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The Prime Parts Trading Discussion Megathread


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Yeah, how much are they PAYING you to say that

(I know you don't get paid)

How much are who paying me? The new players who can get prime stuff without having to farm?


Depends on how much platinum the parts sell for. That will be how much they're paying me.

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I keep seeing this. "0MG GU153! PR1M3 TR4D3 RU1N5 W4RFR4M3! 1'M QU1TT1NG!" or something really similar to that. I see that the majority of players hate it because a guy that barely joined 3 minutes ago can get Frost, Mag, and Ember Prime if they have the right "stuff". Solution? Remove the Plat option. Simple as that. Been grinding for that Glaive Prime Blade with no luck and instead got a Braton Receiver. Some unlucky guy out there is probably looking for a Receiver and has a spare Glaive Prime Blade. Really, that's a pretty good solution if you ask me. Some other people are ganna be like "I FARMED SO HARD FOR THAT BUT HE GETS IT WITH A SIMPLE TRADE?". Well I don't know a solution for that but suck it up. You're mature enough right?

The lesser of two evils. Good idea

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I'm not here to debate about anything regarding pay-to-win or endgame. While I may make references to either of them, that is not my issue with the trading additions given to players in the most recent update. I am here representing all of those players who earned most or all of the Prime weapons and warframes before update 12.2.0.


We, the players, steadily think that having the ability to trade Prime blueprints removes all of the value that they once held. No longer are they objects to be cherished and shown to friends with pompous attitude. No longer are they rewards of late nights and laughs with members of the entire community. No longer will people long for void keys as they once did many updates ago. While many new players may argue that this gives them a chance to get a part they have such trouble getting, market dilutions have all but removed any monetary value they could possibly hold and have enabled players to sell any blueprint for 5 platinum, essentially making prime weapons and warframes cheaper than most market items.


Please consider removing this feature immediately. It lowers the essential replay value that any free-to-play game MUST have. It also makes us older players who have gotten all of these prime weapons and warframes subject to scrutiny from fellow players on whether or not they were bought or earned.



Joey B.

um wat?

plz no, thnk u kbai

you DO NOT speak for the community, and its offensive that you are trying to say that you do

its been LONG overdue that we can trade bps/parts/etc, now we just need to be able to trade resources, let the market determine true value, its the natural order

this whole "OH NOES, MY EPENIS!!!" is ridiculous

('older' player speaking here, rank 15, and i have all primes from void, jus sayin)

Edited by CY13ERPUNK
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Nah ... Sorry but thats nuts.


1. I dont even have to play Voids anymore - I farmed hard for Frost Prime , Mag Prime , Ember Prime and another Primestuff - and now ? "MEHH , GIMME 2P and ya get it all , MEHH" ... No - Sorry , this cant be - whole effort and work -> shoved in a*s ... Senseless.


2. I sold more than 150 Blueprints, and now the update "ya can sell this stuff , and earn platinum" seriously ? At least activicate resetbutton again, wanna my Void-keys , that i paid with platinum , back !


3. Buts thats okay - this game will end like WoW :D 

I think you've misread the post. 

P.S: This idea was just throw out to try to rub out some of the butthurt.

P.S.S: Thanks Letter13 for destroy our wall of text....-cry-

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these "DE just slapped vets" threads are getting @(*()$ stupid

srsly? im a "vet" i guess, ive got every prime part from the void

am i complaining? nope, ive been asking for bps/parts trading ever since trading came ingame, IMHO it was only just a matter of time

anyone who didnt see this coming is/was incredibly shortsighted

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Nah ... Sorry but thats nuts.


1. I dont even have to play Voids anymore - I farmed hard for Frost Prime , Mag Prime , Ember Prime and another Primestuff - and now ? "MEHH , GIMME 2P and ya get it all , MEHH" ... No - Sorry , this cant be - whole effort and work -> shoved in a*s ... Senseless.


2. I sold more than 150 Blueprints, and now the update "ya can sell this stuff , and earn platinum" seriously ? At least activicate resetbutton again, wanna my Void-keys , that i paid with platinum , back !


3. Buts thats okay - this game will end like WoW :D


4. New word - (EA'd , now DE'd ? ...)


I totally agree. DE you have ruined this game's purpose. It took me hours to get all my prime items and now it has gone to complete waste. I sold my extra BP's in my inventory as they were taking up space in the foundry. Prime doesn't feel like such a Prime any more. If I'm completely honest it feels like a starting Warframe now. So thank you DE for wasting my time and effort. I'm sure everyone who spent time in the void obtaining their items would agree. Get rid of this BP trading system! My motivation to play this game is now dying. 

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