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The Most Badass Ever In Warframe


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You all praising him.

Prod man gets promoted to tech.

He finishes the Riot Moa.

Accidentally mass produces it.

Corpus mission... = Like a thousand shockwave MOA with instant knockdown, except with invincibility.


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If this is still a thing, I'd be honored to create a fan art in this noble corpus' name!

I take it you haven't gone far in the thread? It is a thing! Yes. To the point that some of the more popular fan art pieces have been taken down by the image host for excessive bandwidth usage. o.0(The original "n prod we trust", for one).


Also,  he was  even given an entry in the tvtropes encyclopedia website.

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Actually, he didn't say anything, but his friends were all "Wubwubwub".


EDIT: Also, it's of note, shortly after his heroic victory, all the corpus were taught how to speak a new language.


Coincidence? I THINK NOT!

Edited by Llyssa
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I come before you today to semi-revive the thread with a new tale. "A Tale Of Two Techs" as I have decided to title it. The epic story of the Prodman seems to have inspired the Corpus at large, calling more heroes to the fold.



A Tale of Two Techs



It was a dark and stormy night on Pluto...


I was alone at first, out for a mutagen mass or two and perhaps a bit of XP as well. The survival run began like any other, a few Corpus spawned in to assist me and my soon to be teammates in clearing some infested from their ship. We went on our merry way burning out the infestation, with new people joining the match as we went along. All seemed well until...


Suddenly, we were almost out of oxygen with less than 10% left. I sprinted and flew to the nearest tank and activated it as soon as I could. I failed to notice the two Chargers and Ancient Disrupter that snuck up behind me and closed in on me while the tank was charging up to activate.


Just as I was waiting for the inevitable strikes that would down my squishy Zephyr - a miracle happened.


The two Corpus Techs on our team, whom I have decided to name Romulus and Remus, charged in and put themselves between me and the looming onslaught. Looking back I believe them to be brothers, or in the very least, brothers in combat, for they fought side by side like nothing I have ever witnessed. They blasted away the infested coming for me - all in a matter of a few short seconds while the tank released - and ran straight back into the fight. I simply couldn't believe my eyes.


But the tale of these two courageous warriors does not end there. These two valiant soldiers stood their ground and held off the horde as we made our escape to extraction, happy to bear the full brunt of the enemy. I owe these brave men my life, and they shall never be forgotten.



Here they are, in the heat of glorious battle. 






Thank you.


And as it turns out, the two Techs were the twin older brothers of Prodman. Slaying infested scum thrives in the family.

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Here is a tip brother:

Rename this prodman as "Legendary Epic Prodman" or "Lep." Then, place him in game as the hardest boss to kill. Make him a legendary boss in Pluto (Ambulas is lacking seriously) and make him an epic battle of 10 Tennos. Give him over 9000 armor, 9000 Shield (He is Corpus after all), and 9000 hp.

Then have him be immune to projectile (only melee can kill him since he is badass like that) and have him yell out, "THINE WEAPONS ARE USELESS AGAINST MY PROD" as a taunt, but when the spawn occurs, have him yell out, "CAPTAIN.. PROOOOOOOOOOODMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN" and have him fly to random tennos 1 shotting them with his legendary prod.

After the 100hr battle against him, 1 Tenno shall be left alive and, as a kicker, have him give the tenno a "Fake Death" to where she sheds a single tear and say, "For all those lost tenno to the phorid" and then have him stab himself with the prod and dancing like a lunatic.

Yea, I would never love anything else again!

Wot teh fak Edited by grnchtrr
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