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Why Founders Pack Exclusivity Is Hard To Defend


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3 weapons and 1 warframe are really going to keep you from getting to a mastery cap I see.


There have been a lot of exclusives that PS4 members never have had access too. Vandal Braton and Lato, closed/open beta items only, can you see those being re-released?

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I simply trying to tell that PS4 exclusive frames and weapons, aka items that affect gameplay and give mastery, are in fact a solution. A valid solution.

It is a solution, entirely possible. Though it will make PC players upset. i guess it would be counter argued by "you got yours and we got ours"


Im not in favor of that solution but i can see your point. 


If founders could suck it up for 3 months, it would not affect their exclusivity on the pc, and would allow account migration to happen much faster (if at all)


After the 3 months, it is closed for good. No one from either side can complain as both sides had a chance. 

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There have been a lot of exclusives that PS4 members never have had access too. Vandal Braton and Lato, closed/open beta items only, can you see those being re-released?


Of course. They deserve everything! They are entitled to everything! Why should they even have to PAY for it? That... would be wrong!



Edited by Kalenath
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There have been a lot of exclusives that PS4 members never have had access too. Vandal Braton and Lato, closed/open beta items only, can you see those being re-released?


Personally I don't care if they are.  It is just another weapon to use, woopity do, until mastery actually MEANS something important other than a extra trade a day and maybe one more extractor... I will continue to be amused and baffled as to why people [mostly ps4 people mind you, though its starting to not suprise me as much] are fighting to have special looking pixles and weapons that do NOT make the game easier or harder, they just 'are.'  Oh and before you start to think I have any of these...  I don't.  The only thing I have that is 'exclusive' is the Misa Prime.  Whooo... I bet everyone wants that too just because it looks shiny and they THINK they deserve it for free.

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But they still have mastery, and in the end, those with them will have more mastery than those without.



You say that as if when DE finally has created enough content for players whom have EVERY item in the game to reach Grandmaster that they will immediately stop generating content that has mastery tied to it. Yeah, I don't think they're that crazy. Especially considering weapons and warframes are not the only things that give mastery. 

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There have been a lot of exclusives that PS4 members never have had access too. Vandal Braton and Lato, closed/open beta items only, can you see those being re-released?

They confirmed that everything other than 3 founders items will release on PS4 in some way. Hence we discuss founders items. I do wonder if Braton Vandal will be an event reward on PS4 or a random drop...

Edited by (PS4)Lord_Gremlin
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I jsut love how just as we come to some reasonable offer, do they discuss said offer, even if they disagree? No, instead they continue with comments to the effect of "your crazy"


You guys are always complaining that we never have some solution and we always want things for free. yet when Solutions arise, and people want to pay for things, you disregard it all.

Edited by (PS4)MyTagForHalo
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I jsut love how just as we come to some reasonable offer, do they discuss said offer, even if they disagree? No, instead they continue with comments to the effect of "your crazy"


You guys are always complaining that we never have some solution and we always want things for free. yet when Solutions arise, and people want to pay for things, you disregard it all.


And you conveniently disregard anything that DOESN'T give you everything you want any time it MIGHT inconvenience you.


Your point?



YOU are allowed to be greedy and WE are not. Understood. Rejected, but understood.

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I jsut love how just as we come to some reasonable offer, do they discuss said offer, even if they disagree? No, instead they continue with comments to the effect of "your crazy"


You guys are always complaining that we never have some solution and we always want things for free. yet when Solutions arise, and people want to pay for things, you disregard it all.


I just love how you guys can spell everything accurately and I love how you are continuing to FIGHT OVER DIGITAL ITEMS AS IF YOUR LIFE COUNTED ON IT.


Carry on.

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And you conveniently disregard anything that DOESN'T give you everything you want any time it MIGHT inconvenience you.


Your point?



YOU are allowed to be greedy and WE are not. Understood. Rejected, but understood.

Dont see where you manage to pull that from. we simply are stating a way that should make everyone happy in the long run. That obviously makes us greedy mmhm.


So tell me, how would this affect YOU?



And to clear up any confusion, by "This" i am referring to:



If founders could suck it up for 3 months, it would not affect their exclusivity on the pc, and would allow account migration to happen much faster (if at all)


After the 3 months, it is closed for good. No one from either side can complain as both sides had a chance. 

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I just love how you guys can spell everything accurately and I love how you are continuing to FIGHT OVER DIGITAL ITEMS AS IF YOUR LIFE COUNTED ON IT.


Carry on.

If it is such a issue, why are you equally fighting over these digital items as if your life depended on them? 


As i said many times, I am having more of a issue grasping why people constantly avoid things, just like you are doing. 

Edited by (PS4)MyTagForHalo
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If it is such a issue, why are you equally fighting over these digital items as if your life depended on them? 


There wouldn't be a fight if YOU weren't fighting for silly digital items that are Exclusive one time offers as if you deserve them because you are the best thing alive and we should all fall in line.

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There wouldn't be a fight if YOU weren't fighting for silly digital items that are Exclusive one time offers as if you deserve them because you are the best thing alive and we should all fall in line.


Because they ARE the best thing, don't you know?


They don't need to pay for anything, just have it drop in the Void because they are 'special'. Won't be long before they want all of the marketplace items discounted (just for them of course, no one else is quite so deserving).


Some people understand what honor is. Some don't. Go figure.


They want things they didn't get so they figure screaming about it will work. Hmm... Hasn't worked for me since I was 2 years old. You?


Edited by Kalenath
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Just to help people who do not have any idea what Exclusive means.  Here you go.



excluding or not admitting other things.
"my exclusive focus is on San Antonio issues"
restricted or limited to the person, group, or area concerned.
"the couple had exclusive possession of the condo"
synonyms: soleunshareduniqueonlyindividualpersonalprivate .

Edit to clean up the definition because they used wierd color formatting :P :


Full definition of Exclusive


a: Excluding or having the power to exclude.

b: limiting or limited to possession, controll, or use by a single individual or group.


a: excluding others from participation

b: snobbishly aloof


a: Accepting or soliciting only a socially restricted patronage (as of the upper class)

b: stylish, fashionable

c: restricted in distribution, use, or appeal because of expense.

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Just to help people who do not have any idea what Exclusive means.  Here you go.



excluding or not admitting other things.
"my exclusive focus is on San Antonio issues"
restricted or limited to the person, group, or area concerned.
"the couple had exclusive possession of the condo"
synonyms: soleunshareduniqueonlyindividualpersonalprivate .

Edit to clean up the definition because they used wierd color formatting :P :


Full definition of Exclusive


a: Excluding or having the power to exclude.

b: limiting or limited to possession, controll, or use by a single individual or group.


a: excluding others from participation

b: snobbishly aloof


a: Accepting or soliciting only a socially restricted patronage (as of the upper class)

b: stylish, fashionable

c: restricted in distribution, use, or appeal because of expense.


Sorry if this is off topic, but I just wanted to say, I laughed at the pronunciation of the word Exclusive, and will now be referring to it as Exkloosive.


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It's also not hard to prove that if PS store never sees Founders items then they should be removed from PS4 version codex and mod art.

But I think title itself is more about DE decisions to make 2 weapons and a frame permanently exclusive is an awful one. Extremely unwise in the long run. It was pointed out that this happened because they didn't have the great cosmetic stuff they offer now.

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I'd be alright with a PS4 re-release of the Founders Program for like, 2 weeks. Which i think would be more than enough time considering the program has come and GONE and this seems to be the ONLY way to get the PS4 players to stop crying foul..

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I'd be alright with a PS4 re-release of the Founders Program for like, 2 weeks. Which i think would be more than enough time considering the program has come and GONE and this seems to be the ONLY way to get the PS4 players to stop crying foul..


If PS4 players buy the Founder's Pack, on PS4, can they bring their items over to the PC? Just like PC players are allowed to bring their toys over to PS4?

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If PS4 players buy the Founder's Pack, on PS4, can they bring their items over to the PC? Just like PC players are allowed to bring their toys over to PS4?

I guess?

The movement for bring the Founders Package to PS4 is present. They never got a chance.

If you didn't buy it for the PC when you had the chance, that's your own damn fault.

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The problem is that even if they did that and released it for 2 weeks or a month or whatever the people who come in right after it ends will throw this exact same hissy fit and it will just repeat over, and over, and over and over and over and over again like it is now.

DE just needs to stick to their word.

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If PS4 players buy the Founder's Pack, on PS4, can they bring their items over to the PC? Just like PC players are allowed to bring their toys over to PS4?

No. There is no PS4 to PC migration and will never be. Because on PS4 you obvioulsy don't have accounts for every game, you have one Sony-owned portable iD. In fact nothing PS4 players get will ever affect PC players in any way.

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