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Founders Pack End-All According To De


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I feel all this could be solved rather simply.


D.E. could make a buffed excal/lato/skana re-model/re-skin it the way they want to and call it "Founder's Excalibur" etc. or "Founding Excalibur" etc. or maybe even make it along the lines of the thing is called what the rank to get it was, for example hunters got excal so call it "Hunter's Excalibur" then "Master's Skana" and then "Grandmaster's Lato" something like that and then make the Prime ones avaliable to the public.


Bam Bam. The founders keep a type of exclusive and the public get's their primes, because this is all it boils down to the public is just mad that D.E. had made a couple primes weapons and a prime frame exclusive.

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As to the program coming back, an end date is an end date, but Im really against weapons and frames being exclusive.


While not a Founder (I didn't expect the game to be in beta so long... I didn't even really look into the game figuring it would be out in a short period of time...), I think the Founder packs were a bad idea. Exclusive gameplay items are almost always bad idea.


If the exclusives are good, then you've got a situation where part of the player base is locked out of something good, and can never get it. If you don't re-release them, you've created a permanent divide in your player base. If you do re-release them, those who sacrificed to get the exclusive are going to be mad (for a variety of reasons, including but not limted to loss of elite status, loss of faith in the companies word, etc.).


If the exclusives are bad, then you've got people who worked for them wondering why they bothered - and *still* have collectors upset they can't have them...


While I'd love to get the Primes from the Founder's packs, I don't think DE has a good option. Event rewards are kinda in the same place, though they can at least re-release events...

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Founders were about supporting an amazing game. However I do like the e peen of the grandmaster emblem and my name on Sorath but I think they could rerelease stuff by giving it a different skin or something and still recognize their founders uniquely.

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What are you talking about? Regular Excalibur is still obtainable to my understanding. If the weapons mean nothing in their prime form to you, then neither should Excalibur in his prime form.


Weapons are not as important as frames.  They don't carry the same emotional attachment.  I doubt any player has grown attached to a Lato or Skana enough to be craving a Prime version but the number of 'Next Prime Frame?' threads here show that people do get attached to frames and want the shiny version of their favourite (even if the gameplay is identical bar a different polarity that might not even be one that suits your build).  If the frame you get attached to is Excalibur... sucks to be you.  This is not right when Excalibur is the main man, the poster boy of the game and the first Tenno. 


I'm in favour of a publicly released redesign with the current design remaining exclusive to the Founders in the form of an alternative helmet and body skin. i.e. For Excalibur Prime there would be 5 different helmets available (standard Excalibur, Avalon, Pendragon, Founders Prime, Prime 2) and 3 bodies (Immortal, Founders Prime, Prime 2).  Founders would get the new design added to their inventory as they already own the frame and new players would not have Founders Prime options as they would remain exclusive.  This would maintain the idea of Founders having a 'badge' to display in the form of a frame but also allow new Excalibur fans to get a shiny frame.

Edited by Katinka
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Let me walk you through this.


They're saying "no" without saying "no" - they're saying "unlikely" instead of "no" because they don't want to do it, they don't plan to do it, but they aren't going totally commit to even that because maybe years from now they'll find a good reason to offer that material.


But it's really probably a very gentle, loving "no" like when you wanted to stop for ice cream on the way home from practice and your parents said "maybe next time."

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I never threatened to quit. 

And why am I 'taking it so seriously'? Because it's my money, 

And because of the fact that changing your mind after the fact and yanking the rug out from beneath the primary supporters of your game is morally wrong?

So let my try to picture this for you, as many people said, and im sure you will be with me here, when you get to a certain point of the game, you do the silliest stuff to keep youself entertained, as in: saryn with full infested loadout, shadows of the dead build for nekros, radial blind excalibur for the lulz, radial disarm with max range and so on, more than that, i know some people that are rank 10+ and just wont let go of excal, they like it, and he is a huge part of warframe, i think those people should have a shot at it.You can keep lato, skana, design council whatever that means (never understood that), your pretty title, your avatar, even some freebies to compensate.


But making excal itself, being the mascot of this game, plain unobtainable is ridiculous, and see, it is your hard earned money, so i would be full against an in-game release of him, never should he be obtainable without dishing some good cash on it, that i can very much understand, but cmon, keeping people from the mascot of the game with absolutely zero means of getting it, thats just wrong.


Also, i see some people saying it is gonna be a common thing, hell, it should go in a 150$ package, how many people you think have that to spend in a game?


Why not make a celebration package, excal prime and only him, new syandana, boosters and all those things we know that are standard in the prime acesses, 1 month to get it, then bb, everyone is happy and no complaints.

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Why not make a celebration package, excal prime and only him, new syandana, boosters and all those things we know that are standard in the prime acesses, 1 month to get it, then bb, everyone is happy and no complaints.


And then what happens the month after it ends?

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You know, it's this kind of controversy that will change the gaming market in the future. From a sensible POV, I think it's proper to put DE on the spot for this issue. Not many companies pull this kind of stunt on its users (I don't think EA has ever done this either, did they?) Though I could be wrong. Either way, if they do bring it back, there will definitely be an uproar and DE will have to measure the balance between the respect of their player-base and profit.


Wargaming- the guys behind world of tanks did. There's a pair of tanks only available via the box sets, I believe it was. Same kind of deal, exclusive items, never going to be released again in North America, so on and so forth. 


Amazingly enough, those tanks- which, like the founder's gear here, aren't all that great, cause the *same* kind of uproar. Unfair to people who want them and can never have them, so on and so forth. 



And then what happens the month after it ends?


Why, everyone is happy and we never deal with this agai-


You know what, I can't even finish the sentence. Everyone except the founders that put stock in DE being good to their word is happy(or alt least ambivalent) ... for about the time it takes enough new players to join after it's unavailable again to start complaining that they never had a chance at it and it's not fair and the cycle continues. 

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Honestly, I don't even care about the exclusive foudners items, Lato Vandal, etc. The thing that bugs me the most is that they actually show up in my codex, as a player who can never obtain them. It bugs me, knowing there's 3 weapons and a warframe in the game that I cannot obtain. It defeats the purpose of 100% completion, and I'm a bloody completionist.


Keep the stuff if you want, sure. But I shouldn't have to stare at proof that a small portion of the games content is permanently unavailable to me. It, personally, feels grating. At least all the other weapons are in the vault of "for a rainy day". The founder stuff and the Lato Vandal are permanently gone.

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Keep the stuff if you want, sure. But I shouldn't have to stare at proof that a small portion of the games content is permanently unavailable to me. It, personally, feels grating. At least all the other weapons are in the vault of "for a rainy day". The founder stuff and the Lato Vandal are permanently gone.

just have a "hide unobtainable" tickbox


Since currently there are  9 Unobtainable Weapons and Frames:


Founders: Definately not coming back (at least not without DE causing a S#&$storm of negative publicity)

Excal prime

Skana prime

Lato Prime


Beta:  Probably not coming back

Braton Vandal

Lato Vandal


Event:  DE has stated they wanted to rerelease or make event items accessable again.  Not sure about the Wraith Variants though.

Twin Viper Wraith

Machete Wraith

Strun Wraith

Snipetron Vandal


That being said, I think its unreasonable to expect every single event/promotion item to be available in some form once again. It cheapens the entire drive to get them while available. And while it sucks that later adopters may "miss out" on an individual thing, there are more than enough items and weapon flavor in game to compensate for it. 

If anything going far enough with demanding a re-release is just entitlement (not related to quote here, just kinda running with the logic)

Edited by Nariala
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I would adore that option, Nariala.


My understanding, though, is the Lato and Braton Vandal are not coming back at all. I thought I saw a quote for this a while back, but I could be wrong.

It seems likely.


The only middle ground I can see is releasing a variant that shares the stats but not the skin.  That way the only argument against "re-release" is the cosmetic one.

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The only thing that needs to be changed is the mastery gained from those exclusive items. I fully agree founder primes should be changed to some kind of founder version so they can be released to the public, all primes should be able to get in game. vandel and wraith on the other hand should be event exclusive rerelease in events is fine but those who have it should earn a plat reward or some kind of skin reward.

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While the difference is a cosmetic one, I can still see people being against it on a pure 'DE gave their word' front. Personally, I think the problems solved best if its put out of mind and sight. Excalibur could even be used to preview a corrupted Orokin tech version of Warframes later if that's done, since his Prime, for all intents and purposes, doesn't count.


This wouldn't bug me at all if I weren't reminded of it, frankly.I know some people care because its 'Prime gear I can't get', but I don't mind if it is made to not mean anything. I suppose the problem is its current implementation bugs me.

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I personally bought the founderspack because I needed plat and the packs had the best deals. I didn't go for the grand pack because I found it just too much to spend on a f2p game. So I wouldn't mind if the exclusives were to be released for everyone.


But I know that some people did buy the packs for the exclusives so I can understand them being against the exclusives being rereleased. DE did state they would never be rereleased again so they should keep their word.


The actual problem is releasing exclusives to begin with. I know people are suckers for nice shiny exclusives and it brings money in but at the same time its unfair for the people that can't afford them or weren't there at the time of release. In my opinion DE should release items that are available at a limited time. That way items will still remain special and everyone will eventually get a chance to obtain them.

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The actual problem is releasing exclusives to begin with. I know people are suckers for nice shiny exclusives and it brings money in but at the same time its unfair for the people that can't afford them or weren't there at the time of release. In my opinion DE should release items that are available at a limited time. That way items will still remain special and everyone will eventually get a chance to obtain them.

That really comes down to the dilemma of funding.

If offering exclusives means more stability and profits in the long run, vs the Potential negative effect it will have on a minority of users. If one outweighs the other, the answer is clear.

Warframe wasn't always a profitable venture at the start, it was a risky move, so they incentivized early purchase to get a flow of income for the game.


Fairness ( to non founders ) has little to do with any of this. Contractual obligation between the buyers and the company does however. It would be foolish at this point to step on so many toes because a minority really wants to be sparkle shiny too.


Edited to clarify.

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Obviously I'm a founder but I do feel that the Prime's are too central to the game lore to be left as a founders-exclusive. That said I can't speak for every founder and I'd imagine plenty of they would hold DE to their promise. It's a sticky situation.


My only thought would be in the description for Prime it leave a possible "out" in that a Prime item can be _either_ the original Orokin version or one that has been modified to include significant amounts or Orokin Tech. This leaves the option for a "Primed" Excalibur rather that the current "Excalibur Prime"

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That really comes down to the dilemma of funding.

If offering exclusives means more stability and profits in the long run, vs the Potential negative effect it will have on a minority of users. If one outweighs the other, the answer is clear.

Warframe wasn't always a profitable venture at the start, it was a risky move, so they incentivized early purchase to get a flow of income for the game.


Fairness ( to non founders ) has little to do with any of this. Contractual obligation between the buyers and the company does however. It would be foolish at this point to step on so many toes because a minority really wants to be sparkle shiny too.


Edited to clarify.


I think that releasing items for a limited time can be as profitable as exclusives can be, maybe even more. Since people will be buying it more often.


The items that DE promoted as exclusive should remain exclusive. I just think that DE shouldn't keep releasing exclusives because people keep running into the dilemma of obtaining them at some point. Thats why I'm suggesting the limited time items release. That way everyone will eventually have a chance to obtain them and are less likely to feel left out.

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I agree. I feel so scammed if they will release it again. Not that I now would be willing to upgrade to get the Lato Prime but the fact that I might not have gone this route, to upgrade myself to council were it not the deal ending and I still thought I'd like this perk enough so I did upgrade before the deal ended but if that would not have been the case, most likely not.

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A question to Founders. What do you think if DE give us a option to finish our codex and mastery points of Founder primes, without giving us the primes?, DE can release the primes to void, all can craft them,  get the mastery points and codex entry, but stuff will remain locked and non-founders can´t play with it.

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