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The Prime Parts Trading Discussion Megathread


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having something valuable to trade for another item or for plat doesn't hurt the game. A thriving market where people can, of their own free will, trade is good for the game. It gives players something to do other than just grind. And it gives players a reason to interact via the market where otherwise they wouldn't.

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I want to add something to the void point system. Instead of giving the point per completion, the point will be like another resource from the void, which only drops from the container from the treasure room. So, there you have it, more reason for people to explore the whole void looking for treasure room.

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Anyone who believes they were positively affected by this update, please look at your character after a good night's rest and REALIZE most of your accomplishment in this game is not through space ninja-ing, it's through a marketplace of bottom priced goods with no action and ALL THE SPAM!


I decide my accomplishments by what I did, not what others have done. But of course, that's just my opinion. An opinion that's better for both me and for everyone else.

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Not angry at all personally, but a big problem that has contributed to all the other problems down the line is void table dilution - which DE has yet to really address in a fashion that actually addresses the issue itself. Rearranging the tables was a start, but we are nowhere near finished.

Edited by DJ_Redwire
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having something valuable to trade for another item or for plat doesn't hurt the game. A thriving market where people can, of their own free will, trade is good for the game. It gives players something to do other than just grind. And it gives players a reason to interact via the market where otherwise they wouldn't.



People mostly just wanna show their items, and if someone gets them easier then them, they will rage. I dont understand why. You farmed your items, you worked for them, why do you care if someone spends their money on items that you farmed. You can also spend that money to get those items without farming.



Most of the complaints here are because people are scared that trading will corrode their efforts, and that allowing Primes to be tradable will undermine their previous efforts.



As i already stated, saying that veterans ( whatever that means ) of the game are disappointed by this, is wrong. What i see on forums and in game, people that play this game for a long time are quite content or even dont care about this. We all knew that this kind of trade might come at some point, so there is no point in all this complaining.


I like this Primes trade because i can help my clanies, or even some people that arent on the good terms with RNG gods. Only thing that i am kinda afraid is the pricing of the new Primes BPs, once they are released.

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This is not a good thing. Think about the prime access and founders pack where every1 got prime items for excessive amounts of plat to "show support."

If someone has a issue with this, then they care too much about what others think.

If you bought prime access or even founder packs, isn't it enough to know that YOU supported DE? Instead, you have to show off that fact?


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Continue to do T1 defense since it is the best way to get forma and to level gear. Going to wave 20 got me a total of 200k exp total in 15-20 minutes(and its extremely easy to go on longer). If my friends need prime parts that I have I will trade them it since I have no use for them. Other then that, just saving up forma so I can get 100 stars on Volt prime when he is released.

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Not angry at all personally, but a big problem that has contributed to all the other problems down the line is void table dilution - which DE has yet to really address in a fashion that actually addresses the issue itself. Rearranging the tables was a start, but we are nowhere near finished.

It only gets worse because DE will introduce more prime weapons and warframes so they really need a new system at this point.


Also anyone else have something in mind besides this token system?

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Trading the parts is fine, I just think the main BP should not be trade-able.


Problem is, the BP would become the "unobtainable" part with Korea-Tier drop chances.


I didn't expect prices to fall so quickly btw. I've been grinding thorugh almost 60 T3MD keys without getting my deserved Ember Prime Systems, and now I bought them for 1 Platinum.


Made me feel good for finally getting what I wanted for almost no Price.

Also made me feel like S#&$ for wasting all that time and effort before Prime Trading became a thing.


Make of that what you will. IMO It still needs a little barrier, but Sheldon did me a real favor here.

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This is terrible and very disapointing. Trading warframe prime parts just added total frustration. I farmed hours and hours to obtain all the warframe primes that I feel I earned rightfully. Now I feel stupid because I could have just waited for this to happen, buy it ALL for plat and start strutin my captains bars. Trade Channel is more flooded than ever before, I can't even imagine how those guys feel now after they sold their extras for credits. Remove this nonsense ASAP please. It would be the smart move to do. 


Also on the off topic, we could use a map where it is more open area instead of closed doors (Put some use to those sniper rifles and zoom in mods). Graphics are amazing and this game still has potential to be great. More races/factions to kill and maybe even opening up our neighboring star system for more maps. 

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i love it this way. yes its crazy in the channel but give it some time it will calm down like before. yes the entitlement. i farmed every single prime in game and now i can just buy half of them for about 20 plat each. im fine with it though. i never sold any extra drops so im rolling in platinum now.  give me a reason to run all the extra keys i have now as well. but at the same time it will improve platinum purchases so i cant see this ever going away. 

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Problem is, the BP would become the "unobtainable" part with Korea-Tier drop chances.


I didn't expect prices to fall so quickly btw. I've been grinding thorugh almost 60 T3MD keys without getting my deserved Ember Prime Systems, and now I bought them for 1 Platinum.


Made me feel good for finally getting what I wanted for almost no Price.

Also made me feel like S#&$ for wasting all that time and effort before Prime Trading became a thing.


Make of that what you will. IMO It still needs a little barrier, but Sheldon did me a real favor here.


Ember Prime System for 1 Platinum or Grinding 60 T3MD keys? Most would choose the 1 Platinum route, taking a hyper-accelerated warp jump to end-game, thus ending the game for them. No more reason to log on to attempt to RNG the part, no more reason to keep doing the dreaded T3MDs, no more reason to play on.


First and foremost, this game was advertised as a free-to-play third-person shooter, which is what most people entering the game expected they would be playing. Mods TCG-style are just an added bonus and neat feature that would be a surprise to players. Even to me. They would be playing for the RPG-element of collecting loot, in this case would be primarily the legendaries like prime weapons and stalker/harvester weapons. I believe the current end-game content would be the Orokin voids and towers with the goal of collecting all the prime items. 


I'm afraid within the next few weeks, 90% of the players will reach this point where they have bought everything "end-game" and have 0 reason to continue playing.


One could argue that the same thing could happen with trading mods until all mods have been obtained. But look at it from this point of view:


There are 270+ mod cards to collect. Most of the time you would need multiple versions of a mod due to power restrictions and even sentinels can use them. Mods range from 1 - 700 plats, depending on many factors (rank, rarity, new weapons/warframes, new sentinels, demand-supply).


Now look back again at Prime parts, there aren't a lot. 54 prime parts in total to collect, including BPs. And they are, as NetDefault mentioned, going for as low as 1p each. Eventually, you'd be able to buy the entire prime set for 54 plats, if lucky.

Edited by ALDO
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I love the idea, no more fuss now if you want a new prime item. Simply trade with friend and job done.


I wouldn't whine how much time i spent to gather all my prime stuffs before this. This trade just simply great.

Yeah I can tell you are pretty happy about not farming hours and wasting your time getting prime parts kid =). You got your moneys worth for the plat, congrats.

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Those are still closed doors maps lol, Phobos is probably the biggest open area map so I can see where you are coming from but, think more open area. Bigger perhaps is the better word.


Play some gas Jupiter tilesets, defense maps. Play Xini. Play Kappa. Play forest maps. Play Void missions.


I don't see how you do not understand that there are a LOT of open area maps.


I'm not even going to bother replying to this anymore, you're sounding like a troll from this point on.

Edited by Etsoree
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I didn't expect prices to fall so quickly btw. I've been grinding thorugh almost 60 T3MD keys without getting my deserved Ember Prime Systems, and now I bought them for 1 Platinum.

Those prices won't stay so low for long though, as soon as players run out of the parts accumulated in these few months the prices will raise to something that makes sense.

Edited by CubedOobleck
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Those prices won't stay so low for long though, as soon as players run out of the parts accumulated in these few months the prices will raise to something that makes sense.

Yes, eventually someone has to do the void missions to get new parts/bps.


Because they don't spawn from thin air, someone has to grind for them.


So market economic will adjust the price to the price it should be. I won't worry too much about this.


Players have time can grind parts to sell, players have money can spent it and get what they want. This is a win-win.

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