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March 7Th: Community Hot Topics!


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That question isn't as tricky as it might seem. They play the role you've just described, and they do so because you ascribe that role to them. (No snark intended.)


The thing about the Founder's loot is that they're part of a set which was eventually made available to everyone pretty much unconditionally. (Primes) It's worth noting that since Wraiths and Vandals have been relegated to event trophies (and their exclusivity in that sense has become more obvious), they don't seem to be discussed as much as they once were. (I seem to remember a time when you couldn't go a day without people asking about the Braton Vandal's exclusivity.)


I've noticed that other Founders are a little less inclined to share their trophies for various (valid) reasons. In light of those guys, I think a positive change would be to rename the Founders junk into something more exclusive sounding, and to poll the Founders as to whether or not they'd be okay with redesigns of their junk so that the old stuff could be made widely available, or, alternatively, so that new Primes can be designed while the old ones remain Founders Exclusive under a new name/suffix.

I completely agree with you lol.


On another note, I think its unfair to Excalibur(myself included) lovers that they cant even be able to play as the prime version of their frame. I believe DE will be making prime versions of all the frames. Mag Lovers have Mag prime, Frost and Ember Lovers have Frost and Ember Prime, Now Rhino lovers(and alot at that) have Rhino prime and Loki will probably follow soon after that. All players will be getting prime versions of their favorite frame. But all the Excalibur lovers out there will be the only ones left out because Excalibur prime is founder exclusive. 

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Void Rewards


The rewards also need balancing based on the mission type.


Defense and Survival show the reward before completion thus giving players a chance to abort and save their keys.


Mobile Defense, Capture and Exterminate grant your reward upon mission completion and thus players do NOT have the opportunity to "save" their key.


As a result the reward pools need to reflect this by having more rewards on Defense and Survival than the other mission types.


Ideally Mobile Defense, Capture and Exterminate should have three possible prime rewards since keys cannot be saved.


Defense and Survival missions should have six or seven prime rewards as players have the option to retry as many times as needed for the reward they are after.

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Void Rewards

With more Prime Gear being added into the Void the concern of drop balance is high.  Without new Void game modes to put new gear in, the drops need to be redistributed without feeling cluttered.


Void Rewards have received continuous tweaks from player feedback. Rewards such as Credits and (1)Control Module are at the top of the ‘Why Are These In the Void DE??” list. Sheldon was questioned on Devstream #24 about the future of Void rewards:


Sheldon: We're looking for ways to still get that good shot at getting the prime parts you want. The timing rewards in Defense and Survival could use some work. Absolutely I see it and read it.

And yet, we see the same mistakes repeated time and again and no answers, not even suggestions. Share your thoughts with us if finding a solution is hard. Let us help you to help us on this matter. We are the community, we are the beta testers, use us as a valuable tool for information, opinion and solution. We are willing to help at every step we can. It's okay to ask help from others and accept it from time to times if you don't know what to do or you have too little time in your hands.

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Melee 2.0

Wherefore art thou Melee 2.0?? We’ve been keeping you updated as the weeks go by as to where our team is at. Geoff and Steve talked about Melee 2.0 with great anticipation in Devstream #24:


Geoff: We realized it wasn't going to be good enough for what people wanted. We're offering choice with the kind of attacks. As a base, you'll have the standard attack (mashing E) you'll play the same combo. But each weapon grip will have a moment where you pause; you'll play a new combo. If you don't execute those properly it will just stop and you'll keep going normally.


Steve: It starts with equipping melee weapon (hold vs tap). Prior melee button will still do the quick attack. We also have a hit-counter going in that will address the DPS gap. It's traditional but it brings a skill based side challenge that you’ll have to keep it going cause it will reset.


Geoff: I feel bad already that people are waiting; I'm not going to say the 'S' word.

Steve: It's not this week. We talked about releasing bits and pieces of it, but we want to bundle it up and make it a big deal.



One thing that comes to mind with this new melee system is actually staying on target long enough to complete a combo. Right now, if I'm standing right in front of an enemy and attack with my melee weap I might get 2, 3, possibly 4 strikes in before I have stepped too far past the foe and have to turn around to engage them again. While it's not a huge inconvenience, it currently makes it so that melee is only good for a few strikes before getting out of reach, because they will typically hit a lot harder than you do.


How does DE plan to account for this issue? Is there going to be some kind of target lock feature that would allow for the player to remain engaged in close quarters with the enemy while their melee attacks go off, or some other system to prevent sliding around and missing?

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The best solution to the Void drops problem is to just make more Prime gear. It's not the fastest or easiest solution, but if you make a handful of new Prime weapons then you can replace the credits and resources with the new gear. Plus you know you're going to make more Prime stuff eventually, you might as well just crank a few out now to replace the bad rewards.

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Void Rewards

With more Prime Gear being added into the Void the concern of drop balance is high.  Without new Void game modes to put new gear in, the drops need to be redistributed without feeling cluttered.


Void Rewards have received continuous tweaks from player feedback. Rewards such as Credits and (1)Control Module are at the top of the ‘Why Are These In the Void DE??” list. Sheldon was questioned on Devstream #24 about the future of Void rewards:


Sheldon: We're looking for ways to still get that good shot at getting the prime parts you want. The timing rewards in Defense and Survival could use some work. Absolutely I see it and read it.


Ok. Have some threads, then:








Those should keep you (Sheldon) busy for a while. I hope you understand that despite the (many) mistakes made after (every) void update, that the new content is still appreciated and liked; the community would just like to have a way of actually gaining access to any of it without grinding for 500 hours like some of us (me) have.

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"The plan as it stands is to offer the Roar pack and the Accessories pack so the value holds up to the unavailable Charge/Stomp pack."

So if we buy both packs we'll get a total of 4300 platinum along with all the prime and exclusive stuff and the boosters?

Edited by (PS4)DA_HEFF_
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Since holding the melee button is gonna be used to switch to melee mode, does this means that either charge attack will be removed from the game or will it be only accessible from melee mode?


I beleve they said holding the weapon switch button would change it not the melee.

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One thing that comes to mind with this new melee system is actually staying on target long enough to complete a combo. Right now, if I'm standing right in front of an enemy and attack with my melee weap I might get 2, 3, possibly 4 strikes in before I have stepped too far past the foe and have to turn around to engage them again. While it's not a huge inconvenience, it currently makes it so that melee is only good for a few strikes before getting out of reach, because they will typically hit a lot harder than you do.


How does DE plan to account for this issue? Is there going to be some kind of target lock feature that would allow for the player to remain engaged in close quarters with the enemy while their melee attacks go off, or some other system to prevent sliding around and missing?

I hadn't thought of that. You have a good point, keeping on target can be difficult when you are constantly stepping forward. Hopefully there will be slight pushbacks on the staggers to keep enemies just in range.

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Founders Prime Exclusives

The Founders Program that ran last year has no active plans of being returned to the game. There is continued talk from players about bringing it back, or some aspect of rerelease, but it’s very unlikely to occur. But this always raises the question of what role do exclusive gear, particularly exclusive gear that signifies a moment or milestone in the game’s development play?


Token items for PS4 to signify the players who have stuck with us since the beginning is an ongoing conversation, and while we don’t have any results to report at this time, we believe it is an important topic to continue bringing up with the team, and are doing just that!

Give the console peas- I mean, players - access to buy a founder pack for a limited time.

Reasonably speaking, if I were a strictly PS4 gamer I wouldn't dump money on microtransactions in a PC game in hopes it will eventually find it's way into my PS4.


DE gets money, PS4 users get Excal, PC users have no reason to whine. Everyone wins.

Edited by Shifted
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when are defense wave rewards going to stack like what was mentioned several months ago?

the longer you stay in survival, the harder it gets and every 5 mins u get a new reward that stacks up

the longer you stay in endless wave defense maps the harder it gets but your 5th wave rewards DO NOT stack... WHY?!?!?!?!

also, LUV the new grineer shipyard tileset, beautiful looking and luvn the rain and thunder/lightningflashes



This. If you can't use logic and allow us to get better rewards as the difficulty increases, at least let us keep the initial rewards. The way it is now makes it a much worse version of Survival.


So much words... So little content. 

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It's interesting how DE went from "Founders stuff staying exclusive, never coming back" into "Very unlikely"


Now, it's not that I'd care overly if non-founders got the exclusives, (Design council may also eventually need filling up again, people inevitably leave, but obviously no new members can join...but that's not an issue, yet)


It's just a shame to see them caving under pressure. It was worded pretty strongly they'd be exclusive.

better give us GM reusable forma, cata, reactor, and perma all booster (if not then xp and cred)

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Kinda relevant, especially if we want to talk about balance:


I can guess it is hard work to come up with creative solutions and proper balance for everything but I still need to dish out a bit of my usual whiny little comments.


Frost. As usual.

Frost was a "globe-only" frame before. That was nerfed, clearly, the spell got weak, without any balance. We can talk about armor being applied to it but the main thing is that such a huge-a*s globe will die fast either way if it has health. Yes, it was too strong before but plain "killing" it shouldn't be the answer. Not without some form of compensation.

Avalanche was that compensation to a certain extent. No it wasn't that much of a creative skill, essentially the same as Rhino's stomp with the long freezing effect. But even that was taken away in one of these patches - well it was "fixed".


From the very beginning I was crying like a little brat because too many frames were only about damage. Frost is now completely out of place. Lost all Defensive powers, all CC and his damage is weak as ever.


No, we don't need more damage skills. Actually we have too many of those already. So a very short (for me at least) sum of how I see, what you should do:


1, Give Frost proper skill-set first. (And revisit Nekros and some other frames too of course).

This means things like the frozen solid effect behaving like a stun (like now) and an incoming damage debuff (like 20% extra incoming physical damage while frozen).

- Turn Freeze into aoe. Again, that means extra incoming damage to those frozen.

- Wave of Ice into a long duration field of damaging, cold status effect applying spikes.

- Globe into something else. The original was too strong but if you only give it "health" you will never make it balanced enough. A 30s snowstorm with % chance to stop an incoming projectile and slow enemies within is enough. You can apply damage to those within if you want but I doubt it's necessary, the Wave of Ice should be there to fulfill that role if needed.

- Avalanche should be a big-a*s aoe longterm freeze.

There, you have Frost, a strong frame with much more creative skills than the over-and-over seen damage nukes.


2. Make weapons worthy of their role. Currently most weapons are weak. Actually I see a disturbing tendency (and hear about it all the time too) of new weapons being very powerful at first, then getting nerfed later. You can calculate dps rather easily so I doubt you cannot introduce the weapons with proper stats from the get-go. Yes, I know you want players to buy/fight for the new stuff but me and most people I have talked to about this agree on getting bored of this. It just feels unnecessary to get a new weapon when you know that it will be nerfed to the ground in 2 weeks.


3. Give every skill a global cooldown depending on their slot/energy cost. Many might hate me for saying this but actually I find the game boring because the only way it's worth fighting is choosing a frame with a good nuke and spamming it. That's simply way more effective than using any of the weapons. If you use energy and you are unable to use any skills for seconds equal to the cost would make you think twice what you want to use. Yes, many scenarios we face normally can only be overcome because we can spam some of our skills (like Trinity's full-party invulnerabilty). That alone makes maps hard. Why? Simple. Because DE has to make the missions hard in order to give you a challenge. This was the same reason why Frost was the ultimate defensive frame against ranged enemies. If his existence wasn't calculated into the game, the defensive missions would have been different so you can do it without him. But with him around it was like "if you want to do a long one, either bring Frost or something that can kill everything in one shot".

Anyways, such a cooldown could tip the balance towards a more tactical gameplay (we are not walking nukes, we are ninjas) - but only if the enemies and weapons are set up accordingly. If it was simply introduced, it would break the game because we would die on higher level defenses like children in an oven. Also this mechanic would create role for a new mod that affects cooldowns too.



- q86d.png -




Energy is the resource from which you build the effects. Channeling/concentrating/guiding that energy causes exhaustion. Somewhat like the stamina we already have in-game but since that is clearly physical (running, jumping), these cooldowns could symbolize a mental exhaustion instead.

Eg. a mage having enough mana stored but had channeled so much magical energy that his body/brain needs some time to "cool off"... or with another example it's like having the ammo but not being able to raise your gun, because your arm is too tired or the gun is overheated. In our case it's like you are shooting 4 different ammo from the same gun, each heating it up in a different way. Ultimates are the biggest offenders of course - like using oversized ammo (or too much gunpowder) for a gun - (maybe) works in moderation but dangerous to do it constantly.


For an explanation I think that suffices but the main point is not that but that it would make the spells/skills/abilities harder to cast. This way you would have to think ahead and decide what to use - because if you use the ultimate and then get into a sticky situation you might die because you carelessly exhausted yourself and cannot use anything. Or you can play it safe and use the small one which might not be enough but you can trigger it again soon - or even use the ultimate when the global CD is off but this way it might take longer etc.


A much deeper and challenging gameplay - where it would be much rarer to see someone simply spamming 4... only if we could get rid of the mania to simply stand in the middle of the corridor and shoot like one with a deathwish... well, strong enemies, properly strengthened weapons and a proper AI accuracy system could solve this actually.


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