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Mmobomb.com F2P Showdown Megathread (Vote For Warframe!)


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i was thinking the same thing but in a much nicer way. not a gimme attitude. i thought for supporting them they could reward us with like a 24 hour potato alert. but thats the most i could ever see. maybe something even smaller? a little weapon skin or something? badge? wasnt thinking of much lol 

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Vote because you want to, because you want the bragging rights for a game you play, vote because you feel like it, vote to support your game.


If we win i'd be surprised if DE didn't do something for the player base, but asking them to bribe us kinda defeats the purpose.  At that point you aren't voting for your game you are voting for a reward.

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why can't you vote for warframe to indirectly thank them for everything they do, rather than scold them for everything they don't? Paying for votes is like a politician paying for votes. 


Vote them cos they're good, not cos they payed you.


Well, I agree. But something like a celebration would also be nice, and not that "paying"-kinda.

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