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Members Dropping Like Flies


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Unless it brings a planet with missions starting with lvl60 mobs I won't be back like I used to.

We both crave more difficult enemies and smarter AI. I'm just saying you are in for a pleasant surprise. Patience grasshopper.... No bull if what I hear/seen turns out to be legit... Hey...RELAX. It will be JUST FINE. We are about to get more than we can handle in a little bit...

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You say you're recruiting new players... have you looked at the new player experience? It's a mess.

- Awful weapons that feel bad to use

- Poor mod drops when progression is based around extremely rare damage increase mods

- Inability to craft anything before Saturn/Jupiter/Mars

- Those planets being gated by Earth, and Earth's difficulty regularly becomes a nightmare - see presently Eurasia and Lua being impossible for new players after they were supposedly fixed.


We see a thread about once a week when someone goes back and tries starting a new account, and it's always the same: "wow, I didn't realise newbies had it this bad!". Yet nothing's been done about it.


Given up on trying to recruit friends. Unsurprised fresh subs are dropping like flies.

I've been trying to get some of my friends to play as well and I've noticed that the new player experience is just painful.  I've even gone as far as to make a second account just to see how bad it is, and honestly I'll probably start having nightmares about it.  


Earth was enough of a pain to get through, but recently it's been kicking players back to the desktop or spawning bad guys in un-reachable areas.  I rage quit'd my new account and logged onto my established one, and spent a few hrs helping new players get past Earth, and took a few to get better weapons.   Real tutorials need to be added, or add a link to the launcher that goes directly to the wiki and forums.  1/3 new players didn't know there was a wiki or forums. 


This game is not friendly to new players. RNG  and poor communication just adds insult to injury. 

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The problem is that the missions are under developed.  I suspect that the reason why they are under developed is because they are not targeted to player psycology.  Many of the missions are "go there do that".  Which makes them pretty much the same.  It does not matter If I'm destroying a ship's core or fetching some data packets.  It's still "go there do that".  It's the same action.  All of those style missions will appeal to anybody who likes "go there do that".  Whoever likes respawning hordes has survival, defense, and MD.  But, there are no missions for players interested in other actions and perspectives.  There are no missions that are well suited to stealth players.  There is no mission well suited to people who hate AoE spam.  There are no missions suited to people who want a high or low TTK, for the players or the enemy.  There are no missions for people who think the game is too slow, or too fast paced.  There are no missions for payers that want to feel necessary to the team.  Or, they exist but are hidden behind RNG or waves of lower level enemies.  Etc.


Many forum commentators don't accept the concept of sharing the game.  Anything they dislike, they incessantly call for the removal of even if they are aware that it would ruin a lot of other player's fun.  Such players cannot be negotiated with.  They have to be kept separate.  They need missions that suit them.


DE, like most video game companies, resists seeing the fact that player/customer bases are inherently fractured.   DE, like so much of the video gaming industry, tries to avoid having separate sandboxes for players.  They try to make compromises that cause the least amount of player loss.  But, that doesn't really work for long.  Eventually, all it does is &!$$ everyone off because no one gets what they truly want.  Everyone gets compromises, game after game after game..............., just compromises. 


Eventually, players learn to just play Rocksmith 2014, where there is no grind, no nerfs, and it's entirely skill based, but there is fun to be had regardless of your skill level, and stay away from other games which are just doomed to be nerfed from the start and get worse because they are not built to satisfy.  Most games are built with the notion of the developer getting away with as much dissatisfaction as possible.  It's as if game developers want to be gold farmers.  Advertise "End Game", the knight in shining white armor, but start the player off in tattered underwear, wielding a rusty shiv against rats the size and disposition of pitbulls, in tavern basements.   Keep them in that state as long as possible until they buy an account ready endgame so they can get past the long gauntlet of boredom.  If games didn't have boredom blocking "end game" there would be no gold farmers.

Well said...My favorite part is in bold. I will feel free to use that quote in the future as I don't intend to try and say it better...+1

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It's actually a pretty big part of an MMO/ Net game TPS CO-OP game with MMO elements.


I was a sub leader in Eden Eternal a couple of years ago and we basically did the same thing as you did, gave new players a guild that they could use for help and try to stay Social.


Lots of people quit because that's how the FTP playerbases usually are they try it, might like it but then drop it because they have something else to play. Or a default game they want to get back to.


It might also be that Warframe just didn't have the charm of another game that they play by default like I think Skyrim is a much better game for me, even though I play it like Borderlands nowadays skipping the story and just trying to find the most balanced build and mods to keep the game hard and interesting. And then there are people who just don't have the time to play Warframe because work or school so they drop it. FTP games are usually really time consuming.


TL:DR there are lots of reasons, RL and in game. All you can really do is put a one week inactivity = kick clause unless you're informed otherwise of a member not being available in game for more than a week.

Edited by Ziegrif
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Endless grind. Lack of balance. Boring missions. Lack of teamplay. RNG. Disconnects. No lore. Too much RPG and too less twitch shooter. Useless pakour element. Bad matchmaking.


Honestly, the hype surrounding this game astonishes me, to say the least.


I ask myself why this game has so much hype every day. If you were to remove the (mostly) awesome work the art team has done and replace it with your standard high fantasy MMO universe, WF would fade into obscurity along with every other unmemorable MMORPG. In fact, it might do worse because there is just








It's the designs and the feel of certain weapons that keeps me coming back. That's it. If it weren't for that I would have been long gone by now.

Edited by Noble_Cactus
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HEy. A little birdie told me there is ALOT coming. Seriously. We should be patient. That focus/badland stuff is GOING TO BE DOPE. The lore IS THERE. Please. Trust me. BE PATIENT. They want to do this right.


I find it ludicrous that DE is billing Focus as "endgame." Endgame is not grind. Endgame is where you show off the fruits of your grind.


No opinion on Badlands yet since the little we know about it is very much up in the air.


Anyway... who's ready for tomorrow's weapon? 

Edited by Noble_Cactus
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Quests and replayable eventstructures is our only hope.

The game right now is gameplay and great visuals in a empty universe.

It is a framework, not a game.

This is why they leave.

Vor gets everyone exited. Then 100 hours on, its still the same thing.

Only the gear and bosses really change.

The events are isolated events, DE will not continue making them.

Instead the Quest system will somehow make Events with RNG, and story will be delivered the same way.

The ambitions for spaceships, and factions in the Proxy wars will be the actual game.

Not to mention the Hubs, a mmorpg like thing where many players will somehow be able to interact.

So new players think its a grand adventure , and leave once they run out of story, run into grindwalls and confusion.

Plus the lack of intro for players.

It can only get better from here.

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DE is taking it slow; Wednesdays and after events are the only times anything really "happens". Some people don't have the time to wait for them to work with the community, get fustrated with the game for their own reasons, or just drift to other games.

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It's the lack of a story, honestly.


A game without a story is just... Well... A shooting simulator? That's what it feels like, anyway.


Yeah, I get that they're releasing lore in chunks, but still. Instead of adding new frames every major update. Or weapons/cosmetics/etc. every week, they should be working on releasing the lore.  



Edit: Vor's prize would be greatly appreciated, since they've been talking about that damn thing since... forever ago... 


UT99 had no story, it was just a run and gun shooter, but it was fun,that lasted me a good 5-6 years, warframe just has no endgame content, your "goal" is to just accumulate more weapons/frames, gain mastery which (currently) has no real worth or use, only to unlock/aquire more weapons/frames.


eventually you run out of frames leaving only weapon aquisition, but given that theres no scale of power for weapons, a high mastery weapon doesnt even assure a good performance, in actuality you could survive using just the top handful of weapons and nothing more and you wont be missing out on anything.


in other games you reach a level cap using whatever weak gear you have, you then do tougher missions to aquire better gear to better tackle the endgame challenges/games.  here we lack that, you could amass everything ingame if you wanted but seriously, what are you going to do with them all once you had everything, theres nothing of interest to venture out on to use all that pimp 6x forma'd gear with.





but in the meantime, older players leave, new clueless players arrive, only to later leave once they realise how it all works.

Edited by Methanoid
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I only see the rest of my clan when there's an event on.


Out 70 people in my friends list, 6 are online on a semi-regular basis.


I think people just burn out and would rather play a game with strong narrative structure than the item acquisition simulator Warframe's in danger of becoming.

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Most games are built with the notion of the developer getting away with as much dissatisfaction as possible.  It's as if game developers want to be gold farmers.  Advertise "End Game", the knight in shining white armor, but start the player off in tattered underwear, wielding a rusty shiv against rats the size and disposition of pitbulls, in tavern basements.   Keep them in that state as long as possible until they buy an account ready endgame so they can get past the long gauntlet of boredom.  If games didn't have boredom blocking "end game" there would be no gold farmers.


This is such an excellent way to phrase it. I, for one, keep playing Warframe despite many of the changes they've made, not because of. All these promises keep being yanked in front of us to drag people along with the typical 'Soon™' and 'It's a beta' excuses. While they may be valid to some extent, they are prone to being abused. There's a lovely Google spreadsheet listing everything DE's promised or claimed is in the works, and it is a shocking thing to behold.


Stealth, comes to mind. Been promised since I started playing when the game came into open beta. So far, we have a whopping two changes: silencer mods and the ability to disable alerts.

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This is such an excellent way to phrase it. I, for one, keep playing Warframe despite many of the changes they've made, not because of. All these promises keep being yanked in front of us to drag people along with the typical 'Soon™' and 'It's a beta' excuses. While they may be valid to some extent, they are prone to being abused. There's a lovely Google spreadsheet listing everything DE's promised or claimed is in the works, and it is a shocking thing to behold.


Stealth, comes to mind. Been promised since I started playing when the game came into open beta. So far, we have a whopping two changes: silencer mods and the ability to disable alerts.

That latter is a big one, though. Stealth is essentially a puzzle game; the ability to quickly try again when you fail is important.


Have you got a link to that Google spreadsheet, though?

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I think the reasons why people leave warframe are:

-Broken RNG (you have a high chance to not get what you want)

-Awfull new player expierience (nerfed Lato say hello!, lack of essential mods due to rng etc).

-Warframe nothing has to do with ninjas, sadly (limited stamina, no stealth...)


-Bad matchmaking (netcode)



I keep asking myself why i still play? I must admit that warframe has one big advantage which is in my opinion an art style.

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they will come back if the game offered something better, for now it isnt good


- bad ability sets

- no big bosses and real hard ones

- quests to contribute to lore

- raids


this game needs mmorpg elements even though its not mmo.

Edited by Ritchel
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A very common mistake made by people in this game is to make a clan and make it as big as possible. In other games this works, in this game the SMALLER the clan the better.


i support this way of thinking, few good guys > a lot of unknown guys


the game needs a lot of friendship in order to overcome boredome

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You say you're recruiting new players... have you looked at the new player experience? It's a mess.

- Awful weapons that feel bad to use

- Poor mod drops when progression is based around extremely rare damage increase mods

- Inability to craft anything before Saturn/Jupiter/Mars

- Those planets being gated by Earth, and Earth's difficulty regularly becomes a nightmare - see presently Eurasia and Lua being impossible for new players after they were supposedly fixed.


We see a thread about once a week when someone goes back and tries starting a new account, and it's always the same: "wow, I didn't realise newbies had it this bad!". Yet nothing's been done about it.


Given up on trying to recruit friends. Unsurprised fresh subs are dropping like flies.

honestly I have succeeded with multiple new players, I helped them past some mission, took them on ODD runs to wave 50+ they had a blast on it and got some good stuff. Then I gave they some better mods once they could trade. in my clan I have 5 people who I started at r0-2 now they are up to 6-7ish but have pretty much quit.Now some other newbys have just dropped but thats not always the case. 

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The game does what it advertises.  The next steps will be melee 2.0, which will hopefully bring about the change most people want, and then the Bad Lands and Proxy Wars.  Then the whole focus thing with the Tenno which if implemented properly will be very cool  Throw in a player hub instead of star map where players avatars can congregate and you have the makings of a very fine end game experience.  It's sad that people expect a F2P game to be instantly polished and ready in a year or two after release and then *@##$ and moan when it isn't.  For that matter comparing it to other titles like Diablo 3 or Titanfall both of which have the backing of multi-million dollar companies and development houses with enormous budgets and resources.  Give credit where credit is due.  If you fell you can do better then do so and make a better game and release it F2P.  Otherwise it is what it is. 

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