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Extortion At Its Finest.....must Read For All Up And Coming Players!


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If you find someone willing to pay 150, it's worth 150.

If noone is willing to pay that, the price will decline over time.


Also, you're comparing apples to pears. Prime frames are primes and regulars are regular. You can't just buy any Prime in the market on demand.

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Who you going to blame?  Players who put the work in, or DE for making loot tables ridiculously unfair?  Maybe if some of the new prime gear had more than a 3% drop chance, you'd see more of them being sold and traded, thus lowering the pricing.


But no, these are ultra rare and new, so supply and demand is going to drive them up for a while, until everyone gets their prime gear and there's a surplus.


In a month or so, a Rhino Prime set wont be sold for much more than 50p.  But if you don't like the prices now, you're just going to have to be patient.

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so as everypony pointed out "supply and demand" as long there is a short supply of a certain item the price will skyrocket but once the market is saturated with said item price will fall. As for me im farming keys for Rhino Prime when he releases on PS4 and if im blessed by the RNG and i get all the pieces in one day and sell them as a set for 1000 plat :p. Granted i won't get that amount but always price higher then what your willing to sell it for.

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so as everypony pointed out "supply and demand" as long there is a short supply of a certain item the price will skyrocket but once the market is saturated with said item price will fall. As for me im farming keys for Rhino Prime when he releases on PS4 and if im blessed by the RNG and i get all the pieces in one day and sell them as a set for 1000 plat :p. Granted i won't get that amount but always price higher then what your willing to sell it for.

may the RNG be never in your favor for the price you stated XD 

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I don't really see the issue here, if people are willing to pay, then let them. It's not like anyone is forced to.

Also, I highly doubt the first thing a new player does is checking out the trading channel buying random parts, especially when they haven't even tried ANY of the weapons/frames except starter. Normal people check the market, to get an overview, then play for a bit to see what they like, by then the average person should be aware that everything can be farmed...and if they're not and are willing to pay, I'll say it agian, let them.

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As has been pointed out numerous times already, this is both a case of supply and demand, and speculation.
For it to be something concrete that one could advocate against, it would have to be organized control and selling of the items (a cartel).

It's a product of people willing to pay the prices asked; where the price fluctuates based mostly on when people start scuffing at the asking price, at which points the inflation levels off.
In addition, as mentioned above, it is also a case of speculation, in the sense that some of the items are new, and thereby hyped, which only increases the prices people are willing to pay.

Really, you need not look any further than to EVE online, in order to get a fleshed out but still comprehensible representation of these forces: It's common knowledge that any new ship will be horribly overpriced - compared to its base manufacturing cost, which equates to the time needed to farm it in Warframe - and anyone wanting to buy the new shiny toy will, effectively, have to mark their calendars a couple of months after the official release of the item; because then both speculation - and the resulting high demand - will have died down, and prices will have normalized.

In other words; this is a result brought on by all of us, both those selling, paying and hyping the items. If a "call for lower prices" were to work, you'd have to reduce demand by reducing hype and increasing natural supply, or simply "wait it out". Unless of course, as mentioned, if the price is a result of cartels deciding to keep prices inflated, but I somewhat doubt that would be the case. :)

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I dont see the problem with high prices.

I broke down after days and days and days of farming for mag prime and getting 0 pieces. I bought the entire thing, BP and all parts, for 20 plat. The reason it was cheap? Because it wasn't the new shiny that everyone wanted.

Once people stop clammoring for an item and more and more of the pieces for it start to float around the price will take a steady nose-dive. You just have to have some sort of patience and wait instead of trying to buy a set the day it comes out.

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First Rule of MMO Trading:


Never respond to WTS. The prices are unreasonable 99% of the times because people are either greedy or stupid. Sometimes both. Take your time and post your own WTB instead. It will take longer, but usually you only have to pay a fraction of the WTS prices.

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Buy  Rhino Prime when Loki Prime is coming out.

Oh dear you can get him for like.... uh 50 plat and that is overpriced ?


Heck frost prime and mag prime was going for 20 to 30 plat.

FULL sets.

Edited by fatpig84
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Yeah i never trade unless i have alot of stuff i know i can just sell and Get rid off, Like a Few Blind rages or something...Beyond that though i would prefer if trading was Limited to Clans only I.E member to Member....Actually for it to not exist at all would be better. I have spoken to a few people who just jump on here buy 10,000 Plat and Buy everything they need from trading, And thats it..End game in 5min for them Not even rank 2. =\



Mean while we have other people being scammed and Ripped off all at once.

DE knows this, which is why they had no trouble enabling this feature. It could have just been BP for BP trading and mod for mod or mod for bp etc.


We live in a world were most of us want certain things asap. 


As you mention, you don't even have to play the game, just buy your way through and gain every mod and frame just like that. Even most weapons too,I think Clan weps can be bought too? Not sure, you can tell I never go into the market section of the game, Lol


Making money as a company to survive and earn a profit, real life. Making money to the point to get you a big luxury yacht while at the unneeded expense of of your consumers, quality, values, etc... ugliness, but sadly also a part of life.


First Rule of MMO Trading:


Never respond to WTS. The prices are unreasonable 99% of the times because people are either greedy or stupid. Sometimes both. Take your time and post your own WTB instead. It will take longer, but usually you only have to pay a fraction of the WTS prices.

^This, but not everyone is so rational despite how reasonable and level headed this tactic seems.


I come from the mmorpg and Korean rpg at that, so grinding is nothing for me, esp for this game. So I have no problem farming things I need and then trading my extra for others things I don't have. But this isn't a rpg nor a Korean(Asian) game so the so called 'rng' grind is at times ridiculous.


More ppl should do the forum posts or auction house. If we had an auction house it would 'help', the players,not DE's pockets  =D

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People may advertise something for 200 Platinums but what you don't know is they are trolling. Nobody actually buys it off them for that much.

My suggestion is if you are looking for something, you shout what it is you are looking for and what you are willing to pay.

Someone will send you a pm for your offer if they are willing to part with what you are asking for.

Parts are worth what people are willing to pay.

Someone shouting about 1000 platinum doesn't mean it's worth it nor does it mean he will get it for that price.

I wouldn't buy something for 1000 platinum.

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DE knows this, which is why they had no trouble enabling this feature. It could have just been BP for BP trading and mod for mod or mod for bp etc.


We live in a world were most of us want certain things asap. 


As you mention, you don't even have to play the game, just buy your way through and gain every mod and frame just like that. Even most weapons too,I think Clan weps can be bought too? Not sure, you can tell I never go into the market section of the game, Lol


Making money as a company to survive and earn a profit, real life. Making money to the point to get you a big luxury yacht while at the unneeded expense of of your consumers, quality, values, etc... ugliness, but sadly also a part of life.


^This, but not everyone is so rational despite how reasonable and level headed this tactic seems.


I come from the mmorpg and Korean rpg at that, so grinding is nothing for me, esp for this game. So I have no problem farming things I need and then trading my extra for others things I don't have. But this isn't a rpg nor a Korean(Asian) game so the so called 'rng' grind is at times ridiculous.


More ppl should do the forum posts or auction house. If we had an auction house it would 'help', the players,not DE's pockets  =D

I'm sure de staff members aren't trying to pay off their islands or yachts...

Don't blame de for the community's behavior.

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I'm sure de staff members aren't trying to pay off their islands or yachts...

Don't blame de for the community's behavior.


Lol ofc not the staff members. Just the head guy(s). They're the ones who make the major decisions and major bucks. Staff are just employees and take the flame/heat from the consumers.


You must be new to the corporate worldif you're not aware that generally all corporates seek to indeed pay off islands and/or yachts Lol



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If people are willing to pay high prices, then I don't see the problem. How exactly is it extortion if the person doesn't have to buy it? They are on the trading channel because they either don't have the time to farm, don't have the keys to farm, or aren't a high enough level to manage doing T3 runs. If they aren't willing to put in the time to remedy those things, then they deserve to pay a premium.


You also have to consider how much time some of these parts take to get. I just finished building my Rhino Prime, and it took me 12 40 minute survivals to finally get the chassis. That is roughly 8 hours of playing the same monotonous mission. Had I known it would have taken that much time, I probably would buy it for under 150p. That's like half an hour of work.

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If people are willing to pay high prices, then I don't see the problem. How exactly is it extortion if the person doesn't have to buy it? They are on the trading channel because they either don't have the time to farm, don't have the keys to farm, or aren't a high enough level to manage doing T3 runs. If they aren't willing to put in the time to remedy those things, then they deserve to pay a premium.


You also have to consider how much time some of these parts take to get. I just finished building my Rhino Prime, and it took me 12 40 minute survivals to finally get the chassis. That is roughly 8 hours of playing the same monotonous mission. Had I known it would have taken that much time, I probably would buy it for under 150p. That's like half an hour of work.

The OP used the words extortion and force in order to build an emotional response in the audience. It's a nice tactic employed by news outlets and politicians who lack logical arguements. It's an open market led by supply and demand and people who don't participate aren't affected at all. In honesty I see no problems with trade as it is.

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If people are willing to pay high prices, then I don't see the problem. How exactly is it extortion if the person doesn't have to buy it? They are on the trading channel because they either don't have the time to farm, don't have the keys to farm, or aren't a high enough level to manage doing T3 runs. If they aren't willing to put in the time to remedy those things, then they deserve to pay a premium.


You also have to consider how much time some of these parts take to get. I just finished building my Rhino Prime, and it took me 12 40 minute survivals to finally get the chassis. That is roughly 8 hours of playing the same monotonous mission. Had I known it would have taken that much time, I probably would buy it for under 150p. That's like half an hour of work.


You should look up 'price gouging' then look back on how you view things.


As for the rest of what you said, yes. If you want things right away, in a premium fashion expect to pay more.Overnight shipping/delivery etc. 


However, it's different when things are seemingly 'fixed' a certain way to induce a false sense of supply and demand. Meaning, to dilute the rewards pool, 'screw up' the RNG so said items are harder than expected to find therefore leading to rarity of items which leads to supply and demand in the market.


If the items are already set at a 10-40% drop rate every run that's okay. RPGs tend to do things like that. But if items are likely suppose to drop within 20 mins of doing survival or going 15-25 waves in a defense and don't drop, despite doing these several times a day several times a week... something is very wrong.


Especially when DE themselves note and states; "we're aware of it and are fixing it."


Thing is, I doubt RNG is a mess up and more so is purposely like it is atm. To encourage either both playing more and/or spending plat to get said items that are so elusive.


If they want to outright make certain rare that's fine (with me). Just say so, but hiding behind the 'RNG has gone haywire' is fail. They don't wanna be reference as a grind game while at the same time doing things to be a grind game.


Either go all the way in or stop tip-toeing around things. 

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I fail to see how any of this affects you negatively.

Players are paying for convenience and DE is making a profit for that convenience which in turn furthers development for the game.

This is a win/win situation where the only people who should be griping are poor people with a huge case of "jelly much?". If you can't afford it, grind it. No one is doing anything against their will here. The only people being "hurt" are the butthurts who have to wait for their monthly allowance for mowing lawns.

Solution? Get a job or get grinding.

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