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Dear De... Please Make It Stop


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Incorrect. Grineer have civilian populace which they defend.

Incorrect. Corpus ... see above. They are indoctrinating, manipulating, self-serving abominations.

How do you know that the Grineers arent treating their civilians worse than the Corpus? We also dont know how the Corpus indoctrination Works. Im not trying to argue whos the most evil but just saying that theres still a lack of info that has to be considered before any decision can be made. Steve did confirm in the livestreams that there are normal people out there just trying to live their lives but the lack of social infrastructure on both the Grineer and Corpus does not exactly make it clear how these people are treated. Not that it really matters to me though since id rather just have the Grineer destroyed and the Corpus reduced to a harmless Trading guild with no real power that keeps the world flowing. The ones who should rule the solar system is the Tenno.

Edited by Septin
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Not an issue with this. You are not trying to make a moral case out of it.

Because I don't think there's much of a moral conflict between the two.


And if I read this correctly, you missed my point. OR it doesn't matter to you. I'd hope you would maybe refute my reasoning?

Edited by Legion-Shields
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How do you know that the Grineers arent treating their civilians worse than the Corpus? We also dont know how the Corpus indoctrination Works.


We know how each party interacts with their enemies. One with warrior's honour, the other with begruding contempt.


I'd hope you would maybe refute my reasoning?


Why would I? You prefer Corpus because of looks and forego the moral dissection of the events. While I prefer the Grineer design, your reasoning is, at the very least, unassailable, because personal taste. You are not trying to tell me that I should side with Space-Mengele, because he is a man of science.

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We know how each party interacts with their enemies. One with warrior's honour, the other with begruding contempt.



Why would I? You prefer Corpus because of looks and forego the moral dissection of the events. While I prefer the Grineer design, your reasoning is, at the very least, unassailable, because personal taste. You are not trying to tell me that I should side with Space-Mengele, because he is a man of science.My point i

My point is that your entire discussion regarding factional peference is redundant. My admittance to the reasoning behind my loyalty was a tool, not a statement.



My point is assailable. My preference matters little.

Edited by Legion-Shields
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Don't pretend that you are blind. Go ask bored veteran players or players who wasted too much time and you will see how annoying it is. Even if you side with Corpus, the problem will still continue to exist.

:P Im not blind, Im just not whining about every little thing I dislike.... and I see no problem in the event or the invasions..... invasions in my oppinion are great game type, and great way to get resources.. no matter what side you side with. besides that, I havent done one since the event started :P

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The ethical choice here is not to choose at all, or to choose the Infested, the part of no part, the wretched of the universe. Go communism...

....uhhhh the infested arent communism.... they are more the flood, consuming and destroying the galaxy until there is nothing left.... no one should side with them becuase they have no allies and would consume them anyway.

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....uhhhh the infested arent communism.... they are more the flood, consuming and destroying the galaxy until there is nothing left.... no one should side with them becuase they have no allies and would consume them anyway.

Id rather be consumed and live in a non-hierarchical universe as an infested with equal rights, than help so called honorabel space nazis and greedy space capitalists. Unfortunately this game doesnt allow this kind of ethics. :)

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I just had to deal with an Invasion node that had 20-40 Napalms in them 5 games in a row.


If I had chose to fight for Grineer I would have just breezed through the invasion node.


It was a challenge for once at least.

Edited by Ziegrif
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You forgot to mention that the Grineer expand their territory and defend their homeworld, people and interests wile the corpus just want to cut up living Tenno, indoctrinate innocents and make profits.


Fixed that for you. Accusing soldiers of being murderers is a little too hippy.

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More Grineer nodes = less Grineer invasions, since Grineer can only invade Corpus nodes.


More Grineer nodes = more Corpus invasions, since they have more targets.


DE has more player friendly ways to aid that like putting up Orokin Cells and other desirable loot for pay on the Corpus side.



Problem will fix itself.

No drastic action needed.


This logic is invalid. I had this conversation with my clan mates earlier.


The invasions are RNG based, because lets face it, DE couldn't be aresed to do anything manually anymore, and more to the point, invasions are based on Defense more than anything else. What I mean is, whether an invasions stops, or keeps going depends on whether or not all the nodes that are being invaded are defended against. This means, if the Corpus try to invade...lets say Europa, They would need to at least win the first two invasion nodes, or the invasion would stop...Because if all the active invasion nodes are defended against, the invasion can't 'spread'.


Because of how stacked it is right now, all Grineer Invasions/Attacks push on to the end because dat loot/dat harvester/ dat easy kill. conversely all Corpus invasions fail within the first couple nodes because everyone's going Grineer because dat loot, dat harvester....you get my point, yes? So what this means is, once the Grineer take over every planet, bar Venus and Mars, Invasions will be extremely short lived, maybe a couple hours, as opposed to entire days like we see now.

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 Woah! So many posts here that defend either Corpus or Grineer. 
It's nice to see people really are deep in the game's lore, but considering this lore - Tenno are here to uphold balance right. So making solar system stricte Grineer is not fun at all. Why not support Grineer and Corpus accordingly to get their forces equal in the Solar System, like 50/50 planets ratio for Grineer/Corpus huh? 

Well, let's sum up some of the posts here (that I actually read/have strenght to read). Neither Grineer not Corpus are good. They are both bad. We fight them. The only thing we should consider is not making 1 faction taking over whole solar system. I hope it wont happen anytime soon. ^^

Moreover, I think players choices should have really noticeable consequences in the game. 
You supported Grineers, they took over more planets than Corpus then .... market prices are going up 'coz Corpus blackmarket traders(Darvo) want to reclaim their territories. Simple ^^ 

More planets in Coprus hands.... Grineer deploy more hard-hitting units(napalms, bombards buffed by regulators) in their nodes making missions pain in the &#!. ^^ Simple. 

Then DE should sit and watch and laugh, laugh, laugh! hahahaha

PS. Seriously, Invasion missions give them so much potential to make this game awesome. They only need to think about invasion consequences. 

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Woah! So many posts here that defend either Corpus or Grineer.

It's nice to see people really are deep in the game's lore, but considering this lore - Tenno are here to uphold balance right. So making solar system stricte Grineer is not fun at all. Why not support Grineer and Corpus accordingly to get their forces equal in the Solar System, like 50/50 planets ratio for Grineer/Corpus huh?

Well, let's sum up some of the posts here (that I actually read/have strenght to read). Neither Grineer not Corpus are good. They are both bad. We fight them. The only thing we should consider is not making 1 faction taking over whole solar system. I hope it wont happen anytime soon. ^^

Moreover, I think players choices should have really noticeable consequences in the game.

You supported Grineers, they took over more planets than Corpus then .... market prices are going up 'coz Corpus blackmarket traders(Darvo) want to reclaim their territories. Simple ^^

More planets in Coprus hands.... Grineer deploy more hard-hitting units(napalms, bombards buffed by regulators) in their nodes making missions pain in the &#!. ^^ Simple.

Then DE should sit and watch and laugh, laugh, laugh! hahahaha

PS. Seriously, Invasion missions give them so much potential to make this game awesome. They only need to think about invasion consequences.

I seriously can not remember the last time I was killed or stopped by enemies... Edited by RevoThornax
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The only thing we should consider is not making 1 faction taking over whole solar system. I hope it wont happen anytime soon.


It is happening right now. Any advocates of "balance" are, also, advocating a war of attrition policy, which is the worst for the civilian populace, causes the most combat losses and drains the civilian industry. A quick and decicisive removal of one party - in this case, the Corpus - is in the best interest of all involved. The Corpus cannot win, the civilians have it bad either way.


Might aswell end this war and remove the Corpus.

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Wow, a thread originally about how the invasions system is making one of the main factions extinct has somehow turned into a thread about lore discussion. WF forums in a nutshell. Well at least it didn't devolve into a flame war, so we have that going for us, which is nice.


On the subject of the lore, I'm not invested enough to really "take a side" on the matter, though I did support the Corpus during Gradivus, partly because i like their sleek aesthetics, partly because i like intelligent scientists (even if any one of them will stab me in the back the first chance they get) over war-mongering brutes.


The lore just isn't set right yet. Excluding Alad V and Sargas Ruk, I don't even think any of the bosses' lore are properly decided. I can't tell whether Vor is supposed to be a calm proud commander (trailer) or just another angry brute (in-game), and am I REALLY just killing him because he has Orokin Tech and Lotus is jelly? Tyl Regor's supposed to be this scientist working to reverse the genetic deteoriation of his people, yet all he does in-game is spout $&*&*#(%& "jokes" and insult your fashion sense while swinging around a skana. Nef Anyo's supposed to be managing these "Solar Rails", yet they're never genuinely mentioned in any part of the lore other then "Anyo manages them". What IS Kela De Thaym? Vay Hek SEEMED to be something, yet DE has decided to ruin him and replace him with this flat "propaganda machine" (as if the Grineer clone army even has use for propaganda). They say Corpus have civilians (Gradivus lore says that if Grineer wins they'll enslave the Corpus colonies), yet they are NEVER mentioned anywhere else.


Hell even the TENNO'S nature isn't set properly. We STARTED as supposedly these "ancient warriors" from the Orokin Era who are fighting to survive and rescue the few remaining brethren we have. Then we switched to being some sort of self-proclaimed "keepers of balance" who keeps the balance by slaughtering all non-Tenno indiscriminately. And NOW we're mercenaries working for the highest bidder (Invasions)? WUT?


DE has either completely neglected lore or is just REALLY bad at writing lore, or BOTH. Any discussion on lore based on existing content just seems pointless to me.


And on the subject of mechanics, invasions in general just need to be removed. They bring nothing new to the table and are just alerts that you have to farm 5 times which also mess up the starmap. Actually having random faction invasions IN THE MIDDLE OF A MISSION resulting in a three-way fight between two factions and the players would have been far more interesting.

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