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March 7Th: Community Hot Topics!


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The Void drop tables are the biggest issue in the game, they HAVE to be fixed. Credit caches are completely worthless, please just remove them. Nobody wants to waste their time to get an amount of credits so small that you literally can't buy anything with it. Also, is the 'Prime part every 20 minutes' rule true? I'm fairly certain that I got a key at 20 minutes today.

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The plan as it stands is to offer the Roar pack and the Accessories pack so the value holds up to the unavailable Charge/Stomp pack.  



Does this mean PS4 players will not get the option for the 4300 platinum Stomp pack? If so, what a gype. As a PS4 player, I'd rather get the Stomp pack and the Accessories packs be available. Otherwise, not many people are willing to shell out $150 for the promise of plat and a crummy mod pack. 

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The Void drop tables are the biggest issue in the game, they HAVE to be fixed. Credit caches are completely worthless, please just remove them. Nobody wants to waste their time to get an amount of credits so small that you literally can't buy anything with it. Also, is the 'Prime part every 20 minutes' rule true? I'm fairly certain that I got a key at 20 minutes today.

I think the biggest problem is that would remove some of the grind. Why is this a problem?

This game is NOTHING absolutely nothing, not a thing, except grind atm. There is no rest of the game as of yet. It's just grind, all the way through, 

Edited by Yousho
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But the problem persists for months on end.  While we complain about it, DE continues to dilute the loot tables.  Credit caches were added within a week of DE making one of their "We get it.  We're working on it." routine statements.  DE even goes so far as to make basic uncommon mods into rare drops.  And some mods, don't even drop any more.  I haven't seen a shotgun spazz mod in months and it's codex entry shows no drop for it.  The more DE says that they get it and are working on it, the worse the problem gets.



Random idea bulb.  Maybe rare mods or Void mods or stuff like that could be random rewards in Void Defense or Survival missions or stuff, so at least what we get is more useful than a single rare resource or credits or fusion cores?

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Need update for Excalibur prime blueprint or Founders pack for ps4 because anyway you look at it its new to ps4 and only right.

They have already said they arent rereleasing the Founders packs, get over it and move on...in the time youve spent focusing on it you could have formaed Basic Excal out to be even better then Excalibur Prime.

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Please fix the drop tables.


Did up to wave 60 in ODD


12 offers (5/60) resulted in 2 offers of Ember Prime blueprint, one forma blueprint with all the rest being offer for keys.


DE, please do something more than be "aware of it" or be more action orientated than "we are looking into it" and "keeping a close eye on it."

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I think the biggest problem is that would remove some of the grind. Why is this a problem?

This game is NOTHING absolutely nothing, not a thing, except grind atm. There is no rest of the game as of yet. It's just grind, all the way through,

I agree that the grind needs to stay, I actually like it. It gives me a reason to keep playing the game. But the credit caches are stupid. At the very, VERY least, they need to be worth a lot more. 25 minutes in Survival and I get 1500 credits? Are you kidding me?! At 25 minutes I'll have collected more credits from enemies and containers than that. Plus, even if I get a Prime part for a weapon I already have, the part can be sold for more money than most credit caches are worth. If DE plans on keeping caches then they need to be worth at least 10000, and even that is pretty low considering the stuff that I could be getting. Also, the 'Prime part every 20 minutes' is definitely false. I got a key at 20 minutes in 2 different Survival missions today.

EDIT: Thank you I-Faust-I, that explains a lot. Whenever I saw that rule mentioned it was just 'Prime part every 20 minutes', I didn't know that keys and Forma were included in that.

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I got over 500pts on the Tethra hijack mission, but didn't get the Gorgon Wraith. The only thing I can think of is that I started the mission with only a couple minutes left in the event so I probably didn't finish until after time was up. Is that how it works? I thought that as long as I started the mission before time was up that any completion points would be counted.

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The Chat System really needs work! If i may refer to the world or warcraft chat system as a reference .......something like that would be amazing! you can separate chat windows and place them in your screen where ever you want then on top of that you can have it so you get notices in one chat box when you get a message in another but the key is the chat box stays open all the time.

thats my two cents :)

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The plan as it stands is to offer the Roar pack and the Accessories pack so the value holds up to the unavailable Charge/Stomp pack.  

I for one plan to get the Rhino Prime pack, but for the love of god, do not deprive PS4 players of the massive plat that comes with the Stomp pack. Roar plus Accessories cost $10 less than the Stomp pack but includes 1675 more plat. Any way you could charge an additional $5 for Roar and $5 for Accessories and split 1675 between those two. That is the ONLY way the "value holds up". Otherwise we PS4 users get hosed out of a great plat + exclusives package. With the current plan, it would cost a PS4 user $89 for Roar, $55 for Accessories, $50 (1000 plat), $40(370x2 plat) in order to get close to the same great package PC users get for $80 less. Call me crazy and hate me for rocking the boat, but I just hope you guys have something else planned other than telling PS4 users to go pound sand. I understand the need for more variety...why not put all packs in the store? If guitar hero can have a million and one songs individually listed in the store, I doubt there is much trouble getting your 4 Prime Access parts on there. Just my two cents. 

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One thing that comes to mind with this new melee system is actually staying on target long enough to complete a combo. Right now, if I'm standing right in front of an enemy and attack with my melee weap I might get 2, 3, possibly 4 strikes in before I have stepped too far past the foe and have to turn around to engage them again. While it's not a huge inconvenience, it currently makes it so that melee is only good for a few strikes before getting out of reach, because they will typically hit a lot harder than you do.


How does DE plan to account for this issue? Is there going to be some kind of target lock feature that would allow for the player to remain engaged in close quarters with the enemy while their melee attacks go off, or some other system to prevent sliding around and missing?


If you look at the new animations you'll see that they are adding a stagger element to Melee strikes. If it works how it did in the animations the enemies are forced back keeping them the same distance from the player. There is already a sort of lock on in the game so with the two combined it should work out quite well. They even said that things like this are essential to making Melee work. It seems to me that they have their heads on very straight in regards to this so I wouldn't worry too much.


Give the console peas- I mean, players - access to buy a founder pack for a limited time.

Reasonably speaking, if I were a strictly PS4 gamer I wouldn't dump money on microtransactions in a PC game in hopes it will eventually find it's way into my PS4.


DE gets money, PS4 users get Excal, PC users have no reason to whine. Everyone wins.


The problem here is that a considerable amount of the whining comes from the pc community who are in the same boat. Your solution would fix nothing on top of creating a subset who can then say "see you re-released it for them that's not fair" and they would actually have more of a leg to stand on than either group currently does. Plus it still breaks a promise DE made to the founders.


Which begs the question of why its acceptable to sell on the PS4, but thats a topic for another day.

It's a completely free download for anyone who wants it, all money spent is completely optional. Which begs the question why is it ok to use misinformation to construct an arguement?


Excalibur prime needs to join the ranks with the other primes on ps4.


No there is no NEED for this.

I am very excited about Rhino Prime. Great job DE listening to the players. Also I hope the Migration from PC never happens. PS4 servers already have seen many connection issues. Introducing a bunch of players, before upgrading the servers would be detrimental to the game and will cause more problems than it is worth.


If you add Migration from PC to PS4, then add an option to migrate back to PC. It is only fair.

Other than that I am very happy with update 12 and I have noticed a big improvement in server stability since last week.

There are no servers it's peer to peer. Does the ps4 version work differently?

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The problem here is that a considerable amount of the whining comes from the pc community who are in the same boat. Your solution would fix nothing on top of creating a subset who can then say "see you re-released it for them that's not fair" and they would actually have more of a leg to stand on than either group currently does. Plus it still breaks a promise DE made to the founders.

I could argue about this but my points were made in my first post. If you can't see them, too bad.

Either way I don't even care. I don't have a PS4 anyway. And founders shouldn't get butthurt over this, It's a different platform.

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