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The Melee 2.0 Anticipation Megathread


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I rely heavily on melee. I've never understood why others don't.


I do understand that "This is boring" comes from people who do stand far away shooting things.


If you've set your heart on a gunning playstyle, this will do nothing.


However, if you're actually into melee or cool options, this should do lots. If it's balanced the way they say it will be, it will also be your go-to for highest DPS, so anyone interested in maximizing their combat potential will be wading in with blade drawn.


Also, this sounds like it will be infinitely more fun than "left click on the monsters to win".

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^ i ddint read any of that but yes

Congratulations. Some people would stop at nothing to learn how to read, and you know how to and refuse to. Not a long text either, so instead of a pseudo-teenage "stupid is cool" I will blame that to incompetence. Arrogant stupidity at that, the kind that makes you state you didnt read but still feel entitled enough to reply.

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It wil go as easy as this.

DE removes coptering.

Lame players rage.

DE doesn't care.

Lame players adapt.

Lame players become cool players.

Step by Step.


I don't even know where to start.


Normal person would say that they should remove some portion of grind. If you want them to remove normal working and fun game mechanics, ignore feedback and call certain part of community 'lame'.  Whatever suits you, my friend.

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it will add variety to the gameplay.

i'm more worried about "are there any stealth nerf in U13?"

Sneaky DE.. xD

If U13 brings nothing but comprehensive Update Notes, as in, complete, explained and not giving Warframe players more detective job to do, I could wait for new frame, new weapons, new Melee. Color me weird but I prefer strong basics to fancy but lacking advanceds.

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It's changing the options we have, but it's also changing enemy behavior and how we and they react to melee and probably other types of attacks in the game.  So regardless if you're still planning on shooting everything, yes, it will change the game even if it's a little more minor that I'm hoping.

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Yes, it's does not but still- it makes doing runs for prime parts faster (someone want to say how does rushing in T3 survival hurts new players?).


One minute here, two minutes there. Time is valuable resource, wasting it (if I can do that faster, why not?) it just not smart.


Making coptering a MOD is even worse than removal itself. I hope DE will think twice before doing that.

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I don't remember them saying coptering will be removed. We will still have the quick melee so we should be able to slide attack still.


they confirmed a while back that quick melee is out, you have to equip the melee wpn to do a melee, theres been several threads of complaint for a while now already.

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It's not broken. It's working as it should be. It's just used for something more than attacking enemies. That's it.

I'm not going to sacrafice mod slot for something that is currently standard feature.



they confirmed a while back that quick melee is out, you have to equip the melee wpn to do a melee, theres been several threads of complaint for a while now already.


Yes, but they've said there will be still 'fast melee' button.

Edited by JjForcebreaker
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coptering is a valid mechanic, unintended or not ecause its got the fun/wow factor that sets it apart fro other games, remove that element and your just slowly moving towards being another generic fps.


coptering is all i use melee for because its pretty worthless tbh so i use it for the only thing that has any use, if melee2.0 fixes anything id be surprised, it sounds like well just have more melee/combo/moves at our disposal, i doubt its going to suddenly make you able to not get instakilled when your at point blank range vs high lvl units, if you die now in melee im pretty sure youll still die in melee2.0 just you will look more flashy as you suck floor.

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It's not broken. It's working as it should be. It's just used for something more than attacking enemies. That's it.

I'm not going to sacrafice mod slot for something that is currently standard feature.




Yes, but they've said there will be still 'fast melee' button.


where was this said?, because 1 of the threads that i mentioned above was specifically asking about the "quick/fast melee" and it was said that wont be possible without equiping the melee wpn.


1 of their devstreams originally said new system + quick melee, then later that was changed to melee only, no quick option.

Edited by Methanoid
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