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What Evidence Do We Have That Supports The Creation Of The Neo-Technocyte Virus By The Orokin?


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The Tenno are the children of the leader of the Corpus, EA Games, and the Twin Queens. And everyone is descendants of the Orokin, which were the old infested. And the old infested are almost extinct, except Phorid and Lephantis. And it turns out the whales are descendants of the old infested in the cylinder.


Also Vor is our uncle.

Edited by Tyffie
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Allow me to be more specific.

We know the the Orokin used a strand of the virus, and combined with genetic engineering, created the Tenno- a strand of humans that are capable of assimilating the virus without becoming what we know as the infested. Along with entry into the void (presumably what gave them their super-human abilities ranging from telepathy to pyromancy), the Tenno became perfect candidates for the Warframe program in part because of the virus' properties of allowing its' host to interface with technology. This is why we don't see Corpus using warframes- they are physically unable to.

What I am referring to, is the new strand of technocyte supposedly released by the Orokin during the Old War with the sentients.

Did they really release a virus? Was it the technocyte? Or is this just a rumour that makes sense?

If it is. Then I would propose a different view of the lore- where perhaps the sentients are not in fact human- but rather very old, and much more evolved forms of infested originating from the original technocyte spread on Earth from the Dark Sector era, sentient of course referring to their higher learning, and thought processing abilities- demonstrated by similar infested in our era, ex. Phorid.

Edited by Sanillo
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The Tenno are the children of the leader of the Corpus, EA Games, and the Twin Queens. And everyone is descendants of the Orokin, which were the old infested. And the old infested are almost extinct, except Phorid and Lephantis. And it turns out the whales are descendants of the old infested in the cylinder.


Also Vor is our uncle.

Does this mean in the future EA games and Origin cease to exist :D?

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I heard hes created by the Orokin...


Just 'cuz he was created by the Orokin doesn't mean that the Orokin created the virus to make him.


They could've found it, shaped it into flesh, and bam, Lephantis.

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There isn't even confirmation that the tennocyte virus is a thing in the warframe universe.

It was confirmed in a dev stream.  Not sure which one but I'll try and dig it up :|

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Just 'cuz he was created by the Orokin doesn't mean that the Orokin created the virus to make him.


They could've found it, shaped it into flesh, and bam, Lephantis.

Exactly. I honestly believe that the identity of the sentients rests on this one fact.


If the Orokin DID mutate the technocyte virus to combat the Sentients. Then the sentients were human.


If they did not. Then it points to very strong possibility that the solar system was actually controlled by the infested prior to Orokin arrival, with perhaps a few tiny human settlements still holding out. Being unable to combat them very effectively, they used DNA found on earth replicate Hayden Tenno, and create a new line of humans (the Tenno) to combat the virus. Ultimately failing, when the Tenno rebelled.


Personally I feel the latter would prove to be more interesting story-wise. If the Orokin did revive the human race in order to create an effective way of dealing with the plague, then it would help explain why the Corpus are so obsessed with them, as well as why the Grinner are so militant.


All in all, I like the idea of humanity failing, more than the (feel good) history that has been proposed.


Either way though, there still remains the question of where the REALLY old Infested went- since so far we have only seen relatively young infested (Grineer, and corpus mutants). Seeing more ancients would be interesting, especially since we know that the technocyte virus has especially...lethal mutations when paired with human DNA.

Edited by Sanillo
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Allow me to be more specific.

We know the the Orokin used a strand of the virus, and combined with genetic engineering, created the Tenno- a strand of humans that are capable of assimilating the virus without becoming what we know as the infested. Along with entry into the void (presumably what gave them their super-human abilities ranging from telepathy to pyromancy), the Tenno became perfect candidates for the Warframe program in part because of the virus' properties of allowing its' host to interface with technology. This is why we don't see Corpus using warframes- they are physically unable to.

What I am referring to, is the new strand of technocyte supposedly released by the Orokin during the Old War with the sentients.

Did they really release a virus? Was it the technocyte? Or is this just a rumour that makes sense?

If it is. Then I would propose a different view of the lore- where perhaps the sentients are not in fact human- but rather very old, and much more evolved forms of infested originating from the original technocyte spread on Earth from the Dark Sector era, sentient of course referring to their higher learning, and thought processing abilities- demonstrated by similar infested in our era, ex. Phorid.


Care to share where you got this information because i do not remember any lore that gave this information, except the part about the orokin releasing a virus (which created the infested) during the old war with the sentients. That from one of the infested bosses that are no long on the star map.


And you're wrong about the first part you mention about the creation of the tenno (unless you can give your source of this information) because the codex entry for excalibur is: "The Sentients had won. They had turned our weapons, our technology, against us. The more advanced we became, the greater our losses. The war was over unless we found a new way. In our desperation we turned to the Void. The blinding night, the hellspace where our science and reason failed. We took the twisted few that had returned from that place. We built a frame around them, a conduit of their affliction. Gave them the weapons of the old ways. Gun and blade. A new warrior, a new code was born. These rejects, these Tenno, became our saviors. Warrior-Gods cast in steel and fury striking our enemies in a way they could never comprehend.

Excalibur was the first.

- Orokin 'Warframe' Archives"


Care to clarify?

Edited by Silentsintheday
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Pretty sure the Lotus has mentioned Technocyte.


I have better things to do than dig up the link, but in that leaked update news that was circling around a while ago Technocyte WAS mentioned by name as the source of the Infestation. So, yeah, Technocyte IS confirmed for this universe.

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Care to share where you got this information because i do not remember any lore that gave this information, except the part about the orokin releasing a virus (which created the infested) during the old war with the sentients. That from one of the infested bosses that are no long on the star map.


And you're wrong about the first part you mention about the creation of the tenno (unless you can give your source of this information) because the codex entry for excalibur is: "The Sentients had won. They had turned our weapons, our technology, against us. The more advanced we became, the greater our losses. The war was over unless we found a new way. In our desperation we turned to the Void. The blinding night, the hellspace where our science and reason failed. We took the twisted few that had returned from that place. We built a frame around them, a conduit of their affliction. Gave them the weapons of the old ways. Gun and blade. A new warrior, a new code was born. These rejects, these Tenno, became our saviors. Warrior-Gods cast in steel and fury striking our enemies in a way they could never comprehend.

Excalibur was the first.

- Orokin 'Warframe' Archives"


Care to clarify?

Simply put.


Excalibur was not the first. He was only the first Orokin made suit.


The first "Warframe" was Nemesis.


When I write about Warframe lore, I do it fully aware that it is a direct successor of Dark Sector. Dark Sector was a game previously developed by DE that takes place on Earth- in which Hayden Tenno, an operative of the agency works to combat the spread of the technocyte virus.


Near the end of the game. Two characters acquire what we can, in essence, consider Warframes. The first is Nadia Sudek- who wields the Nemesis, and the second is Hayden, who wields a suit VERY similar to the Excalibur.


Our name, the Tenno, is a reminder of this history. When the Orokin created the Tenno, and the Warframes. They did it by replicating, and improving the first successful subjects to assimilate the virus and operate a suit- Hayden, and Nadia.


Now, why do I say that the infested may have ruled the Solar system? Well, at the end of the game, the virus DOES get released.


Lore also tells us that the Orokin jumped to the void to survive the plague. The ships remaining (Derelict ships), are infested. Leading me to believe that the Old War, fought between the sentients and Orokin was much more than simply alien meets human. It is more likely then, that the Orokin roused the infested because of their irresponsible meddling in genetic engineering and exploration- as well as their extensive time spend on earth gathering data and genetic material. The infested, driven by their desire to assimilate and consume, began battle with the Orokin. Perhaps through their ventures on Earth the Orokin managed to revive, at least partially, the human race- and discovered the unique trait of Hayden Tenno in the process- the ability to successfully assimilate the virus.


You can find more information for yourself on the Dark Sector wiki. This page, also details a short, but more complete summary of the lore:




While it does mention the re-creation of the technocyte by the Orokin, I have yet to find any proof supporting this. Leading me to believe there is the possibility of another origin story for the Warframe era, involving mostly- the failure of the human race to contain the technocyte plague.

Edited by Sanillo
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No, Excalibur is the first Orokin Tenno, the first of the 'Warrior-Gods', using 'the weapons of the old ways - gun and blade', to fight the Sentients. It's definitely a reference to the Tenno, not simply the warframes. They are probably classified as Tenno because of Hayden Tenno. They had no name for those who are like Hayden, so they just call them all Tenno. I still think the Orokin are human, as well as the Sentients, because the Orokin originated on earth.

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The only facts we know:


1. The Infestation, is a form of the Technocyte virus (Flavour text from Nano Spores)

2. The Earth _seems_ to have had some form of infestation before the Orokin era (Pre-Codex lore on the Infested)

3. Technocyte material goes into the construction of almost every Warframe (Oddly Oberon uses no Technocyte resources)

4. The Orokin created Lephantis (But it doesn't appear to have been "deployed" before the fall of the Orokin)

5. Infested bosses consider the Tenno or maybe their Warframes "Our flesh"


Everything else is unconfirmed as of yet _including_ any ties to the plot of "Dark Sector" save the existence of a person called Hayden Tenno and the existence of the Glaive.

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Actually there's no proof stating that the Orokin originated on Earth. You might be thinking about the sentients, which have might have been. However the most we know is that the sentients were just kind a THERE, when the Orokin arrived.

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Lotus states that Lephantis is a leftover weapon created by the Orokin during the great war.


The Infested J3-Goem used to say, "Why do you destroy us? We are your flesh."


Among the possible interpretations are that either the Orokin created the virus itself, or that the virus is a mutation/corruption of what the Orokin created; either some other biological weapon or just the materials they used to create stuff (Orokin Cells).

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There is no direct lore to it... all they mention is that it more or less made before Tenno went on a killing spree...



Small mentions around the game said things about technocyte but that was it... (unless DE removed that text)

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Actually there's no proof stating that the Orokin originated on Earth. You might be thinking about the sentients, which have might have been. However the most we know is that the sentients were just kind a THERE, when the Orokin arrived.


No, I'm referencing this from the website's lore:


The Tenno are descendants of an ancient and mystical civilization of lost warriors from the Orokin era on Earth. 

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