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Tenno Clock, Discussions Of The Community [Youtube] (Ep 89)


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Whatever specialization of stat buffign you come up with could go on mods and fill those slots you regain from serration and multishot. 

The thing is, I don't see the fact that these mods are needed on almost all builds as a bad thing

If direct damage mods were removed, I'd gain 3 slots on my Supra.

In those slots I would run ammo mutation, a 90% elemental and something like Wildfire. Mods that I already use on other builds.

I wouldn't need an ammo mutation build, or a metal auger build simply because I would be able to run it all at once.

So really in the end you are killing build diversity more by allowing people to run everything at once.

Plus there comes the question of where you draw the line.

Damage and multishot mods have no trade off, so they get removed

Elemental mods are much the same, so you change them to only modify a portion of damage

But what about crit mods? They are free damage, so lets tweak those down as well.

You end up nearly completely flattering the games power curve, and though I guess that is mitigated by having an account wide damage stat, it still limits what you can do.

My current feeling on the focus system is that you should get a thing, stick it in your gun, and then start to level it.

Levelling it gives you points which you can use in a skill tree type thing based on the mods you have equipped.

So for instance you could have a path on your serration mod that lets you boost your damage as your magazine depletes, or get more damage on headshots

That sort of thing could offer some really cool stuff, like ammo mutation could have a perk that gives all of your shots a chance to proc an additional random status

Elemental mods could have some cool stuff too, say electric mods might have an evolution that causes your electrical damage to be dealt to a target close to the one you are shooting instead of that target.

The other thing is that you can already have build diversity, you just have to accept the fact that you don't need to run 50k dps on a gun you want to use for a t1 capture mission

Anyways I feel like I am starting to rant, so I shall stop.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My current feeling on the focus system is that you should get a thing, stick it in your gun, and then start to level it.

Levelling it gives you points which you can use in a skill tree type thing based on the mods you have equipped.

So for instance you could have a path on your serration mod that lets you boost your damage as your magazine depletes, or get more damage on headshots

That sort of thing could offer some really cool stuff, like ammo mutation could have a perk that gives all of your shots a chance to proc an additional random status

Elemental mods could have some cool stuff too, say electric mods might have an evolution that causes your electrical damage to be dealt to a target close to the one you are shooting instead of that target.

The other thing is that you can already have build diversity, you just have to accept the fact that you don't need to run 50k dps on a gun you want to use for a t1 capture mission

Anyways I feel like I am starting to rant, so I shall stop.

I kept forgetting to come back and answer this. 

Mod evolution is a good thing and would provide options. I would be in great favour of this.  


I would hope focus brings something in.


However still does not escape the fact that the game would be fine without serration (and multishot mods imo). They are still mandatory and could be replaced with mods like your ammo depletion = more X. 

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wow, just discovered 16 people follow this topic... crazy.


Anyhoo, episode 69 is out:



Additionally I'd like to know peoples opinions on Friendship Doors? good/bad, pointless/fundamental, whatever your opinion is I'd like to hear it. Also do you feel something else could do with being a little more friendly? I'd like to hear that too, maybe Friendship Hacking or Friendship Life Support.

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Rhinopault. :V

In more serious notes- I was hoping that there was true 6DoF combat in Archwing like in Descent (as you mentioned) or Strike Suit Infinity. I could understand why there's no such freedom of orientation- likely Evolution Engine limits, and to avoid giving players extreme disorientation (or motion sickness in the worst case). I also think it has to do with input limits on the PS4 and XB1 controllers- where would the roll controls go?

I legit liked Spy 2.0; it had enough of a change of pace to make it an actually-memorable mode that also challenged the 'usual' ways of playing Warframe. The options that vents & secret passages give also help by leaps- they alleviate some of the feeling of linearity that many tilesets give.

Edited by Mattac0n
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Greetings one and all. Sorry for the really late release of

. Unfortunately my job had really gotten on top of me and with trying to get stuff sorted out for Faulty Frame Squad, and the tactical alert Phoenix Fudge, time was just not on my side, nor was energy... or the will to live. However here is the episode:


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Dear Tenno


I'm after something for the next TennoClock episode however I don't think the forum is really reacting in a way I'm interested in or at all. I'm after your raw unbiased opinions of the reveal of the sentients:





I feel there is a worth while topic here and I want to discuss this with Loz as well as talk about what you guys think BUT in order to keep this fair I'd like everyone to please (oh please oh please) put your opinion in spoiler tags. Additionally if you could please quote this post so if anyone wants to give their opinion as well they know why you guys are doing it.


Thank you all


Edited by Xenogelion
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As requested, I'm putting my feedback in spoilers



As a loremonger who's delved into the world of fanfiction and worldbuilding, especially for Warframe, I am unbelievably excited for the Sentients. They are a much needed faction, and I personally believe that they will be a crucial catalyst for promoting further lore based events and missions in the game, since the resurgence of a former enemy, one which we supposedly eradicated/defeated brings about a ton of question about how exactly we as Tenno came to be.


Gameplay wise, they would most hopefully bring about myriad mechanics that cater to their dynamic with Orokin technology and the Tenno, making them an elite class of foe, one which is hopefully daunting to face in combat, given their preference for swarm tactics, as explained through Mirage's lore and the background information we have on them. I hope to see new tilesets, new combat mechanics, be it damage resistances or synergies, and far, far more immersive lore.


Aesthetically, they seem alien and mechanical...almost machine like, and yet because of the smooth curves and organic shapes, they don't. If they were a purely machine race, efficiency would be paramount since that appeals to logic, but considering all the almost insectoid, organic curves they possess, as well as the strange glowing "cores", I feel like there's a lot we can decipher through them as a faction.


In closing, I'm very eager to get back into the game now, and I sincerely hope that the dev team keep the Sentients a secret till their release into the game, so that we don't have spoilers that could cause unneeded hype or disappointment that would undoubtedly come from it.


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I am pleasantly suprised with what I saw, with that in mind...

My expectations have always been one of two things.  Either the Sentients were strange in presentation(exactly what we see here) or the Sentinents would be some twist on the lore i.e. Sentients are normal humans, Orokin are the monsters blah blah blah.


This is pretty much what I expected.  Something strange and otherworldly, wrapped in some sort of technology.(turned our tech against us).  I would just hope for many enemy types as there seem to be only 2 types in the video.  Other than that, this is what I expected.  The one twist is the little glowing cores, that is intriguing.  I am excited to have that explained.  Is it synthetic?  Is it alien?  Is it void-based and somehow related to Tenno origins?  That little glowing bit creates more questions than it answers, which is fine lol.

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Dear Tenno


I'm after something for the next TennoClock episode however I don't think the forum is really reacting in a way I'm interested in or at all. I'm after your raw unbiased opinions of the reveal of the sentients:






I feel there is a worth while topic here and I want to discuss this with Loz as well as talk about what you guys think BUT in order to keep this fair I'd like everyone to please (oh please oh please) put your opinion in spoiler tags. Additionally if you could please quote this post so if anyone wants to give their opinion as well they know why you guys are doing it.


Thank you all



My initial reaction of the Sentients being 'unveiled' is this:

There is no buildup. There is no real context. Ancient history is being dug up, and I'm supposed to muster a S#&$ to give based on 10 seconds of footage of something weird jumping into the screen. What I appreciate about Warframe is how things feel grounded in its world, everything feels like it has a place.

Sentients are the vaporous, looming sword of Damocles, which I can compare most closely to the Reapers of Mass Effect. An enemy that has a history can be pulled off properly, as long as it fits within the world and creates its own ripple effect.

Based on their prior history, I have my doubts that DE can deliver that properly. It would make the Gradivus Dilemma look small by comparison.


While I do appreciate them basically giving us a glimpse of what their plans are for the future, that vision feels very, very far away indeed.

To me, the most interesting part of the entire presentation was the Parkour 2.0 concept video segment. Everything else was filler, minor reveals and attempts to broaden the audience of Warframe.

Edited by DAttila
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Dear Tenno


I'm after something for the next TennoClock episode however I don't think the forum is really reacting in a way I'm interested in or at all. I'm after your raw unbiased opinions of the reveal of the sentients:






I feel there is a worth while topic here and I want to discuss this with Loz as well as talk about what you guys think BUT in order to keep this fair I'd like everyone to please (oh please oh please) put your opinion in spoiler tags. Additionally if you could please quote this post so if anyone wants to give their opinion as well they know why you guys are doing it.


Thank you all



My reaction and thoughts following discussions with clannys:

Watching the stream, already in a great mood because of everything they've done so far.  Then the video starts, and my jizz-scale just keeps rising. Parkour 2.0 looks amazing, I'll be stupidly happy if we get anything close to what we saw in the trailer with U16.  Then the Sentient ships enters and I'm think "oh? who/what's this?" before I could think Grineer, they hit the deck.  A few of us on teamspeak muttered it simultaneously - Sentients?! Holy mother ducking reveal of the night!  Tissues ran out at several homes when that video ended, I'm sure of it.


But onto thoughts... While I'm initially happy for it, this reveal combined with everything else they mentioned makes me weary on whether some stuff will be in U16 or not.  And if everything is, I can just barely imagine all the bugs and hotfixes to join them.  A new faction sounds great, we haven't had any real new enemies in a while besides the anti-Archwing units of Corpus and Grineer.  I just hope they don't make their mechanics for fighting too easy or copied from anything preexisting. (e.g. Stalker: 'Best' of shields and armor combination of Corpus & Grineer w/ offense of a Tenno.)  I hope they become the reason we need to bring gear with arcane upgrades and multiple formas into missions that aren't endless.  But on top of that, make us learn the mechanics to kill them.  I don't want to be able to 'counter' these guys easily just because I have all the best mods/guns/frames.  Ultimately, if the Sentients are changed slightly moving forward with each update, that would be a neat thing have: an enemy that changes based on the ways we kill them over time.  But that's farther down... I could go on but gonna stop. xP

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My reaction to the Sentients reveal:


I'm of two minds about this.


First, this could be done amazingly.  The sentients are the first "new new" race/faction in the game and this gives an amazing opportunity to create a meaningful addition and/or change to the current game.  As you get towards the backend of the current game experience, the solar system starts feeling smaller and smaller.  Hopefully this opens up a whole new part of the story, ties in and explains some old things we don't understand.  I'm excited if this is what the reveal hints towards


I hope, exceedingly, that what this is NOT, is just another game mode or basically a variation of something that already exists in the game.  For example, if this is just another mission node that reveals lore in just a codex entry, or maybe a few radio transmissions, etc, I would be very disappointed.  I hope they don't just take their place next to the Grineer, Corpus, and Infested as just another faction we go destroy tons of dudes of.


Here is hoping the lore is executed well and isn't just tidbits.  We are done with appetizers, it is time for the entree.

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Talk time.

I actually ended up rewatching the trailer a number of times, trying to get a read on them, in doing so there were a couple of things I noticed.

Firstly, the light in their centres appears to be similar to Vor's chest, which seems to mean that they have also managed to harness void energy. The implications of this are interesting. It could mean that after they got curb-stomped by the Tenno last time they decided to get a bit of void juice for themselves, or that the Tenno were needed to fight them because we can handle it, unlike everything else.

Secondly they seem to be mostly Biological in nature. Their bodies seem rather smooth, to smooth to be armour or mechanical stuff. On the other hand their movements were extremely controlled and co-ordinated, almost as if the fighting units do not have a mind if their own.

Thirdly, the timing. They arrive about 2 years after the Tenno have reawoken.

Given the vast distances and timeframe involved in interstellar travel (minus voidgates or w/e we gave) it isn't a big stretch to imagine that the detection of the Sentients is what pushed the Lotus into re-awakening us.

If the Grineer and Corpus were truly a threat to the balance of the system, don't you think we would have been awoken earlier?

I say the Sentients have been the real objective this whole time and the Grineer/Corpus have been convenient shooting dummies.

I'll wait to form more of an opinion when I can see them for myself

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Dear Tenno


I'm after something for the next TennoClock episode however I don't think the forum is really reacting in a way I'm interested in or at all. I'm after your raw unbiased opinions of the reveal of the sentients:






I feel there is a worth while topic here and I want to discuss this with Loz as well as talk about what you guys think BUT in order to keep this fair I'd like everyone to please (oh please oh please) put your opinion in spoiler tags. Additionally if you could please quote this post so if anyone wants to give their opinion as well they know why you guys are doing it.


Thank you all




I came back to Warframe specifically to reply to this, after seeing that trailer. Frankly, that Parkour 2.0 has caught my attention! Indeed, seized it by the reins and pressed it against this shiny new display of skill- dripping, nay, oozing, with style. 


Overview of whole video:



The Dragon frame seems to be shaping up well. I quite like the design, it's gone back to the less conspicuously themed Warframes! Anyway, onto topic:



Regarding the Sentients however, I'm really, REALLY surprised they are finally revealing the long-lost nemesis of the Orokin. This bodes well, in terms of the lore, as the Sentients are now the ONLY race that knows what has happened in the past, and, if my speculation is true that the Sentients are 'sentient' robots, that means these enemies are not proxies. This is part of what's possibly the hive-mind which the Infested was created to fight. It wouldn't surprised me if the Orokin did in fact model the Infested after the Sentients; Hive-minds are theoretically far more efficient and effective at a large scale. 


That being said, this reveal suggests that we may have another step towards the lore of Warframe, in a move that, I hope, implies DE has finally made firm the foundation on which the universe of Warframe is built. The caveat is that these are the same sentients that were alive back then, and if they are not, we may go no further in terms of lore than the events that were seen thus far.


In a more speculative note, I think this might mean the Orokin will soon be revealed as well; Not only because the Sentients are already revealed, and thus, by breaking the fourth wall logic, DE may be prepared to reveal more about their contemporary adversary, the Orokin. But also because with the resurfacing of an ancient enemy, the Orokin are now in as much danger as they were before. If the Sentients were used to hunting down the Orokin then, having resurfaced means that they're declaring full-blown war on the existing solar system/galaxy/universe, which means, as time goes on, if the Orokin are still alive anywhere, they'll be found and wiped out too. 


Either that, or the Orokin will be really cocky in their ability to hide and sustain themselves in the Void, or another third dimension, and refuse to reveal themselves or otherwise offer any help, thinking they can outlast everyone. If that were the case, then we're basically on our own, and the Orokin will reveal themselves after the Sentients become weak, and then take over the invasion where the Sentients left off. 


I'm betting on the latter being more likely.


At any rate, this is a big reveal, and the fact that they've chosen the more controversial of the two hidden factions- Orokin and Sentients, with much less known about the Sentients- seems to suggest to me that DE knows what they want. I'm optimistic about it. 


Also, that Parkour 2.0. Man, now I'm really, really interested.


Edit: As an add on, I notice the nature of their motion is very mechanical. You can hear the ticking of mechanisms as they move, and all their motions are, for a lack of a better word, like clockwork. They are not, by any stretch of my imagination, organic. A uniformity and systematic rhythm that is unsettling-ly un-alive. 


What's noticeable is that they can manipulate matter, possibly even space and time, in a way no other faction currently can. Their descent is far faster than what gravity can accelerate to, there's no inertia, and they don't slam into the ground. But other than those phases where they zip past space, they hover in mid-air, and their motions are as one would expect in reality. The glowing bits in the center may be, therefore, similar to the technology of the Solar Rails that are hinted in Pluto, assuming that's still canon lore.


Fighting them is probably going to require more situational awareness. Might be fun! If it weren't all locked behind a void key!



Edit of the Edit: Two variants of the Sentient mobs are seen. Likely, the ones with the "Crowns" on the back with forked weapons are long ranged units of a higher rank, and the ones with a cone-shaped back are the typical melee-mob. Or it could be the other way around, it's all speculation at this point, really. But it does imply a hierarchy, because the ones with the crown are far fewer in number, never spawning more after the first four, but they are spawned in a more prominent location.



Edited by Calayne
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Dear Tenno


I'm after something for the next TennoClock episode however I don't think the forum is really reacting in a way I'm interested in or at all. I'm after your raw unbiased opinions of the reveal of the sentients:






I feel there is a worth while topic here and I want to discuss this with Loz as well as talk about what you guys think BUT in order to keep this fair I'd like everyone to please (oh please oh please) put your opinion in spoiler tags. Additionally if you could please quote this post so if anyone wants to give their opinion as well they know why you guys are doing it.


Thank you all



Honestly when I saw the trailer I was pumped, mainly as it would be something totally new to fight.

But when the hype high passed I started to think on the timing, other then the Spy 2.0 quest we have had next to nothing ingame on them, or even to hint at their return.


But there may well be a quest/event/ta or a combination of, before they are released ingame, as if you look at the trailer there is no "Update XX" mark at the end. We could see them at U16 or it could be U17/18 before we get to fight off against them, also if I recall correctly, someone said the quest for Chroma is meant to have some Sentients link as well.

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Dear Tenno


I'm after something for the next TennoClock episode however I don't think the forum is really reacting in a way I'm interested in or at all. I'm after your raw unbiased opinions of the reveal of the sentients:





I feel there is a worth while topic here and I want to discuss this with Loz as well as talk about what you guys think BUT in order to keep this fair I'd like everyone to please (oh please oh please) put your opinion in spoiler tags. Additionally if you could please quote this post so if anyone wants to give their opinion as well they know why you guys are doing it.


Thank you all


well my initial reaction was "HOLY CRAP! THEY ARE BACK AAAAAAAH!" But now i'm intrigued by why are they back? how didn't they get extinct during the old war? what do they want? why did they take so long to come back? etc. its gonna be interesting to see how this plays out

Edited by Xarantur
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Reply is also under Spoiler tag, following the nature of this particular topic.

I was personally envisioning the Sentients' visual designs to be influenced by Hindi gods & goddesses, as that would bring an extremely distinctive and fitting, but very foreign element to Warframe's already-unique aesthetic. Their revealed designs gave me a slight hint to that (Their upper limbs slightly resembled arms sprouting out of arms!), but they actually started giving out a distinctly alien vibe as Mogamu pointed out. Definitely like how they are looking so far, and I sincerely hope they give some much-needed freshness to the game. Exciting as Warframe is, the enemy faction battles have been feeling stagnant forever, what with the endless clashes and no sign of progress on any front.

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