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The Melee 2.0 Anticipation Megathread


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No no no. Darksouls system is a nightmare for a PvE player.

I personally hate being forced to PvP. 


You do realize you aren't forced to?

You don't have to take Humanity. (not talking about Dark Souls 2)


We're saying that it would be opt in.

Edited by SolidSp33d
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I don't see how Melee 2.0 is more DMC than NG. NG has more restricted combos that have special properties to each other in terms of their final moves and is focused on being effective, while DMC builds up damage, juggles and chains with the focus of looking as flashy as possible. 


The only DMC-ish thing I've seen is the timing based combos. 

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Let me just start by saying that I love the design and feel of the Jat Kittag.


Since DE showed yesterday during their livestream that charge attacks will be removed from game when Melee 2.0 drops, along with Update 13, I was left wondering what would happen with Jat Kittag.

The only unique about it, is its charge attack. 

I really hope that DE pull some effort into Melee 2.0 and give Jat Kittag some unique animations to counter the design choices that led to the removal of charge attacks. I mean, otherwise it is just gonna be a.. hammer.. and not a jet-powered hammer. 


What do you people think? Anyone here with the same worries as me?

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Let's face it. A change is coming. DE is going to cause some havoc by removing the charge attacks in Melee 2.0 and that will leave charge attack related mods useless.


Mods like Reflex Coil and Killing Blow is going to lose their purpose.

Hopefully, I would like to see DE replace these mods with new Melee 2.0 related mods.


Anyone else agrees?

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I can't imagine they won't be retooling them for Melee 2.0. It's what they've always done before when mods became invalidated (Though admittedly I don't think they've ever had this many become invalid at once).

Personally, I think removing the charge damage/not-charge-damage dichotomy can only be a good thing.

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Something I've noticed from watching the stream, which was what I wanted to verify at the very beginning.


Around 52:22, Scott tries to close in distance with a Heavy Gunner while parrying. However, even though he seems to be holding the block button, he still gets radial blasted by the Heavy.


So what's the point of trying to melee a Heavy if they can still knock you down easily like this? I, personally, am able to avoid most of the radial blast by luring them to use it and dodge away. Even so, I think that blocking should at least resist the knockdown like you would do with the mods (the Tenno raises their melee weapon and blocks the hit, making them slide backward but still strong on their feet). This also happens against grenades and general explosives with Blast proc it seems (like rockets).


Additionally, Heavy units would be the ones you'd target first to get your melee counter on, since they can take the most hits. I think it would be fair to reduce this CC aspect from them so that one can still approach heavy Grineer units with melee, while having to be careful to a certain point.


Rebecca asked the question a bit later but I'm not sure what the answer was exactly. Can someone clarify what Scott and Steve said about the Reflex Guard mod and such? I wouldn't like it if they made these mods feel like bandaids for that.


I hope this is done for next week.



This needs to be added at all costs

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If I remember correctly, DE mentioned that the "Quick Attacks" that we currently know and use, including charged attacks, will remain in the game as is by pressing E(default).

The combo system they are implementing will only be accessible when you equip your melee weapon like they showed in the stream.

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heard it in the Stream...... tingle bits and stuff on our weps ........




someone needed to create a topic abbout it.....

Edited by Zoliru
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I think its just on the Cutlass right now, but its not interchangeable/removable.


No. the dual katana had them too, remember? In the teaser pic.

They were the same exact ones we saw on the cutlass in the stream so they are interchangeable.

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