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Can We Replace Excalibur's Super Jump With This?


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it's not supposed to be "fair". Excal is excal and Zephyr is Zephyr. 

The only thing I want from this video is both sexes for every frame 


But if you want to add that skill it would be the same as divebomb ...Same problem, one would deal more damage than the other 


But having this for excal would be sweet


Edited by Deidaku
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I don't think it's fair that zephyr's tail wind can go up to 14 meters straight up unranked while super jump only can go 7 meters up maxed. Plus it's slower than tail wind.


I do think its fair. Its called variety.

Different frames -> different abilities with different pro and cons.

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I just don't see many good things super jump is good for. I only know 2 and that is for ogris so you don't take damage (i know that's good but c'mon that's only one weapon) and to get to higher grounds.

Edited by ArchTenno
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While super jump does need a rework or just flat out swapping it with something different, the thing I noticed about this clip was that out of the four Excalibur's in the scene
one of them is female.
Although it's likely just a Nyx body with an Excalibur head, it bugs me that DE considered male/female skins of warframes so long ago, and still hasn't done anything about it.

Back on topic, you could easily merge super jump and slash dash together to form a much more damaging tailwind, which would be great for Excalibur mobility. The question is, what would you have INSTEAD of super jump? Excalibur's suggested to be a melee frame, but to me doesn't feel like one. All his abilities are single-button pushes that don't require any additional thinking, like Ash and Valkyr do.
Could increase movement speed and attack rate, but Volt already covers that.
Shielding from enemies? Perhaps, but Rhino already does that, and he's [technically] the second frame you get, and Rhino and Excalibur are already fairly similar.
Maybe they'll incorporate some new melee-esque ability once they've released Melee 2.0, but I don't have much faith in DE does to old content, when they ever do.

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The balance of frames and their abilities should not be related to other frames and/or abilties.


However - I agree there are some abilities that need to be fixed / changed / deleted  (Nyx` Psychic Bolts ftw), but i do not consider Excalibros jump as one of the most broken / useless / buggy ones.


I really like Deidaku`s idea of turning it to a jump-attack. I really think every frame should have their own unique abilities.

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While super jump does need a rework or just flat out swapping it with something different, the thing I noticed about this clip was that out of the four Excalibur's in the scene

one of them is female.

Although it's likely just a Nyx body with an Excalibur head, it bugs me that DE considered male/female skins of warframes so long ago, and still hasn't done anything about it.


Off topic but to quote: They had planned male and female frame skins originally. What we know as Nyx now was supposed to be female Excalibur.


On Topic: Honestly I do think the super jump might need a little something more... maybe a KD AoE on landing or something low on damage but helpful CC wise, or make the jump be a team buff and turn the whole squad into grasshopper Tenno like Volt's speed.

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Excalibur's suggested to be a melee frame, but to me doesn't feel like one. 

Just Radial Blind the mobs and you have 10 seconds to melee whatever you want to, even bosses, plus during 5 seconds they are stunned and will take much more damage.



All his abilities are single-button pushes that don't require any additional thinking like Ash's.

Fixed it!

Edited by xlraistlx
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The problem is that the game dosn't really use or rewards the use of, lets call it, artistic abilities.

I am talking of prince of persia style epsiodes were mobility abilities would be realy a huge benefit for the team.

That Wallrunning is available to everyone at a unlimited rate dosn't help a bit as well.


Creating levels were different abilities are needed for the team to accomplish the over all goal are in genereal sorely missing.

Imagine parts of levels or whole levels were you simply can't take a rhino ( just picking one) because your team has to climb the outside of a fortress.

Were speed and agility are everything, or others were you simply must not be detected.

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super jump should do something more, like cause knock down or some form of CC, so that it can be used as an escape.


someone suggested combo moves in another thread, and I suggested that Super Jump could be used with any of Excaliburs other 3 moves to "alter" their effects.


Like using super jump with radial javelins would allow you to send them in a cone AoE in what ever direction you were looking, using it with Radial Blind would make it lower enemy armor for the duration of the blind (giving him some more support option) and using it with Slash Dash would make it work more like Tail Wind, allow you to aim it vertically etc.


of course, this is just one way they could make Excal be a little bit more versatile. If they were gonna replace the move, Excal could use some sort of party buff, like an armor/defense buff, since none of the frames seem to have one of those, and it would synergize well with him being versatile.


that said, they need to rework a lot of moves in general. Some frames have too many moves that do similar things imo.

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The problem is that the game dosn't really use or rewards the use of, lets call it, artistic abilities.

I am talking of prince of persia style epsiodes were mobility abilities would be realy a huge benefit for the team.

That Wallrunning is available to everyone at a unlimited rate dosn't help a bit as well.


Creating levels were different abilities are needed for the team to accomplish the over all goal are in genereal sorely missing.

Imagine parts of levels or whole levels were you simply can't take a rhino ( just picking one) because your team has to climb the outside of a fortress.

Were speed and agility are everything, or others were you simply must not be detected.

What then would you suggest for people who don't have all the frames? Stay out of said content? I assure you that kind of thing will never work while slots cost money.

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What then would you suggest for people who don't have all the frames? Stay out of said content? I assure you that kind of thing will never work while slots cost money.


Quiet easy:


a: group missions by a theme so people can play consistently in one sector.


b: make it so that few frames are optimal, many are ok, and a few (almost) impossible to do with.


c: sell your warframe.

You don't want to? than wait for a discount get some platinum and buy a few slots.

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