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Hotfix 12.3.2


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Hey guys,


Do you happen to have a terminal illness/cancer?

If so, then perhaps spending time with your loved ones would be a better way to pass your time.

If not, then why the hell is all the rush about?


I saw plenty of people when the Grustrag Three were released, who were all like "I farmed for 9 hours straight and nothing! GG DE!" or "did 100 runs and nothing, QQ my eyes out". Jesus, is it REALLY that important to get the goddamn weapon within the first day of its re-release? I highly suggest to get an appointment with a doctor and set your priorities straight....

True words. Our mind makes it seem like there is something to be gained by getting a weapon or a warframe. But is it really so? Are you actually happier when you finally get it? Or is this only temporary and you soon find the next thing to search after?

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Hotfix 12.3.2




Changes to the Grustrag Three drop logic, they no longer exhaust everything in their repertoire (mod + part + resource) on death, they now each drop (mod OR part OR resource).




Fixed Jat Kittag FX reflecting a sweet party on the screen instead of a deadly hammer, sorry, party is over.

Fixed issue with endless mission rewards in missions where the Grustrag Three have spawned.

Fixed issues with Forest Level walls and collisions.  

Fixed Immortal Skin unintentionally overriding Ember Prime’s gold colours.

Fixed mods picked up in game not having backgrounds.

Fixed Grustrag Bolt removal recipe not being craftable if you only have one Warframe.


First. Thank you for the bug fixes.


Second and more importantly: Changes to the Grustrag Three drop logic, they no longer exhaust everything in their repertoire (mod + part + resource) on death, they now each drop (mod OR part OR resource).


This is wrong. One part should be guranteed with an enounter just like the harvester. I've read countless threads of people farming the harvester pre-nerf and its just ridiculous. Finding the grunstagg three after 30+ runs only to get neurodes as a reward is honestly a slap in the face to players who in the logic of the game "are working hard to restore the corpus balance". Granted I don't think you should be able to get all three parts in one run but I think having a guranteed drop for one part and a chance at second part is a good idea. Obviously all three mods should not drop at the same time. Roughly the average player should be able to obtain the brakk after about 150 runs in my opinion as this is slightly more than the gradivus event and not completely unreasonable. But 1000+ is ridiculous.


I guess i should have forgone sleep on wednesday all night until i got the three parts. Oh well. I guess all the people complaining about brakk not being exclusive can stop complaining now. They just made the experience of the game worse for other players. Congrats. I've never played a game where you don't get rewarded for killing a boss - Neurodes are not a reward as they can be easily obtained elsewhere from Lephantis for example.

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Are you also going to fix the other prime's goldybits being overridden by the immortal skins since you fixed embers? I think It'd be pretty neat to use the immortal skin for frost and have his goldybits since I don't like frost prime's default skin.

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2 days of invasion only, countless runs (way over 100) and NO BRAKK!!!


only 3 encounters


in first BUG (game froze) - NO drop


second BUG again (dropped of the map) - NO drop


last one they drpped - hell's chamber and NO brakk bp or part...    WHAT THE HELL!!! DE


And u wandering about AFK players!?     DE u force ppl into this and no Reputation system is going to fix this!!

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Thanks for yet another fix without even attempting to fix the void drop tables and the drop frequency of the Ember Prime Chassis... Never fixed that good ol' transmute system either. 4 no copy rares = a common... funny how quick that hotfix came since the no-lifers quickly cried, "hey, I got my parts in one run, make it difficult for everyone else"... I been hot about the Brakk since they ended that event early and the one chance I get to finally get my hands on it the hotfix drops and immediately after the fix, I run into the big 3... ridiculous...


EDIT:  Still got a nice backlog of things I still haven't gotten either... with a ridiculous amount of time clocked on this game... no glaive prime, no orthos prime, no fang prime, definitely no despairs. no ember prime since the chassis drops everywhere. no dakra blade ever drops. Finally got quick thinking from the big 3 after putting at least 10 hours into that dead interception mode... had FINALLY got Frost Prime a week before the "nerf" as some people call it...  no berserker mod... how much more random chance drops do you want to incorporate, because I really don't see a equal chance drop for void rewards either...


And shoutout to the daily login rewards. We still get Banshee blueprints from there even though they're clan related now...

Edited by OdinHighwind
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Thank you. For working hard, for making changes and trying to fix things based on some feedback, for not letting negative comments get to you, and for making a game that, although frustrating at times, is still generally one of the best out there right now, and for the foreseeable future.

Thank you for fixing obviously unintentional glitches, and thank you for bringing reality checks to those people who seem to have lost their free will to quit and can't seem to realize that it's an imperfect game, from imperfect humans, with imperfect (but Totally Awesome) ideas...

Thank you for being you... Now if you'll excuse me I believe I have detected multiple biosignatures... I may have infested incoming...

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Changes to the Grustrag Three drop logic, they no longer exhaust everything in their repertoire (mod + part + resource) on death, they now each drop (mod OR part OR resource).







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Thank you. For working hard, for making changes and trying to fix things based on some feedback, for not letting negative comments get to you, and for making a game that, although frustrating at times, is still generally one of the best out there right now, and for the foreseeable future.

Thank you for fixing obviously unintentional glitches, and thank you for bringing reality checks to those people who seem to have lost their free will to quit and can't seem to realize that it's an imperfect game, from imperfect humans, with imperfect (but Totally Awesome) ideas...

Thank you for being you... Now if you'll excuse me I believe I have detected multiple biosignatures... I may have infested incoming...


Contrary to popular belief, kissing their ars won't get you anything.


As always, thank you for never listening to feedback properly and for never learning from your mistakes, DE.

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STOP. Stop bashing them.

You do know that they're not perfect people, Do you?

It would be a shame to get complains from people who play your game ( if you had one )

Try giving the forum rules a read.

There's a difference between being imperfect and repeatedly doing the same mistake they said they would fix. DE is doing the latter by adding more RNG.

Edited by NuLycan
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how bout instead of having pieces, theres just ONE BLUEPRINT?????????????


that would kinda solve all the problems people are having right now??


just have a chance to drop the blueprint, which requires resources


simple. easy. fun.





just ONE  BLUEPRINT.... NO RANDOM DROP PIECES>>>> thats not fun


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I've noticed since a recent patch that when modifying the appearance of a weapon, warframe, or sentinel, unless you play a match, as with my experiences, the changes go away next time you go back to that page. I.E. if you change from one appearance of a weapon and then go to the mods, when you go back to the appearance it will of reverted back to the your previous appearance. 

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As a veteran player, I need some expands of lore instead of constantly adding next one-run weapons, because buying new weapon and lvl it up is certainly not what I aim for, but need a goal to accomplish.Why isn't it expanded like this? Don't we have enough weapons already?

Seems DE doesn't even read what you guys wrote here, but I truly hope this game will come back to right direction, and I hope we won't wait for next fix until next wednesday, it's unbelievably boring to wait ONE WEEK....

Secondly, it ppl can obtain Brakk now, why not allowing us to farm Excal Prime and other prime stuff? it could be bought in the past - ok, people who wanted to have them in that time, have already bought it, but allow us now to obtain it without paying for it. Or buy for plat, or anything. One of most stupid things I have ever seen, is that those founder packages contained also platinum...what's the point to meretriciously raise the price by adding plat which can be bought separately?? Sorry but that was really meaningless.

If you don't know EU parliament is considering new law in Europe to disallow misleading players by 'free 2 play' category of games. If you describe your game as 'free to play', you will not be allowed to take ANY cash in it, because it will be automatically converted to 'pay 4 win'.


At least, fix that *$%^ bug in Nova's portal. She's making portals too low >< and they don't want to teleport her which is very annoying.

Edited by Dataz
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This re-release of the brakk is awesome!! but it is just so exhausting and difficult though. Getting the Grustrag Three to appear is time consuming enough, and to make it worse, for people like me, I was lucky enough to confront them and collect one blueprint BUT the host migrated. :/ yes, some people got ridiculously lucky and went up against the trio a few times and got several brakk parts but some of us are EXTREMELY unlucky too. please help with spawn rates to make it at least slightly easier and fair, it would be much appreciated! :D


And the actual issue itself, well for me, is that I got my first encounter and warning and after 5 invasions but every time after that, I have not been able to get the trio after me again. this is definitely the glitch everyone is experiencing for the most part. it spawns once and nothing after that.

Edited by SweetMayhem
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what i can't get is why not make the first guy of the g3 drop 100% a mod, the second drop 100% a resource and the third drop 100% a brakk component instead of relying on rng even more, but whatever, that gun simply is overkill anyway.

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