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Mmobomb.com F2P Showdown Megathread (Vote For Warframe!)


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I don't think we can talk about that stuff. But still.


apparently its fine as long as its not aimed offensively at anyone, im just wanting to warn people that we warframe players might be considered "wizards" from now on and what that title entails.

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Anyone else think the Warframe staff should seriously consider making the Finals match between Warframe and Mabinogi an official announcement?

An announcement that is translated into the languages that Warframe supports and also distributed by DE members in their languages?

If we are going to counter Mabinogi's international community, we should meet them with our own.  Bring the World's Moon Clans together with complete solidarity.

I also wonder if CarbonJames knows any other developer friends.  :)

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apparently its fine as long as its not aimed offensively at anyone, im just wanting to warn people that we warframe players might be considered "wizards" from now on and what that title entails.

So, ya know as long as we can use powers we are considered wizards :D... Now I want meh robe

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If a monster actives something, it's a trap card, not a spell card.


You can use a Spell card only during your turn.



I'll be going now.


Spell and Trap Cards can only be placed face-down on the Spell & Trap Card Zones, or the Field Card Zone in the case of Field Spell CardsQuick-Play Spell Cards and Trap Cards cannot be activated during the turn they are Set.

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I predict that POE will beat out smite...and Warframe WILL beat out mabinogi.


Every match up someone has sworn we're gonna lose it..we have won every time. 

Either way I will help the losing team for Mabi VS Warframe.


Perhaps I can have it end in a tie,

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I predict that POE will beat out smite...and Warframe WILL beat out mabinogi.


Every match up someone has sworn we're gonna lose it..we have won every time. 

I wasnt too worried about warframe until Airmech stepped in


Now were on the edge of a flame war :/

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Mabinogi players are pretty zealous.  AirMech's thread is turning into a battlefield.

There's always a dirty rat somewhere >:|


Its that guy that just made the account just to point fingers, annoy people and try to make themselves look good?




'Cause I will say, this guy^ must be a troll:  ""If you really wanted to be fair, you would state "Vote in the next poll, for voting we will reward our members," not state an opinion and suggest voting one way or the other. Your promotion clearly aims to benefit a certain game in the next poll.""


-.- where THE HELL is writen that the Moderator (or anyone really) cant ask for other players to help other games in winning a poll they are no longer in the running of? As far as I know our community moderators are also players and as long as we dont violate the Terms of Use or dont be an @$$ we can put as we see fit.


I would delete that guy's account, he is going to ruin the Airmech forums..... Someone give the people of Airmech this, its for our forums but it might work for them as well:



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There's always a dirty rat somewhere >:|


Its that guy that just made the account just to point fingers, annoy people and try to make themselves look good?




'Cause I will say, this guy^ must be a troll:  ""If you really wanted to be fair, you would state "Vote in the next poll, for voting we will reward our members," not state an opinion and suggest voting one way or the other. Your promotion clearly aims to benefit a certain game in the next poll.""


-.- where THE HELL is writen that the Moderator (or anyone really) cant ask for other players to help other games in winning a poll they are no longer in the running of? As far as I know our community moderators are also players and as long as we dont violate the Terms of Use or dont be an @$$ we can put as we see fit.


I would delete that guy's account, he is going to ruin the Airmech forums..... Someone give the people of Airmech this, its for our forums but it might work for them as well:




Yeah I can't help but want to make an account just to punch that sore loser suzane in the face, but it won't help anything and would just make things worse on that very friendly forum.


Best thing to do with idiots like him is ignore.

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... I'm not sure to &!$$ myself out of fear or out of the fact that would be beautiful.

It would indeed be beautiful, to have the lights flicker and a huge infested made out of nothing but black shadows with glowing red eyes and tentacles moving along the ceilings and floors coming after you while the lights keep flickering while its still coming for you.


Definitely 100x more terrifying than the stalker is to a new player whose never encountered him before.

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