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Mmobomb.com F2P Showdown Megathread (Vote For Warframe!)


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Well, I'm somewhat new to Warframe (only about 1-2 month into it) but I'm having a blast so far.  I also think I got the gist of how the game works so far (addicted to the Wiki).  However, I'm also a veteran player of Mabinogi and have been playing it since G2 even though I did quit at one point and then came back.  Since some of you are wondering about what Mabinogi is then maybe I can shed some light on some of it's appeals.  


First off, Mabi is on par with Warframe in terms of free to play policy.  In Warframe, if given enough time, players are able to obtain anything in the game without ever having to pay.  In Mabi, players are also not restricted by cash and can usually obtain usual cash shop items through frequent events.  Paying money for plats or NX really only speeds things up.  Mabinogi use to heavily be p2w when players are required to spend money to rebirth (which is absolutely necessary) but they have since moved away from that and most of the game is now f2p.


Another thing that makes Mabi stand out from your generic fantasy mmo and is a huge selling point for the players is that it is class-less and there is no level cap.  In short, your character in Mabinogi can grow infinitely and making another character is almost redundant.  Anyone can be an archer-warrior hybrid or fighter who also happens to be sporting twin revolvers.  In the long run, you can be an omnipotent killing machine because you can change your play style anytime without penalty while keeping progress your old skill sets.


Mabinogi also sports a unique combat system that allows players to use strategies to stun-lock enemies and counter attacks.  That means that even if a monster is freakishly stronger than the player, he/she can still kill it without a scratch if they are skilled enough.  This system IMO has a wide learning curve and would keep any player busy.  The only downside is that it is hard for a newbie to get the hang of it at first.


Even if a player does not like combat, they can still enjoy an expansive life skill system.  This include things like blacksmith, tailoring, carpentry, weaving, fishing, etc.  These skills can allow a player to produce goods that they can sell for money.  Some skills also turns Mabinogi into a social game like composing (allows players to compose their own music and play it in-game) and campfire.


One of the downside is that Mabinogi has some outdated graphics since it came out in 2003 I think.  But the OST and BGM is one of the best if you're into that kind of stuff.  Anyways, the reason why Mabi is popular is because it appeals to a wide variety of people (action combat and social).  It also provides months, or even years of gameplay.  Probably longer than the time it takes for a Warframe player to hit MR 15 (although Warframe is only in beta stage so I can't really make that claim).


There are some stuff that I love about Warframe as well.  For one, the graphics and design are absolutely gorgeous.  Also, it nice that the weapons are are giving me a nice feel of variety.  Each one feels different to me.  Also, even though it is not classless, every frame provides a new style of gameplay (that is if your not going completely rambo and hitting everything in one shot with a soma >.>).


As for the Mabi community, I don't think I have enough authority to describe them myself.  I recommend popping up on their forums to check it out yourself ;D


Anyways, Mabi might look like some half-baked anime mmorpg to outsiders but it has a lot going for it.  I think Warframe and Mabi are both games that are trying to break away from the mainstream.

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Anyways, Mabi might look like some half-baked anime mmorpg to outsiders but it has a lot going for it.  I think Warframe and Mabi are both games that are trying to break away from the mainstream.

I agree to much of what what you said, Mabinogi currently holds a lot of memories for me, and it felt like the game really has changed alot over time ( like the combat system for one, it went from loading skills to making them instant with cooldowns) ive been playing it for 4 or 5 years now, sometimes i wish the game didnt change so much, but nonetheless, its still a great game, i cant find another mmorpg that can take its place for me, and imo, its the best mmorpg in existence.

And now, even though im just starting out and warframe really made it hard for me to actually progress to get better gear, i enjoyed it, and i plan to keep playing this game for a long time as well.

I love mabinogi, and im loving warframe as well.

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Looks like We'll be going up against APB: Reloaded in the next round.  We can't let that terrible game beat us.



Apb reloaded looks better than wizard 101.

Even though it still looks like something 13 year old wanna be gangsters would play in order to feel cool...



Btw... does Neverwinter have Orcs?

Edited by WEREsandrock
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Apb reloaded looks better than wizard 101.

Even though it still looks like something 13 year old wanna be gangsters would play in order to feel cool...



Btw... does Neverwinter have Orcs?

My brother played APB and he found it terrible, the community's bad too when you're in game. Tons of cursing. And not enough realistic vehicle damage.

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Wizard 101 players accusing APB players of cheating here: http://www.wizard101central.com/forums/showthread.php?402328-Vote-for-Wizard101!/page4


Seems like If we win against neverwinter, we'll fight apb next.



and from the apb forums:



Haha, thank you. I play Vindictus, but I'm actually coming from the game Mabinogi in the Rogue Division. We had helped Vindictus try and take down Warframe, but even with both of our game communities combined (and Maplestory players even pitched in), a last minute 1,000 vote surge from Warframe doomed Vindictus. Their method of how they got so many votes that quickly has people keeping an eye on them."



woah... that's just... pathetic.


Dunno. I guess that game is just aware of the tournament unlike HoN. But uh, if you guys could take out Warframe next round, the Vindictus community will thank you


They are still butthurt.

Edited by WEREsandrock
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I think we have a good chance of winning, where defiantly going to get in 3rd-1st place though. 


Ok i checked out the voting, we need to worry about Airmech, Eden, and APB reloaded. The other one has about 2k votes so thats about half the votes we got against neverwinter. Keep fighting tenno!

Edited by Feallike
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Who would have thought that APB players would cheat? I mean, other than anyone who's ever played APB.


Heh, no, never played it before. But according to their Forum, the game is full of hackers.




Somehow I feel sorry for the wizard 101 people...

the poor graphics of that game remind me of metin2... the first online game I've ever played.

By the way... Metin2 isn't among the games participating in the showdown. any idea why?

Edited by WEREsandrock
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Apb reloaded looks better than wizard 101.

Even though it still looks like something 13 year old wanna be gangsters would play in order to feel cool...



Btw... does Neverwinter have Orcs?

APB is practically cops and roberts, as for gangsterness or w.e you want to call it, its not as much of that as you would think, many cosmetic designs created in that game is from players, heck those that can create such art in that game get payed in there, you will find more anime-like designs than anything else, the game has wonderful customization despite of the issues it has.

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Dunno. I guess that game is just aware of the tournament unlike HoN. But uh, if you guys could take out Warframe next round, the Vindictus community will thank you.


We are too Strong for fair fight.

Edited by SALE94
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Dunno. I guess that game is just aware of the tournament unlike HoN. But uh, if you guys could take out Warframe next round, the Vindictus community will thank you.


We are too Strong for fair fight.


Ok seriously everyone when the voting starts try to get all the clans to vote. T_T We need to crush Vindictus spirit! and we also need to beat APB...

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Thats the spirit,  there can be only 1 standing. !!!!


Ya how dare they ask APB to beat us! We shal break there spirits again, and beat APB i guess.... CLANS UNITE WE MUST DESTROY VINDICTUS! even though where fighting APB.....

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All we need is redtext. I hope the devs are still aware of the showdown. *bites nails*


Last time was alsmost too intense for me in the end.

They really had to wait for the last 5 darn minutes to inform players via redtext...  XD

No risk, no fun I guess.



I don't bother for vindictus anymore... but apparently some of them still bother with us.

How butthurt does someone have to be to make an account on another game's forum in the aftermath and beg their players to beat us?

And it makes their community look bad... even though it's maybe just a few.

Edited by WEREsandrock
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Heh, no, never played it before. But according to their Forum, the game is full of hackers.


APB is practically cops and roberts, as for gangsterness or w.e you want to call it, its not as much of that as you would think, many cosmetic designs created in that game is from players, heck those that can create such art in that game get payed in there, you will find more anime-like designs than anything else, the game has wonderful customization despite of the issues it has.


That's pretty much it : having played APB for a while, it's pretty much a small-world PvP GTA with the choice to play as either the Vigilantes or the Criminals. While the gameplay itselfs is so-so, the customisation is mind-bending excellent. Really, if you can think it up, you can make it happen on your character, your clothes or your cars.


Problem is, as WEREsandrock mentionned, it's also notorious for being host of quite a few hackers as well. Though I have only come across a few in my time in there, they were VERY obvious in their cheating and it took a while for repeated offenders to disappear. And since it's now a Free2Play title... well yeah, it's easy for someone who got banned to make himself a new account and just rinse and repeat. Hell, one hacker had an IG name something like "mynameis06" (don't remember his exact nickname) which kept showing up with an increasing digit every so often... so yeah, likely the same guy, just remaking a new account and changing the number.


Otherwise, it was a pleasant experience for the customisation part and seeing what others could pull off. There was some funny teamwork to be had and while it was hard as hell to do, it was very satisfying to either arrest (instead of killing) a Criminal or manage to pull off a heist (aka, crash into a store, activate to get loot, put loot in car) without the Vigilantes stopping you.

Edited by Wiegraf
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Is anyone posting in response to them wanting to beat us though? Their sore-loser comments are bothersome and no one is challenging them. 


Better just ignore it.

Observe it and laugh.



That's pretty much it : having played APB for a while, it's pretty much a small-world PvP GTA with the choice to play as either the Vigilantes or the Criminals. While the gameplay itselfs is so-so, the customisation is mind-bending excellent. Really, if you can think it up, you can make it happen on your character, your clothes or your cars.


Problem is, as WEREsandrock mentionned, it's also notorious for being host of quite a few hackers as well. Though I have only come across a few in my time in there, they were VERY obvious in their cheating and it took a while for repeated offenders to disappear. And since it's now a Free2Play title... well yeah, it's easy for someone who got banned to make himself a new account and just rinse and repeat. Hell, one hacker had an IG name something like "mynameis06" (don't remember his exact nickname) which kept showing up with an increasing digit every so often... so yeah, likely the same guy, just remaking a new account and changing the number.


Otherwise, it was a pleasant experience for the customisation part and seeing what others could pull off. There was some funny teamwork to be had and while it was hard as hell to do, it was very satisfying to either arrest (instead of killing) a Criminal or manage to pull off a heist (aka, crash into a store, activate to get loot, put loot in car) without the Vigilantes stopping you.


Well, thanks for  summing that up. The customisation thing sounds interesting-

But hackers can ruin a game completely (for me they sure do- especially in mmorpgs). But I understand that it's hard to do something about them. Still. A game known for cheating players can't be enjoyable.


Witnessing a farmbot in my favourite mmorpg made me finally quit playing it. I've wasted hours farming super rare gear, and these noobs just use bots to succeed.




talking about customisations... Champions Online is also missing....

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Not missing; it just got knocked out by SW:TOR in the first round. Kind of a shame for it to meet such a behemoth right at the start.


oi, you're right...


ouch 29:71 :/


I liked Champions online

Content is restricted for not-paying players... but basically designing your own character and the open world-ish maps were really awesome.

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I liked Champions online

Content is restricted for not-paying players... but basically designing your own character and the open world-ish maps were really awesome.


I agree. Champions Online is still one of my favourite games. Still playing it from time to time.

And indeed, the restricted content sure is the main drawback of the game. It's focused around paying customers a bit too much. Not surprising from a game that used to be P2P (monthly subscription) back in the days.

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