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I Think The Lotus Is Lying


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What makes you think the keys lead to earth? Earth missions have plants. Those had no plants, ergo, they're not earth missions.


The data for the keys came from earth, but there's no reason to hink that was earth any more than to thin a tower 3 extermination is.

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Should you question the loyalty of every commanding officer that gives you an order? It's called doing their job. This is nothing that hasn't been done a million times in games, shows, and movies. No matter what the case you're going to get scolded on some level for not following orders. She told you to get out because she feared for your safety, and you're supposed to be following your CO in a mission. That tells us how the Tenno usually operate on missions, (implying it wasn't clear already) not that Lotus is bossy bossy McFussy pants.


Don't get what's so hard to understand about this. But, of course, people don't like being told what to do, and people here want a conspiracy so they imagine one where there isn't one.

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We remember nothing thx for the cryo-sleep so we know nothing other then to trust the Lotus and follow her orders


We as players know to accept the very little lore that the devs put out because, otherwise, what's the point of putting out the limited lore if it's false?

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Tenno Space Stations that are cloaked around every planet to launch tenno raids and relief efforts from and to power our facilities that builds our starships and fighters and standardized non-clan tech weapons and supplies for said missions. 


The factions are just going to have to get used to us existing. 

Edited by IronWolfSaber
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Tenno Space Stations that are cloaked around every planet to launch tenno raids and relief efforts from and to power our facilities that builds our starships and fighters and standardized non-clan tech weapons and supplies for said missions. 


The factions are just going to have to get used to us existing. 

Ooooooooooooo. The Hubs! That would make sense. How many tethra cores does it take to run a tenno hub? Hm...

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Don't get what's so hard to understand about this. But, of course, people don't like being told what to do, and people here want a conspiracy so they imagine one where there isn't one.


The alternative to a malicious Lotus is an incompetent Lotus. 


About Lotus scolding us: Fair point. Orders was given, a CO has all the right to be agitated. However, the trope of a corrupt officer is nothing new either, and the vibe I am getting from Lotus when she scolds the player is "goddamn it Tenno how dare you make choices on your own!" 


Which makes no sense since we make choices on our own all the time: any mission can be aborted without repercussion, we choose which faction we support in invasions, clans have their own dojo completely separate from a Tenno planet or civilization. 


Now that I write this out I'm starting to think she's just incompetent again. I'd rather have her be malicious or at least ambiguous, at least her character would be more interesting than "mysterious robot(?) girl ally". 

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The alternative to a malicious Lotus is an incompetent Lotus. 


About Lotus scolding us: Fair point. Orders was given, a CO has all the right to be agitated. However, the trope of a corrupt officer is nothing new either, and the vibe I am getting from Lotus when she scolds the player is "goddamn it Tenno how dare you make choices on your own!" 


Which makes no sense since we make choices on our own all the time: any mission can be aborted without repercussion, we choose which faction we support in invasions, clans have their own dojo completely separate from a Tenno planet or civilization. 


Now that I write this out I'm starting to think she's just incompetent again. I'd rather have her be malicious or at least ambiguous, at least her character would be more interesting than "mysterious robot(?) girl ally". 


True but Lotus herself is still a mystery. 
I mean I heard she's supposed to be a corpus AI gone rogue, but what if... she's not a corpus ai, but an ai the corpus raided from the orokin towers. This one particular tower which was a prison for the supposive sentients constructs?
By name alone we could presume the sentient race diverged from something NOT previously sentient; and that she has very innate knowledge of the tenno's abilities and as with excaliburs lore, every advancement the Orokin have made only resulted in making the sentients far more deadlier as they took the technology and turned it back on their owners. 


Lotus is following the pattern of the Sentient warfare fighting; no matter how technically more advanced the Corpus, Grineer, or even the Tenno are getting she's taking their tech, evolving it, and making us return it many folds back against them. Fomorians, Oxium, Tethra, the only difference between sentients and her is that she knows that she cannot fully control us. 

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She's not Corpus.


You know that for a fact? I think she might be - notice how so much more she does against the Grineer than she does against the Corpus, hell when the Corpus got hold of the Oxium she didn't even tell us about it UNTIL they were a threat to us (until the ospreys were made)!


I'm not saying she's a PART of the Corpus now, but I think she's got ties to them, and, because of that, a little bit of a soft spot for them.

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You know that for a fact? I think she might be - notice how so much more she does against the Grineer than she does against the Corpus, hell when the Corpus got hold of the Oxium she didn't even tell us about it UNTIL they were a threat to us (until the ospreys were made)!


I'm not saying she's a PART of the Corpus now, but I think she's got ties to them, and, because of that, a little bit of a soft spot for them.


That's because the devs focus more on the Grineer than the Corpus.

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Should you question the loyalty of every commanding officer that gives you an order? It's called doing their job. This is nothing that hasn't been done a million times in games, shows, and movies. No matter what the case you're going to get scolded on some level for not following orders. She told you to get out because she feared for your safety, and you're supposed to be following your CO in a mission. That tells us how the Tenno usually operate on missions, (implying it wasn't clear already) not that Lotus is bossy bossy McFussy pants.

Another point not to be overlooked is what she says when you extract. I'm paraphrasing but it's something along the lines of "the mission was aborted but everyone is safe and that's what is important" it wasn't a desire for control but concern for the safety of the Tenno that motivated her.

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That's because the devs focus more on the Grineer than the Corpus.


Maybe, but also notice how she seems more afraid (or at least worried for us) against the Grustrag Three than Zanuka. Possibly just another choice made by the Devs, maybe, but I think there's a possibility to the contrary. And just because the Devs decide to focus more on the Grineer DOESN'T explain why the Lotus didn't tell us about the Oxium picked up by the Corpus until AFTER they had already utilized it (especially since she also suggests we would be able to make new frames out of it).

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Here's a problem about the whole "taking away the core for personal use" thing :




- Once released, the core will become unstable and its health will begin to degrade. If the core runs out of health before it reaches its destination, it will rupture and killing everyone in the vicinity.

Source : https://warframe.com/news/tethras-doom-now

The question is, if she did manage to salvage a core, where would she store it so it didn't rupture? From what I'm aware, everything is on the fly.

Edited by BladeMaverick
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Tenno Space Stations that are cloaked around every planet to launch tenno raids and relief efforts from and to power our facilities that builds our starships and fighters and standardized non-clan tech weapons and supplies for said missions. 


Seems like the most valid explanation on why she would keep the Cores. Either the Space Stations or building her own fleet.


If she uses them directly or just reverse-engineers them I won't judge. But what I'm pretty sure about is she doesn't blow up that sh*t. Could do that too in the shipyard and hamper the Grineer's production cycle.


At least there's something smelly about her on-going, which I suspected ever since. That's why I never fully trust her and rely on my good ol' Tenno common sense. My clan also doesn't view her as our leader, more like one of our contractors next to the Grineer and Corpus. We are just mercenaries with a good sense of honor by knowing when to refuse a particular job, like refusing the Corpus Deal back at Gradivus and instead working for the Grineer.

Edited by MeduSalem
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The alternative to a malicious Lotus is an incompetent Lotus. 


About Lotus scolding us: Fair point. Orders was given, a CO has all the right to be agitated. However, the trope of a corrupt officer is nothing new either, and the vibe I am getting from Lotus when she scolds the player is "goddamn it Tenno how dare you make choices on your own!" 


Which makes no sense since we make choices on our own all the time: any mission can be aborted without repercussion, we choose which faction we support in invasions, clans have their own dojo completely separate from a Tenno planet or civilization. 


Now that I write this out I'm starting to think she's just incompetent again. I'd rather have her be malicious or at least ambiguous, at least her character would be more interesting than "mysterious robot(?) girl ally". 


What you basically said was, "If she's not evil for being slightly upset for us not following an order, it must mean she is incompetent and doesn't know who she's talking to."




We are given directive for the most part, and we noramlly go about those our own way. But the one of the few times she gives us a specific and direct order, emphasizing the concern for our safely, people decide that it's a negative thing.


Also I don't know you are getting such a vibe and, "goddamn it Tenno how dare you make choices on your own! to describe it."

She says. "...but next time, follow my orders." In a fairly light tone that sounds more like your mother tell you, "ok no harm done, but try to listen to me."

Seriously, I don't get where that stigma comes from.


If fact people doing this REALLY does make Lotus seem more motherly. Moma Lotus tells us to do something and we're like, "YOU DONT UNDERSTAND, MOM! GOSH!"

No wonder we're friends with Darvo.




Another point not to be overlooked is what she says when you extract. I'm paraphrasing but it's something along the lines of "the mission was aborted but everyone is safe and that's what is important" it wasn't a desire for control but concern for the safety of the Tenno that motivated her.

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What you basically said was, "If she's not evil for being slightly upset for us not following an order, it must mean she is incompetent and doesn't know who she's talking to."


I meant in general. Her handling of some operations are poor. I don't call her stupid over that specific G3 line we are talking about, but over other action. 


Also I don't know you are getting such a vibe and, "goddamn it Tenno how dare you make choices on your own!"

She says. "...but next time, follow my orders." In a fairly light tone that sounds more like your mother tell you, "ok no harm done, but try to listen to me."

Seriously, I don't get where that stigma comes from.


Maybe I misheard when she said it on my Survival mission. I was in the middle of a firefight. 




I haven't heard that line at all. Then I concede, Lotus is not showing maliciousness because of the G3.  I still have doubt over Lotus for other reasons. Namely, I don't understand her decision to destroy the core in outer space instead of on the shipyard to cripple the Grineer operation. Possibly, there are civilians/slaves there, but I haven't heard anything to that effect from her.


See bold answer in quote. 

Edited by Kinperor
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If Lotus is as old as the sleeping Tenno, she knows everything.

What makes a soldier to question a leader is when said leader hides things.

Remember when she wakes a Tenno?

For a moment she hopes, even expects the tenno to remember.

When she realize once again the amnesia erased all, she

descides to leave the soldier in the dark.

Instead she primises to teach them to master the art of war and the warframes.

Her prime mission is unknown to us all.

She talks of influence, Councils, Stability, balance.

She orders us to kill by the thousands, assassinate members of rank, steal data, capture people, all without telling us why.

Stalker claims he knows. Lotus calls him confused and dangerous.

Corpus calls the Tenno betrayers. But who did they betray? Did Lotus give the order?

Hekk wants to kill her with pure hate. Why do they hate the Tenno so?

She has a goal, she has purpose.

I have a feeling she is waiting for the Tenno to remember.

Like a program wanting input. Untill they do, she acts on her own trying to do what she feel is right.

As for the cores, anything goes.

I am still expecting the Fomorian Tethra to appear, like a phoenix of death from Jupiter.

Edited by arch111
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See bold answer in quote. 


Well for one it would kill us. We have to go down and manually get the core out. Even if put a time bomb on it we'd need a decent amount of time to get to extract and left to get out of such a blast radius. The Grineer would just remove the bomb by that point.


You can probably think of some way to pull it off, but it mostly just boils down to the gametype the devs want.Same reason the Grineer bloody shoot the thing. XD Actually they might be able to explain that...kind of..by saying it's more or less a risky as hell bluff/treat. "Cut this S#&$ out Tenno or we're take it and all of us out with it." Hek might be McMad enough to order that. But, that's another story. lol

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If Lotus is as old as the sleeping Tenno, she knows everything.

What makes a soldier to question a leader is when said leader hides things.

Remember when she wakes a Tenno?

For a moment she hopes, even expects the tenno to remember.

When she realize once again the amnesia erased all, she

descides to leave the soldier in the dark.

Instead she primises to teach them to master the art of war and the warframes.

Her prime mission is unknown to us all.

She talks of influence, Councils, Stability, balance.

She orders us to kill by the thousands, assassinate members of rank, steal data, capture people, all without telling us why.

Stalker claims he knows. Lotus calls him confused and dangerous.

Corpus calls the Tenno betrayers. But who did they betray? Did Lotus give the order?

Hekk wants to kill her with pure hate. Why do they hate the Tenno so?

She has a goal, she has purpose.

I have a feeling she is waiting for the Tenno to remember.

Like a program wanting input. Untill they do, she acts on her own trying to do what she feel is right.

As for the cores, anything goes.

I am still expecting the Fomorian Tethra to appear, like a phoenix of death from Jupiter.

>Instead she primises to teach them to master the art of war and the warframes.


Teach? They already knew. It's instinct to them and the only thing that really stuck with them.



>Corpus calls the Tenno betrayers. But who did they betray? Did Lotus give the order?


The Tenno essentially betrayed the Orokin. Read the Stalker's Codex entry.



>Hekk wants to kill her with pure hate. Why do they hate the Tenno so?


The Grineer, in a nutshell, hate everyone that isn't Grineer. That's been made pretty clear so far. Plus we interfere with them on a regular basis to stop their shenanigans so I'd say that's a reason to be extra mad.


Just the few things I felt l could point out quickly without writing an essay.

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