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@de So About The Grimlok And Timewalls.


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Too many things to quote. You aren't being forced to pay for it. You have an easy yet slightly difficult choice. Again it's free to play. The method may suck but it's either you wait and do something else or you don't but there needs to be a benefit to not. DE have chosen this action. It's either you wait or you tediously grind these days. We've expressed annoyance in their methods and now there are 'wait walls'. I sincerely doubt they care about pushing us that further, really.


i agree 100%, but i dont want to see another devs stream where the people at DE misundertand why they are screwing this big time, i would like things to be clear for once.


the only "content" around and they expect players to wait for 3 days? bad idea.


you need people playing, is the life of f2p games, besides the obvious money part.


lets see what path of exile is about until the research is done.

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Some people that defend DE bad decision makes me really funny, why? Most of you defend DE by saying that this game is in the beta state, right?

So where is my beta currency? Where is the access to every guns/warfrmes/mods out of the box, because this game is in beta and we all need to test every aspect of the game before release, am i correct?

And personally i hate inconsistency, either DE should put all clan tech weapons to the market or none.

Plus F2P games can still be awesome without overpriced things and time walls...

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Ugh... I'm sitting here starring at the grinlock and extremely tempted to buy it.  I'm fighting the urge though, as I just started the research and know it's bp will soon be available... In three days...


This time I will fight it.  I will resist!

The struggle is real my friend!

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Why does it seem like people have nothing else to do? Is it really that bad to wait for your free item for a few days? Why not just enjoy the game while you wait? It's not the end of the world if you don't get new stuff right away. There are aleady one too many Time-Wall threads...

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I know it's grinlok, but Transformers (old version and/or the games) are amazballs.


Anyway, no this isn't a death threat or complaint or anything. It's more of a plea.


DE: Dude(t) I don't wanna see you trend yourself into making all weapons and warframes outside of primes into clan tech. As is, the grind to get the materials for the Grimlok was about twenty minutes. Least for me. Twenty minutes devoted to getting the materials for an entire weapon with Shadowclan requirements and me(us) having to wait 3 days to know what other materials we need.


Idea: I know that ^ will be ignored, I just feel it. So an ultimatum: Cut the research times down a bit. All the future ones anyways. 48 hours total. 36 for the research, 12 for the weapon. Makes sense, the tenno spend 36 hours staring at a weapon, gathering, perfecting, so on and so forth. It shouldn't take them more than 12 hours to build one from scratch after glaring at their blueprints like a high-power-cap Booben at an ancient distruptor for 36 hours.


Also, for the future. Consider this: Put the requirements for the weapon itself next to the research requirements that way when we're done getting the mats for the research, we can spend the next few days gathering materials for the weapon itself.


Now I leave you with this:


Weakling , is that all you got ?



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People ranting about this time wall doesn't seem to be a bit different than people who raged hard at a certain sole developer for "ruining their life by making a game so addicting to play", said developer also recieved ad infinitum swears, business offerings, people telling him to make a payware version that has no ads....

With the new patch, I hope people come to realize why that mundane game was taken down. If you just want to be greedy and get your hands on "content" all the time, you will simply never be content.

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these new weapons makes vets angry. vets doesnt want to be waiting. 


so its nice to rush the clan stuff with some plats, like moonclan rates of 10k plats >:)

d.e. you're missing alot of profilts with this!! you must implement it!


True, we're a pretty small clan ourselves (whatever that first tier is) but 3 of us are masters with plats sitting on the wallets. 2 of us actually have work and can buy plat if we want to do so...

One of us is actually impatient enough to pour plat in everything in our dojo (the other guy, not me. I want to contribute but he pours in so much that by the time I get home, I'm no longer needed) and I'm pretty sure as hell he'd drop more plat to rush some researches.

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100% agree with OP on everything they said.  Especially this:


Also, for the future. Consider this: Put the requirements for the weapon itself next to the research requirements that way when we're done getting the mats for the research, we can spend the next few days gathering materials for the weapon itself.


DE, if you only choose to do one of these suggestions, please choose ^that^ one.

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It makes me sad that so many people are just going to accept it because they can afford to just buy weapons, or they don't care about this particular one. That isn't the point, its the principle of it. If we let them just do things like this, eventually everything in the game will be behind timewalls and clans and other nonsense, for people who actually play for free like the advertisements tell them they can, that is. And some of you people will still say that its fine because its "free to play" and "free to play" games are allowed to use any kind of sleazy business tactic they want. I think Churchill said "give them an inch and they'll take a mile" or somethin like that.

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It makes me sad that so many people are just going to accept it because they can afford to just buy weapons, or they don't care about this particular one. That isn't the point, its the principle of it. If we let them just do things like this, eventually everything in the game will be behind timewalls and clans and other nonsense, for people who actually play for free like the advertisements tell them they can, that is. And some of you people will still say that its fine because its "free to play" and "free to play" games are allowed to use any kind of sleazy business tactic they want. I think Churchill said "give them an inch and they'll take a mile" or somethin like that.

All you're doing is waiting. Waiting for a single gun. You aren't waiting 2 months with a timewall and a massive amount of time with a grindwall either. I'm sorry to say it but currently it's reasonable. To say the principle is bad is ridiculous and getting so uppity about it is as well. 


You clearly want something quick and fast but it's a F2P game. You can keep telling yourself you're aware of that fact but you aren't that aware. You're forgetting the concept of the game and its basis. If it was pay up front game then you would have a right to complain but it is not, and the point of waiting a little while for the gun is not unreasonable. There are definitely a few other games which do this and but people here feel the need to complain. What are you expecting exactly? DE have released guns straight into the market with BP's in the past so it's not as if they've never done that and tried to coerce people into paying. Speaking nonsense. Sure, add rushing to the dojo but there's no reason to remove the timewall because there will simply be no negative. Token system? I wonder how they would actually implement that as it seems it would be easier just to grind for a little bit rather than pay, so they may lose out on money there as well. 


They've released minor content and you have options. There isn't any other way for them to get money from this content update. Either you pay or you wait # amount of days for one gun amongst many others.

Edited by Naith
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I have an option for you guys ... you can just imagine two situations ....



research costs about 10 detonite ampule some 300 polymer bundle and some other crap for the smaler clans .... and it takes 3 days to wait for construciton ... as someone said here, he takes 20 minutes to farm those on purpose and then wait time to do other important stuff .... farming or grinding.


or you buy a single wep with plat to get it instantly [no dojo rush, as that would mean that all people get it fast so it would have to be equivalent in plat prize ... so per clan folded up !]


[optional solution]

the research time would be down to, what ... 2h? 3h so its resonable? but the resources would get more rare and the amount would 100x fold! .... it would mean for you to acctualy FARM for HOURS on certain materials to start the reasearch in order to get the wep ...



well ... i am for the current situations with a +1! we have enoguth wesp & frames to play with ... to make such a HALO out of a clan build wep

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I was annoyed at first but now I look at it like this.

Updates are moved to a weekend again. De gets to tweak a weapon over the next couple of days without upsetting a majority of the community.

Most Vets know there is no point in spending plat on a weapon because you are only going to use it for mastery. If the weapon is any good then you got the Forma and time to OP it.

Waiting 3 days for a weapon, LOL just reminds me when we used to grind bosses for days on end to get parts, and that would take more than 3 days in some cases.

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DE: Dude(t) I don't wanna see you trend yourself into making all weapons and warframes outside of primes into clan tech. 


People complained about the Chem Lab not having enough stuff so... they are putting stuff in the chem lab like people asked. It's what the community wanted.

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People complained about the Chem Lab not having enough stuff so... they are putting stuff in the chem lab like people asked. It's what the community wanted.

'tis true, i hope the katana/wakazashi are in the tenno lab as well...muahahahahaha!


but yea, rushing research with plat would be cool.

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