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Guys We Need To Mega- Brainstorm For Cool Weapons


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Yes this sounds outlandish but hear me out , 

Each replier most post his idea of a cool weapons that could be in the game ,  add pictures if you want :)


AS long as it could function (hypothetically) in the game in the game


I'll start !



Just kidding





Probably might come a few months after melee 2.0 is stable , doens't seem that outlandish for a weapon , we have the Bo staff after all ( f*cking usless stick btw) 



EDIT: not only melee weapons since melee 2.0 is coming + this is not a contest! , jsut fr brainstorming 


EDIT 2: Removed Zenia valov knuckle , replaced with something else 

Edited by Deidaku
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A shoulder-mounted mortar cannon that fires mortar shells upwards at a distance. The explosions leave behind napalm that acts as a ground hazard. Obviously this weapon is impractical in CQC - the shells would hit the ceiling.


Melee weapon that puts your Frame in a huge ball while the melee attack button is held. You can move in the ball at very high speeds as it rolls, and the ball tramples any enemy it rolls over. Its main role is CC, but it can deal okay damage.


Futuristic bow that fires bolts imbued with flame and toxins strong enough to cut through anything - infinite puncture and hitscan. But it doesn't deal that much damage.


A Corpus gatling gun that must be mounted to use, but has two powerful modes of fire. One mode acts like a machine gun while the other shoots a powerful charged laser blast.


Grineer cluster grenade. Upon coming in contact with something, it explodes. The explosion lets out three smaller grenades that were inside the original grenade. Simply put, frags are replaced with moar grenades.


Grineer gauntlet that is powered by a jet. Ragdolls on every hit but is very slow, and causes the ground to shake on jump attacks.


A longsword that fires a beam when the user's shields are fully regenerated.


Melee shield that is held up and used to block projectiles while holding the melee attack button. Normal attacks will be a shield bash that has low range but ragdolls the target.


These are all just random ideas. They may or may not be good.

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Orokin kinetic ball that grows stronger and faster as it gains kinetic energy. The charge animation would have you dribble it to increase it's power, and the slam attack would be a slam dunk. When thrown it'll bounce multiple times across enemies and walls/floors/ceilings, then return to you.

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Orokin kinetic ball that grows stronger and faster as it gains kinetic energy. The charge animation would have you dribble it to increase it's power, and the slam attack would be a slam dunk. When thrown it'll bounce multiple times across enemies and walls/floors/ceilings, then return to you.


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Im thinking a 100% legitimate railgun would be nice.


because apparently the lanka isn't one, and it is being thrown around that it could be either a railun, coilgun, Gauss weapon or something of that nature. whatever.


I just want to see a railgun in the game and see what DE makes of it.


also i'm greatly suprised the pile bunker didn't make it in the competition, im really hoping to see that ingame st some point.


Possibly some spear weapons that can be thrown and respawned/summoned like an energy spear and still operates like a melee weapon.

(ex: bleach Uquiorras lance weapon (just not nearly as overpowered :P ))


Chainblades of some sort. for cleaving large swaths of infested, sort of a reach based weapon with the energy cable holding them to the frame being deadly aswell.


thats all i've got for now.

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Minigun - i know, not really creative but i would really like one


Spear - also not creative but orthos doesnt really suit me


Energy bow - bow firing bolts of energy instead of arrows, higher speed, gravity doesnt affect it, maybe innate puncture, anyway imagine that lightshow from 4 such bows.


Arbalest - no not that tiny arbalest used in medieval i mean real cannon size heavy crossbow like ones in monster hunter series.

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Minigun - i know, not really creative but i would really like one


Spear - also not creative but orthos doesnt really suit me


Energy bow - bow firing bolts of energy instead of arrows, higher speed, gravity doesnt affect it, maybe innate puncture, anyway imagine that lightshow from 4 such bows.


Arbalest - no not that tiny arbalest used in medieval i mean real cannon size heavy crossbow like ones in monster hunter series.

Minigun = gorgon but I know what you mean  , we need a REAL  minigun heavy__s_minigun_by_tinydojo-d2yauku.png


Spear , yeees : Orthos is more like a twin blade staff 


Energy bow and arbalest yeees !!!

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A shoulder-mounted mortar cannon that fires mortar shells upwards at a distance. The explosions leave behind napalm that acts as a ground hazard. Obviously this weapon is impractical in CQC - the shells would hit the ceiling.


Melee weapon that puts your Frame in a huge ball while the melee attack button is held. You can move in the ball at very high speeds as it rolls, and the ball tramples any enemy it rolls over. Its main role is CC, but it can deal okay damage.


Futuristic bow that fires bolts imbued with flame and toxins strong enough to cut through anything - infinite puncture and hitscan. But it doesn't deal that much damage.


A Corpus gatling gun that must be mounted to use, but has two powerful modes of fire. One mode acts like a machine gun while the other shoots a powerful charged laser blast.


Grineer cluster grenade. Upon coming in contact with something, it explodes. The explosion lets out three smaller grenades that were inside the original grenade. Simply put, frags are replaced with moar grenades.


Grineer gauntlet that is powered by a jet. Ragdolls on every hit but is very slow, and causes the ground to shake on jump attacks.


A longsword that fires a beam when the user's shields are fully regenerated.


Melee shield that is held up and used to block projectiles while holding the melee attack button. Normal attacks will be a shield bash that has low range but ragdolls the target.


These are all just random ideas. They may or may not be good.

I'm not sure about the mounted gun , most of the time you HAVe to stay mobile in order to survive , well maybe not in defense missions but then everyone will keep using it .

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