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I'm still learning, but I figured I'd give this a go. Here's my submission.


Lotus is always going on about avoiding fire, figured there must be a good reason why she's always warning my Warframes to stay away from it.



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i dont know some of the kanji, but for you guys wondering what it says, here ya go:

Title: Tooreno (dont know kanji ) tenno re no (dont know kanji) shii ( dont know kanji)

First panel: Uso! Hiiruga!

Second panel: ( dont know the kanji) Kegairu kana? (below the top bubble): naninarito!

Saryn's bubble: Sowajiyaa, o( dont know kanji) niete.

Third panel: yoshi! Gowade (dont know kanji) Waru!

Below bubble: tsuno arigatone!


Im sorry i couldnt translate the actual sentences into what they are saying, as ive only been taking about a year and a half of japanese. Also, the kanji i dont know is probably because it is either foreign, or doesnt pertain to regular conversation. So @Ponkotsu, sorry if its a bit off, did ma best :P

I made a translation on Page 12.

I'm honestly surprised mine was the only MOA kung fu related jab so far...

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I spent entirely too much time doing this.


(Also, seeing a lot of jiay's chibis. I hope they have been consulted. 0_0)

EDIT: I know the weapons are approximations, my internet went down and I only had the one night and day. Sorry, enjoy~

Edited by MeChaNiZ3D
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This is not good at all, but today I was firing at grineer on mercury and while i watched them slide left and right whlle  "walking" forward....it occured to me...they're doing the electric slide...thus the inspiration for this...


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As an artist, It disappointed me so much. [DE]Megan need to add a new rule: Never use another's work on your comic.

Sad thing that this needs to be written down as a rule and doesn't go by itself ...


(Also, seeing a lot of jiay's chibis. I hope they have been consulted. 0_0)

Which ones do you mean?

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Which ones do you mean?


I didn't want to name names or anything but for example, zeomatsuka's rhino (top of page 15) looks eerily like a trace job of http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/203/c/c/warframe_rhino_by_jiayibingding-d6epqsu.png

I apologise profusely if I'm wrong but it's pretty serious to copy someone else without giving credit. See also their Loki.

Edited by MeChaNiZ3D
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I draw this picture, thinking: "What if the warframes knew, they are being controlled by people such as us, gamers. And how would they react?"


This is my humble attempt. I used the basic Drawing programme. Hope you find the comics likeable.



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I didn't want to name names or anything but for example, zeomatsuka's rhino (top of page 15) looks eerily like a trace job of http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/203/c/c/warframe_rhino_by_jiayibingding-d6epqsu.png

I apologise profusely if I'm wrong but it's pretty serious to copy someone else without giving credit. See also their Loki.



Honestly, trace jobs aren't really that bad. You have to admit, not everyone's got the skill for various reasons. It looks inspired by jiayi's art (you'll notice it's not 100% the same. Various parts of the helmet differ), but is pretty fine even as a stand-alone. 


The real problem, I feel, is when people use the art without credit, or do not ask for permission. I'm reasonably sure that most artists wouldn't mind it, if you ask beforehand. And if they do not wish to allow permission, that's their right entirely. However, it is not the right of others to steal work. Those are the ones I feel cross the line, because they're taking wholesale other people's identity, hard work and inspiration.


Tracing is fine, as it pretty much shows that the artist needs the guide (if it really is tracing), is willing to put in effort, and won't (or can't) exactly mimic the unique and personal style of the original artist. The people who don't need to trace already have a strong enough base to draw their own stuff, anyways.

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