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The Prime Parts Trading Discussion Megathread


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The only problem with this, is the fact peoples massive Egos have been obliterated.


"Look at me, I got X prime item from Farming!! Look at the size of my Epeen, are you impressed?"


Now with the new system, people such as myself who are having massive troubles trying to get that part they want, No longer have to suffer through the annoying trials of RNG. On top of that, People who have parts I need, but need parts I have, we can now trade.


It's a Win, Win situation.

You just hit the nail on the head. Trading is a win win situation for pretty much everyone involved, everyone complaining is making a mountain out of a molehill with insisting that trading is going to affect them somehow. Spoiler alert, it only affects if you want it to. you don't have to have any involvement in trading and if you don't involve yourself with trading and ignore it, it would be like the trading never happened.

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I think it's a misunderstanding also.


IMHO, it's Pay-to-Win if the items are exclusive, meaning you have to pay to get them. Anybody can get them, and now, DE has made it so that it's more available for everybody. **** me, right?

I'd have to agree with you there. Pay-2-win is a bit of a funny phrase really. It doesn't actually have a real definition which is why many arguments come of it. The term isn't as straight forward as you'd think it'd be.

When I judge a game I typically look at a game that is "Definitely pay-2-win!" and then decide.

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Its not affecting me at all. I barely used trade that much before now anyway. I don't think trading should be a method of getting prime pieces. Im one of those people that like to do things that show accomplishment. Prime weapons were one of the ways people could do this.

Now don't get me wrong, I couldn't care less if you can trade prime pieces or not. But for me, Im going to keep farming prime gear the old fashioned way. Yeah maybe others will assume I traded for them, but I'll still have that feeling of accomplishment for myself.

What are you guys going to do now that primes can be traded?

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I just farmed the last part of the last prime weapon I needed, but looking forward, not in the slightest. I'm going to farm parts like always, and the only difference is now I'm able to give away my spare parts to members of the clan I'm in. We've all farmed long and hard for that one special part, time to spread some love.

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There is always blow back on any kind of change that comes after long hours of others having to farm and I think the key is here: spend money on void key packs that people had to do in the beginning before they were rewards. Saying this however, I agree completely with the OP, I have thought we needed this as the first step of trading, the rewards system in the void is beyond silly. Now we can run these missions and if I get two barrels and really needed the reciever, I can trade the guy who got 2 recievers and no barrel.


DE is making small steps to make this a fun game again and not a grind fest, I am happy to this change.

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I just farmed the last part of the last prime weapon I needed, but looking forward, not in the slightest. I'm going to farm parts like always, and the only difference is now I'm able to give away my spare parts to members of the clan I'm in. We've all farmed long and hard for that one special part, time to spread some love.

*nods* +1 as well. dat leader heart is strong...

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Finally got my Fang Prime in the oven after hours upon hours of farming to no avail.


Say what you will about trading, but it does act as a workaround to the Void system's RNG issues. While many things went wrong (e.g. Prime items are now cheaper than their regular counterparts; DE's going to have to fix up the marketplace like they should've done ages ago), this is at least a step in the right direction-- even if it wasn't the best step possible.



I like the Trading, but I can see why so many people hate it. I'd much rather see a Token system of sorts in its place.

Edited by SortaRandom
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Would've been better if BPs only traded for other BPs imo


But aye, I finally got my last Orthos Prime Blade and Ember Prime systems and help others get some parts. I was giving some parts away to clannies but they still felt oblige to give me like 5plat o_O


Having 30+ prime chasis of a frame, it's like nothing.

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At this point I'm really starting to hate the DE
the Primes were one of the few, if not the only real in-game pieces you could have that showed accomplishment, now that's completely gone, they've #*($%%@ up so much already. this does it. I'm done with S#&$frame unless they @(*()$ change this stupid mistake.

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Screwed the Vets? Never felt it that way. I saw only more easier way for people with extra plat or extra BPs to finally get what they need.



People are screaming against trade just for the sake of screaming. I dont know where all this hate and hurt in the butt is coming from.


I'd like to say that I'm personally not against the prime trading. I am however annoyed that this is just another cash grab on DE's behalf, no matter what people might think. The following is copy and pasted from another post of mine.


I am going to don my tin foil hat and tell you what I think.
DE know that due to their pricings in both the market and the general platinum bundle prices that they mainly attract "whales" to spend money on this game.
The increase the grind slowly but surely for new items each update, slowly wittling away the resolve of the impatient.
They introduce trading (which we requested), but with a few key differences to what the community wanted. No BP trading, and platinum trading. A way of testing the waters for how platinum trading would effect their income.
They increase the grind further.
They then test the waters of the community about platinum being used to completely by pass grinding and get content earlier than others with no way for free to play players to access it at the same time. This can be seen in both Valkyr (being available on the market whilst unavailable to farm) and Zephyr (being available on the market or a 12 day wait).
They have seen that platinum trading can be beneficial for their sales as it whittles down the platinum reserves of the "whales" whilst giving the free to play community a way of generating platinum via farming.
They have seen that we are prepared to turn a blind eye and still White Knight DE when it comes to bypassing the grind in an overtly unfair manner with platinum.
They simply add 2 and 2 together whilst pulling the wool over our eyes and persuading us that this is what we wanted.
Again, I want to re-iterate that I'm not against the move, but it could have been conducted in a less cash-grabby manner. If you don your tin foil hat with me, it's not hard to come to the conclusion that this is just another money grab on top of the more recent ones we have seen, whilst somehow managing to fool the community into thinking that this move benefits us more than them.
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