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Mmobomb.com F2P Showdown Megathread (Vote For Warframe!)


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Folks, please stop posting "thanks for the fight Mabinogi", the poll isn't even over yet for a while.  Let's just keep our votes and communications going out to folks for support in the vote and focus our energy there rather than claiming victory before it's actually ours eh?  Aight, good, back to the stars, Tenno.

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I wouldn't mind a celebration item once the voting is over, win or lose. But to expect something for voting kinda says you only feel this game is worth something if you're being rewarded for it. We've been given several Warframes, weapons, factions, tile sets, modes, bosses and so on for free. Is it really worth giving away platinum or something that would otherwise pay to keep the servers going and the devs eating, for the miniscule effort of clicking a vote button?

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For the last days DE kept on asking to vote for Warframe via ingame server massages, but so far they haven't told us what we get in return. At least I haven't seen anything like that. There are not few f2p games where the players recieve something after the game won a vote, so I'm asking how about we get something too for winning a vote for you DE?

It wouldn't only reward those who spend some time for voting for warframe, but also make it more interesting for those who normally don't want to spend their time for votes. I in example haven't participated in a vote so far because there is nothing I gain from doing it. But if DE, lets say, throw in some plat or give us an Orokin Reactor/Catalyst alert everytime Warframe wins such a vote, well I would say, I and alot more people would start voting for warframe right away.

they already gave you something. its a free game that they continue to work on and expand. you should show some respect tenbro

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How utterly rude and opportunistic.


You're playing the game they provided.  If you don't like it enough to vote for the game you presumably enjoy often without some promise of payment, then just don't friggin' vote.

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1. Of course this is a gimme attitude! Do you think DE made this game because they want to give all of you something nice to waste your time on without getting something in return? (Money) It's not like they won't get more the more popular warframe gets and I would say those votes help warframe getting more popular.


2. lol shortly after I posted this, an Orokin Catalyst alarm appears.... is this a sign DE?!? :P

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This is still awesome



Thats amazing

"ONLY" 80 Votes

The impact will be minor O.o




༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Praise Booben ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


Why can't I find any of these tweets on twitter o,o?

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I think it's pretty outstanding that Nexon had to bribe their playerbase through 5 games in order for them to get votes.


And we're winning.


I think that's prize enough


why can't you vote for warframe to indirectly thank them for everything they do, rather than scold them for everything they don't? Paying for votes is like a politician paying for votes. 


Vote them cos they're good, not cos they payed you.

I agree with them.

We must vote for this awesome game to thank DE for its great job. I don't wan't any reward, this time the players have to reward them for their hard work.

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You're asking for compensation of some sort to place a vote for a Free-2-Play game that you are playing.


Wow! The entitled irony of that makes my head spin.


Oh and "NO!" in answer to your question. 


See now you have sit strapped to the outside of the U13 hype train. See what you did? Only have the man in the mirror to blame. Oh no! And the train is about to hit a tunnel. Hope those straps are loose enough for you to get low.

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All this time I've been lurking their thread, I never noticed that one calm and collected fellow with the MGQ avatar.


Had I known some of the Mabinogi community had such great taste, I'd have vouched for peace much sooner.

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