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The Exclusives Megathread (The Eternal Struggle Of Giving A Damn And Not Giving A Damn About Event Items)


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They pretty much confirmed that Brakk parts will drop from Grineer death squad which is Grineer analog of Harvester.

@Anzuul The big deal are people who invested 50 hours or $250 into the game a while ago now expecting to forever have more stuff than everybody else including people who spent ten times as much.

Event weapons will be back as event rewards, and Founders pack should be back as $300 pack.

Edited by (PS4)Lord_Gremlin
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Due in part to the factor that exclusives in every other game pretty much stay exclusive. It's funny how people are yearning for these past event exclusives and the like when that doesn't seem to happen in other games that offer the exact same things. Trinkets 'earned' through events, holidays, etc in other games are produced and passed out to those present. You either had your chance, or it was before your time.


Starving children in Africa? Yeah, not a great comparison to the first world problems of those absent from the limited-time special events that occurred.


What really bothers me is why people keep creating threads about it. Whether you are on one side or the other, just keep it all in the same thread and save us from this spam. Then we can finally get to more important threads, like why Rhino looks like a fish.

This isn't even the point. The only things in the entire game to be officially tagged as exclusive were the Founder's Pack items, and the Prime Access exclusives. Event rewards are NOT exclusives.

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Problem solved:


Release the event weapons with a new skin...for a new event.


tada...unique weapons remain so due to looks

people who want the event weapons can then get them in a new event with a different look.

Seriously, just retroactively reward players and let new players have the Mastery and Items that should be fairly available.

This is a videogame. It is about fun. Having exclusives is the least fun thing to new players you can do.

Just look at fullpriced games and exclusive DLC.

Edited by FrissonSeeker
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Every event reward except for the Founder stuff is able to be re-released.


They won't re-release the lato prime and other founder stuff because they promised they wouldn't re-release founder stuff so you can't really use that as an argument as they said they are never re-releasing that stuff. They never made this promise about the other event stuff.


You don't need to nerf the Brakk or buff the Detron because one is better then the other. That is like saying we have to buff the Supra because the Soma is better. Some guns are just better then others overall, not every gun is exactly the same and it mostly comes down to play style preference.


As for your "Solutions" it sounds like you are just worried people are going to get the same gun as you. As long as what ever event re-releases an event item takes around the same amount as effort as the original event for said item then there is no need for "solutions".


If they release them simply as purchasable BPs or Plat purchases then people can whine. Otherwise there is no reason to get worked up other then "They are getting something I had that was exclusive to me and who ever played back then."

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Thats the great part of this whole thing.

The weapons aren't exclusives, and they will be rereleased.

Thsts the actual issue people dont read properly ALL EVENT REWARDS ARE EARLY ACCESS only founders items are exclusive and if u havent noticed that early access system alows them to do balance tests and modding to them before general release.

No idea about prime access items.

Edited by (PS4)Dean_Harvey
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It's just pixels and a few k mastery points.


No big deal.  There's still hundreds more weapons we need to level before we get to Mastery Rank 30, and 2 or 3 isn't going to make much of a difference.




Closed Beta Testers and Founders items should remain untouched.  As these two groups of people made contributions to the game early on and their rewards should mean something.


If DE wants to put any event items back in re-runs of previous events.  I think it's a great idea and it will keep newer players playing in the long run.  There's a fine line to be drawn with that though.  How many events should DE re-run?  Does re-running these events take up space in the calendar and prevent new events from happening?

Edited by sushidubya
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The only items that were promised to stay in the vault are the Founder Prime stuff. Anything since is up for grabs and can be released anytime, since DE never said those items were perma-locked.


Some of us had to work during an event or couldn't make it. I got lucky and got my Braton Vandal, but everyone deserves a chance to have it, I believe. The only reason the Founder gear is locked away, is because we invested into the game. You had something like 6 months to get the prime gear as well, if you didn't support the game, you have nothing to complain about there. Do I think the Braton Vandal for example should just be tossed in the DE store? No - but I think it should still be available to new events, special alerts, maybe a void drop, etc. Same with any 'special' gear that has come out. Keep it special, as in it takes some effort to get it, but don't keep it locked away.

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I don't really see why everyone has been complaining about not being able to get the event exclusives again, lately. It's not like any of the exclusives are super overpowered or anything (well not anymore anyways). They're all pretty good weapons, but you can get equal or greater firepower with non-exclusive weapons.

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If you want to be special. Just make your character pink. That's what I do.

I'm the pwettiest space ninja in the entire universe. One day I'll get a pink palace too.



In all seriousness...

Why do I keep seeing these "Don't take my specials away" posts. You know I'd happily throw my lato vandal at you if it'd get you to stop. In all honesty. I wouldn't even care if they brought the Lato Vandal back. I'm just content knowing that I got it when I got it.



Edit: A few minutes and look at this beaut. If this was an achievement...


Edited by Sutherland
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The only reason the Founder gear is locked away, is because we invested into the game. You had something like 6 months to get the prime gear as well, if you didn't support the game, you have nothing to complain about there.

What about new players? A theoretical new player wants to pay DE 250 dollars for Founders Prime Gear. Why not?

Witholding these items only serves to please current players. Meanwhile other players are getting turned away.

Not being to complete the Codex and missing out on Mastery are big deterrents to a new player.

This is the exact same reason people don't like exclusive dlc.


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absolutely. if the Event states X reward is Exclusive, then it is. end of story. but like most Events where it is not, then seeing those items in the future is likely.

None of hte events actually state they are exclusive. The community completely made that up.


For example, where does it say it is exclusive?

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I really hope they wont give the Brakk to these guys.. that would kill new content for us older players..

....Why? No seriously, how would that kill new content for us "older" players? Like what the hell dude. Are they not allowed to make content for newer players? Yenno, the ones that keep the game running? Seriously, how much more selfish and elitist can you get?

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What about new players? A theoretical new player wants to pay DE 250 dollars for Founders Prime Gear. Why not?

Witholding these items only serves to please current players. Meanwhile other players are getting turned away.

Not being to complete the Codex and missing out on Mastery are big deterrents to a new player.

This is the exact same reason people don't like exclusive dlc.


Actually, I would be fine with that. They intended for it to be 'early release incentive' to support the game, however if people were willing to give DE the money we gave them for those items, I'd be for it. The point is supporting DE and getting some nice items for it, so that would be cool. I don't mind other people getting the early access Prime gear, unless they get it free - since it was an incentive to buy into the game, I feel it should stay that way (for that specific set of gear).

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You can get a Brakk if the original owners get a Twin Dual Akbrakk Wraith. Deal?

No deal. So if it gets released to everyone else people who got it and got to play with it for MONTHS (look at all that exclusive time) should then get theirs upgraded to bullS#&$lol level op and flashiness? What is WRONG with you people.

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OP assumes that not everyone had access to the events that gave the rewards. 

 The events ran in the game at the same time for everyone on the planet. If that was before you played Warframe or while you where away is not the games fault.

You simply missed it, for whatever reason. You may get another chance, and if for whatever reason you cannot play at that time, then again, not the games fault.

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Is never mentioned in any of the events.
Ironically, the people saying "exclusive" are the ones being unnecessarily entitled.



^Snipetron Vandal: No mentions of exclusive or limited weapons to the event


^Strun Wraith: Can you find where it says it is exclusive to hte event?


The Cicero Crisis page was deleted and only the PS4 page remains.
Here lets look at that new page and you point out where it says "Event Exclusive"






Lots of mentions of exclusives right?

Never will return right?


Note: I have all the exclusives already.

Edited by FrissonSeeker
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