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The Melee 2.0 Anticipation Megathread


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i just hope it doesnt have to be equipped, thats all i can say, probably best to wait, lots can and probably will change, the info i got was from an oldish post nto long after the info was released, could easily be out of date, its hard to follow when reading tons of speculation posts.

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I get the feeling it won't be that complex.

From whence does this feeling come? They've explained, repeatedly, that it is, in fact, that complex, and that's why it took them several months and required their entire team to drop all other projects. Remember, if it went on the timeline of all other game upgrades, melee 2.0 was going to be part of update 11.

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It's changing the options we have, but it's also changing enemy behavior and how we and they react to melee and probably other types of attacks in the game.  So regardless if you're still planning on shooting everything, yes, it will change the game even if it's a little more minor that I'm hoping.

That's another fun thing. They said that 1: There will be more enemy melee, and 2: Melee will cause reactions from the victim such as being staggered and knocked back, and other acknowledgements that don't currently exist.


If that's all true, then we can suppose that we, too, may be the victims of melee attacks, so just laughing as you unload clip after clip may no longer be a realistic option.

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i think ppl are expecting sweeping changes to the game when it is in fact all it suggests, an overhaul to the melee system, you will have more moves at your disposal but unless your survivability somehow increases while your trying to smash their faces in your going to suck floor just as quick as you do now when facing high lvl mobs.


its a bit like the insane hype when alad was being introduced, ppl kept insiting amazing thigsn were coming, there was also DE's new video showcasing the new boss being an evil so and so, ppl got really excited, then when it launched, you found the trust of the matter, it was just the release of a new low lvl bossfight, and thats pretty much it, hype over/ended/executed and normalily resumed with ppl barking away awaiting the next "big" thing.


when i started i kept hearing.


U11/Dmg2.0 will change loads, just wait

Alad V will change loads, just wait.  << (its about here ive hit the limit and have very little left to do except forma wpns/frames for no reason.)

U12 will change loads, just wait.

Melee2.0 will change loads, just wait.


ill embrace the hype if/when we get the badlands and/or other forms of endgame to keep me occupied, i mean the "endgame" atm is just to lvl up tons of wpns, which you then lob to 1 side so you can lvl yet more weapons, even if you did them all, what then?  theres nothing to actually use them on, your whole purpose in being was just to lvl grind new weapons with no goal or use at the end.


best we can do is


Wait, and Soon.

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I would love to see responses from DE on this topic, but IMHO I don't see really that much of a change to the overall game. The reason I say this is because this game from it's very beginning has always been gun based with melee being a tertiary after thought. As Warframe has grown it has become even more so with it's type of ballistic and energy based weapons become even more gun based. Even with all the hype from DE about how viable melee now will be with the advent of melee 2.0 the question becomes, "do I really want to close and engage those 10 enemies, when I can kill them from distance with one of many ballistic, blast or energy weapons with no danger to myself?" 


What should have happened from the very beginning is this game should have started out as a melee system game, though with a more futuristic, syfy style of play, maybe introducing slowly maybe like flintlock energy rifles with still keeping the retro style but still keeping it in the future. In this way guns become a second choice because of reload speeds and melee becomes the practical weapon of choice.


I don't doubt for some maybe many this system will be fun, but I think for a great many melee with still be used maybe to continue open crates and look cool on the hip or back, but as far as becoming a primary weapon you always carry I don't see that happening. One other thing that I forgot to mention, even if I was to get cornered by those same 10 enemies I probably still would not draw my melee weapon when I can hit my 4. So to answer my own question, no it will not. 


Guns will only be a secondary choice, for those who prefer a melee game play. The problem with the actual melee system is if someone want to follow the melee combat style, he or she will become bored, because the actual melee system is (for me) a place holder. If the melee 2.0 make a great hit warframe will indeed become a great game. The gunplay style is already in a good shape. Using guns or swords it's all about gameplay style, what you feel when you are playing.

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I think this change probably add Warframe with more choices which is a good thing imo. Making melee more viable means players have more than guns and powers to play with. That's an additional 50% more content to play for player.


The problem is how will DE make melee as good as gunplay and how do player approach the target to make melee kill as fast as shooting.  

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Basically, anything that is safe enough to melee will die instantly to any gun, so why bother? Anything that doesn't die instantly to any gun will be too dangerous to melee.


Either way, it will be inferior to Dark Souls 2's visceral melee combat.

Edited by SanityRobot
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@Feallike My opinion is based on 1000's of hours of game play and my experience, how many times on a defense mission or mobile defense or survival do you see a player whip out his melee weapon and fight with it exclusively? I think in all the time I have played those missions maybe once or twice. The game itself the way it is set up does not give you a practical reason to use your melee weapon when you can kill something from distance especially when your talking about high tier enemies.

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I'm not too optimistic that melee 2.0 will bring a TON to warframe. They're just making the melee more fun. I still don't see me using melee too often in groups cause there are Soma's and Nova's (I like them, not hating on them) but fact is, mp, soma and other powerful warframes/weapons will still exist when melee 2.0 drops. Soma's and nova's clear rooms too fast, unless melee 2.0 allows you to shoot off blast waves from your sword or something, I don't see me or many other people using melee over their soma's and other op weapons once the new "wow" factor is gone. I expect things will be normal again after a month or so. I think melee 2.0 is still gonna be a welcomed change however. With melee 2.0 I see myself using it when soloing. Not in groups though, unless the rhino's and nova's on the team decide to let you have a little fun with melee 2.0. At the end of the day however, we'll just have to wait and see what exactly it brings. 

Edited by TheDoctah
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We'll see after update.

But I really wish for something like mini-bosses or something. You know - 'oh noes, our Pentas and Somas cannot do sh*t, we must break his armor first! CHAAAAARGE!'. Pick up melee weapon and whack that mob.

Or something...

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@Feallike My opinion is based on 1000's of hours of game play and my experience, how many times on a defense mission or mobile defense or survival do you see a player whip out his melee weapon and fight with it exclusively? I think in all the time I have played those missions maybe once or twice. The game itself the way it is set up does not give you a practical reason to use your melee weapon when you can kill something from distance especially when your talking about high tier enemies.


That is mainly because Melee is hard to build, My Jat kittag does 2.4k a hit and oneshots everything until level 40, it out damages my soma which does 1k a headshot because i can run up and attack them with my jat in the same amount of time. 



Melee is already Viable its just you have to build it a specific way with a specific frame to make it viable. Melee 2.0 will change that so that you don't have to have specific damaging builds to get melee to actually do damage.



Also the point of Melee will be that it viable endlessly, when MP and Soma stop oneshoting your Orthos prime will be oneshoting after a 20 combo streak. 

Edited by Feallike
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I don't think it will be a major change from normal play but a special emphasis may be needed for PvP assuming there are combos. The programable keyboard and mouse allows for near perfect combo sets. That is about the only issue I can see potentially causing major concerns.

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This thread is the worst, basically it would be about absolutely nothing if they were to launch a melee only game mode along with U13, which i hope they do some melee only event at the least if not a permanent game mode. Also so many made up interpretations of the combo system and what not....lol just let it be... I guess this reply is about nothing too...nice. 

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@Feallike My opinion is based on 1000's of hours of game play and my experience, how many times on a defense mission or mobile defense or survival do you see a player whip out his melee weapon and fight with it exclusively? I think in all the time I have played those missions maybe once or twice. The game itself the way it is set up does not give you a practical reason to use your melee weapon when you can kill something from distance especially when your talking about high tier enemies.

Well how many times have you seen players with access to Melee 2.0 do anything at all. A whopping zero. Come back in a month and ask that question. It will be relevant then unlike now.

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I doubt it will make any significant changes but it might change how we see some of the Frames and their power level. But I'll wait for further judgement because there are a lot of factors that will set whether or not the system will change how we play.

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That is mainly because Melee is hard to build, My Jat kittag does 2.4k a hit and oneshots everything until level 40, it out damages my soma which does 1k a headshot because i can run up and attack them with my jat in the same amount of time. 



Melee is already Viable its just you have to build it a specific way with a specific frame to make it viable. Melee 2.0 will change that so that you don't have to have specific damaging builds to get melee to actually do damage.



Also the point of Melee will be that it viable endlessly, when MP and Soma stop oneshoting your Orthos prime will be oneshoting after a 20 combo streak. 




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Anything that lets me start feeling more ninja in my missions gets a thumbs up from me.


I want that Frank Jaeger (original cyborg ninja from MG:S) feel to my combat.


Yes I can shoot you and do just fine with that... But when I draw my sword, the fun actually begins.


If I got my greatest wish, it would be that when your sword was drawn the mouse buttons controlled melee then and you could take a single shot or burst from your sidearm with the E button.


I know it's not a workable wish(flipping control settings, dual weapons, etc.), but that's why it's a wish.

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i think ppl are expecting sweeping changes to the game when it is in fact all it suggests, an overhaul to the melee system, you will have more moves at your disposal but unless your survivability somehow increases while your trying to smash their faces in your going to suck floor just as quick as you do now when facing high lvl mobs.

This is because it is literally impossible to balance anything when looking at only the high-end capability.


If all you care about is 1% of the current game, then of course none of the updates which focus on something other that 1% will "do anything." You are essentially complaining that this will have no impact because the game you play only has one gun, one map, and one game mode.

Edited by Zeful
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This is because it is literally impossible to balance anything when looking at only the high-end capability.


If all you care about is 1% of the current game, then of course none of the updates which focus on something other that 1% will "do anything." You are essentially complaining that this will have no impact because the game you play only has one gun, one map, and one game mode.


then call me lazy but on mobs that are so weak that anything works, ill continue to just shoot them in the face which is a lot less hassle and certainly quicker.....  but thats just me.

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