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Energy Siphon Buff


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I'm gonna say  no :/. i use it a lot and so do other people. It's not necessary man.

I've never seen anyone complain about energy siphon ever. There were complaint about rejuvenation but not siphon.


Conjoined with other energy siphons it's pretty effective....

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I wouldn't mind giving frames a base amount of energy/health regeneration that cannot be increased via mods in an effort to promote the usage of other auras, but buffing these auras would make stacking them even more ridiculous than it already is.

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Problem with auras is how weak they are usually on solo and how overpowered they are on co-op...precisely because of the aura mechanic. 

When playing solo, yeah, E siphon is weak, and it's when you need your powers more but when co-op I barely need it. 


Yep, that's exactly what i was getting at - the solo play. I would suggest increasing the energy siphon to 1.5-2.5 ticks per second when you're playing solo, but it can be scaled back according to how many players there are in coop missions (and assuming they all have energy siphon equipped).

Edited by -SLX-J3tAc3
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It's best to just integrate it into all frames by default.  It's kind of dumb that the only auras people use are energy siphon and steel charge.

Same with Rejuvenation (damn Bleed Procs).

Edited by letir
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Are there other auras? Heh.


Corrosive Projection is great in the Void and against Grineer after 45+ minutes.


Rejuvenation on a Rage build in lower levels works great for energy upkeep when used correctly.


One person with Enemy Radar can help prevent surprise attacks on the pod, let your team know from where a horde of enemies is approaching, etc.


In fact, I find two Siphons to usually be sufficient for a team, leaving the other two to other auras. With energy restores and a good Trinity, you may only need one Siphon.


For Rush missions and general use, though, Siphon is king. Perhaps some kind of scaling-by-party size mechanic like several have suggested would work?

Edited by Noble_Cactus
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Yep, that's exactly what i was getting at - the solo play. I would suggest increasing the energy siphon to 1.5-2.5 ticks per second when you're playing solo, but it can be scaled back according to how many players there are in coop missions.


The problem here is (in my opinion) that the aura mechanic is just bad. You're always gambling on every game you join to see what auras you get, and you can't even see it, you have to guess. While I enjoy the 1/100 Enemy radar (radar is extremely underrated in this game) it's still a gamble and you're better off with enemy sense most of the time. 

In theory, when playing with friends you -can- make good use of it with coordination but honestly, I just tell my friends "run whatever aura". Because the effects are usually minimal with the set up I bring. 

And when it comes to solo play, which is already hard to start with, you have only 1 aura to play with and said aura still has the strength of 1 individual. If you up it to x2,3 or 4 then it makes the "aura" mechanic redundant because if someone with no aura join you or someone with an aura you don't care for, then you're in screwed. 

Imho, the "aura" should just be an extra mod slot as it is, and to be buffed so it can stand on its own. As it is right now, auras just patch up REAL PROBLEMS with bandaid mods. No innate health regen? There's a mod for that. Your map is useless and can't tag enemies? There's a mod for that. Don't have innate energy regen? There's a mod for that too... Problem you can't equip all so....choose where you want to gimp yourself with. 


These problems are the ones that make WF sometimes tedious. Slash procs wouldn't be as frustrating, knockdowns wouldn't be SO unpredictable, and so on. But no, we need a mod for everything, since we have unlimited mod slots. 



OT: Aura mechanic needs rework, badly as does the mod basics or more like the game basic features. 

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Energy Siphon doesn't need a buff.  If you do need more energy solo, take it slower, open containers, and/or craft some restores.


The problem here is (in my opinion) that the aura mechanic is just bad. You're always gambling on every game you join to see what auras you get, and you can't even see it, you have to guess. While I enjoy the 1/100 Enemy radar (radar is extremely underrated in this game) it's still a gamble and you're better off with enemy sense most of the time. 

It would be nice to know the auras of the other people in the group, before the mission starts.  Though if you have time (well, more than 10-15s) to swap it, you usually have time to ask, I guess.  Of course, even if you knew, there's limits to what you can do with your own aura thanks to polarity on the aura slots.  If I'm set up for D and Rejuv, I can't really swap to Energy Siphon without swapping frames.  Likewise, you can't decide to specialize in the anti-enemy auras without giving up a lot of mod points, which is sort of too bad.

Edited by Axterix13
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