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The Prime Parts Trading Discussion Megathread


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I see it all as cheating  - yes cheating.


It is completely the same like in GTA:


I loved every GTA game and played always the whole story and was kind off addicted by the worlds. And in the end (I am sure everybody does this) I searched the codes for all Cheats and activated ALL weapons and ALL cars and fought against an army of policemen. Oh it's fun of course - but actually thats the way how the game gets worthless. After the point you start to use cheats, it's a question of time...very short time.


Getting the access to all equipment in the beginning (and the low price for it is the same as an instant access) will kill every wish to play the game. So go along and buy everything - cheat along: You destroy your own fun, not mine.


My opinion is clear: Earn it or forget it. Everything else is worthless to mention - the game has besides the grinding part a fun-potential for maybe ~50h, but it can be so much more.


DE, you have the tools - pls fulfill the masterpiece.


Sorry, you can call it cheap, but it is not cheating.

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Much as I don't really agree with him, he didn't say you're destroying his fun. He said you're destroying your own.

Then this is mine own problem, not his.


And about that "status" meaning of Prime gear. Status of what? Of being blessed by RNG?

I could understood that statement about status, if Primes acquisition would depend on some skill. But now... all those "status" talks are just show-off of one's greediness and elitism.

Edited by Khranitel
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Much as I don't really agree with him, he didn't say you're destroying his fun. He said you're destroying your own.


I understand that, but shortly after he says that you should 'earn is or forget it.' That means that he is a at odds with how people obtain things. Therefore, apparently how someone else does something bothers him.

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The way I see it, DE had a choice to tackle the mangled RNG with either tokens or trade, and they picked trade because they already had the system's frame work in place.  


The only thing that bothers me is a lack of an auction house, because I like to be easily able to discharge my extras without a hassle. If people want to trade or not, it does not adversely affect my gameplay experience.

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The way I see it, DE had a choice to tackle the mangled RNG with either tokens or trade, and they picked trade because they already had the system's frame work in place. 

Quite apart from which, they would have had complaints either way. I thought tokens were a bad idea, and other people thought the same.


Would the complaints have been on the same magnitude? Does it matter, really?

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The DE guys seem pretty switched-on when it comes to making us part with real money, so I'm guessing something new, exciting ... and collectable is just around the corner.


New Prime warframe and weapons when Prime Access changes (Ember Prime and, probably, Sicarus Prime and Glaive Prime, are going away).

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Wait so, how am I destroying your fun again? I'm a little confused. 



So if I didn't get lucky enough earn something the same way you did, I'm effecting the quality of the game for you? I am deeply sorry that playing the game differently than how you do has diminished your enjoyment of it. How thoughtless was I to not think that doing something different than you was going to hurt your feelings. Shame on me.



...Seriously, what?



Much as I don't really agree with him, he didn't say you're destroying his fun. He said you're destroying your own.



Then this is mine own problem, not his.


And about that "status" meaning of Prime gear. Status of what? Of being blessed by RNG?

I could understood that statement about status, if Primes acquisition would depend on some skill. But now... all those "status" talks are just show-off of one's greediness and elitism.


As thegooseking mentions it right - I am not interested in how you destroy your(!) fun. For not participating in this system, I can still go on as usual with this game. 


I see it as a problem, course DE created a new short time game experience. But if the community will get that short-living, the DE team won't be able to expand and the project will die before it gets to its deserved end.


Nearly all "skill" you need is learned within 3-4 days of playing. This game needs no skill and doesn't tell any sort of deep story. So what is about the value this game has to show, to attract the player not to leave after he/she finishes venus? - Yes it's all the equipment that he can see in the shop, codex and in-game. Well and how does he/she used to get it? - With endurance. Endurance is the heart of this whole game - and the amount of endurance decided whether you would get the whole equipment or not. That is our local skill


By allowing to skip any pain of waiting, the equipment lost its pride - and yes as I said the pride came from the fact how long you could work for it (not how hard). It is a fundamental psychological fact, that we automatically associate any sort of value with those things, that are hard to get - doesn't matter if you have to be good in something or just wait for a long time. That was(!) the value of Prime equipment. Actually it is the only value we have here - and if you take it, then the game is just like a long animation film (which isn't very thrilling though).


Try it out - give all BF players an aimbot. And look how long the game will live afterwards. It IS the same, as to free all equipment in such a game like Warframe. I love Warframe - I don't want to see it end like that.


As usual - it is "only" my opinion, but as I heard, there are lots of old players like me that are on the verge of leaving this game, if they decide to expand the whole trading system even more.

Edited by AtLasVegas-EGT-
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Warframe is a simple game, it's all about grinding. When you take that away nothing is left. The possibility to trade mods and weapons, especially for platinum (good for the publisher), shortens the play time (bad for the player). That's the negative side when you chose to release a freemium title.

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If you play the game just to collect items and gear for the sake of collecting items and gear, then something is seriously wrong with the basic gameplay. And these are my words as a self-confessed collector.



Nearly all "skill" you need is learned within 3-4 days of playing. This game needs no skill and doesn't tell any sort of deep story. So what is about the value this game has to show, to attract the player not to leave after he/she finishes venus? - Yes it's all the equipment that he can see in the shop, codex and in-game. Well and how does he/she used to get it? - With endurance. Endurance is the heart of this whole game - and the amount of endurance decided whether you would get the whole equipment or not. That is our local skill



I would not equate "Skill" with "Enduring the RNG until it coughs up what I want". There is no real skill involved in grinding the same mission for hours for the -CHANCE- of getting what you want. As much as stuff like Korean MMO's or many RPG's are seen as grindy, at least many of them allow you get items with certainty once you put in a certain amount of effort without RNG shenanigans. The last MMO I played, World of Tanks, is grindy for sure. But at the very least, you know that sooner or later you WILL get what you want, since all you need to do is go up the tech trees and unlock the next tank.


Yes things that are harder to get are psychologically more valuable. Many of the Prime gear though aren't that much more powerful than the standard gear, and sometimes some of the items you can get with credits are just plain more awesome - see the Soma or the Penta. And the Prime Warframes have only cosmetics and either an extra polarity slot, the latter which can be attained with Forma use. If you're a player who desires efficiency over collection, then many of the Primes don't really have much to offer.


You still need to get the parts from Void Missions if none of the people you know or see has the part you need, or you're unwilling to part with gear or plat or whatnot, and the people selling Prime parts still need to farm void missions anyway. Also, building Primes requires rare resources like Orokin Cells that you still need to farm even with the trading. The only difference is that for those people wanting Prime parts, they now have a -CHOICE- on how to acquire their parts. And last I saw, people wanted more -CHOICE- for this game.

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I loved every GTA game and played always the whole story and was kind off addicted by the worlds. And in the end (I am sure everybody does this) I searched the codes for all Cheats and activated ALL weapons and ALL cars and fought against an army of policemen. Oh it's fun of course - but actually thats the way how the game gets worthless. After the point you start to use cheats, it's a question of time...very short time.


Getting the access to all equipment in the beginning (and the low price for it is the same as an instant access) will kill every wish to play the game. So go along and buy everything - cheat along: You destroy your own fun, not mine.


My opinion is clear: Earn it or forget it. Everything else is worthless to mention - the game has besides the grinding part a fun-potential for maybe ~50h, but it can be so much more.


DE, you have the tools - pls fulfill the masterpiece.


Easy access can ruine the game in the long run even tho its seem beneficial short term. ^.^


Edit/Added: I also did the above mentioned gaming for Final Fanstasy VII. Over 160 hours played when FFVII first came out. ^.^

Edited by csdisc
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Then this is mine own problem, not his.


And about that "status" meaning of Prime gear. Status of what? Of being blessed by RNG?

I could understood that statement about status, if Primes acquisition would depend on some skill. But now... all those "status" talks are just show-off of one's greediness and elitism.

This. It would be one thing if you got primes for something like soloing certain tricky nightmare missions.

Look, even a blind chicken can complete most of your usual void missions solo. It was a way of showcasing your luck. Which is something you shouldn't allow in such a game.

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I don't like the current system of finding prime parts. BUT, that doesn't mean that I like prime trading either. It's been mentioned in some places of this thread, but I think that getting prime gear should be more of a test of your skill, rather than your luck. I finally got my Ember Prime that I had been farming for much too long (about two months) and I soloed almost every mission I did with absolutely no challenge at all. I would have MUCH rather failed a lot on a challenging mission that was guaranteed to get me the part that I wanted if I succeeded to complete it, rather than go through many extremely easy keys with an extremely low chance to get what I was so desiring. If we made it skill based, I believe that would solve all our problems (except maybe DE's need for platinum money). If you want to farm for it, feel free to go do your best however you please, whether that be solo or with a couple of friends. If you just want to get it right off the bat, just ask one of your super overpowered friends or someone in the recruiting channel to go with you, and there, you got it.


I know this isn't the perfect system, but it gets rid of the horrible RNG problem, and makes it so that you really did EARN it, not just got lucky.

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1. > I would not equate "Skill" with "Enduring the RNG until it coughs up what I want". There is no real skill involved in grinding the same mission for hours for the -CHANCE- of getting what you want. As much as stuff like Korean MMO's or many RPG's are seen as grindy, at least many of them allow you get items with certainty once you put in a certain amount of effort without RNG shenanigans. The last MMO I played, World of Tanks, is grindy for sure. But at the very least, you know that sooner or later you WILL get what you want, since all you need to do is go up the tech trees and unlock the next tank.


Yes things that are harder to get are psychologically more valuable. Many of the Prime gear though aren't that much more powerful than the standard gear, and sometimes some of the items you can get with credits are just plain more awesome - see the Soma or the Penta. And the Prime Warframes have only cosmetics and either an extra polarity slot, the latter which can be attained with Forma use. If you're a player who desires efficiency over collection, then many of the Primes don't really have much to offer.


2. > You still need to get the parts from Void Missions if none of the people you know or see has the part you need, or you're unwilling to part with gear or plat or whatnot, and the people selling Prime parts still need to farm void missions anyway. Also, building Primes requires rare resources like Orokin Cells that you still need to farm even with the trading. The only difference is that for those people wanting Prime parts, they now have a -CHOICE- on how to acquire their parts. And last I saw, people wanted more -CHOICE- for this game.


1. The value doesn't mean it to be more powerful - it just means, that it is harder to obtain than the normal equipment (sorry it "was"). A player always needs something that he/she can dream of - like in the real world: if you have no car (but don't mind to have one) you work for it. When you came to the point of owning the car, you are looking for something more (e.g. house, etc.) - it works the same for games. 


Chance and luck aren't "real" - there are only two stadiums of always hitting the bulls-eye and always missing it. The reality is between the two. Nobody has pure luck and nobody fails all the time, the RNG has more fairness in it, than many want to see in it - we remember the failures but never the wins. 


And yes - the amount of times you are willing to hit the bull shows your skill in this game. If you cant follow it, imagine you are a bodybuilder - 99% of people I know said: "If I would spend as much time, as this Adonis in the gym, I would look like him" or "If I trained as long as him, I could do that, too" - bullS#&$. It is always about the power of will, not the amount of exercises. If the will is existent, you will reach the deserved objective, doesn't matter how long it takes. 


Deal with it - we are here in a warframe-casino playing a gambling game. And you want to show a roulettplayer which number will fall next? How many comparisons do you need to get the point?


2. While farming for Prime Parts, that you want to get, you get lots of thing that you actually already have and don't need any more. And THAT is a problem (the "lots"). Having something in a high quantity will never rise the price for it. So even future parts will always be nearly worthless (after a small period of hype after their release of course).



This. It would be one thing if you got primes for something like soloing certain tricky nightmare missions.

Look, even a blind chicken can complete most of your usual void missions solo. It was a way of showcasing your luck. Which is something you shouldn't allow in such a game.


Roulettplayer - the guy with the most chips. That is how it works.

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I'm sorry that you sheeple have less fun knowing that the games lifespan for others has been compromised.....guess what? I've gotten bored of this game after only 300 hours of normal gameplay. I've been on hiatus since U10, playing only when something interesting has been added to the game.

I bet 40.7 space bucks none of you noticed.

Quit whining and worry about your own experience.

Edited by Legion-Shields
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I'm sorry that you sheeple have less fun knowing that the games lifespan for others has been compromised.....guess what? I've gotten bored of this game after only 300 hours of normal gameplay. I've been on hiatus since U10, playing only when something interesting has been added to the game.

I bet my entire inventory none of you ever even noticed.

Quit whining and worry about your own experience.


I'm pretty sure when people are describing how it "might ruine the experience for the community"; They are also refering to their own experience to the changes. Our only guess is that how we currently experience the changes are also shared by the community.

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I'm pretty sure when people are describing how it "might ruine the experience for the community"; They are also refering to their own experience to the changes. Our only guess is that how we currently experience the changes are also shared by the community.

In that case, everybody should be feeling elated that a ton of players are benefiting from prime trade.I know I was excited when I found out about it.

As to lifespan: there's plenty of people who refuse to trade. The invasions and prospect of future content is apparently enough to keep the nodes populated.

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In that case, everybody should be feeling elated that a ton of players are benefiting from prime trade.I know I was excited when I found out about it.

As to lifespan: there's plenty of people who refuse to trade. The invasions and prospect of future content is apparently enough to keep the nodes populated.


I said it before and I'll say it again...

"Easy access can ruine the game in the long run even tho its seem beneficial short term. ^.^"

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I said it before and I'll say it again...

"Easy access can ruine the game in the long run even tho its seem beneficial short term. ^.^"

define "long run" and "short term" then, since trade has been around for a while and I've never noticed a difference in the amount of people roaming nodes.


It's not that I disagree with the concept you bring up, I just don't think it's the dominant factor.

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define "long run" and "short term" then, since trade has been around for a while and I've never noticed a difference in the amount of people roaming nodes.


It's not that I disagree with the concept you bring up, I just don't think it's the dominant factor.


Long Term = years

Short Term = Seasons (3-6months)

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