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Retune *all* The Frames! (11/19: Wildfire)


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Turbulence is poo nowadays, though.

we used to be able to protect Allies and Et Cetera that were nearby you with it which made it pretty useful - now... it's a personal Defensive tool ala Shatter Shield, Eclipse, Iron Skin, Defy, Vex Armor, Et Cetera - and brings nothing to the Team.

i thought this was a Co-Op game but maybe i'm nuts. 

i think a personal defense tool as you call it is still kind of valuable, at least becouse it  saves you mod space that you don't have to invest in redirection/vitality, as for the actual point, well making it scale with powerstrenght and giving it a pityful damage reflection like it's suggested in the op isn't going to address the fact that it's team value is nihil.


that's a stupid thing to say. 'this Warframe does something better'. well, Atlas clearly isn't only focused on that theme.

if you want CC Ability and ONLY CC Abilities or a Warframe that heavily focuses on CC, you aren't going to use Atlas.

please, take your 'hnngh this Warframe does it better therefore this is useless' hyperbole somewhere else.

let me rephrase, tectonics is marginally useful at best in the wide majority of the situations, aoe attacks go right throught, blocking hallways, besides the fact that it's generally a questionable tactic since it hides large amount of enemies from your sight until there are enough to break the wall and swarm you only, works for low level enemies outside the void/corpus maps since nullifiers will eradicate it anyway  and high level enemies will make a short work of it and it's not good for reviving since enemies will go around it easy.


long story short, it' a waste of energy regardless of other frames abilities and being able to parcour on it or range scaling isn't going to help that unless for some reason at max range it turns into the great chinese wall.

Edited by bl4ckhunter
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if your primary issue with current state is that it doesn't cover enough area, being able to place more than one would be something i'd certainly go for.


if we had an Augment Slot then an Augment for that would be okay, but since we don't... the Boulder mode isn't very useful anyways, so tbh not really worth keeping it and instead let Players place (4?) more than one.


hell, when the Rock Wall runs to 0 Health, it could automatically shove forwards in the direction it was placed, and be able to squish Enemies against walls and stuff.

same functionality then basically, without having to toggle it.

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I love Volt. I have an idea for a argument mod for his shield. I just thought something random of this. I don't know if people will like this but mod give Volt electric shield a pulse that stuns enemies for 3-5 seconds in a radius of 5 meters, but the number of pulse's behavior acts like Trinity's Energy Vampire. Lower the duration, the pulse fire faster but at a cost of low shield duration. Just a thought.

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I love Volt. I have an idea for a argument mod for his shield. I just thought something random of this. I don't know if people will like this but mod give Volt electric shield a pulse that stuns enemies for 3-5 seconds in a radius of 5 meters, but the number of pulse's behavior acts like Trinity's Energy Vampire. Lower the duration, the pulse fire faster but at a cost of low shield duration. Just a thought.

This is actually a pretty big issue. Energy Vampire is broken partly because it benefits from negative duration, giving it a double benefit from Transient Fortitude and Fleeting Expertise. Conversely, Narrow Minded gives Energy Vampire a double penalty, because the longer duration slows down the energy flow. Corrupted mods should give one benefit and one penalty, not two benefits or two penalties. If it procced once or twice a second and duration would give you more pulses, that would be much better. 

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Turbulence is poo nowadays, though.

we used to be able to protect Allies and Et Cetera that were nearby you with it which made it pretty useful - now... it's a personal Defensive tool ala Shatter Shield, Eclipse, Iron Skin, Defy, Vex Armor, Et Cetera - and brings nothing to the Team.

i thought this was a Co-Op game but maybe i'm nuts. :s




that's a stupid thing to say. 'this Warframe does something better'. well, Atlas clearly isn't only focused on that theme.

if you want CC Ability and ONLY CC Abilities or a Warframe that heavily focuses on CC, you aren't going to use Atlas.

please, take your 'hnngh this Warframe does it better therefore this is useless' hyperbole somewhere else.


being Niche is Subjective so we can't discuss that. some things aren't useful for some Playstyles. (i didn't suggest it was only useful in Doorways though, just gave an example)


if it was a big ring or bubble, it would lose solidity because to compensate for it's larger size it would have way more Health and Et Cetera - so to be balanced it would no longer be solid since otherwise it would just be a permanent addition to the map and Objectives would be safe forever.



as Steve would say... the Status Quo is boo, let's do interesting things.

having one Player Slot dedicated to one role and taking the same roles in every Mission is a super lame formula that's been used for too many games. attempting to reinforce it won't get any thumbs up from me, that's for sure.

Get your head checked, yo. Turbulence works just fine for protecting allies and defense targets in your radius (except vs Grenades, those seem to just land where they want). Did a Corpus 60-80 Sortie w/ my brother where I just stood on the defense target and him near me, and all the projectiles happily went around us, and same vs Grineer.

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This is actually a pretty big issue. Energy Vampire is broken partly because it benefits from negative duration, giving it a double benefit from Transient Fortitude and Fleeting Expertise. Conversely, Narrow Minded gives Energy Vampire a double penalty, because the longer duration slows down the energy flow. Corrupted mods should give one benefit and one penalty, not two benefits or two penalties. If it procced once or twice a second and duration would give you more pulses, that would be much better. 

hmm. that would be good, if... Energy Vampire's Pulse did anything other than Energy.

since it doesn't, it doesn't matter at all.


longer Duration is not a detriment for Energy Vampire, because you can just SHOOT THE ENEMY. now your Duration is zero.

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if your primary issue with current state is that it doesn't cover enough area, being able to place more than one would be something i'd certainly go for.


if we had an Augment Slot then an Augment for that would be okay, but since we don't... the Boulder mode isn't very useful anyways, so tbh not really worth keeping it and instead let Players place (4?) more than one.


hell, when the Rock Wall runs to 0 Health, it could automatically shove forwards in the direction it was placed, and be able to squish Enemies against walls and stuff.

same functionality then basically, without having to toggle it.

that could work fine too so long at it isn't an bandadidmodaugment, for the boulder casting landslide on it to make it turn into a boulder and roll forward dealing damage based on landslide's would be neat imo, however the original point that i was trying to make is that atlas in general and tectonics in particular need way more work than just being able to parcour on tectonics.

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This is actually a pretty big issue. Energy Vampire is broken partly because it benefits from negative duration, giving it a double benefit from Transient Fortitude and Fleeting Expertise. Conversely, Narrow Minded gives Energy Vampire a double penalty, because the longer duration slows down the energy flow. Corrupted mods should give one benefit and one penalty, not two benefits or two penalties. If it procced once or twice a second and duration would give you more pulses, that would be much better. 

Thanks for the feedback. I usually let veteran or well known warframe players do the stats since I'm here just to have fun, not worrying all those balance stuff, rarely. I like this idea though,a pulse every 2-3 sec without affected by duration. 

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The write-up for Turbulence is to address the fact that, while Zephyr's kit is clearly designed to make her a stronger air support unit, she has a limited radius of effect when dealing with Grineer hitscan firearms, unlike Corpus projectiles.

As far as Wind Tunnel, its designed more to perform all of the functions of Dive Bomb (short of damage, which is not Zephyr's area) from the air without ever needing to land on the ground, and rewards you for being airborne. Further, you seem to be under the impression that it creates a short cone like Petrify or a narrow one like Spectral Scream; it's intended to trade their mobility and Scream's damage for length enough to be used while airborne, which will make it effective for keeping enemies locked down in corridors (closed spaces presently being the bane of Zephyr's existence).


I understand that Overload needs more, but I'm at a loss for specifics.


To be honest, I find most complaints about Petrify to be exaggerated (I've been able to turn everything to stone just fine when I needed snap CC), and the more unique facet of Tectonics is that enemies can't bypass it - the fact that it has health is less an attempt to make it a full-blown shield than a balancing mechanism to keep it from blocking a walkway forever. I marked it up for a Range extension so that it could be more effective when used in this manner.


The change to Vex Armor isn't just about stagger, but about all statuses - knockdown, disruption, etc. Far as I've been informed, Ward provides no such benefit. I noted for it to be applied to Vex Armor so that it provides an instantaneous benefit before charging up.


I love Volt. I have an idea for a argument mod for his shield. I just thought something random of this. I don't know if people will like this but mod give Volt electric shield a pulse that stuns enemies for 3-5 seconds in a radius of 5 meters, but the number of pulse's behavior acts like Trinity's Energy Vampire. Lower the duration, the pulse fire faster but at a cost of low shield duration. Just a thought.


Might be an idea for an interaction between Electric Shield and Overload.

Edited by Archwizard
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To be honest, I find most complaints about Petrify to be exaggerated (I've been able to turn everything to stone just fine when I needed snap CC)

i know you said most (i.e. i'm aware you weren't implying all are, but i want to talk about a couple anyways), but some definitely aren't exaggerated!



Petrify has no effect on Enemies that are under the effect of any other CC/Slow Effect already. does literally nothing to them even if you stare at them for 30 seconds.


the speed that it turns them to Stone is acceptable, but moving in fat mode is pretty meh, makes the Ability a downgrade for yourself in too many situations. moving slowly is asking for death and you'll get it.

which just like Spectral Scream, no reason at all for you to have reduced Mobility while it's on. both of them should let you do everything you can normally do while they're activated! which allows Spectral Scream to not be useless (and let you use it while flying through the air like a Dragon), and Petrify to retain it's acceptable usefulness without making your capabilities meh until you turn it off.


i'm also pretty partial to Petrify slowing incoming Projectiles and turning them into rocks - because it would not only be useful but would look pretty cool. vague ripoff from Matrix, seeing bullets and Et Cetera tinkle to the floor in front of you if they are affected long enough to be brought to a halt/almost a halt.

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Always have appreciated this post, so much sense but so much sense ignored by the greater beings ><


This seems to be an oversight, or a mechanical coding error rather than something actually intentionally implemented.  Fire dots overwriting each other.  Currently, if you land a heat proc that deals 5 heat damage, then land a heat proc that would do 1000 damage, that 5 dmg dot remains and the 1000 dmg dot never takes hold.  This is...not great, nor does it make sense from a scientific perspective.


The fact that heat dots don't override each other is crazy. I'm not even asking for them to stack like toxin or bleed (don't know how gas works in this regard).





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Always have appreciated this post, so much sense but so much sense ignored by the greater beings ><


This seems to be an oversight, or a mechanical coding error rather than something actually intentionally implemented.  Fire dots overwriting each other.  Currently, if you land a heat proc that deals 5 heat damage, then land a heat proc that would do 1000 damage, that 5 dmg dot remains and the 1000 dmg dot never takes hold.  This is...not great, nor does it make sense from a scientific perspective.


The fact that heat dots don't override each other is crazy. I'm not even asking for them to stack like toxin or bleed (don't know how gas works in this regard).

report that in bugs then..

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I'm not even asking for them to stack like toxin or bleed

why not?

they should.


you already can't re apply the Panic CC on Fire Status until it wears off first - so let it stack but can't apply the CC Effect unless it wears off first and suddenly Fire Status is... actually really viable! and would be able to be competitive against Slash and Toxin.

and then Ember could have some Abilities (namely World on Fire) adjusted to be weighted more on that DoT. burning things everywhere for days, rather than just AoE Blasts that Kill everything until they outscale the Damage (like with 'every' Damage Ability ofc), which isn't... a Fire Theme, that's just Killing everything.

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The write-up for Turbulence is to address the fact that, while Zephyr's kit is clearly designed to make her a stronger air support unit, she has a limited radius of effect when dealing with Grineer hitscan firearms, unlike Corpus projectiles.

As far as Wind Tunnel, its designed more to perform all of the functions of Dive Bomb (short of damage, which is not Zephyr's area) from the air without ever needing to land on the ground, and rewards you for being airborne. Further, you seem to be under the impression that it creates a short cone like Petrify or a narrow one like Spectral Scream; it's intended to trade their mobility and Scream's damage for length enough to be used while airborne, which will make it effective for keeping enemies locked down in corridors (closed spaces presently being the bane of Zephyr's existence).

turbolence mechanics are still up in the air (no pun intended) afaik the bigger shield deflects hitscan coming from external sources while reducing the accuracy of enemy within substantially while a smaller visible one deflects projectiles. anyway power strenght scaling on zephyr is an horrbile idea, to be honest the best solution would simply to change grineer weapons from hitscan to very fast projectiles, "instant" projectiles are a very possible alternative (think opticor/beams for example), this would also solve issues with other abilities working weirdly with them and a lot of other general incongruencies that derive frome some weapons using a radically different sistem of damage application.



Regarding wind tunnel i think that for a mobile frame like zephyr being immobilized in the air would be an handicap more than anything, if you meant for it to be a channeled longish range ability and it doesn't prevent/interrupt shooting, and it should not specially since zephyr's damage comes only from weapons, wouldn't it be better if it instead of locking you into place midair gave you infinite aimglide and zero gravity? that way you could still reach your intended results without locking yourself in place


I understand that Overload needs more, but I'm at a loss for specifics.

i think that at this point overload is unreedemable without something radical done to it, it's been left untouched since they pushed out mods 2.0 and even before that it was only good due to broken range mod stacking that allowed you to clear entire exterminate missions in one cast.

perhaps it could give volt 100% electrical proc chance on weapons scaling from 100% of the weapon damage affected by power strenght after the electric jeesus animation is done, at least it would scale with duration like electric shield and speed and sinergize a bit with them.

anyways whatever it is it needs to scale with duration.


To be honest, I find most complaints about Petrify to be exaggerated (I've been able to turn everything to stone just fine when I needed snap CC), and the more unique facet of Tectonics is that enemies can't bypass it - the fact that it has health is less an attempt to make it a full-blown shield than a balancing mechanism to keep it from blocking a walkway forever. I marked it up for a Range extension so that it could be more effective when used in this manner.

about petrify the point is that petrify is not terribly strong or instant cc with very high team value like sound quake for example that also locks you in place for all manners in the same exact way petrify does since it only applies to a relatively small cone of enemies in front of you,now i can accept being slowed down but the fact that it hinders shooting is unacceptable, for the very single reason  that petrify base range isn't much bigger than landslide's one and it's much simpler, faster and effective to just punch them into oblivion, channeled cc abilities need to bring some kind of value that justifies using them instead of straight out killing what's in front of you, in sound quake's case what it gives is the tactical benefit of covering extremely large areas that no weapon can match but abilities like spectral scream and petrify don't give you any benefit at all (this also would apply to wind tunnel if you meant it to prevent weapon usage)


my gripe with tectonics is that 1) the boulder is totally  100% useless, literally it doesn't even stagger enemies 2) it is literally only useful for blocking walkways and that's too niche to warrant taking out space for an useful ability, if we were to be able to cast more than one WITHOUT AUGMENT it would be good but as it is it's just trash, i mean range scaling and parkour on it are good things sure but the ability is lacking at it's core without changing the ability looks too much i think this would be good

tectonics:it kind of does it's job but i'd do away with the second cast thing,  now you can cast up to 4 at the same time, casting landslide on it will cause it to turn into a boulder and  cause atlas to dash to it and get increased and elevated FoW for a few seconds, casting landside a second time while in this state (with no energy cost this time) will make atlas punch the boulder in the direction the reticule is aming at with damage based on landslide's damage.


The change to Vex Armor isn't just about stagger, but about all statuses - knockdown, disruption, etc. Far as I've been informed, Ward provides no such benefit. I noted for it to be applied to Vex Armor so that it provides an instantaneous benefit before charging up.

you're right, i've looked it up and apparently ice ward reflects pretty much anything that can stun you besides impact procs from hitscan bullets that don't happen that often at all and moa shockwaves but doesn't give you full cc immunity, still i'd prefer shield full recharge on cast to cc immunity if i were to be honest since sometimes it takes a while to get a decent stack of scorn but anything is good in this case :)

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"instant" projectiles are a very possible alternative (think opticor/beams for example)

do you know what Ray Traced Projectiles are?



Opticor is Ray Trace.

Beam Weapons apply Damage every 100ms and then every 333ms that the Beam is in contact with the Enemy. being in contact for less than that Duration will deal reduced Damage. Beam Weapons are Ray Trace unless specified otherwise, such as Spectra(which is assuredly still Ray Trace but extends the Range the longer you fire up to a max).

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do you know what Ray Traced Projectiles are?



Opticor is Ray Trace.

Beam Weapons apply Damage every 100ms and then every 333ms that the Beam is in contact with the Enemy. being in contact for less than that Duration will deal reduced Damage. Beam Weapons are Ray Trace unless specified otherwise, such as Spectra(which is assuredly still Ray Trace but extends the Range the longer you fire up to a max).

i do but i thought the opticor used an insanely fast projectile instead since there was talk about it being or not possibly affected by navigator on a devstream if i recall correctly, and i'm almost sure that back in the day before "beam 2.0" when they nerfed beams to apply damage the way you wrote rather than per tick they weren't ray trace.


anyways regardless of what weapons are or not hitscan converting weapons that are hitscan into very fast projectiles is something that should've been done long ago and would've prevented a lot of issues and incongruences between weapons and hit registration issues, i think that the only reason things are still as they are is that they then would've had to fix punch trought for projectiles not working correctly at all instead of sweeping the issue under the carpet

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i do but i thought the opticor used an insanely fast projectile instead

when they nerfed beams to apply damage the way you wrote rather than per tick they weren't ray trace.


anyways regardless of what weapons are or not hitscan converting weapons that are hitscan into very fast projectiles is something that should've been done long ago and would've prevented a lot of issues and incongruences between weapons and hit registration issues, i think that the only reason things are still as they are is that they then would've had to fix punch trought for projectiles not working correctly at all instead of sweeping the issue under the carpet

Opticor is Ray Trace. period.

no, they were before too.


while out of principle i agree that all Weapons should be Ballistically simulated, extremely fast travel speeds do have problems of phasing through objects when you're at very high speeds.

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while out of principle i agree that all Weapons should be Ballistically simulated, extremely fast travel speeds do have problems of phasing through objects when you're at very high speeds.

i know for certain that the game can handle projectiles going at least at 500m/s without problems (lanka+jet stream+terminal velocity) and i don't think that it's humanly possible to discern it from hitscan, they just need to make sure that jet stream and terminal velocity apply only to slow projectiles otherwise something might really break.

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just like Spectral Scream, no reason at all for you to have reduced Mobility while it's on. both of them should let you do everything you can normally do while they're activated! which allows Spectral Scream to not be useless (and let you use it while flying through the air like a Dragon), and Petrify to retain it's acceptable usefulness without making your capabilities meh until you turn it off.


i'm also pretty partial to Petrify slowing incoming Projectiles and turning them into rocks - because it would not only be useful but would look pretty cool. 


Admittedly, it's a grey area; before the last Ember rework, the idea for all toggled skills was that they provided a penalty so you wouldn't shoot for 100% uptime. It's up to debate whether or not that philosophy still has merits (seeing an Ember in matches has become far more annoying), but I will agree that Spectral Scream is too strongly penalized for what it does (I'm suddenly inspired by the flying dragon visual you provided), and possibly Petrify as well. Perhaps it would be fair to have Petrify take at least one of its penalties (most likely the reduced speed - if you could still attack while active, you would be stupid to ever turn it off unless facing a miniboss) off the table.


As far as toggled mitigation... that would be a far better augment suggestion than what the DC apparently voted on.


turbolence mechanics are still up in the air (no pun intended) afaik the bigger shield deflects hitscan coming from external sources while reducing the accuracy of enemy within substantially while a smaller visible one deflects projectiles. anyway power strenght scaling on zephyr is an horrbile idea


As far as defense is concerned, Turbulence's only change is for hitscan weapons to instead be treated the same way as projectiles by the ability, allowing Zephyr to remove the accuracy debuff component so she doesn't have to remain within a distance of enemies limited by her Power Range. The only effect of Power Strength would be whether or not projectiles would deal damage to nearby enemies; if you remove Power Strength from your build, you shouldn't see any difference to her survivability.


Regarding wind tunnel i think that for a mobile frame like zephyr being immobilized in the air would be an handicap more than anything, if you meant for it to be a channeled longish range ability and it doesn't prevent/interrupt shooting, and it should not specially since zephyr's damage comes only from weapons, wouldn't it be better if it instead of locking you into place midair gave you infinite aimglide and zero gravity? that way you could still reach your intended results without locking yourself in place


The idea isn't that you keep channeling it full-time. You can use it to stay airborne in a pinch, but for the most part it's just there to provide snap CC and lock down targets, with versatility that extends to use on the ground; you're intended to have to turn it off eventually and keep shooting during the bonus glide duration provided by Tail Wind.


i think that at this point overload is unreedemable without something radical done to it


I've seen a lot of suggestions thrown around for Overload (for instance, this reddit post today) to also include a "supercharge" effect for Volt, amplifying the effects of all of his abilities. Part of the reason why I haven't thrown something like that in the OP already is that some of the suggestions for how abilities are amplified have been... questionable (particularly where Speed is concerned).


my gripe with tectonics is that 1) the boulder is totally  100% useless, literally it doesn't even stagger enemies 2) it is literally only useful for blocking walkways and that's too niche to warrant taking out space for an useful ability


I've actually seen it pretty consistently inflict knockdown (the wiki goes so far as to say ragdoll) if it can roll over an enemy. While ragdolls are potent, the only real issue is that they don't last all that long.

As far as blocking hallways, that's virtually all I could ever ask for out of an Earth frame. The only thing it's missing is the ability to be used as a platform by allies - which it had on release, but was removed because they had no way past it when used as an obstruction.

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I've actually seen it pretty consistently inflict knockdown (the wiki goes so far as to say ragdoll) if it can roll over an enemy. While ragdolls are potent, the only real issue is that they don't last all that long.

As far as blocking hallways, that's virtually all I could ever ask for out of an Earth frame. The only thing it's missing is the ability to be used as a platform by allies - which it had on release, but was removed because they had no way past it when used as an obstruction.

If it had more consistent CC and/or could be punched by Landslide, causing the wall to be sent with great force and transferring some/most of the Landslide damage over to the rolling boulder, I don't think people would call it useless / overly niched anymore. But yeah, makning it a platform for allies again (with rolling still causing you to phase through it) would be lovely.

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talk about pertify/tunnel wind

it's not "snap" by any means at all if it locks you down in place and interrups everything you're doing, that's the very reason channeled ccs don't work out without some massive effect. take shock as an example of snap cc, you use it when you're in a pinch and want to finish reloading a weapon and compare the differences.


second off, the point of toogling skills is exactly that you can have them on for extended amount of time when they're worth using or aren't used at all( when they suck, like petrify/spectal scream). without enetring the zones of histeria/exatled blade/WoF even banshee's soundquake and prowl for example are meant for prolonged use, the problem is now that it's "toggle everything" even when it just doesn't work out, let's take petrify for an example since it's already ingame, 


rather than having a questionably unnecessary toggle if it isn't meant to be on for long simply make it last 5-10s at a standard 50-75 energy cost and let me attack/move normally during the duration, the same can be transposed on your tunnel wind ability, if it's not meant to be used costantly give it a short duration rather than have it become an hinderence to the user.


bottom line is if toggle abilities have to become hinderences to balance the fact that they're toggleable, specially in the case of cc abilities simply becouse there is no point in incapacitating a few enemies at teh cost of incapacitating yourself alongside them, it's simply better to use short-as-necessary duration instead, not everything needs to be a toggle.


regarding overload i'm usually not one for drastic changes but for one i can't help feeling that the best move would be simply to scratch it and replace it with something new altogether, i mean, we've been calling it useless since like u6? if they haven't seen any way to change it by now probably it's not going to be made usefull even if they were to tweak it now.

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bottom line is if toggle abilities have to become hinderences to balance the fact that they're toggleable

not everything needs to be a toggle.

certainly have a point. if balancing makes using it feel boring and also not really much of a benefit in Combat to be a Toggle, then it probably shouldn't be one at all.

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So to gather my thoughts for now, everything I'm about to add to the OP: 



- Fire Walker's width is affected by Range mods. 

- Blazing Chakram's base healing radius increased. Excess healing is rolled over onto shields.

- Warding Halo's absorption period begins at the start of the cast animation rather than following.

- Divine Spears will impale flying enemies to the ground, a la Freeze effects.

- Consideration: Blazing Chakram damage scales with melee mods.

- Consideration: Blazing Chakram's number of bounces is affected by Strength, flight distance is affected by Range and speed is affected by Duration



- Landslide, when used on a Bulwark, will cause it to collapse into a boulder, dealing damage to enemies struck based on the damage of Landslide.

- Tectonics no longer forms into a boulder when recast. Instead, Tectonics will create an additonal wall, to a maximum defined by rank, up to 4. 

- Petrify no longer reduces the user's movement speed while active.

--> Augment: Hostile attacks fired into the cone of Petrify's effect have their damage reduced, affected by Power Strength.



- Spectral Scream no longer prevents Chroma from jumping or aim-gliding.

- Passive: Chroma's wings extend whenever airborne, granting an additional air-jump and innate Patagium effect. This effect is disabled whenever Effigy is active.


----------------------Requires additional discussion----------------------



- Overload replaced with "Supercharge": Toggled, all of Volt's abilities are amplified while active. (effects TBD)


Also, I've been thinking of modifying Tornado in relation to the tech involved in Ivara's Quiver, so that you can change Tornado between a number of set formations rather than randomly orbiting and chasing enemies as now (for instance: Mode shifting between wall of twisters that moves forward until physical barrier is struck, to twisters that orbit Zephyr's position from the ground). Thoughts?

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--> Augment: Hostile attacks fired into the cone of Petrify's effect have their damage reduced, affected by Power Strength.


Also, I've been thinking of modifying Tornado in relation to the tech involved in Ivara's Quiver

you've got me sold if it can exceed 100% and if it does, Projectiles turn to stone and tinkle to the ground in front of Atlas.


why not? most Abilities can highly benefit from this potentially, to have more options of using their existing mechanics (or adding a new mechanic that previously had to be left out) in different ways.

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Ivara should get a dagger to go with Artemis or at least melee with her bow. The bow itself does some damage but stacks with melee mods to do reasonable damage.


Bow Bash is unaffected by strength mods.


It also procs Puncture/Impact.


Perhaps witch between bow bash/dagger with dagger being faster with the same effect but procs Corrosive/Magnetic.


Allowing for stealth assassinations/finishers/attacks, etc. adding to her stealth kit.

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