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Now Its Too Hard .. Tethras Doom



thank you to all the players that gripped it was too easy

Now Its Too Hard atleast for 2 players to do it and i dont really have a crew of 4 that i run with


these 6 day alerts need to scalable for the number of players or able to open up to pub players

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if its too easy you can always use a unranked warframe and run through it

im not saying anyone IS a cheater im just saying that im sure IT goes on


we just ran through it with a trinity, a nova and a volt ... nova and volt was both polorized a good bit

we didnt even get close ... too much to kill not enough dps (even with a good nova " the core got hit too hard by too much


so may hat is off to you warframe tough guys

maybe ill be this cool one day  .. (when i download some skill)

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thank you to all the players that gripped it was too easy

Now Its Too Hard atleast for 2 players to do it and i dont really have a crew of 4 that i run with


these 6 day alerts need to scalable for the number of players or able to open up to pub players

Can't help but look at you and think: little kid had some money from daddy, bought Prime Access, thought he can now own the game cause Pay2Win, now he hit a brickwall and got challenged subsequently rolled hard first time in his game life. Enter forum QQ time.

I know this is not necessarily true, but only 3 posts, join date of only few months ago and ember prime avatar? That's the impression I'm getting here.

Too hard for 2 players? I took Mag, Trvldl took Frost. I spammed Polarize Shield & Pull, he spammed Snow Globe, was dropping team energy restore pods along the way and hacking the terminals. We shot a few mines along the way. Ended in couple minutes time with a 2k+ score.

You have much to learn, young Padawan.

Best Regards,

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we just ran through it with a trinity, a nova and a volt ... nova and volt was both polorized a good bit

we didnt even get close ... too much to kill not enough dps (even with a good nova " the core got hit too hard by too much

How in the world did you fail with a Trinity and Nova in the party?


Just... how?

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Too Hard? No...it is still too EASY.


DE! Did you hear me? STILL TOO EASY!


Please BUFF every enemy + throw in bosses and spam the whole map with leaders

Please change into nightmare mode

Please add more obstalces

Please revise the game rules under 24 hours


PLEASE! else this is just way tooo EASY.

what the hell do you want, Tenno Must Die mode?!



Well... I'd take that kind of difficulty if there's Melee 2.0 now.

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if its too easy you can always use a unranked warframe and run through it

im not saying anyone IS a cheater im just saying that im sure IT goes on


we just ran through it with a trinity, a nova and a volt ... nova and volt was both polorized a good bit

we didnt even get close ... too much to kill not enough dps (even with a good nova " the core got hit too hard by too much


so may hat is off to you warframe tough guys

maybe ill be this cool one day  .. (when i download some skill)

Here's everything you did wrong that I can see: 

You brought Volt to a Grineer mission. 

Everyone except the Volt had a low shield stat. 

You weren't modding your gear for sheild recharge speed.

You didn't bring a Mag(Shield polarize, duh).

You didn't bring a Zephyr to reach the hacking consoles quickly without expending a lot of energy. 

You must have had some pretty low-teir weapons if you couldnt deal enough DPS.

Your Nova is bad at being a Nova. 

And that should be about everything. 


I took it on with some randoms I picked up from recruiting chat and it was the easiest event I've seen, even after Vay Hek ramped it up. It was even easier that reaching 20 minutes in the old survival event. 


I swear, whenever DE adds something thats even remotely challenging people start crying. You failed becuase your strategy was severly flawed, so you blame it on the game for being too hard. 

Edited by Plasmaface
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if its too easy you can always use a unranked warframe and run through it

im not saying anyone IS a cheater im just saying that im sure IT goes on


we just ran through it with a trinity, a nova and a volt ... nova and volt was both polorized a good bit

we didnt even get close ... too much to kill not enough dps (even with a good nova " the core got hit too hard by too much


so may hat is off to you warframe tough guys

maybe ill be this cool one day  .. (when i download some skill)

lol cheating


I ran it 5 times with random pubbers before we got it down. Some tips:


- be ready at the terminals and have them open and waiting for the core

- stick together under the core (obvious)

- try a Frost for snowglobe spam, it'll tremendously help in protecting the core

- try a Mag for shield regen

- you'll want high DPS weapons like the Soma to take down the heavies quickly; they are the biggest threat to the core

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 Seriously though, it is entitled kids like these that kill the fun in warframe. Their is an easymode just for you! do that one, and dont complain about not being able to complete the hardmode one. The hard mode one is relatively easy as well, It's not up to DE to find you a good group to complete the mission with, do it yourself. 

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