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We Want A Railgun Megathread!


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I don't know what half the things you just said mean rofl


Just from reading around the forums, I can safely say the majority of players don't care what the difference is between coil/rail/plasma whatever. All they know is they want a gun that has something to do with electricity and for it to shoot things really, really hard.


Features and names we have now are malleable. It doesn't matter what things are called or how they work right now, they can always be changed. There's no need to restrict or implement features based on the way any gun currently works or is described.

Edited by DarkTails
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I don't know what half the things you just said mean rofl


Just from reading around the forums, I can safely say the majority of players don't care what the difference is between coil/rail/plasma whatever. All they know is they want a gun that has something to do with electricity and for it to shoot things really, really hard.


Features and names we have now are malleable. It doesn't matter what things are called or how they work right now, they can always be changed, there's no need to restrict or implement features based on the way any gun currently works or is described.

As a hard science-fiction fan, I respectfully disagree.  A railgun should work like a railgun, and we are missing a railgun in the game.  

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I don't think you understand.


I'm not saying the devs should make a slingshot and have it shoot laser beams. I'm saying if we currently have a slingshot that shoots laser beams, the devs can easily swap around features and models to make the slingshot shoot pebbles. Or whatever is semi-plausible for a slingshot to shoot.


(but ultimately, F*** plausibility in video games lol)

Edited by DarkTails
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I don't think you understand.


I'm not saying the devs should make a slingshot and have it shoot laser beams. I'm saying if we currently have a slingshot that shoots laser beams, the devs can easily swap around features and models to make the slingshot shoot pebbles. Or whatever is semi-plausible for a slingshot to shoot.


(but ultimately, F*** plausibility in video games lol)

Most everything in game is rather plausible, actually.  We're talking a couple thousand years or so of development past what we have presently.  And nanites make...  a lot of things plausible that would otherwise seem like magic.  


Anyhow.  The Dera should have an accompanying magnetic effect as a PPC and the Lanka in it's present state appears to fire rounds of plasma through magnetic induction.  (which would fit the gun's damage and every bit of the gun honestly.)  

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I don't know what it is, but it seems like some people just don't get the concept of a railgun, and how it's nothing like the lanka. Now if we got a proper railgun, I'm sure it would suddenly become very obvious.


*fires railgun, goes flying backward while everything in front dies*

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I don't see how you can say there's magic future nanite technology in Warframe that can make anything possible and then say certain guns should work a certain way. Doesn't make sense. Why not say the magic nanite technology makes the Lanka work like a railgun and adjust the Lanka's features to reflect that? Because you want it to work a certain way I guess, despite the limitless nanite future tech. What?


And I totally agree, people just don't get the concept of a railgun, because who gives a S#&$ lol. Do railguns have brutal recoil? Fine, magic future nanite technology now says they don't have brutal recoil. Or maybe a smaller railgun produces far less recoil making it useable, if you want to go with plausibility again.


There's no solution here because there's no problem to be solved.


The devs should make a weapon that works well, model it, then name it. I don't see how that can cause any commotion. It seems like friction happens when players attach preconceived notions to a weapon.

Edited by DarkTails
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I don't see how you can say there's magic future nanite technology in Warframe that can make anything possible and then say certain guns should work a certain way. Doesn't make sense. Why not say the magic nanite technology makes the Lanka work like a railgun and adjust the Lanka's features to reflect that? Because you want it to work a certain way I guess, despite the limitless nanite future tech. What?


And I totally agree, people just don't get the concept of a railgun, because who gives a S#&$ lol. Do railguns have brutal recoil? Fine, magic future nanite technology now says they don't have brutal recoil. Or maybe a smaller railgun produces far less recoil making it useable, if you want to go with plausibility again.


There's no solution here because there's no problem to be solved.


The devs should make a weapon that works well, model it, then name it. I don't see how that can cause any commotion. It seems like friction happens when players attach preconceived notions to a weapon.

1.  Because the Lanka doesn't look like a railgun, doesn't sound like a railgun, doesn't do damage like a railgun, and the description says it's not a railgun... so the Lanka isn't a railgun.  People need to just quit equating magnetic acceleration of a projectile to a railgun.


2.  Magic future nanite technology does not negate -all- the laws of science.  Recoil is clearly a factor for other guns, thus it would be for a railgun.


3.  who gives a -censored-?  Probably anyone with modern military knowledge, sci-fi enthusiasts, anyone who cares about correctness.  


Learn to lead targets, use a lanka!


Bam now you got a fast firing, low recoil, high clip size rail gun!


It's not a railgun.  The Lanka doesn't look like a railgun (no parallel rails), doesn't sound like a railgun (a railgun would sound like a cannon when fired due to the velocity of the shell and air friction), doesn't do damage like a railgun (A railgun deals kinetic damage, not electrical), and the description says it's not a railgun.  (the lanka uses magnetic imduction to propel a projectile, as in a coil gun / gauss rifle, presumably a plasma round given the damage type and appearance.) A railgun fires a conductive metal slug via electromagnetic impedance in accordance of the right-hand rule.

Edited by Evariskitsune
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People need to just quit equating magnetic acceleration of a projectile to a railgun.


Or, we can ask the devs to make cool guns, have fun with them, and entirely bypass the futile task of trying to teach monkeys to read.


I hope the devs are having a giggle from these discussions at least lol

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I don't see how you can say there's magic future nanite technology in Warframe that can make anything possible and then say certain guns should work a certain way. Doesn't make sense. Why not say the magic nanite technology makes the Lanka work like a railgun and adjust the Lanka's features to reflect that? Because you want it to work a certain way I guess, despite the limitless nanite future tech. What?


And I totally agree, people just don't get the concept of a railgun, because who gives a S#&$ lol. Do railguns have brutal recoil? Fine, magic future nanite technology now says they don't have brutal recoil. Or maybe a smaller railgun produces far less recoil making it useable, if you want to go with plausibility again.


There's no solution here because there's no problem to be solved.


The devs should make a weapon that works well, model it, then name it. I don't see how that can cause any commotion. It seems like friction happens when players attach preconceived notions to a weapon.

It is all about immersing yourself in a World of fiction dude!

In that sense it does absolutely matter how a weapon is designed and if it´s close to a realworld counterpart! For example: The new Katana is so highly anticipated because of the gigantic historical background that is associated with it. People (myself included) like to imagine their Warframe as a Samurai type of charackter, because of the associations that go with that culture and character. A Katana as the trademark weapon of those warriors helps them do that.


It´s the same with the Railgun, ofcourse you are right that it technically doesn´t matter how the weapon looks, for the way it functions. But it matters a great deal to help creating a believable universe and letting the Player immerse themselfs in that Universe.


The Lanka fails in all these aspects. First of all, as Evaristsikune mentioned earlier, it´s supposed to be a Coilgun, which is quiet different to a Railgun, secondly it´s the same Model the Snipetron used to use, which was just a semi automatic standard issue Sniperrifle, so DE basiclly reused an old Model that looks nothing like a coilgun or a railgun that most of us associate with an entire different gun! See the problem??? ;)


Then you can read it my first post (in which i gathered the information with the help of the people in this forum), that a Railgun works VERY differently from what the Lanka does. There is no electricity involved!!!  It shots high caliber bolts at ~16x times the speed of an regular bullet, so it´s 16x times as fast as the already Hit-Scan Bullets in Warframe. It penetrates almost any surface, which would result in large amounts of impact and puncture damage, since warframes damage stats are based on realworld physics. On top of that, the incredible acceleration and through magnetic traction between the bolt and the rails, EXTREME heat is produced, so extreme that any realworld Railguns destroy their on shell upon firing, which means Heat Damage in Warframe - lots of it!!!

Edited by r0ckwolf
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It is all about immersing yourself in a World of fiction dude!

In that sense it does absolutely matter how a weapon is designed and if it´s close to a realworld counterpart! For example: The new Katana is so highly anticipated because of the gigantic historical background that is associated with it. People (myself included) like to imagine their Warframe as a Samurai type of charackter, because of the associations that go with that culture and character. A Katana as the trademark weapon of those warriors helps them do that.


It´s the same with the Railgun, ofcourse you are right that it technically doesn´t matter how the weapon looks, for the way it functions. But it matters a great deal to help creating a believable universe and letting the Player immerse themselfs in that Universe.


The Lanka fails in all these aspects. First of all, as Evaristsikune mentioned earlier, it´s supposed to be a Coilgun, which is quiet different to a Railgun, secondly it´s the same Model the Snipetron used to use, which was just a semi automatic standard issue Sniperrifle, so DE basiclly reused an old Model that looks nothing like a coilgun or a railgun that most of us associate with an entire different gun! See the problem??? ;)


Then you can read it my first post (in which i gathered the information with the help of the people in this forum), that a Railgun works VERY differently from what the Lanka does. There is no electricity involved!!!  It shots high caliber bolts at ~16x times the speed of an regular bullet, so it´s 16x times as fast as the already Hit-Scan Bullets in Warframe. It penetrates almost any surface, which would result in large amounts of impact and puncture damage, since warframes damage stats are based on realworld physics. On top of that, the incredible acceleration and through magnetic traction between the bolt and the rails, EXTREME heat is produced, so extreme that any realworld Railguns destroy their on shell upon firing, which means Heat Damage in Warframe - lots of it!!!

Actually more recent railgun tests using tungsten sabots do not destroy their shells on firing. 

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A few things:

Railgun needs to stagger player when fired.

Railgun must kick like a horse.

Railgun must be huge.

Railgun can have clip of 72 with sniper ammo because so many other disadvantages.

Railgun must deal at least 1,000 damage.

Railgun must have charge based cool down- charge it fully, full cool down. Several shorter shots add up to full cool down/quick cool down after each shot.

Railgun must have stug-level screen shake.

Railgun must be accurate because future railgun.

Railgun reduces player to walking pace while firing.

Railgun must be a pretty much guaranteed one-shot: 30% crit, proc, so on, because the other disadvantages are bad enough to make up for it.

Railgun must be railgun.

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A few things:

Railgun needs to stagger player when fired.

Railgun must kick like a horse.

Railgun must be huge.

Railgun can have clip of 72 with sniper ammo because so many other disadvantages.

Railgun must deal at least 1,000 damage.

Railgun must have charge based cool down- charge it fully, full cool down. Several shorter shots add up to full cool down/quick cool down after each shot.

Railgun must have stug-level screen shake.

Railgun must be accurate because future railgun.

Railgun reduces player to walking pace while firing.

Railgun must be a pretty much guaranteed one-shot: 30% crit, proc, so on, because the other disadvantages are bad enough to make up for it.

Railgun must be railgun.

So basically this?  https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/208845-railgun-weapon-concept/

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ok U13 is here, everybody had a chance to try it! now it´s time to continue the railgun Hype! With the new changes, i wanna be able to only equip my bigass railgun and bring death and destruction to the solarsystem! XD

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to all the people that have these expectations based on modern rail guns and to the people that think the Lanka is a rail gun, YOUR WRONG and here's why:


1) do you actually think that several millennia from in the time that this game likely takes place, after we've been in space, had access to resources outside of our planet as well as some alien technology (or whatever the Orokin are) that we've had time to reverse engineer, that we couldn't find something that could make a smaller, compact rail gun that doesn't have staggering recoil (it's likely impossible it would be devoid of recoil though) and is able to be easily wielded by a human of any combat-ready stature (in other words not a big bulky cumbersome thing that a space ninja wouldn't bother carrying around when they have bows, a vectis and other weapons that are already more effective).


2) If the Lanka is a rail gun then where is it's staggering amounts of puncture damage.  where is the small AOE damage around the muzzle from the shockwave that would be produced upon firing the weapon so it would have some use when getting swarmed by infested or other melee enemies.  I just looked at the wiki for the Lanka and according to that it is by principal a rail gun, but that just tells me some of the some of the developers have no idea how a rail gun works, because if they did then it would be specked differently.  However I do stand on my point that a rail gun in warframe does not have to be big and bulky with staggering recoil.  there are plenty of systems within the frame and the lanka that could reduce the recoil to manageable proportions.

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to all the people that have these expectations based on modern rail guns and to the people that think the Lanka is a rail gun, YOUR WRONG and here's why:


1) do you actually think that several millennia from in the time that this game likely takes place, after we've been in space, had access to resources outside of our planet as well as some alien technology (or whatever the Orokin are) that we've had time to reverse engineer, that we couldn't find something that could make a smaller, compact rail gun that doesn't have staggering recoil (it's likely impossible it would be devoid of recoil though) and is able to be easily wielded by a human of any combat-ready stature (in other words not a big bulky cumbersome thing that a space ninja wouldn't bother carrying around when they have bows, a vectis and other weapons that are already more effective).


2) If the Lanka is a rail gun then where is it's staggering amounts of puncture damage.  where is the small AOE damage around the muzzle from the shockwave that would be produced upon firing the weapon so it would have some use when getting swarmed by infested or other melee enemies.  I just looked at the wiki for the Lanka and according to that it is by principal a rail gun, but that just tells me some of the some of the developers have no idea how a rail gun works, because if they did then it would be specked differently.  However I do stand on my point that a rail gun in warframe does not have to be big and bulky with staggering recoil.  there are plenty of systems within the frame and the lanka that could reduce the recoil to manageable proportions.

The Lanka is not a rail gun, it's a coil gun.  Please read my thread.  https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/208845-railgun-weapon-concept/

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A few things:

Railgun needs to stagger player when fired.

Railgun must kick like a horse.

Railgun must be huge.

Railgun can have clip of 72 with sniper ammo because so many other disadvantages.

Railgun must deal at least 1,000 damage.

Railgun must have charge based cool down- charge it fully, full cool down. Several shorter shots add up to full cool down/quick cool down after each shot.

Railgun must have stug-level screen shake.

Railgun must be accurate because future railgun.

Railgun reduces player to walking pace while firing.

Railgun must be a pretty much guaranteed one-shot: 30% crit, proc, so on, because the other disadvantages are bad enough to make up for it.

Railgun must be railgun.

Railgun must also be able to punch through most of a crowd of enemies.

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Hey r0ckwolf, have you considered adding my explanation as to why the Lanka is not a railgun to the OP?  It might reduce the comments on that bit. 

Haven´t considerd it yet, since me and some other guys put very good explanations for that on previous pages. Since apparently nobody bothers to read the entire Thread though, i think i will add your explanation here or in my main  post!^^ Thanks for the advise.

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Haven´t considerd it yet, since me and some other guys put very good explanations for that on previous pages. Since apparently nobody bothers to read the entire Thread though, i think i will add your explanation here or in my main  post!^^ Thanks for the advise.

Yeah.... there are just so many lazy people who won't read past the first post before they make a reply, so having a explanation there would be rather helpful for reducing ignorant comments. 

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  • 2 months later...

I have an idea: railguns take a lot of power, so a good balancing mechanism would be to have it work like the Angstrum's charge (the more you charge the more power the shot has and the more ammo is used) on that note it should draw from the sniper pool to justify ridiculously high damage.

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I have an idea: railguns take a lot of power, so a good balancing mechanism would be to have it work like the Angstrum's charge (the more you charge the more power the shot has and the more ammo is used) on that note it should draw from the sniper pool to justify ridiculously high damage.

nice idea^^

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