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Why Founders Pack Exclusivity Is Hard To Defend


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Its likely the part that says "never to be released again"


"I would like to see the fine print on that. 

Nowhere does it say that they cant release it on another platform."


A platform, where it never was released? Therefore it would not be re-released, it would be released for the first time. Which makes that statement true.


A platform where.. it shouldnt bother you, but yet it does. I cant really imagine why. The only time it would even possibly affect you is if and when migration happens. But at that point the only thing you are gaining is the ability to show it off to people who never had a cahnce in the first place.

Edited by (PS4)MyTagForHalo
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A platform where.. it shouldnt bother you, but yet it does. I cant really imagine why. The only time it would even possibly affect you is if and when migration happens. But at that point the only thing you are gaining is the ability to show it off to people who never had a cahnce in the first place.


I'd just like to say that while I'm not necessarily disagreeing with you on this, but it's likely that re-releasing Founders on PS4 is one of the reasons why account migration is stuck in limbo. It is highly likely from what DE has said in the past about the 'discussion phase' for account migration, Sony probably wants DE to make the Founders items available to PS4, where DE does not, and for them to have a significant share of the profits made of such. 

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And yet, you post it in what now probably can be considered a mega thread. Your point is justified in every upstarting thread. But complaining about other new threads here really is not helping any.

Dude have fun repeating the same arguments over and over again. All i can say, it wont happen. All you will do is to create bad blood between founders and newer players(mostly ps4 since they keep flooting these kind of threads, this one included, with the same stupid arguments).

DE said it wont come back, what else do you want? Cause such a big drama that they might have to rethink their position? In that case you would hurt the game more than helping it for a "balance". You are fighting for the wrong goal, rethink what you want and what is POSSIBLE. If the developer of the game say nope, no way, its not possible we gave our promise to the founders, why do you want to keep argue with them?

Edit: i would like to get to a point where the community of pc and ps4 looks forward to play together. But if people like you keep this threads open, the only thing we will see pc master race and founders waving with their stuff.

Just stop this discussion and dont make the split bigger than its already is.

Edited by (PS4)fingernageldreck
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They can give you an Excal-Prime-named-something-else with the-pimpest-skin-that-ever-did-pimp and they can let the Founders keep their Excalibur Prime which they paid for. 


Oh for the love of--


Whichever way, then. I said it the way I did in order to counter what I thought were inevitable claims of "Why doesn't the Founder version have the pimptastic skin?!"


And in related news, this forum has hit a new low. I make a topic talking about balancing Mastery by making Primes, etc, the equivalent of alternate helmets for their base weapons--a plan that would require re-adding a grand total of THREE items to the game on account of their alternate versions ALSO being removed (Snipetron, Machete, Ether Daggers)--and I get accused of "wanting exclusives I need to shut up about."

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I'd just like to say that while I'm not necessarily disagreeing with you on this, but it's likely that re-releasing Founders on PS4 is one of the reasons why account migration is stuck in limbo. It is highly likely from what DE has said in the past about the 'discussion phase' for account migration, Sony probably wants DE to make the Founders items available to PS4, where DE does not, and for them to have a significant share of the profits made of such. 

Yeah, Im almost sure the reason for the hangup is due to "exclusives"  Sony probably doesnt want to deal with the heat that it generates.


Im not trying to be a pain in the rear. Im just pointing out obvious things that people seem to be purposely avoiding.. I mean i understand both sides of the conflict, i really do, But many founders (as well as PS4 players and non-founders) are being so uncivil about it. 

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Creating a new non-founder or Excalibur Derelict warframe isn't an answer either. In the former, you split the community wider when Founders are upset they *can't* get something potentially cool and awesome because, well, they paid a whole bunch of money to help fund the game (talk about unfair...). In the later, if its any good looking, people will want an entire set of Derelict warframes...



Actually, the founders would be able to get the derelict versions, the same as everyone else.  Set the founders items to not add mastery.  Run a script so that any founder who's leveled up a prime version gets the derelict equivalent marked as mastered to the same level - as if we had leveled it up and sold it.  Mastery is equalized, the founders keep what they were promised, non-founders have a shot at a special version of the items in question. 


And personally, I really doubt "People will want more of these cause they're cool" qualifies as a negative in any fashion.

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Edit: i would like to get to a point where the community of pc and ps4 looks forward to play together. But if people like you keep this threads open, the only thing we will see pc master race and founders waving with their stuff.

Just stop this discussion and dont make the split bigger than its already is.

I actualyl enjoy this thread. Even though people are being quite rude, i need something to do throughout my workday. This is the only active thread :P


Problems will arise in the future, even if we stop talking about it. The most obvious: What happens when founders transfer to the PS4 with their gear? You know darn well that will cause problems.





And personally, I really doubt "People will want more of these cause they're cool" qualifies as a negative in any fashion.

At least if it just came down to cosmetics, threads complaining about them could easily be dismissed.

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DE should just release an exclusive pack for PS4 already so everyone can settle down. I personally don't care for the items in the founders pack, the only thing I want is excalibur prime so I can complete my collection of warframes.

Lets not get onto this track again.. please.. 


making something exclusive to the ps4 will solve NOTHING


Then everyone on the PC will be outraged



The only fair option really is just to release it on the PS4. .exact same package.. Note that i said released, not re-released. 


Just giving out the affinity is also a option, though some features will still be left out. which is still closer than what we currently have.


Edit: and here i thought i was getting somewhere xD Then again.. maybe you didnt read the page and only assumed.. because you know.. people have also mentioned that dumb idea, and got flamed on that very page..

Edited by (PS4)MyTagForHalo
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Where did you hear this? DE most definitely DOES NOT want primes to be "significantly better than their non-prime counterparts." They've mentioned in past livestreams that they're trying to balance making them better with not obsoleting the original frames to avoid power creep.


This is kind of the reason we want an Excalibur Prime analogue. Rhino Prime is better than Rhino, but we can obtain Rhino Prime. (Even if the legitimacy of the actual RNG can be brought into question.) You buff Excalibur Prime... Well, that's Pay2Win, pay $$$, get a better item no one else can get, without $$$.

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This is kind of the reason we want an Excalibur Prime analogue. Rhino Prime is better than Rhino, but we can obtain Rhino Prime. (Even if the legitimacy of the actual RNG can be brought into question.) You buff Excalibur Prime... Well, that's Pay2Win, pay $$$, get a better item no one else can get, without $$$.

Not even $$$, as far as i know there are people here begging, so to say, for the option to pay 250$ for excalibur prime, me included.


It is even worse than locking away behind money bars only.

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Not even $$$, as far as i know there are people here begging, so to say, for the option to pay 250$ for excalibur prime, me included.


It is even worse than locking away behind money bars only.

Well yes, from what i can tell, it is currently a battle of:


PS4 players who want a chance to BUY the packs vs People who don't want it to be released because of elitism really. 


Not to offend anyone, but that is basically what this comes down to.


Gonna quote myself here, cause i know people wont read the last page.:


"I would like to see the fine print on that. 

Nowhere does it say that they cant release it on another platform."


A platform, where it never was released? Therefore it would not be re-released, it would be released for the first time. Which makes that statement true.


A platform where.. it shouldnt bother you, but yet it does. I cant really imagine why. The only time it would even possibly affect you is if and when migration happens. But at that point the only thing you are gaining is the ability to show it off to people who never had a cahnce in the first place.

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Well yes, from what i can tell, it is currently a battle of:


PS4 players who want a chance to BUY the packs vs People who don't want it to be released because of elitism really. 


Not to offend anyone, but that is basically what this comes down to.


Gonna quote myself here, cause i know people wont read the last page.:


"I would like to see the fine print on that. 

Nowhere does it say that they cant release it on another platform."


A platform, where it never was released? Therefore it would not be re-released, it would be released for the first time. Which makes that statement true.


A platform where.. it shouldnt bother you, but yet it does. I cant really imagine why. The only time it would even possibly affect you is if and when migration happens. But at that point the only thing you are gaining is the ability to show it off to people who never had a cahnce in the first place.

Ok you are here to troll because you are bored right now, this is fine :D

But to the rest, you wont get excalibur prime to complete your collection... Wont happen, DE said it. End of story.

Ask for another bling bling to play around with but excalibur prime wont happen, and it wont be released as a ps4 release somehow.

DE promised it once and they promised it after 78th ps4 rant thread appeared about excalibur prime. Maybe the 300th thread will change their mind, if not then open 9000 threads about it... DE can not say no if you have 9000 threads about it open -.-

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Ok you are here to troll because you are bored right now, this is fine :D

But to the rest, you wont get excalibur prime to complete your collection... Wont happen, DE said it. End of story.

Ask for another bling bling to play around with but excalibur prime wont happen, and it wont be released as a ps4 release somehow.

DE promised it once and they promised it after 78th ps4 rant thread appeared about excalibur prime. Maybe the 300th thread will change their mind, if not then open 9000 threads about it... DE can not say no if you have 9000 threads about it open -.-

Ah so you have figured out the rest of the plan :D

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Go read the monkey's paw or something.


Tired of hearing corrupted wish/deal with the devil solutions.




Never available again.

Not on PS4 or PC or SNES or Xbox fifty-two.


Never available again.

This illustrates the other side of this.  Do you people want to turn DE into liars?


I also don't think the ps4 users really understand what people were paying for back then. 


There was one tileset (the corpus ship) and it had even less variety than it does now.  Not even half the warframes were out.  The most interesting game mode was defense mode (and it wasn't even endless) and aside from the jackal, every boss was a bigger version of another mob with some abilities tacked on. 


There was no void, no derelict, mods were completely random, and you had to pay money to "go pro" to unlock a larger skill tree, which on warframes was the only way to unlock a warframe's 4th ability.  There was no alert system.  No dueling system.  No dojo. No sentinels. 


Armor scaled infinitely and made it so that only armor piercing weapons were worth using.  We had to deal with pain in the &#! mobs like nervos.  Volt was so OP at one point that with the right mods players were clearing entire levels with a single overload. 


I could go on and on.  The game has progressed so much since the founders program was up and the founder's rewards represent a much different investement compared to what a PS4 player would be putting their money towards now.  That and the founders program made up part of the initial capital that helped pay for all those changes. 


People that didn't get to buy into the founders program are just going to have to live with the fact that they didn't support the game early enough to get that bling.  It went on quite a bit longer than it was supposed to and people had ample opportunity to take part in it.

Edited by Aggh
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This illustrates the other side of this.  Do you people want to turn DE into liars?

For the sake of not having anything better to do:


"I would like to see the fine print on that. 

Nowhere does it say that they cant release it on another platform."


A platform, where it never was released? Therefore it would not be re-released, it would be released for the first time. Which makes that statement true.


A platform where.. it shouldnt bother you, but yet it does. I cant really imagine why. The only time it would even possibly affect you is if and when migration happens. But at that point the only thing you are gaining is the ability to show it off to people who never had a cahnce in the first place.


​If this is the best evidence you guys have, there are obvious of loopholes.  They wouldnt be lying if the released it to anothe platform. Just saying.

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This illustrates the other side of this.  Do you people want to turn DE into liars?


Allow me a moment of pedantry, just because I'm curious. Does anything specifically, categorically state which items (Minimum two, obviously) fall under the domain of "exclusive items that will never be available again"?


We all know it refers to everything in the package. I'm just playing Devil's Advocate here.

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Allow me a moment of pedantry, just because I'm curious. Does anything specifically, categorically state which items (Minimum two, obviously) fall under the domain of "exclusive items that will never be available again"?


We all know it refers to everything in the package. I'm just playing Devil's Advocate here.


That's a cruel argument. The Founder's Badge and Solar Thank-You are 2 items.


For all the we know, Excalibur Prime, Lato Prime, and Skana Prime aren't covered under that.

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This is kind of the reason we want an Excalibur Prime analogue. Rhino Prime is better than Rhino, but we can obtain Rhino Prime. (Even if the legitimacy of the actual RNG can be brought into question.) You buff Excalibur Prime... Well, that's Pay2Win, pay $$$, get a better item no one else can get, without $$$.


Excalbur prime IS better....he doesn't need to be buffed anymore O.o Hell, I'd argue that his superiority is > Rhino Prime's.



Well yes, from what i can tell, it is currently a battle of:


PS4 players who want a chance to BUY the packs vs People who don't want it to be released because of elitism really. 


"I would like to see the fine print on that. 

Nowhere does it say that they cant release it on another platform."


A platform, where it never was released? Therefore it would not be re-released, it would be released for the first time. Which makes that statement true.


A platform where.. it shouldnt bother you, but yet it does. I cant really imagine why. The only time it would even possibly affect you is if and when migration happens. But at that point the only thing you are gaining is the ability to show it off to people who never had a cahnce in the first place.

You might wanna check out what "straw man" means, because I think you're only saying that because you're basically just jealous really.

For the sake of not having anything better to do:


"I would like to see the fine print on that. 

Nowhere does it say that they cant release it on another platform."


A platform, where it never was released? Therefore it would not be re-released, it would be released for the first time. Which makes that statement true.


A platform where.. it shouldnt bother you, but yet it does. I cant really imagine why. The only time it would even possibly affect you is if and when migration happens. But at that point the only thing you are gaining is the ability to show it off to people who never had a cahnce in the first place.


​If this is the best evidence you guys have, there are obvious of loopholes.  They wouldnt be lying if the released it to anothe platform. Just saying.

Edited by Seox
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Go read the monkey's paw or something.


Tired of hearing corrupted wish/deal with the devil solutions.




Never available again.

Not on PS4 or PC or SNES or Xbox fifty-two.


Never available again.



This picture would in theory keep warframe 2 from using this stuff in 10 years when its released... that doesn't really make any sense at all.


PS4 is a totally separate instance of the game, a different universe... I don't see why a PC "contract" should be held up in PS4... it should be held up in PC... obviously.

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Is this thread still a thing??  Oh good.  I was thinking what would be the best way to make Excalibur Prime available without going back on their word, and I came to one simple conclusion.  We delete this entire thread and everyone goes about their business like having something made exclusive to a particular platform at a particular time is ok.  I am more upset I didn't get the St. patrick's day colors than I am about not leveling Excalibur again.  It should be noted I am not really upset about that.  Thems the breaks, as they say.  Luck was not on our side.  It's going to be like someone starting the game next year and crying they didn't get the Ember Prime access pack.  "But I want it"  didn't work on our parents when we were but wee babes and it probably won't work here considering they stated flat out that only the original people who bought the founders pack get the shiny shiny toys.  I would love to be a founder but (i can't afford 250 bucks right now) that ship has sailed.  The sun in that particular galaxy has imploded and destroyed all the leftovers.  The fridge has thawed and the excalibur prime ice cream has melted.  Gravity is in effect and the remaining founder's packs tripped and rolled into an active volcano.  ALL OF THE THINGS ARE GONE!  To paraphrase a quote from men wiser than myself, "Um...now look...now look, mate, I've definitely 'ad enough of this. That Prime is definitely deceased, and when I purchased it not 'alf an hour ago, you assured me that its total lack of movement was due to it bein' tired and shagged out following a prolonged mission."

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