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Why Founders Pack Exclusivity Is Hard To Defend


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Now now, you remember what happened to the last topic about this that involved legal disputes!


Yup, i brought up this very same argument, by analogy with Prime Access, only the non weapons/warframe are exclusive to said package, then someone brought up legal BS that doesn't apply here, i replied, thread got locked.


But I will say it again NOWHERE does it say what are the actual exclusives of that package, so analogy is all we have.


Founders aint coming back, neither its exclusives, which we don't know, nowhere does it say excal prime wont make a return or be available again.

Edited by (PS4)DanteVincent
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Still boggles the mind that people want something people paid for in a FREE to play game.  Things they paid for when the game barely functioned and was no where near as complete as it is now.


Tell you what.  Let's scrap the free to play model completely and anyone that wants to pay $250 can continue to play AND they can have all the exclusives or they cannot play at all.  Seems fair to me.  OR, hear me out here,  people can stop this silliness and just accept the fact that life is not fair and if they want something in life they have to work for it (IE, pay for the damn thing when it was available).


I saw the value in the pack when I bought it not for what the game was at the time but for what it would become... too bad others didn't and now want what is rightfully mine and others that thought the same way.

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Hey guys, don't look so sad,


Even if you can never have a Excalibro Prime,


You can still get your hands on


One of these beauties!






Let them press 4!


We at the Flow Clan know what you want!




Yes if its dipped in GOLD you know its going to be better!


R.I.P Founders Program, you were taken from us too soon!


We will never Forget, that the Gold Excalibro is an exclusive item.

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Still boggles the mind that people want something people paid for in a FREE to play game.  Things they paid for when the game barely functioned and was no where near as complete as it is now.


Tell you what.  Let's scrap the free to play model completely and anyone that wants to pay $250 can continue to play AND they can have all the exclusives or they cannot play at all.  Seems fair to me.  OR, hear me out here,  people can stop this silliness and just accept the fact that life is not fair and if they want something in life they have to work for it (IE, pay for the damn thing when it was available).


I saw the value in the pack when I bought it not for what the game was at the time but for what it would become... too bad others didn't and now want what is rightfully mine and others that thought the same way.

LOL the way you speak truly denote the way most of you think "others want what is rightfuly mine", jeez man, do you even listen to yourself?


If anything you should be glad that your initial support made this available to everyone, and now they can enjoy and make your game a better game too, 'cause no game survive on a handful of people, we're a community here.

So much for the 'I saw potential in this'.BS you saw the opportunity to achieve in game what isn't nearly as easily achieved in real life.


Were y'all well resolved people you'd be happy to share what you've done for this game, also, you have design council membership, your own planet and a badge as tokens for being founders.


But behind all tha charity talk, the aforementioned doesn't matter, does it?You still need something to show off.


I said it and I ll say it again, wanna show off?Get yourself a lambo and an audemars piguet.

Edited by (PS4)DanteVincent
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They probably keep this thread up so that you can see how pointless this arguing is. Nothing anyone says here no matter how much they say it is going to change their decision nor are they any closer to changing their minds. They just keep this thread for the sake of showing no acknowledgement of the stupidity and I will follow suit after this post. Have fun with your pointless arguments.

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They probably keep this thread up so that you can see how pointless this arguing is. Nothing anyone says here no matter how much they say it is going to change their decision nor are they any closer to changing their minds. They just keep this thread for the sake of showing no acknowledgement of the stupidity and I will follow suit after this post. Have fun with your pointless arguments.

I think it's more to just have it all in one thread instead of multiple ones clogging up the board. Exclusives are only good in the short-term though, since in the long-term, you end up with situations like this.

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Were y'all well resolved people you'd be happy to share what you've done for this game, also, you have design council membership, your own planet and a badge as tokens for being founders.


What makes you the arbiter of well-resolved people?

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What makes you the arbiter of well-resolved people?

They dont care if they are wearing the same outfit as someone else, perhaps?


Would that be a good start?


Please dont act like petty people are hard to spot.Someone who's happy about other fields of their lives, important ones, don't give a crap about this.


So i cant help but imagine how miserable can someone with the mentality of many here be.

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I don't think anyone should be able to get founders again but I do think Excalibur Prime should be obtainable in the future for none founders as to me its a core part of the game, founders should of got founders only skins/vanity items and also being able to unlock Excalibur prime years in advanced of it being released in the game.


We supported the game early and new players and old support the game now so they should have the same opportunities of getting core game content even if DE made the drop rates for excel prime super rare in the future, founder only body/head skins would be a good compromise for releasing excel prime IMO as the body skin option was not available in the beginning and not an option for DE.

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They dont care if they are wearing the same outfit as someone else, perhaps?


Would that be a good start?


Please dont act like petty people are hard to spot.Someone who's happy about other fields of their lives, important ones, don't give a crap about this.


So i cant help but imagine how miserable can someone with the mentality of many here be.

I think that you failed to realize your statement is a double edged sword.

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... Team Greed?


Both sides need to calm down with the ad hominem attacks.


Hey now!


Team Greed https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/124092-go-team-greedtm/#entry1466601 Is a disputable, despicable, bunch of sociopathic mercenaries with no desires beyond shedding blood and getting paid the most for shedding blood.  But we have our pride and will not be associated with peoples silly entitled demanding of things from the development team, I mean really in this context you make greed sound like a bad word.


For Shame!


GO TEAM GREED At the end of the day it's about getting paid for the violence we bring and we don't need anyone to give us a bad name, we can do that just fine ourselves.

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LOL the way you speak truly denote the way most of you think "others want what is rightfuly mine", jeez man, do you even listen to yourself?


If anything you should be glad that your initial support made this available to everyone, and now they can enjoy and make your game a better game too, 'cause no game survive on a handful of people, we're a community here.

So much for the 'I saw potential in this'.BS you saw the opportunity to achieve in game what isn't nearly as easily achieved in real life.


Were y'all well resolved people you'd be happy to share what you've done for this game, also, you have design council membership, your own planet and a badge as tokens for being founders.


But behind all tha charity talk, the aforementioned doesn't matter, does it?You still need something to show off.


I said it and I ll say it again, wanna show off?Get yourself a lambo and an audemars piguet.





I do well enough in my life thank you for asking.  Well enough I had spare cash to support something that was very rough and unfinished.  Perhaps you did not?  I feel sorry for you now... DE please give him access to all the founders package for free since he obviously could not afford it at the time and we can't have things in life be unfair for those less fortunate that ourselves.


Are we done attacking each other now?


I don't whine when I miss out on concert tickets I could not buy at the time and others did.  I don't think it's unfair when they stop making some limited edition Blueray of my favourite movie just before I can get to the store to buy it.  I certainly don't think life is fair.  My solution to this problem would be to remove any and all exclusives from the codex of those that cannot get them.  Mastery points are a non issue as there are MORE than enough things to get/use to gain max mastery.


And a side note... you think I am not entitled to say that the founders package items are rightfully mine when I paid for them?  How odd.

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 Hey now!


Team Greed https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/124092-go-team-greedtm/#entry1466601 Is a disputable, despicable, bunch of sociopathic mercenaries with no desires beyond shedding blood and getting paid the most for shedding blood.  But we have our pride and will not be associated with peoples silly entitled demanding of things from the development team, I mean really in this context you make greed sound like a bad word.


For Shame!


GO TEAM GREED At the end of the day it's about getting paid for the violence we bring and we don't need anyone to give us a bad name, we can do that just fine ourselves.

We kill stuff and it doesn't matter how fancy the gear we use to do it is.

We just kill for stuff, the best stuff.

Edited by Utarious
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You guys seriously have some comprehension problems.


First, i used the conditional, among others uses, such verbal form is used to express uncertainty.

Second, i said i was speculating, not alone though, many seem to agree with this speculation, and it makes perfect sense as well if you are familiar with these companies approach on exclusives, even worse, one that will allow players that didnt spend their money through the playstation network, to use it on this very network, people that can spend less on plat and not through psn and then use it on psn, list goes on, not gonna happen.


Which is why it really bothers me when people i will never play with tell me i shouldnt get something, one that i will pay 250$, money that goes towards both versions, yours and ours, but anyways, this matter i discussed in my previous tens of posts in this thread. :P

Oh, I know for certain it was speculation, but instead of attacking you for it, I wanted to know the basis for that statement. Something that isn't a generalization like "you know how these companies handle exclusives." I personally have never seen any cross platform game developer get shafted by one of their clients for exclusives from other platforms.

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