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Why Founders Pack Exclusivity Is Hard To Defend


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Yeah, seriously people, let's just leave at it, we've been heard, they said they're working on something to reward the ps4 players and towards the end of this lovely discussion all of us seemed to be getting along, we all want the same thing after all, so unless we wanna go off topic here i can't imagine a better end for this thread.

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You right i dont have it but its cool you still a kid at heart i understand why you would show off that Excalibur prime.  And this topic is good thats why it hasn't ended yet i feel if you have nothing better to say about this move on you dont have to keep posting if your done with this topic just leave.   and as you seen what that guy said to me about not having Excalibur prime in that link this is why you cant take this seriously.

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The ideas of this game our super old starting with Dark Sector back in 2008 really thats why i like Excalibur because he look just like Hayden Tenno i want to believe its the same guy from so long ago but im not sure if not im still think its him in Excalibur warframe suit\armor plus most people didn't even know what Dark Sector was or was about Hayden Tenno got his warframe on earth aka Excalibur and the Glaive. im not going to tell you about the full game but just what matters but at the end when you beat the boss he just walks off in the world killing the infected he ran into end game.       Years later i see this Warframe trailer and see Excalibur like wow he still alive in the future this crazy im on this game but thats why i like Excalibur so much but the two games have no real link together just seems like it Excalibur and the Glaive our super old staring first on Dark Sector why you think in the codex Excalibur was the first Warframe and the Glaive was one of the first weapons in the war.      

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Some people want the items for free, others seem to enjoy trolling everybody.




Enough is enough. We have been told that PS4 is getting SOME kind of 'Founder's' or 'Supporters' pack. So there is no POINT in beating a dead and decomposing horse again. If you want it faster, go pester SONY, not DE. Sony are the ones holding it up.


Support the game or get out, people. Anyone who wants the icons that show support for DE can BUY them like the rest of us did. Demanding free stuff that you haven't earned is beyond childish. If DE wants to give out free stuff, then that is THEIR call. Demanding items that others paid for and not wanting to pay for them is rude, selfish and greedy.


Mod, please close or lock this... Its getting beyond tiresome. Especially when people put the exact same ridiculous argument over and over. This isn't a debate anymore. It's just silly.

Edited by Kalenath
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See that's why this cant never end good you dont know how to be nice and talk and joke like real man should about a serious topic. And as far as warframe go DE is the Boss of this game not sony so im sure people our at the right house giving there points and ideas about the game just as you have plus you have no real say so to tell any body that their arguments our ridiculous.              You know the rules if you want your post to survive and thrive give it a good title (done) & make reading it worthwhile (done) what DE ask for has happened its not getting lock just because you feel it should.

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Yeah, seriously people, let's just leave at it, we've been heard, they said they're working on something to reward the ps4 players and towards the end of this lovely discussion all of us seemed to be getting along, we all want the same thing after all, so unless we wanna go off topic here i can't imagine a better end for this thread.

I just hope they don't do a PS4 only exclusive... more exclusives will not make things better.

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 its not getting lock just because you feel it should.


There is nothing worthwhile to discuss here any longer.  The dead horse has been beaten sufficiently, the topic of discussion opened by the OP has finished.  There is nothing more to contribute to this thread except for irrelevant opinions and desired upvotes.


This thread can die off now.  Wonder why it hasn't yet.

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Exclusives are stupid. They shouldn't have made anything else exclusive other than the founders pack. Now they have all sorts of "exclusives" and it's completely ruined the value of the founders pack. 

The only other exclusives are the sayadanas from the Prime packs..

I don't understand what you are trying to say.

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Exclusives are stupid. They shouldn't have made anything else exclusive other than the founders pack. Now they have all sorts of "exclusives" and it's completely ruined the value of the founders pack. 


I don't think the founders pack shouldn't have been exclusive either. And, if they were going to make it exclusive, they should have made sure it contained times that wouldn't be part of any other sets.


The only other exclusives are the sayadanas from the Prime packs..

I don't understand what you are trying to say.


I believe the Vandal weapons are also exclusives. I'm not sure if the Wraiths are exclusive or not. I suppose that depends on if DE will re-run events, or if they eventually run out of weapons to make Wraith versions of and recycle them as even awards.

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I don't think the founders pack shouldn't have been exclusive either. And, if they were going to make it exclusive, they should have made sure it contained times that wouldn't be part of any other sets.



I believe the Vandal weapons are also exclusives. I'm not sure if the Wraiths are exclusive or not. I suppose that depends on if DE will re-run events, or if they eventually run out of weapons to make Wraith versions of and recycle them as even awards.

I doubt the vandal and wraith stuff will matter. So long as the release a comparable variant to those instead of re-releasing, making all that can be said is people demand skins based on entitlement. 

And the prefixes are based on the type. Both are event weapons however.

Vandal: corpus weapons

Wraith: grineer weapons


So what if I missed the event, it affects me, and therefore I hate it. Is the general behavior demonstrated lately. 

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At the time of the founders they probably had no plans on primes or anything other than the founders pack.  It was only quite a bit later that they released another prime item.  So it wasn't like they purposefully released it with the intention of preventing people from getting the full set.

As for the event weapons DE has stated that they are going into a "disney vault" and could return in the future.  This includes all Vandal and Wraith items (the only exceptions are potentially the Braton and Lato vandal which were for the CBT and OB weekend)

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  I use to beta test lots of games, when I was younger, and all we use to get was a thank you for your support, that was pretty much it, and if we were lucky enough to test anything in closed beta, it was so it could possibly be ready for the waves of new people that would be coming when the game went open beta, and so fourth.


  To be honest, some people could argue the fact that when DE closed the founders program, that was basically all towards the PC Community, and thus no contract is binding towards the PS4 Community, so releasing something like that for them, isn't your call, its the Company itself, and anyone who threatens to take a company to court over such trivial matters, is no gamer in my opinion, but a plain and simple jerk, that acts like all these digital items are going to ruin their life, when in turn it all comes down to MONEY!!


  I read all these posts, from millions of different people, and the word MONEY, is the most used.  "We spent MONEY, lots of MONEY, we should be special", grow up people, you'll live, its not going to kill you.  Your players like everyone else, you don't own the company, try to show some maturity....  For those that have, Thank You, but all in all, if you leave because of something like this, then have fun, its not like the game will shutdown if The Design Council/Founders all left because they were mad, they took your money, DE is good now, and using terms like "They Made Promises, They Said this, and That", is just a scapegoat, when all and all it comes down to MONEY!!


  Some others said they should just remove the Codex's for Exclusive Frames, Weapons, etc, but in truth, you can't really do that, because if you remove a codex for something, you'd have to remove the item from the game/people, as you can't have something that doesn't exist, and on another note I even think I seen someone mention that there's only suppose to be one Excalibur Prime in existence, as he's the first, well, if you have like roughly 20+ founders in the game with it, then that kind of blows the only one in existence idea.


  Frankly....  Games, and Gamers got lost somewhere down the line, as I remember when games use to be simple, use to be fun, it wasn't always about who spent the most money, who got the most kills, and all this wonderful drama that magically has developed over the years.  It use to be about Sociability & Recreation, and games were complete, they were whole, if something was added, everyone got to try it, and gave their opinions, and just had fun.


  Now days there's just to much segregation between different communities, and I use to turn to gaming to escape reality, and the drama, but now I can't even come here without hearing something negative etc, and whoever came up with the idea of Limited Time & Exclusive, ought to be dragged down an alley, and be beat up by the Boondock Saints, but oh wait....  I forgot......  Because it was about MONEY!!!! 


  In conclusion....  Everyone just needs to get over it, and stop worrying about items.  If it exists, it should be available, simple as that, and I'll gladly slap anyone in the face if they want, if it gets people to wake up, and get back to being a gamer, and just enjoying the ride....  Jeez people....



Every single bit of this can be inverted and stated right back.


"In conclusion...Everyone just needs to get over it, and stop worrying about items. If it's exclusive, it's still only just a skin, simple as that...." etc. 


If it's really "not that big a deal to give them up", it's just as easily "not that big a deal to get over not having it." You really can make almost all of these points just the other way, so we're at an impasse.


The difference is that when both options are equally valid and DE has reputation to lose/warframe stands to lose from releasing the items......

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I get the point. Problem with this thread is that this kind of thread will eventually attract trolls and degenerates. Which are always around, because internet. Sorry, but that's the truth. Hell, it's why we need moderation. A bunch of garbage has been deleted from this thread already. Now, why is this happening... Really, it's been too long, as simple as that. DE wants to have the cake and eat it too, so we don't get any proper announcements. They should make up their mind and make a proper annoncement of what exactly they will do. Right now we have: "we have no plans to release founders items, but we don't say we never will, we will offer something to PS4 players, no idea what and when". We can't even get a confirmation on removing founders items from PS4 codex. They did remove old PC event records from it BTW.

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I get the point. Problem with this thread is that this kind of thread will eventually attract trolls and degenerates. Which are always around, because internet. Sorry, but that's the truth. Hell, it's why we need moderation. A bunch of garbage has been deleted from this thread already. Now, why is this happening... Really, it's been too long, as simple as that. DE wants to have the cake and eat it too, so we don't get any proper announcements. They should make up their mind and make a proper annoncement of what exactly they will do. Right now we have: "we have no plans to release founders items, but we don't say we never will, we will offer something to PS4 players, no idea what and when". We can't even get a confirmation on removing founders items from PS4 codex. They did remove old PC event records from it BTW.

Bravo fellow ps4 Tenno, Bravo, thats the thought in our minds now.They better do something quick about it.

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I just hope they don't do a PS4 only exclusive... more exclusives will not make things better.

Well, I can totally empathize with you, if it depended on me, founders package content would be available once per year, during a month, for people to buy it.


The problem is, the ps4 has thousands of paying players, it is a misa syandana fest, we have the money and we are not happy about their stupid decision of pulling the plug on excal prime A WEEK  PIOR TO THE PS4 RELEASE.

Many founders will come with that infancy talk bs, when we all know that is not the case, it was available well after this so called infancy, so after such treatment we feel like we deserve our own set of exclusive goodies as well for supporting the start of this game in a new platform, which is the same one you play, only with way more bugs that take a month to be hotixed.Seeing as we received the same game most so called founders received when they got their packages, rendering completely unjustifiable the infancy argument, i am completely fine with ps4 exclusives to make up for it, just as pc founders are happy with theirs.


Now, again, if it depended on me, both founders package and an hypothetical ps4 exclusive package would be available to both platforms, once per year, so everyone with the money to support this game wouldnt be set apart from content.

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The only thing I was a little disappointed about was that they were called "Prime."


IMO, Primes shouldn't be exclusive.


If the founders pack were to have, say, Vandals, or Wraiths instead of Primes, I would have been completely fine with not being able to get them.


Now, I know a lot of you would disagree with this, and I'm pretty sure this isn't possible, but what if DE made all the primes that came with the founders pack not exclusive, but gave all the founders additional platinum, AND wraith or vandal versions of Excalibur, Braton, etc. I'd be fine with that.


(P.S., sorry to keep this thread alive, I just wanted to state that idea, and I felt that this thread was a good place to do so...)

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Now, I know a lot of you would disagree with this, and I'm pretty sure this isn't possible, but what if DE made all the primes that came with the founders pack not exclusive, but gave all the founders additional platinum, AND wraith or vandal versions of Excalibur, Braton, etc. I'd be fine with that.


(P.S., sorry to keep this thread alive, I just wanted to state that idea, and I felt that this thread was a good place to do so...)

Honestly Many would go for it, but, I doubt they'd get a 100% consensus.

And this is another detriment to DE as, it would insert more currency into the system that wasn't paid for. 

Since it'd likely have to be somewhat significant to warrant losing the exclusivity many paid for.


I'd much prefer a hide unobtainable, or a flatout removal of the gear you can't obtain from the codex.

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Honestly Many would go for it, but, I doubt they'd get a 100% consensus.

And this is another detriment to DE as, it would insert more currency into the system that wasn't paid for. 

Since it'd likely have to be somewhat significant to warrant losing the exclusivity many paid for.


I'd much prefer a hide unobtainable, or a flatout removal of the gear you can't obtain from the codex.


True, true.


The only problem I see with removing it from the codex is if a new player joins someone's game, and they're using an exclusive item, and they wonder what it is and they can't find anything about it in the codex.


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