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Excalibur Is Awesome And I Just Realise That.


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If they:

- Buffed Slash Dash damage a little bit, raise it to 600 instead of 500 at max level to bring it on par with other 1st skills.

- Add 1.2m Punch through to Radial Skanas (Same as a max level Shred) + Ragdoll effect to it in case the target don't die.

- Buff Excal Armor a little bit, raise it to 100 instead of 65.

- Radial Blind does not need any buffing.


Then Excalibur would be one of the best warframes there is.

Edited by RexSol
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It should be noted that Radial Javelin increases in the amount of javelins thrown as well as damage per javelin when you add power strength. This gives it the potential to scale well into the later game.  I agree, though, that the skill could use some subtle polish to make it great. Adding a little punch-through and a damaging ragdoll would accomplish this handily.


Ah yes, I totally forgot to mention that, but to spec out for a Radial Javelin build just isn't as conventional as keeping him a mobile crowd disabling slash-noping gun-blazer.


If they:

- Buffed Slash Dash damage a little bit, raise it to 600 instead of 500 at max level to bring it on par with other 1st skills.

- Add 1.2m Punch through to Radial Skanas (Same as a max level Shred) + Ragdoll effect to it in case the target don't die.

- Buff Excal Armor a little bit, raise it to 100 instead of 65.

- Radial Blind does not need any buffing.


Then Excalibur would be one of the best warframes there is.


I really liked Blatantfools idea for Slash Dash, making it a free-aim ability that let Excal teleport through terrain and enemies, giving him vastly more mobility. A buff in more balanced damage would be handy, and a stagger effect to chain stagger crowds with the teleporting would be amazing. 


As you and my quoted friend above both mentioned and I totally agree on, Radial Javelin would !@#$ rock if it had a ragdoll + punch-through effect. 


What I'd like even more is if it ignored armor entirely for a flat, very punish damage value so the damage values could keep up with at least the level 80 enemies. 


Do I want Excalibur to be a God Tier frame?


Guilty as charged.


However I feel every frame should be incredibly potent end-game, leaving it more a matter of playstyle, not who has better utility as it is now. 

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Ah yes, I totally forgot to mention that, but to spec out for a Radial Javelin build just isn't as conventional as keeping him a mobile crowd disabling slash-noping gun-blazer.



I really liked Blatantfools idea for Slash Dash, making it a free-aim ability that let Excal teleport through terrain and enemies, giving him vastly more mobility. A buff in more balanced damage would be handy, and a stagger effect to chain stagger crowds with the teleporting would be amazing. 


As you and my quoted friend above both mentioned and I totally agree on, Radial Javelin would !@#$ rock if it had a ragdoll + punch-through effect. 


What I'd like even more is if it ignored armor entirely for a flat, very punish damage value so the damage values could keep up with at least the level 80 enemies. 


Do I want Excalibur to be a God Tier frame?


Guilty as charged.


However I feel every frame should be incredibly potent end-game, leaving it more a matter of playstyle, not who has better utility as it is now. 


Wow that mix would be incredibly overpowered. Teleporting+crowd stun+punch through+ragdoll+armor ignore? Are you crazy?


How about we focus on bringing him up to everyone else's level first (going by overall ability usability) before we go and start talking about making him OP.

Edited by SquirmyBurrito
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Wow that mix would be incredibly overpowered. Teleporting+crowd stun+punch through+ragdoll+armor ignore? Are you crazy?


How about we focus on bringing him up to everyone else's level first (going by overall ability usability) before we go and start talking about making him OP.


I'd argue Nova used to have that same level of utility, only greater, only they broke her 1, her 2 no longer slows down, and her 3 is moodier than someone with a severe bipolar disorder. 


Rhino has virtually no downsides when you add the Vanguard Helmet, it removes his one con, his slowness. Rhino Prime is apparently faster than vanilla Rhino, to further the point that Rhino is the Jack of All Trades frame Excalibur should be. 


I never said Excalibur should have all of that in one mix, but it'd be amazing. 


He was the first Warframe, I feel he should be given the more dramatic overhaul first so DE has a baseline to revamp everyone else up from again.


But that's me dreaming.


Me being realistic is to give him as much utility as Rhino where every skill on him is useful at virtually every level until it's futile trying to damage anything. 


I want him to be competitive with Rhino where neither will truly surpass the other but come out on top in certain areas while remaining just as viable as the others. 

Edited by Hastur609
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I'm running an Excalibur with an Overextended / Fleeting Expertise / Radial Blind build, and honestly, my Pluto runs to get his parts never felt that justified.


This guy is a monster of defense and CC and can carry any PUG indefinitely. He is not even formaed. Only downside is that I don't think Radial Blind stuns bosses like Hyenas, Grustrag three, as it doesnt even stun a Capture target. I could be wrong, so if someone can confirm it, that would be appreciated.

yes cap targets are not stunned at all, hyenas are stunned for initial 5 seconds, then they go on prancing around

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What would they buff?  Maybe widen slashdash and increase his armor?

Personally, I think a speed increase

    -He is listed as being mobile, so he should be around Ash's base speed


Radial Javelin -> New power

    -Radial Javelin sucks, despite what you might hear. It can miss, does sub par damage and has a target limiter cap. I personally think it could do with a rework with the advent of melee 2.0, that acts as a huge buff to the melee stance increasing the damage of slash dash, his mobility, and his strikes with his melee weapon.


Slash Dash

    -Seamless integration into the majority of animations, and varying effects based on melee weapon equipped and increased damage (800 force-field [rag doll] damage)


Radial Blind

    -Seamless integration into the majority of animations, with a reduced cast time


Super Jump

    -Seamless integration into the majority of animations, with the ability to be directed and chained with parkour

Edited by Cwierz
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If they:

- Buffed Slash Dash damage a little bit, raise it to 600 instead of 500 at max level to bring it on par with other 1st skills.

- Add 1.2m Punch through to Radial Skanas (Same as a max level Shred) + Ragdoll effect to it in case the target don't die.

- Buff Excal Armor a little bit, raise it to 100 instead of 65.

- Radial Blind does not need any buffing.


Then Excalibur would be one of the best warframes there is.

Does Excalibur's slash dash of guaranteed bleed proc? Because I don't know if adding that would be too op.

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I'd argue Nova used to have that same level of utility, only greater, only they broke her 1, her 2 no longer slows down, and her 3 is moodier than someone with a severe bipolar disorder. 


Rhino has virtually no downsides when you add the Vanguard Helmet, it removes his one con, his slowness. Rhino Prime is apparently faster than vanilla Rhino, to further the point that Rhino is the Jack of All Trades frame Excalibur should be. 


I never said Excalibur should have all of that in one mix, but it'd be amazing. 


He was the first Warframe, I feel he should be given the more dramatic overhaul first so DE has a baseline to revamp everyone else up from again.


But that's me dreaming.


Me being realistic is to give him as much utility as Rhino where every skill on him is useful at virtually every level until it's futile trying to damage anything. 


I want him to be competitive with Rhino where neither will truly surpass the other but come out on top in certain areas while remaining just as viable as the others. 


*Sigh* Why can't anyone ever stay focused? Every time I say something seems overpowered someone always has to retort with "____ is OP". That doesn't change what I said. I didn't enter this thread to debate over whether or not something else is OP. Hell, I hadn't even planned on saying Excal was OP (because he isn't). I hadn't expected people to go this far with their proposed 'fixes'. There are several differences between MP's utility and RB's utility.

MP- Offensive

Slows enemies

Doubles damage against them

RB- Defensive

Disables all primary and secondary weapons

Increases melee damage against those enemies


That's how I look at them. I am not excusing anything else about them so keep your 'Nova apologist' claims to yourself.


Why are you comparing him to Rhino? Whatever, I'll go with it. Everything from here until I say so is strictly my opinion- I think DE should remove Vanguard's speed increase and (if the wiki is to be believed) they should kick Rhino Prime's sprint speed back down to .9 like it used to be. Or at the very least, prevent Rhino Primes from equipping the Vanguard helm. A 1.0 sprint speed +25% sprint speed (assuming I didn't mess up what should be simple math) sticks him at 1.25, THAT'S THE SAME AS LOKI'S SPRINT SPEED! That's insane for a frame that has higher health and shield values, direct damage, good CC, good mobility, and good utility. Rhino Prime/Vanguard Helmet/both needs a nerf ASAP.

What Rhino should be. What he practically is now.



Back on track: Yeah, I agree that the Rhino v. Excal comparison has gone down the drain. I would not (however) pick buffing Excal into god tier as the next logical step. Rhino Prime encroaches on the territory of way too many frames (fragile speedster, tank, CC, Utility/Buff). Excal could use a utility sweep and his Slash Dash could use some tweaking (Rhino Charge goes MUCH further than Slash Dash does).

I remember seeing someone's suggested change for Radial Javelin a while back, I liked it. It was to give it two options tap and release would preform as it does now. Press and hold would focus it into a single focal point. If it worked like the Drakgoon that would be even better (longer you hold, the narrower the focus).

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All I would like are small buffs towards the damage he does with(More extreme changes in the parenthesis):


Slash Dash(Would be cool if the melee weapon Excal had added onto the damage Slash dash did.)




Radial Javelin(Though I'm not a big fan of this ability how it currently is. Having it like DMC 3/DmC Vergils Spiral Swords, I would like to press 4 to summon a spiral of Skanas that would spin around and having the option to press 4 again to throw a skana into a enemy for the same amount of damage.) .


Nothing major, but I just want to see where Excal would be after a tweak to see if he needs anything major. Take one step at a time and evaluate to see how much he needs to be changed.

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Well, shame on you for realising just now then! He's one of the most fun warframes to play with, in the entire game and he's a starting warframe, more than that, he's the poster boy! He's also very useful. Shame on people that laugh at you when you show up with an Excalibur between their oh so special warframes!

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*Sigh* Why can't anyone ever stay focused? Every time I say something seems overpowered someone always has to retort with "____ is OP". That doesn't change what I said. I didn't enter this thread to debate over whether or not something else is OP. Hell, I hadn't even planned on saying Excal was OP (because he isn't). I hadn't expected people to go this far with their proposed 'fixes'. There are several differences between MP's utility and RB's utility.

MP- Offensive

Slows enemies

Doubles damage against them

RB- Defensive

Disables all primary and secondary weapons

Increases melee damage against those enemies


That's how I look at them. I am not excusing anything else about them so keep your 'Nova apologist' claims to yourself.


Why are you comparing him to Rhino? Whatever, I'll go with it. Everything from here until I say so is strictly my opinion- I think DE should remove Vanguard's speed increase and (if the wiki is to be believed) they should kick Rhino Prime's sprint speed back down to .9 like it used to be. Or at the very least, prevent Rhino Primes from equipping the Vanguard helm. A 1.0 sprint speed +25% sprint speed (assuming I didn't mess up what should be simple math) sticks him at 1.25, THAT'S THE SAME AS LOKI'S SPRINT SPEED! That's insane for a frame that has higher health and shield values, direct damage, good CC, good mobility, and good utility. Rhino Prime/Vanguard Helmet/both needs a nerf ASAP.

What Rhino should be. What he practically is now.



Back on track: Yeah, I agree that the Rhino v. Excal comparison has gone down the drain. I would not (however) pick buffing Excal into god tier as the next logical step. Rhino Prime encroaches on the territory of way too many frames (fragile speedster, tank, CC, Utility/Buff). Excal could use a utility sweep and his Slash Dash could use some tweaking (Rhino Charge goes MUCH further than Slash Dash does).

I remember seeing someone's suggested change for Radial Javelin a while back, I liked it. It was to give it two options tap and release would preform as it does now. Press and hold would focus it into a single focal point. If it worked like the Drakgoon that would be even better (longer you hold, the narrower the focus).


Okay I'll admit that was wrong of me and cheap for using her as the easy scapegoat. I only complain Excalibur to Rhino because most people I play with keep dubbing him as a lesser Rhino, which I agree isn't really true, since their only thing they have in common is maximum health values and a 1 power that functions somewhat similarly. 


Making Excalibur the next OP frame certainly isn't the way to go but the way DE is with their buffs and frames I feel that either they'll do something radical or just some number tweaks. 


That'd certainly make Radial Javelin more usable. Someone above your reply (Cwierz) mentioned integrating all his powers seamlessly into his animations to give his normal attacks or movements buffs. 


If Melee 2.0 turns out to be a solid and fully viable method of playing the game all the way into high level content, this guys ideas I feel would be enough if melee were powerful enough. I can already remain mobile enough with Excalibur to pull off some good melee chains in the current system, or rather, he makes it easy for me to get into positions both high and low. (though Zephyr does this better now) 


Assuming DE hasn't glanced at this thread and read that, or any of his other buff threads, what are some of your other ideas for buffing him?


Mine have proven a bit too dramatic but the way DE metes out Warframe changes I don't have faith they'd bother doing anything that good, but they've sort of surprised me before. At the moment the only way I can see them buffing him positively is over-doing it and I'd rather have that as opposed to no buff at all.


This isn't by any means a good solution, but it's the best possible one I think DE would go through with even though I highly doubt they'll do much of anything to him that's good. 


So what would you suggest beyond making Radial Javelin like a harder hitting Drak? I wouldn't mind getting serious and hashing out some solid feasible buffs or new powers that we both could see DE implementing effectively. 

Edited by Hastur609
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Okay I'll admit that was wrong of me and cheap for using her as the easy scapegoat. I only complain Excalibur to Rhino because most people I play with keep dubbing him as a lesser Rhino, which I agree isn't really true, since their only thing they have in common is maximum health values and a 1 power that functions somewhat similarly. 


Making Excalibur the next OP frame certainly isn't the way to go but the way DE is with their buffs and frames I feel that either they'll do something radical or just some number tweaks. 


That'd certainly make Radial Javelin more usable. Someone above your reply (Cwierz) mentioned integrating all his powers seamlessly into his animations to give his normal attacks or movements buffs. 


If Melee 2.0 turns out to be a solid and fully viable method of playing the game all the way into high level content, this guys ideas I feel would be enough if melee were powerful enough. I can already remain mobile enough with Excalibur to pull off some good melee chains in the current system, or rather, he makes it easy for me to get into positions both high and low. (though Zephyr does this better now) 


Assuming DE hasn't glanced at this thread and read that, or any of his other buff threads, what are some of your other ideas for buffing him?


Mine have proven a bit too dramatic but the way DE metes out Warframe changes I don't have faith they'd bother doing anything that good, but they've sort of surprised me before. At the moment the only way I can see them buffing him positively is over-doing it and I'd rather have that as opposed to no buff at all.


This isn't by any means a good solution, but it's the best possible one I think DE would go through with even though I highly doubt they'll do much of anything to him that's good. 


So what would you suggest beyond making Radial Javelin like a harder hitting Drak? I wouldn't mind getting serious and hashing out some solid feasible buffs or new powers that we both could see DE implementing effectively. 


As far as I can tell Excal's stats are fine so I'll leave those alone.

Slash Dash could use a tweak so that mods affect its travel distance the same way mods affect Rhino Charge. Rather than giving it a huge damage buff I think guaranteed procs are the direction to go (I believe someone already suggested this). A guaranteed bleed proc on every enemy he hits would make it insanely useful.


Super Jump is mostly fine as far as I'm concerned. They could (maybe) just change it into a temporary buff instead. That way players could use it with greater versatility. Yeah, it would take some getting used to.


Radial Blind is pretty much golden where it is if not a bit too powerful. It can be left alone, IMO.


Radial Javelin turns into Drak 2.0


Another idea for Super Jump is for it to go the same route that Tailwind did. Meaning, it would have a dual function. While touching the ground it shoots you up into the air. When in the air it does something else (no idea) OR it performs Slash Dash (with better control obviously, something similar to tailwind except less floaty). If they went this route they could scrap Slash Dash and add in something else.

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The only changes I would make to Excalibur are the Proc chances of ability 1 and 4. Slash dash NEEDS to Proc and cause bleeding (which should not be affected by armor) Radial Jav should proc all 3 base stats and have innate puncture/ punch through. That would make keep Excal balanced between damage and utility, while also making him viable for higher levels.   

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Yeah Excalibur is great but Excalibur prime  better just because its prime something that needs to be on ps4  if you love Excalibur upsetting not having him in the game.


Excal Prime isn't better.


The fact he is extra V polarity and Rifle amp pole screws over the ability to make a proper Radial Blind spec design without resorting to at least 2 formas.


If you want to talk about Excal Prime, please go do it else where.

Edited by fatpig84
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Yeah Excalibur is great but Excalibur prime  better just because its prime something that needs to be on ps4  if you love Excalibur upsetting not having him in the game.


Nope. If you weren't there to get the founders package that's your fault. PS4 already has their own exclusive PS4 braton skin, be happy you guys got that.

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I think a large part of Excalibur's bad rap comes from his description when selecting a starting frame:  Excalibur is a well-rounded offensive Warframe.


Excalibur is a mobility and control frame, but the description leads new players to believe otherwise.

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I think a large part of Excalibur's bad rap comes from his description when selecting a starting frame:  Excalibur is a well-rounded offensive Warframe.


Excalibur is a mobility and control frame, but the description leads new players to believe otherwise.

yes i agree the description can be wrongly interpreted as "this is an average frame, nothing special"

Edited by Orbister
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