to Tysis.

- Its Mastery level 7, possibly the second highest among the secondaries.

- Its DOT damage is unconvincing.


What I proposed, or at least it could do:


For a high rate of fire Acrid

- Increase Toxin damage from 20 to 25.

- Make it Automatic.

- Increase Critical Chance from 2.5% to 10% and Critical Damage from 150% to 250%.

- Increase Clip size from 15 to 30.

- Make the Toxin DOT independent to attached mods. Allowing three elemental combinations.

- Increase Reload time from 1.2 to 2.0, due being a fast firing weapon.


For a high damaging Acrid

- Add a Puncture damage of 15.

- Increase Toxin damage from 20 to 55. (High, although it remains as a projectile weapon, not hit-scan.)

- Decrease rate of fire from 6.7 to 2.8.

- Make the Toxin DOT independent to attached mods. Allowing three elemental combinations.

- Increase Status chance from 10% to 25%, for other Status effects to join in with 100% Toxin status chance.

- Increase Critical Chance from 2.5% to 5% and Critical Damage from 150% to 200%.

- Increase Projectile Speed from 65.0 m/s to 100 m/s.


Honestly, I do not have the Acrid to begin discussing this idea, but I'm growing my concerns already with this Research weapon being possibly weaker than Prova, if Melee 2.0 is going to be implemented.


I'm not also sure if this is going to help, I just feel something is wrong with this weapon by heart.

Edited by Freelancer27
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- Make the Toxin DOT independent to attached mods. Allowing three elemental combinations.

that would actually be detrimental to the performance of Acrid. that would be it's best attribute if you ask me. a Status Chance on impact, and 3/4 more times(don't remember if the DoT starts on impact or not) for a total of upwards of 12 Status Chances per shot. that is what Acrids' true power would reside in.


provided the DoT worked right, and the Status Chance was increased to probably 15/20% - Acrid would be fine, and would be the backloaded Damage it is supposed to be. 



hard to say no to Crits though, 10%/200% would be plenty. 

Edited by taiiat
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My Acrid works fine, dunno why it gets so much hate.


If you think Acrid is bad I'll gladly livestream it doing anything that's not endless. T3 Void Defense, Lv35+ maps for any faction you like.







I think non-hitscan projectiles need a balance pass overall. If DE_Scott came down and declared the Acrid is supposed to be the slowest and hardest to hit with weapon, then sure, I'd say buff it. Right now though we have Supra throwing lasers at half the speed I throw tennis balls for dogs to fetch and Seer which is nearly hitscan. I couldn't tell you what the devs are thinking about any non-hitscan weapon or how it should be balanced. I just have no earthly idea. All I can say is that Acrid "Works" as it is, so I'd just assume leave it alone.


Maybe give it +1 damage and just put up a patch note saying it was "Buffed" so people can say it was buffed and stop whining about it lol...

Edited by VKhaun
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I warned Acrid users.... but they didn't listen.


I'm warning Soma users now... and they aren't listening.

It needed a nerf, but it didn't need breaking.

I was all for the nerfing of the Acrid back in November, but they didn't have to go and make it worse than a damn Vasto. There is clearly a middle ground.

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If I may ask something.. How does a weapon that even on paper only does 5.5k DPS replace one that does 8k DPS?

Since the Acrid's fire rate is 10ish, with mods, it would fairly difficult to get constant on-paper DPS. Same problem with Akbolto, it takes a macro to get that DPS, and it chews up ammo in the process. I would use Tysis over Acrid for ammo efficiency reason only.


I do not know why people are claiming that it replaces acrid. Acrid probably shouldn't be a high master rank weapon anymore, but it has nothing to do with Tysis.

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My Acrid works fine, dunno why it gets so much hate.


If you think Acrid is bad I'll gladly livestream it doing anything that's not endless. T3 Void Defense, Lv35+ maps for any faction you like.







I think non-hitscan projectiles need a balance pass overall. If DE_Scott came down and declared the Acrid is supposed to be the slowest and hardest to hit with weapon, then sure, I'd say buff it. Right now though we have Supra throwing lasers at half the speed I throw tennis balls for dogs to fetch and Seer which is nearly hitscan. I couldn't tell you what the devs are thinking about any non-hitscan weapon or how it should be balanced. I just have no earthly idea. All I can say is that Acrid "Works" as it is, so I'd just assume leave it alone.


Maybe give it +1 damage and just put up a patch note saying it was "Buffed" so people can say it was buffed and stop whining about it lol...


good luck with using ammo kits.  it is bad for a clan weapon.  my akboltos do more dps.


t3 void def is a joke anyway.  i level up rank 0 weapons there.

Edited by Pure
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Since the Acrid's fire rate is 10ish, with mods, it would fairly difficult to get constant on-paper DPS. Same problem with Akbolto, it takes a macro to get that DPS, and it chews up ammo in the process. I would use Tysis over Acrid for ammo efficiency reason only.


I do not know why people are claiming that it replaces acrid. Acrid probably shouldn't be a high master rank weapon anymore, but it has nothing to do with Tysis.

Fair enough, though it then changes to a Proc crossive weapon vs a naturally shield ignore weapon with a DoT that will likely be buffed

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Let's take a look at the Hikou, the weakest of its throwing blade brethren and see how it stacks with the Acrid.


Damage: 25 vs. 20 (not counting DoT which doesn't even scale with elements)

Fire Rate: 6.67 Full Auto vs 6.67 Semi-Auto

Travel Time: 70 vs 65 m/s

Mastery Requirement: 2 vs 7

Resources: 5 Morphics and 15k Credits vs 5 Mutagen Masses (15k credits each and a Control Module with 12 hour crafting times) plus 1 Forma

Crits: 5%/x1.5 vs 2.5%/x1.5

Magazine: 20 vs 15

Reload: 0.8s vs 1.2s

Noise: Silent vs Apparently loud

Polarities: 2 Vs vs None


Pretty much in every important stat, the Hikou beats the Acrid. Acrid costs Mastery 7 along with a breakneck amount of resources to make. You even need to get into a clan to make it.


And the Hikou isn't even that good. After DMG2.0, my two most used sidearms (Hikou and Acrid) became trash and trashier. I even made a thread in this subforum about how the Hikou burn ammo twice as fast as the Despair and does less DPS. I ultimately had to switch to Akvastos for my choice of Infested slaying sidearms (don't get me started on its fabulous 50 dmg and 10.0 fire rate...)


Acrid severely needs a buff to live up to its horrible Acquisition requirements, or the Mastery/Crafting requirements should just ultimately be lowered. Because let's face it: the Acrid has become obsolete.


+1 to OP btw

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I warned Acrid users.... but they didn't listen.


I'm warning Soma users now... and they aren't listening.



PoooOooOoooWerrrrrrrr CrEeeeEEeeeePpppp


and?  saying a weapon can be buffed or nerfed is skills?  i don't know why people think they are smart for guessing a nerf/buff.  it's a 50/50 chance.  

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Acrid had its base damage nerfed from 25 to 20 (unnecessary)


And it's DoT mechanic was changed to 100% toxic proc chance - Which therefore doesn't scale with mods and becomes a useless feature as it eventually just does 1 damage.


This is why the acrid sucks. 


People claiming it's good aren't playing "end-game" which is what this mastery 7 gun should be viable for

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Acrid had its base damage nerfed from 25 to 20 (unnecessary)


And it's DoT mechanic was changed to 100% toxic proc chance - Which therefore doesn't scale with mods and becomes a useless feature as it eventually just does 1 damage.

is acrid' DOT scaled by mods?? or still no?

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+1 op. Acrid sucks at this point,anybody saying that it doesnt didnt saw any other high end weapon,whats the point of acrid if i know that even moded corectly it wont be viable past' wave 20? and it cost to much to craft compared to other weapons. It dont need to be the best,but nor the worst

Sry for english

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