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New Hud Feedback


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I'm in complete agreement with the above posters about the functionality of the new menus.


Yes, they are very pretty now, and the visuals are cool to see.  However, it's now significantly more awkward and difficult to select the planet/planetoid you want, or leave squads.  The foundry and the mod management are also much harder to use than before.  The tilting menus look good, but they just aren't functional when chunks of text are obscured by our selected Warframe.  Also going from side buttons for mod management to have to go in and out of sub-menus is a big step backward.  The amount of data on screen is greatly diminished as well.


If the mod count was less than 100, that probably wouldn't be such an issue.  But with there being so many mods available, it's become a chore to scroll through them.  The same is true for the new foundry layout.  If those screens had stayed the same, as the inventory did, I would be a lot happier.  As it is, I'm tempted to uninstall completely.  I have fairly limited gaming time, and I simply refuse to spend it on something that is frustrating to use.  I play for relaxation and stress relief, and the new menus are counter-productive to that.

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I care very little about the user interface 2.0 currently, connection issues are my rage


but aside from that what little i seen is, user friendly is out.. looks is pure focus - fix this major issue with user interface please


medusa was cursed to turn man to stone due to a goddess jealousy .. lets not repeat that okay ? 

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The new UI has put an unnecesary strain on my computer, that I don't think it can handle :S


I don't want Warframe to be ruined for me for something so silly. I can play the missions just fine, with lowered settings (and maybe in maps that aren't Earth...). But I can't comfortably mod my weapons and characters with the fps I get on the menus. And the mouse sensitivity issue is icing on the cake.


I'm sure this UI is great for console, though. *sigh*

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Pause game in SOLO MODE 


I am hoping that the lack of pause with esc in solo mode is not by design but rather a lack of time.

Some of us are adult players with responsibilities and ability to pause in solo mode sometimes is the only way to play the game.


I would very much appreciate if you would re implement solo menu game pause, otherwise my fragmented "me time" is ... well you know.


Thanks a lot in advance.


Love the new UI btw. Oculus ready ;)

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Ok, feedback time.


I played since CB and today was the first time I was confused. UI requires too many clicks now, it requires to actually move around the ship to do stuff, which will be old before weekend is over (yes, I can do everything from menu, but game teleports me to stations, so I forced to walk back to start the mission, for example), FPS drops when I do something in these flashy menus. And this all from 15 minutes I managed to play between all the log offs.


Yes it's pretty. Now I don't like it. At all.

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I also don't like when buying scanners, there's no easy way to see from the purchase screen how many scanners I already have. And I can no longer tell what blueprints I already have in inventory from the market, etc.


Also, it's great we no longer get auto-kicked when the host leaves the squad, but as far as I can tell, leaving the squad requires hitting escape, then navigation, then clicking your own name and then clicking leave squad. It'd be nice if there's an easier way to do so.


Additionally, it'd be nice to be able to sprint in the Liset. Moving around feels like an exercise in treading molasses. :)


And trying to catch a last minute alert, one, the prologue interfered with being able to access it, fine. Two, I finally get into navigation, and it goes to "Finding Squad" and I have a "Please Wait..." screen that popped up and the game is stuck. Awesome.


Also, no labels above the planets/moons=annoying.


Hovering over a squad member's icon...it would be nice if we could see info about that squad member...like name, at least?


In the rewards screen, mouse wheel should move the section hovered over up and down, but it does nothing except on the furthest lower right-hand section.


Also, what is up with selecting a mission and "Vote Cancelled" coming up over and over? And then when you select the planet again, it gets stuck with a "X-Navigation" hovering over the planet and almost nothing else works...you can't select a mission, you can't exit navigation, etc.

Edited by CedarDpg
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I like the new UI idea with the ship and whatnot however is there a way that you can allow players to turn off the tilting screens in the UI as they make me dizzy and I cant look at them without having my head hurt. I would really appreciate a static UI option or non-tilted UI option. For example the arsenal and market look fine to me and I dont get dizzy but the codex, foundry, and mods hurt my eyes as they are inherently tilted. (The market does start getting me dizzy if I stare at it too long or move the pointer around it too much though.) 

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Nice look, awfull usability.

WE ARE NOT CONSOLE MORONS. WE HAVE MOUSE. Pls, make it run good with MOUSE. 

1 click = 1 action


NOT HIDE PARTS OF MAIN UI screen content by objects and edges.


Sorry. Really rage about that new ui.

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This update is geared towards console gamers and PC gamers are getting the short end of the stick for it. No way to change the FoV in the ship, the UI looks cool but it's terrible as far as usability goes... I'm very disappointed and feel like this is a big "F*** you" to us PC gamers :/

Edited by Waswat
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The whole thing is mostly good (at least I think so) but it might need a few tweaks...


the key menu seems to be missing now (or I wasn`t able to find it) I know they can be accessed through the navigation but I can never know how many keys I have of a specific type...this could be annoying when trading or sharing keys...


the mods UI is now a bit annoying, sometimes the warframe block the way to see mods on the left, also the font of their names is very small...I think the direct menu for mods was better as I didn`t have to put my head in funny position to read properly ;)


For the alerts bit, in order to make them more noticeable I think showing them in some hologram on the ship`s windshield (or the whateverous window in the front).


There are also some freezing issues, not sure if it`s me or the game but it didn`t do that before.


I think this game moved to a whole new level (good one so far)...keep it up ^_^

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Issue with FOUNDRY


Foundry component requirements should show [Required number] vs [Total Number in possession]. ie, Nano spores: 500 vs 12499. Right now it only hows you how many you need to build the item.

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tl;dr: Huge step backwards in usability.  On a scale of 1 to 10, I'd rate this at "MS 'Clippy'."

  • Why can't I select my queue type preference (solo, private, etc) from the mission select screens -- like while zoomed into a planet?  I have to back out of the entire menu to get to the option.
  • I also don't understand quite what was gained by removing a slowly-spinning solar system and making literally every menu have to be manually spun around.
  • Spinning my mouse wheel in one direction does not rotate the map consistently in that direction.  My laughter sounds like sobs.
  • People are saying that this was designed with a console in mind, but honestly, it looks like it was designed with a touch device in mind.  Or the Oculus Rift.
  • The 'deeper' nature of the HUD -- where each thing is accessed and often escaped sequentially -- makes me feel like I went from information and utility at the touch of a button to needing to start my car with a hand crank.
  • I've several times encountered the problem where my cursor is over an element, but the element is not "selected."
  • I have managed to crash the market/Gear UI by hitting "Enter" too quickly to attempt to buy an item (codex scanner) multiple times rapidly, as was possible under the old UI.  The UI froze, and I couldn't find a solution other than restarting the client.
  • UI elements "wiggling" contextually was an option we begged an "off" switch for last time.  Why is it back?  EDIT : I just checked and the setting is still even in the options menu!  It does nothing, of course.  Whyyyyyy....!



Will try to update as I encounter more specific issues, but honestly... kill it and revert.  Please.  The last UI rollout did need specific tweaks to restore lost functionality; I truly cannot see how tweaking could save this.  The problems are endemic.

Edited by noneuklid
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Thanks for allowing direct access by pressing ESC. Having to walk around searching for the menu points I know was confusing since I have to get to know the ship first, and it was annoying that one cannot run.


The new interface is too crowded for me: The whole screen is now the menu. The ship and the warframe in the background of the menu are always present and sharp, distracting from the (sub)menu items. 

Moving from one submenu to another leads to the camera moving the background to another spot, also confusing since what I'm really interested in are the menus.

Please either fade out background or make it blurry so that one can better concentrate on menus. Also, please make the menus static, not moving slightly to the left/right as in the foundry menu.


Menu items in "Foundry" are too big. I have a 24 inch screen, where I now have to move the gaze from one side of the screen to another to see all the craftable items on display. 

Please use smaller icons.


Mission result screen is too crowded, too. There are many different infos displayed across a wide area of the screen, seemingly all of them represented by text and images. 

For less clutter, please represent some info by text only, and use a more vertical than horizontal layout.

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Due to the inclusion of the warframe in the shot and the off tilt of the window itself the mod screen has become extremely cumbersome to use almost to the point of being non usable in parts visually on lower res settings

I would appreciate the option to view just the window itself when accessing the mods console.

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Due to the inclusion of the warframe in the shot and the off tilt of the window itself the mod screen has become extremely cumbersome to use almost to the point of being non usable in parts visually on lower res settings

I would appreciate the option to view just the window itself when accessing the mods console.

Agreed. my warframe coves the mods, the pop up/down makes it difficult to select, i can only "see" the middle portion of the list, the top and bottom have some sort of transparency? don't know if that is by design or a bug, but modding is now a terrible chore.


Also, can we shut orthos up? If he pops up with a 'HEY LISTEN' one more time....

Edited by Hobbes_Maxwell
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3 major things.


1. Now in Solo Missions when you press ESC to load the menu the game no longer pauses which completely sucks cause it did take away some of the extra functionality when playing alone. I dont see the reason for this, when playing alone no one else is going to join so why would we not be able to pause anymore?


2. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAASSEEEE! Can we get the option to not automatically load general chat when you get back to the ship. It's EXTREMELY annoying having that wall of text appear without you wanting it to. I dont go to general chat ever so i dont want to see any of it.


3. like some folks said here already, yes, the new UI looks purdy and all but with the perspective the menus have now stuff on the left where it's skewed to look as the far away point you loose some detail and have to squint to look at what's going on. Can we get the option to turn that off?

Just like we got the option to turn off movement from the main UI in game. Look good but sorry i dont need all that movement.

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UI Colours, Icon Positions, Text Clarity and Alignment



Overuse of whitish colours for text and text transparent background, making some information hard to read against white washed ship background.



Overlapping UI elements with similar colours and position: a quest icon and an extractor icon are overlapping with planet name when you mouse over/selecting it.  Adjusting icon positions and colour change are needed.


Compare to old and new, which one do you prefer?  To me the old one is much easier to read and digest, the text is sharp and clear, while the new UI universally has this blurry kind of feel and bad text alignment for stats.





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What the UI needs:


-Scaling option (just like the in-game one). The interface is way too big and not everything can be read at once.


-Option to disable the UI panning when moving the mouse. This is causing light nausea to quite a few people and is mouse unfriendly.

-No (option to disable at least) expanding the button labels when mousing over them. This just makes you chase the desired button while it's running away from you.

-Fixed planet and mission names. Needing to mouse over each planet to see its name is not really responsive. Even a tiny label with its name above it would do and everything would still look fancy (the same goes for mission nodes).


-Scrolling needs a rework. Mousing over the planets makes the circle wiggle back and forth.



I am pretty sure all of this has already been said but it does need to be heard. Sacrificing the functionality for the looks is not the way to go.
Great job on everything else though, I'm loving the update.

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I've just identified something that's really been bugging me in the foundry - The only indicator of if I can build something is the grey text in the bottom right. It needs to be 1000% more obvious.


edit: Also, wait, how many do I have of something already? ><

Edited by DawnFalcon
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Please burn it all and start over again, whilst putting the old UI back in place. That or at the very list give us an option to use the old UI for everything but our kubrows. The only thing I feel immersed in is endless menu simulator 2014.

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