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A Collection Of Ideas Around Mods.


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Instead of putting mods into the warframe specific powers , they could make a skill tree where you spend points when leveling your frame and you can  make your powers stronger or add additional effects to them . That way it will be easier to balance each specific power .

Edited by Xeiobe
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Reminds me of Diablo 3's Rune system, except that you can't change it mid-game (and doing so doesn't cause you to lose you droprate buff). I like it.


Exactly, I use the Diablo 3, rune system when I try to explain this concept to friends. I think it is a logical step in the right direction.

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I rather have the ability to upgrade my powers with mods rather then have my mods be powers.... 



Also i they can still switch out powers, it would still work so really there is no fuss..


I can't wait for the Focus system because that will help allot with this kind of stuff. .-.

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Instead of putting mods into the warframe specific powers , they could make a skill tree where you spend points when leveling your frame and you can  make your powers stronger or add additional effects to them . That way it will be easier to balance each specific power .


Meh..... That's to generic i like the system they have now because its so unique,


but the Focus system will have something like that so it will come into play, the Focus system from the live stream will kinda be like the perks and skill tree system..... idk i haven't really seen it enough.




P.s Melee 2.0 will mess with melees mod system maybe? Melee auras????? That would be nice for the combo system. :P

Edited by Feallike
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While I do like the sound of the idea it would cause far too many balance issues and all frames in general would become far too strong for any of the difficulties the game currently has available. 

(Still waiting for those Nightmare Mode Void Towers)


My suggestion is you just use the ability you require the most and use forma's on the rest of the = slots.

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I like it as it is. I, with few exceptions, only like 2 or 3 powers on most of my frames, so this allows me set a more frame focused build but dropping a power via a forma. Your suggestion effectively locks me into having a more focused power build but not so much frame centric.


Now if the power selectable was also the warframe, and then warframe powers were 100% to warframe general skills and 25% to all powers, while power mods were 70.% to that power and 15% to the warframe (and by extension all powers) then I think you are onto something.


this would also mean you would have to reclassify cards as either warframe or power mods to have them function correctly.

Edited by (PS4)Blackie___Chan
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I like it as it is. I, with few exceptions, only like 2 or 3 powers on most of my frames, so this allows me set a more frame focused build but dropping a power via a forma. Your suggestion effectively locks me into having a more focused power build but not so much frame centric.


Now if the power selectable was also the warframe, and then warframe powers were 100% to warframe general skills and 25% to all powers, while power mods were 70.% to that power and 15% to the warframe (and by extension all powers) then I think you are onto something.


this would also mean you would have to reclassify cards as either warframe or power mods to have them function correctly.



In my interpretation of this idea, the warframe mods that we have currently will stay in game and they will not be allowed to be used on the warframe ability mod slots.


Much like an AURA slot,  the warframe ability mod slots are for special NEW cards that are  ONLY for the specific warframe ability.


Example would be, you run a certain mission to get those "slash dash mod cards".


Not like you can just take a fleeting expertise and put in on Slash Dash alone...those cards we currently have will remain in game and ONLY be usable on the warframe body itself.


New Warframe Ability specific mod cards would need to be created.


These new warframe ability mod cards are not going to make the warframe powers "over powered", instead they will only add alterations to the power.


If there is an increase in damage or something then there would be a trade off, such as in the corrupted mod cards.


So for example, Slash Dash could have a series of mods made just for that power, that give it an additional effect. 




The mod would add a bleed effect to all enemies that Slash Dash doesn't kill, the bleed could be based off the total damage done to the target in question...that target would then have a bleed effect applied for 5 seconds equating to like 30% of the damage done on the initial strike. 


The trade off could be that Slash Dash now COSTS more energy to use, but it is in turn more useful!


Having specific cards in the loot tables is currently in the system..how many "warframe abilities mods" do you get in any given week?  eg. blessing, frost globe, slash dash..these cards are fusion fodder...totally watering down the loot tables.


Now...remove those warframe abilities from the drop tables and replace them with an assortment of Warframe ability specific mod cards that add alterations to the root ability.


With all change comes the need to balance, this is a given.

Edited by 2ply
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I like your idea, but I'm also concerned whether all abilities can share the same mods. Cause farming rare mods can be painful.

I'd like there to be specific mods that work on all 1 abilities, mods that work on all 2 abilities and so on. Obviously current warframe mods aren't suitable for abilities.

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I wanted this too for a long time, had a thread about it also.... but it has become clear that it is without a doubt not gonna happen!!! 

They implemented code to support generic abilities recently (abilities all frames can use) and had the design council come up with ideas for such abilities. 

You can see plans are in motion to improve on the current mod system, even though your idea is great and might have been interesting, it´s not going to happen.


Sry Bra!^^


Edit: Never say never, right! :P After postin this i realized that the inital plans for Melee 2.0 were quiet different then what it has become. Soo... there might be a small chance that while DE´s workin on Ability Mods, they gonna change there mind or something and start overhauling the whole system like they did with melee and damage.


But so far everything points in the other direction, which also is not a terrible one btw, having multiple Abilitys to choose from might be hella fun if the Abiltiys bring something new to the table!^^


"whisper": you should have seen the suggestions in the Design Council!!! Hoooly Craaap, there were some awesome ideas there! ;)

Edited by r0ckwolf
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I wanted this too for a long time, had a thread about it also.... but it has become clear that it is without a doubt not gonna happen!!! 

They implemented code to support generic abilities recently (abilities all frames can use) and had the design council come up with ideas for such abilities. 

You can see plans are in motion to improve on the current mod system, even though your idea is great and might have been interesting, it´s not going to happen.


Sry Bra!^^


People said the same thing about DUAL effect mods about a year ago.


Generic mods are a totally different subject. The OP discusses ways to remove the CORE abilities from the mod pool and then introduce special mods that alter the core abilities.


Never say never, the game is still labeled as a beta, and I just want to remind you that many games add new systems even after the beta tag falls off.


From the looks of this, many people WANT this type of thing.


And it is the squeeky wheels that get the grease.


Keep squeeking and you might see some change.



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People said the same thing about DUAL effect mods about a year ago.


Generic mods are a totally different subject. The OP discusses ways to remove the CORE abilities from the mod pool and then introduce special mods that alter the core abilities.


Never say never, the game is still labeled as a beta, and I just want to remind you that many games add new systems even after the beta tag falls off.


From the looks of this, many people WANT this type of thing.


And it is the squeeky wheels that get the grease.


Keep squeeking and you might see some change.

you are right sir!^^ didn´t want to sound too negative.. just wanted to be clear that there are precise Plans for another System already, which makes the implementation of another System highly unlikely.

That being said, as i edited above^^, never say never and it´s Threads like this, with good ideas at it´s core that spark the flames that might become a thing later down the road.

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you are right sir!^^ didn´t want to sound too negative.. just wanted to be clear that there are precise Plans for another System already, which makes the implementation of another System highly unlikely.

That being said, as i edited above^^, never say never and it´s Threads like this, with good ideas at it´s core that spark the flames that might become a thing later down the road.


Fair enough bro, all we can do is try.

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transmutation option, turn common, uncommon, rare cores into 0 ranked warframe ability mods selected from the abilities of currently equipped warframe so you couldn't make cards for a frame you don't have/don't have equipped.. solves the problem of where to get ability mods. every new warframe gets the 4 basic of course. frees up the drop table slots and keeps it out of the dojo's. would totally suck as a newb wanting to get diff power ability mods, then finding out oh crap, i HAVE to join a clan.


too much stuff in dojo's already, sounds like the pwe plan of attack, require players to join guilds.clans, etc in hopes that they stay. detrimental to acquiring and keeping new players. very sad case of DE, and other mmo's lumping all gamers into one category. thinking that we're all the same, that we'll all get along if we just join a clan. yay for forced socialization. :\ the only good thing about DE's rendition of this is that you can build up a clan solo or with a small group of friends. once you have the resources and access to the right missions. however it is not newb friendly. unless you spend cash.

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