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Prime Gear Is No Longer Prime :( Whats The Point?

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  So lame.  So now any newb with some extra cash in their pocket can just go buy prime gear?  Now its not exclusive at all and no different then any other weapon except for some slightly buffed stats.  Now its not at all special to have prime gear, it doesn't show that you have worked hard in the game to get something that others only wish they had the skills to get.  Might as well just be covered in polished brass instead of gold.  Horrible idea DE just horrible. 


not everyone has has much free time has you probably do, some may be fathers or mothers, and have their works to attend to... while some are just slacking 24/7 inside a game farming gear.... so if those people which have jobs feel like buying gear with their hard earned money,since they dont have the time to be constatly ingame to farm for it, so be it... 


btw what do you think would happen if you couldnt trade prime gear for platinum? the platinum business would die off to low very low levels, De would stop making any worthwhile money, and the game would die... and you wouldnt have a game to play anymore...

Edited by warthain
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I agree that most gear should be tradeable.  However there should still be hard to get gear that can only be earned through grinding.   Prime gear was a great way to do this.

No, there should be some harder to get gear that can only be earned by skill.  It might take some time investment to get the right gear, to learn the fight, but ultimately, it should be about doing the right thing rather than punching the clock.  Warframe doesn't really have any content of this nature yet though.


Grinding is nothing more than a willingness to do the same thing over and over again.  And when grinding includes an RNG element, especially with relatively if there's a relatively low spawn chance involved, it will annoy people.  Someone will get lucky and get it on their first run (where's your grind then?).  Another will be unlucky and run a hundred without getting the item.


Not that I'm against there being some clockpunching items, but clockpunching isn't hard, and it shouldn't include things with low drop chances.  Of course, I'm also fine with some cosmetic stuff that is pure low drop chance.  Always nice to have something nifty that makes people ask where you got that.

Edited by Axterix13
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No, there should be some harder to get gear that can only be earned by skill.  It might take some time investment to get the right gear, to learn the fight, but ultimately, it should be about doing the right thing rather than punching the clock.  Warframe doesn't really have any content of this nature yet though.


Grinding is nothing more than a willingness to do the same thing over and over again.  And when grinding includes an RNG element, especially with relatively if there's a relatively low spawn chance involved, it will annoy people.  Someone will get lucky and get it on their first run (where's your grind then?).  Another will be unlucky and run a hundred without getting the item.


I spent 7 hours and got all the prime pieces to Rhino All hail the RNGods! [except the chassis because on the last minute i crashed and it was handed out!! >:[ ]

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That's why they should have made Prime items mastery rank dependend and that you've to be at like Mastery Rank 10 or whatever to trade that stuff... So you're only trading them if you are really out of luck and not because you are a newcomer who wants to get the shiny gear right away. Same for the damn mods... Buy a maxed out Serration on Mastery Rank 2? Same horsesh*t that skips the game for most people and then they all end up here complaining about how there's no challenge in the game anymore or no endgame.



Feast! :D

This would have made much more sense. If prime gear really had to become tradeable then there should have also been severe restricitions and a tax to trade it.

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That's why they should have made Prime items mastery rank dependend and that you've to be at like Mastery Rank 10 or whatever to trade that stuff... So you're only trading them if you are really out of luck and not because you are a newcomer who wants to get the shiny gear right away. Same for the damn mods... Buy a maxed out Serration on Mastery Rank 2? Same horsesh*t that skips the game for most people and then they all end up here complaining about how there's no challenge in the game anymore or no endgame.



Feast! :D

Well, 10 would be a bit high.  For primes, there should be different tiers of stuff.  Some should come from T1, which means they should be aimed at people doing planets that drop t1 keys, with all the parts coming from T1 void missions.


Of course, primes don't work that way.  They're a big ol' mess, spread across tier levels.  And on top of that, mastery requirements across the board are a big mess, not making much sense, and potentially bi-passed in certain ways.

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Oh my most sincere apologies for taking a moment to express my feelings on the issue!   Please forgive me all gods of the forums!! 


I agree that most gear should be tradeable.  However there should still be hard to get gear that can only be earned through grinding.   Prime gear was a great way to do this. 


Also thanks for the assumptions that I am just a non bill paying basement dweller.  I do work and pay my own bills thank you and and I also buy my own plat when I want it.  I just prefer not to spend it on stuff that can be earned for free.  I'm sorry that RNG is tough sometimes but thats what made the prime gear special.  Maybe the RNG could have been adjusted instead of just flooding the market with everybodies scraps.

No one has required you must take part in trading.


The only complaint you are making is one of elitism... Which is a fallacy in this game.

It might have had a place in Vanilla WoW, but not here.

Having Prime Gear doesn't make anyone better than another. The manner in which acquired doesn't make you better either.

Creating imaginary barriers to content is fodder for pvp games and end game scenarios for MMO's. This game has neither.


If you want exclusivity, go look at WildStar when it comes out... It'll have all the 7 month long rep grinds and raid wipes to completion your body can handle.

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Well, 10 would be a bit high.  For primes, there should be different tiers of stuff.  Some should come from T1, which means they should be aimed at people doing planets that drop t1 keys, with all the parts coming from T1 void missions.


Of course, primes don't work that way.  They're a big ol' mess, spread across tier levels.  And on top of that, mastery requirements across the board are a big mess, not making much sense, and potentially bi-passed in certain ways.

I would almost think that the reason they are spread on different tiers is to inhibit people from geting them quickly. Though then again.. they did decide to release prime trading right after..

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  So lame.  So now any newb with some extra cash in their pocket can just go buy prime gear?  Now its not exclusive at all and no different then any other weapon except for some slightly buffed stats.  Now its not at all special to have prime gear, it doesn't show that you have worked hard in the game to get something that others only wish they had the skills to get.  Might as well just be covered in polished brass instead of gold.  Horrible idea DE just horrible. 


I don't really understand why the fact that others can purchase prime affects your satisfaction in obtaining it through grinding. If other people are spending money to get prime gear, that does not make your effort meaningless (or at least it shouldn't). If you like to put effort into acquiring prime gear, then go for it. Ignore what other people are doing and focus on what you want to do to in order to have fun. Because in the end that's all that matters. And if you really want others to notice your hard work, then work hard when playing with them. There is no arguing against actions.


That said, you also need to keep in mind that this is a free-to-play game. We can't really blame DE for allowing people to spend money on their game. Like it or not, they're running a business and they need money to maintain it. No money = no more Warframe.

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Items gained by RNG =/= items you worked hard for.

I love how you say "hard" earned money in real life

If it really was "hard" earned money they wouldn't waste it on pixels


Works in a mineshaft all day... Hard physical work... Comes home all exhausted and spends his money on a freaking game

Does this even make any sense?

I think not.

Edited by CryoClaw
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Well, 10 would be a bit high.  For primes, there should be different tiers of stuff.  Some should come from T1, which means they should be aimed at people doing planets that drop t1 keys, with all the parts coming from T1 void missions.


Of course, primes don't work that way.  They're a big ol' mess, spread across tier levels.  And on top of that, mastery requirements across the board are a big mess, not making much sense, and potentially bi-passed in certain ways.


Yeah the actual required Rank should be dependend on which Prime item it is in particular... It's clear that something like Boltor Prime should be in a higher tier than some of the others. It was a number I just made up in my head... xD


Of course it's up to discussion like everything else...

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I love how you say "hard" earned money in real life

If it really was "hard" earned money they wouldn't waste it on pixels


Works in a mineshaft all day... Hard physical work... Comes home all exhausted and spends his money on a freaking game

Does this even make any sense?

I think not.

Your right, they come home and spend it on freaking beer!


Equally logical.


Edit: I agree with Katakuna (below)


What the heck does it matter what a man does for a living?

Edited by (PS4)MyTagForHalo
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Works in a mineshaft all day... Hard physical work... Comes home all exhausted and spends his money on a freaking game

Does this even make any sense?

I think not.


I find it odd that you judge a man's hobbies by his occupation.

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Instead of players working hard in game to get the parts from drops, they're working hard in real life to make some money with which they can use to buy platinum which they can then barter with in order to obtain prime blueprints and components.


Either way you have people working for it.

Someone who understands. : ) +1 for you.

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Your right, they come home and spend it on freaking beer!

Equally logical.

Edit: I agree with Katakuna (below)

What the heck does it matter what a man does for a living?

Yeah sure because everybody drinks beer...

And even if they would atleast it's something physical something that exists

I find it odd that you judge a man's hobbies by his occupation.

I find it odd that you still don't get what I'm trying to say

And as someone who probably has more experience in physical and mental jobs I can say that you'd have a VERY hard time spending money which was actually earned by doing hard physical work on something like in game platinum

Edited by CryoClaw
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It does more so than just buying it.

Not at all. Earning money in real life requires having useful skills. Earning parts in Warframe requires skills that have little value outside of the enjoyment it brings you.

Besides, many of us grind for our platinum by getting things to sell on the open market.

Lastly, grinding is seen by many as a lazy gameplay mechanic. That's debatable, but in any case, I'd never place the value of grinding over the value of earning a living.

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I find it odd that you still don't get what I'm trying to say

And as someone who probably has more experience in physical and mental jobs I can say that you'd have a VERY hard time spending money which was actually earned by doing hard physical work on something like in game platinum


I probably don't get what you're saying because it's wrong.


People spend their money on what they want to spend their money on, regardless of what their occupation is.  Nothing else to say.

Edited by Katakuna
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If there was some skill involved in getting prime gear I can see why some might be upset but in reality its just time and not the same amount of time for everyone since some get lucky on drops and others spend weeks or more. And still others might have highly geared friends drag them through content they aren't ready for so they get all the good drops early in their leveling.


Grind doesn't equal skill so people with Prime gear are not elite, exclusive or anything they just have spent more time in the game.

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Items gained by RNG =/= items you worked hard for.



Instead of players working hard in game to get the parts from drops, they're working hard in real life to make some money with which they can use to buy platinum which they can then barter with in order to obtain prime blueprints and components.


Either way you have people working for it.



Yeah, sucks that people hate grinding.


Y'know, some people value their time over their money.  People who spend more time at work than playing games, for example.


As a working man, i agree with the above statements


It does more so than just buying it. 



As a working man, i shall use my right of free speach and tell you to shush your face and try putting in 50 hours a week and then attempting the daily grind in warframe.


yes, i buy plat.

Yes, i lurk in trade chat

And yes, if i see a good deal, I JUMP ON THAT *&^% QUICK.


I dont have time to run a T3 exterminate 50+ times for a Rhino part. And neither do a lot of other people who play warframe.

So they either buy plat (like me) or farm for mods/parts to trade for plat so they can get what they want.


They are still working, just in a different way.


IMHO, its working smarter instead of harder, but again, thats just my opinion.

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  Now its not at all special to have prime gear, it doesn't show that you have worked hard in the game to get something that others only wish they had the skills to get. 

If you consider playing Warframe to be "working hard" you should probably take a couple weeks off :p

And if you consider void runs to require skill... We'll come back to me when you get past Captain Vor xP

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I probably don't get what you're saying because it's wrong.


People spend their money on what they want to spend their money on, regardless of what their occupation is.  Nothing else to say.

Yep... You really are one of those

"I don't agree therefore you're wrong" people...

And yes those people are idiots

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"People who spend their money on what they want are idiots."


That's a ridiculous statement.

Definitely true. They should stop being idiots and give all that platinum to me, so i can spend it on what i want. So i can be an idiot. :P



You know that some people see everything through their butthurt? Dont bother with them at all.

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  So lame.  So now any newb with some extra cash in their pocket can just go buy prime gear?  Now its not exclusive at all and no different then any other weapon except for some slightly buffed stats.  Now its not at all special to have prime gear, it doesn't show that you have worked hard in the game to get something that others only wish they had the skills to get.  Might as well just be covered in polished brass instead of gold.  Horrible idea DE just horrible. 


The first Prime stuff (Founders Program) was available only for purchase. So please. Be glad that Prime gear isn't plat-only.

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Oh my most sincere apologies for taking a moment to express my feelings on the issue!   Please forgive me all gods of the forums!! 


I agree that most gear should be tradeable.  However there should still be hard to get gear that can only be earned through grinding.   Prime gear was a great way to do this. 


Also thanks for the assumptions that I am just a non bill paying basement dweller.  I do work and pay my own bills thank you and and I also buy my own plat when I want it.  I just prefer not to spend it on stuff that can be earned for free.  I'm sorry that RNG is tough sometimes but thats what made the prime gear special.  Maybe the RNG could have been adjusted instead of just flooding the market with everybodies scraps.


just the way it is these days... different times



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