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The Prime Parts Trading Discussion Megathread


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yep. this community is useless.


Nope the community is &!$$ed because DE doesn't communicate in anyway shape or form. They allow the resentment to spread and then inflame it by doing numerous daft things. The community has become exactly what DE has created.

The community was great when DE communicated and the community has turned bad when DE no longer bothers to communicate.

That's not a coincidence, that's cause and effect.

Edited by Blowfist
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One way they could fix this is by creating another set of primes but with a different name and use different sets of warframes and weapons for these new ones.

E.g instead of primes lets call them legendaries or elites, and they could makes stuff like Rhino Elite and have its parts replace the previous prime awards in void missions.


Keep Primes, replace them with something better in the Voids, maybe parts to new warframes that are better than the Primes/regular ones.

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All for it.


Yes, you can buy Prime parts, and the "status" of having a Prime weapon is devalued (I personally think the status is irrelevant).

... but lets face it, you could already buy shedloads of Void keys and pray to RNG for the prime part you wanted.

You could also just buy Prime access.


So, the "status" was already reduced.


I don't see someone with Prime gear and bow in awe, I barely notice what they are using as long as they pull their weight.


People selling them for plat? Yeah, whatever, if people are willing to pay plat they can.

I'll never spend plat on a mod or a part, if I can't find the part I need in a decent time, I'll trade within my clan.


Within minutes of Prime Trading being added, our clan chat was full of kind souls donating spare parts to clan buddies for no cost.


A good move, which was overdue.

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and the "status" of having a Prime weapon is devalued


That's a positive thing, anyway. Bragging may be an economic motivator because it plays into the part of human nature that enjoys feeling superior to other people(main motivator in PvP btw), but it should not be encouraged or incentivized from a social PoV. The personal achievement part of getting prime gear is still valid unless one constantly measures one's achievements with their surroundings. But then it's not just about them anymore but their ego, which again, should not be taken into consideration as it breeds negative human behavior and creates emotional distress(inferiority, envy) for the people who are exposed to it.


The only concern is that prices in the marketplace will rise because the people in charge think it necessary to compensate for the loss in revenue through void key pack purchases.


On a personal level, it affected me positively, as I was able to help my clan mates to give them some of the parts that just wouldn't drop for them. It strengthened the bond between us, especially since we're a ghost clan.

Edited by AuroraSonicBoom
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I am the happiest man alive! FINALLY I got boar, fang, and orthos prime... that stuff was just impossible to finish... THANK YOU DE!!! Keep up the good work over there! Also maybe you can eventually make trading of Warframe parts tradable too... imagine Clans being able to sell parts of Volt, Banshee, and Zephy, or bring joy to the world by selling Vauban parts to all those who can't be on at the same time to get them. I am happy to support this new economy of trading, and encourage it!

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This shouldn't happen. Making everything easier will kill this game even faster.




Trading has de-value the game for me and therefore is killing the game for me. All of a sudden I don't want to grind at all anymore. I use to enjoy/endure grinding because the achievement of the item made it all worth wild. Now with trading, I believe I am a chump if I had a choice to grind or just pay to non-cash earned platimun for the item. I am logical enough to know which is the better choice. Since I play Warframe to kill stuff and not be an economist and that has changed to a captolist game. I choose to start a hunt for a different game that will meet my needs. I will still log into Warframe every-now-and-then for events, but I will not put anymore money into a game as it head to a capitolist system. I am guessing that I am the only one feeling this way. I am also just one fan that lost his excitement for Warframe. Oh well, just one persons perspective on a game that I spent over 1800 hours on so far. doh! and best wishes to DE and all my good friends in Warframe. KIT   >.<

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No complaints here. I say keep it.


You guys were whining and *@##$ing about RNG before, why $#*(@ and moan about a workaround to the RNG now?

The problem with this is that it doesn't really get around rng. It's still there and will always be there. Also prime weapons were part of the endgame that this game has in its current state and stripping that out of the game with this trading hurts the point in playing the game. DE has used an over reliance of grinding to keep players in and they will lose players because they made it so easy for a rank 0 to have all the primes in a few minutes through dirt cheap prices. Also there were so many ideas floating around about how to deal with rng that DE could have picked one of them instead of ruining the point in running void for the average player. The point is while some people may still get them normally, most people won't and this is making void useless for those who want to shell out plat to get shiny primes. RNG definitely needed fixing, but DE went to far and ruined one of the major aspects of the game. It also still doesn't get around rng because as they add more primes, the things will still be hard to get regardless of trading or not. This was a short-term solution that really wasn't thought out. Check out my prime trading post on page 22 for more reasons why.


Edit: It's page 22 actually.

Edited by Lqn8r
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I don't understand how hard it is to grasp the idea that some people have the time to grind and others don't. The 16 year old in high school with minimal obligations and a 15 hr work week at Mr. Pizzas can afford the time and energy in repetitious farming. However the grown 30 yr old Mother/Father with a 40-60 hr work week with family obligations may opt to get 200 plat from the store and cut some farming corners. Niether of these camps are wrong, or better than the other. They are both playing a game they enjoy within the time constraints or leneacies in their lives.

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I'm not sure if it is just me, but has anyone else been experiencing problems with trading Ember Prime Helmet blueprints? I've been trying to trade for them, but every time the other end of the deal cant put it up for trade. Sorry if this has been mentioned previously, but with having every other part for this frame, it is starting to get rather annoying.

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I am the happiest man alive! FINALLY I got boar, fang, and orthos prime... that stuff was just impossible to finish... THANK YOU DE!!! Keep up the good work over there! Also maybe you can eventually make trading of Warframe parts tradable too... imagine Clans being able to sell parts of Volt, Banshee, and Zephy, or bring joy to the world by selling Vauban parts to all those who can't be on at the same time to get them. I am happy to support this new economy of trading, and encourage it!

 And now, let's look at a different scenario : You have all primes and just sold your spare parts for 3k cred each because you needed to max that -mod name-. But all of a sudden DE makes void parts tradeable. How do you feel?

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 And now, let's look at a different scenario : You have all primes and just sold your spare parts for 3k cred each because you needed to max that -mod name-. But all of a sudden DE makes void parts tradeable. How do you feel?

I feel good. Did exactly that and only thing that was bothering me was that i dont have any part that i can give to my clanies.



Nobody forced you to sell those parts. It is your mistake. Dont blame DE for your mistakes.

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I feel good. Did exactly that and only thing that was bothering me was that i dont have any part that i can give to my clanies.



Nobody forced you to sell those parts. It is your mistake. Dont blame DE for your mistakes.

I never said I did that. I already made 200 platinum from it. But I know a LOT of people that did. DE just likes to go kick people in the nuts, especially the vets that have been around since closed beta and are playing daily. I feel my soul burning just by thinking of being in their shoes. They could have at least compensated everyone for every prime piece they have (or had at any given time and sold it), that would have made it more bearable for the vets that sold their soul to satan in order to get all the primes.

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I don't think they were blaming DE just stating a fact that they made a change.


How do I feel? One word --->  DOH!!!!


I've sold dozens upon dozens of extra parts for the 2500 - 3500 credits and of course if I knew what was coming I would not have done it but at the time every little bit helped.  Actually now that I think about it I am still broke.

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good god, the level of entitlement that modern gamers seem the expect.


it's beta. they have no obligation to compensate or coddle anybody.

beyond that, it's an online game and subject to change at any point in time.


why is this so surprising to everybody?

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good god, the level of entitlement that modern gamers seem the expect.


it's beta. they have no obligation to compensate or coddle anybody.

beyond that, it's an online game and subject to change at any point in time.


why is this so surprising to everybody?

Then they shouldn't have made platinum trading available. Just mods for mods, or mods for blueprints. No one that works for something likes seeing someone get there in 1% of the time it took them. It feels like the biggest kick in the nuts DE has ever done as of yet. (besides the clan tech in the market fiasco, which is in a close second)

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 And now, let's look at a different scenario : You have all primes and just sold your spare parts for 3k cred each because you needed to max that -mod name-. But all of a sudden DE makes void parts tradeable. How do you feel?

Even happier... As long as Exclusives stay untradeable we should be just fine...

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Then they shouldn't have made platinum trading available. Just mods for mods, or mods for blueprints. No one that works for something likes seeing someone get there in 1% of the time it took them. It feels like the biggest kick in the nuts DE has ever done as of yet. (besides the clan tech in the market fiasco, which is in a close second)


I suggest you make more money then if it bothers you that much. How does the process in which someone acquires something effect you directly? You worked for it, woohoo, gold star. In no way does someone buying something invalidate your efforts. You played the game for that amount of time and enjoyed it correct? You got what you worked for correct?

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Then they shouldn't have made platinum trading available. Just mods for mods, or mods for blueprints. No one that works for something likes seeing someone get there in 1% of the time it took them. It feels like the biggest kick in the nuts DE has ever done as of yet. (besides the clan tech in the market fiasco, which is in a close second)

There was no kick in the nuts...


Saving ALL blueprints is common sense. Even I knew that feature was coming... Infact all the concepts I have come up so far have happened so now I just sit around knowing that whatever I think will happen will happen. So I KNEW this was going to happen. Its video gaming 101 Common Sense. They must add a trading economy where players who spend REAL money, and players who don't can both benefit from. Allowing both player groups to enjoy all the features in the game. Giving players ways to obtain everything in the game is a smart move. I whole support this as well. I am willing to give platinum to those who need it most to keep the economy going, and help players get things they never had before. Now players can obtain slots which are hard to get, and with those slots enjoy the game further, and get more stuff. Its a win-win situation for those who pay, and those who don't.

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I never said I did that. I already made 200 platinum from it. But I know a LOT of people that did. DE just likes to go kick people in the nuts, especially the vets that have been around since closed beta and are playing daily. I feel my soul burning just by thinking of being in their shoes. They could have at least compensated everyone for every prime piece they have (or had at any given time and sold it), that would have made it more bearable for the vets that sold their soul to satan in order to get all the primes.



I am not speaking for the whole Vet community ( wtf is that? and at which point you start being Vet anyway ) when i say this, but most of the players that are playing this game as long as i do are pretty content and not even bothered by the trade.


I grinded all my Primes ( got last one month or even more ago ) and i am not even mad about this.




And yes, by people logic i could be considered Veteran.

Edited by RoboDoge
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Even happier... As long as Exclusives stay untradeable we should be just fine...

Coming from a GRAND MASTER. 

Also coming from a GRAND MASTER your original reply with how happy you are that you can just buy your way through all the hard work in 1% of the time it took everyone else, eh?

It's all fine and dandy when it suits your needs, but what about the non-paying players? You do realise they make up most of the player base and with the changes DE made, most of them leave, and if that happens even the paying players won't have who to play with since there will be to few of them, and if that happens then all your precious plat will mean nothing C: and oh boy will I be laughing and devouring your delicious tears then.

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I personally think that the only ridiculous thing about these trades is that the parts and prints are selling for so little. I mean you can buy the whole weapons for 30p when the market prices of non prime weapons are way out of proportion.


Example: Castanas - 175p  > Burston Prime Parts and Blueps - 29p + rush time = 79p...


I think these pieces should be harder to find so that the prices reflect the Prestige.

The Problem isn't that endgame is too grindy.. grinds are fine, the problem is that there is NO endgame. I know they are working on it, I just wish it was closer to fruition. To me Primes should be something that anyone CAN find, but not everyone will take the time to find. That's my opinion.

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