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Why I Believe Warframe Will Never Become A Great Game.


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I won't reiterate what has been said before in regards to RNG, Lore or even fixes that need to be done because the number of posts on these subjects are vast and numerous and it would be redundant to do so. What I want to touch on is DE's refusal to recognize or even acknowledge in what direction they want to take this game. In livestreams of late it almost reminds me of Politicians in a news conference giving vast amounts of information without really giving any information at all.  If you strip away the amazing graphics, because in all honesty they are amazing, this game is nothing more than a mindless, droning game of shooting mobs. In some context I'm sure that can be fun because I love killing mobs mindlessly as much as the next person, but after a while that gets old and any game that is one dimensional will eventually not survive or simply fade into obscurity.


Some will use the excuse that Warframe is still in "Beta" and that might be true, but even in the beginning it started with no core story line to propel the game as many other "Beta" games have done, which is like baking a apple pie and forgetting to put the filling in, then trying to do it afterwards. We all who have been playing since the beginning know what Warframe needs to be done and as I said the posts about these things is vast. I believe DE is so worried about getting new players and keeping the old ones that they would rather saturate the game with new shiny guns and warframes rather being brave and saying heck with putting out new content and lets fix all the things wrong with Warframe, Lore, New Player Experience, RNG etc. I truly believe if they concentrated on this they could have a great game that could rival Halo and I also believe that even if some people left because of no new content they would come back later to a better game with a true story to drive the game and missions, better balanced RNG and weapons and a truly perfectly working game. These are my own observations and thoughts.


I'm sure DE will probably never see this post or even if they did they will continue their path of giving out shiny new things to distract the community, sort of reminds me of the Roman Emperors when they would put on vast games to distract the populace from everything that was wrong with the empire, lets hope Warframe does not go the same way the Roman Empire did.

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To each their own. One man's treasure is another man's trash and vice versa. That's just like, your opinion man.



I need your training, sensei dude.


Anyway, pretty sure Warframe is already amazing consider I have 1,500 hours in it.

Lettuce hope I don't go to a mental institute.

Edited by Valkyrie9001
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I need your training, sensei dude.

The first step is to memorize Bohemian Rhapsody.


I think Warframe may have been a lofty goal from the start. There have been some major changes to nearly every facet of the game, and I think that part of it has to do with the "grand vision" of Warframe being in a state of flux, of sorts.

But in my own opinion it's already rather great. Any game that can make you spend hundreds of hours playing it is probably doing something right.

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I'm sure DE will probably never see this post or even if they did they will continue their path of giving out shiny new things to distract the community, sort of reminds me of the Roman Emperors when they would put on vast games to distract the populace from everything that was wrong with the empire, lets hope Warframe does not go the same way the Roman Empire did.


This comparison is ridiculous

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I believe it's still a rough diamond. 

^ This!


There's still some rough patches within Warframe I won't lie, but the general concept of this game is genuine to me and keeps me playing each and every passing day as a result. "Grinding and farming" pays off with the opportunity to hack and slash my way through everything with satisfaction. Lore is a developing thing as well and I'm sure we all can see it, it's just that patience should be the key here.


However, I respect your opinion, @OP.

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Too early for this type of post, you basing your post of a pretense that you were sold something that you never got; yet

the game is still progressing stronger now then it was months prior, especially for the PC.


It sounds like if an entitled gamer isn't getting what they want, they stop adapting to the game and give up in a cheap

depression that they were shafted.


Just like some people say.. "playing a video game, is better then playing no video game at all."


 I enjoy playing Warframe, and I've finished probably about 95% of the current ps4 content.. and I'l still

join a public Mercury mission to just talk with new ps4 players, and see how they feel about the game play. Which are all

mostly confused or not clear on things, but are hooked on the grind & experience.

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The first step is to memorize Bohemian Rhapsody.


I think Warframe may have been a lofty goal from the start. There have been some major changes to nearly every facet of the game, and I think that part of it has to do with the "grand vision" of Warframe being in a state of flux, of sorts.

But in my own opinion it's already rather great. Any game that can make you spend hundreds of hours playing it is probably doing something right.


"Major changes to nearly every facet of the game" and yet the game really hasn't changed all that much for the past year.


You know things are in a pretty sad state when lots of changes have been made to a game but in a lot of ways it's worse off than it was a year before.

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One thing I do want to make clear, this has nothing to do with feeling I'm entitled to something that I did not get nor am I saying that I dislike the game because I do like the game, what I am saying is DE, IMHO, seems to be ignoring core things that should be done instead of giving out nice shiny things to distract the community while they try and figure out where the heck they are going. Also my analogy of using the Roman games to distract the populace from problems in the empire is valid with the Roman Games being the shiny things we are given at each major update, and the problems being distracted from would be not fixing RNG, no LORE, New Player Experience etc. 

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You say that like it's a bad thing.

I guess it falls pretty much on the same ground of: "The game is too easy, give us a challenge".

It is, despite what i would wish to call it, boring. I don't mind farming, but that mostly feels to be about the only objective i have in this game and i don't really dig that.

I seriously agree with him in the mindless shooter part, but disagree only on the fact that it will never become a great game.

Edited by akkerusia
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I guess it also falls under what is the definition of a great game? For some the deciding factor might be commercial or critic success, fun provided, playerbase size, length, amazing story, technical difficulty to create, innovation provided to the industry, etc.


Anyway, Warframe doesn't have to be a great game. Just a fun one. Some games are great, but you end up playing them once or twice like Portal, Limbo, etc.


To me Warframe is not about being a great game, it's about being a game that I can have simple fun in it over and over again. Thats what brings me back to it, not the fact it has a memorable story or revolutionized the game industry. It's just fun. Warframe could be the greatest game ever made, but if I end up playing it once or twice, It won't make sense to buy platinum and without platinum, there will be no more Warframe.

Edited by Theodorick
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I believe it's still a rough diamond. 

individual gameplay mechanics are interesting

weapons could use some rework but most of them are cool to use

Frame abilities are a little to lopsided towards press 4 to nuke everything, but otherwise have pretty interesting 1-2-3 

The way things come together just seems.... so clunky sometimes. 


Having played League recently I have to say that it was quite refreshing to see burst damage be dealt as that, a culmination of power activation to form one, powerful burst. Or sustain characters that had their damage scale according to mana pool and such. 


I'm not saying warframe should copy league's power design outright, but they should take some hints from it. 

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Its my most played game atm but that said I do believe OP has a point here. There should be more focus on fixing the horrendous RNG, bring something innovating to the table and all around polish the game instead of release x amount of new pointless weaps and lifestreams that basically don't give any real information at all. The last time I watched the entire thing with a friend and I turned around to ask him after what they actually said they would add in the future. He could sum it all down to 2 words. Yeah.. Not going to cut it for me.


I really like this game but comparing it to CB I don't think that that much has been done yet.

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