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Did You Guys Saw This?


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Well I don't know how to quote from another thread but check this image:

Use "MultiQuote" link in one topic, then create your own and you should have floating button near the bottom-right corner. If it's not there - refresh the page.

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English is not my first language, I was debating on if it should be "see" or "saw" and apparently I got it wrong.

So far you are pretty fluent despite that. So I would've never guessed it wasn't your first language. Keep up the good work.

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Use "MultiQuote" link in one topic, then create your own and you should have floating button near the bottom-right corner. If it's not there - refresh the page.

Thank you!



So far you are pretty fluent despite that. So I would've never guessed it wasn't your first language. Keep up the good work.

Writting and reading is easy for me, not the same while listening hence why I missed they talking about this on the stream.

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I know you're trying to apply past tense in the topic title, but that's still incorrect.



English is not my first language, I was debating on if it should be "see" or "saw" and apparently I got it wrong.


Yeah so if you'd like to change it you should write, "Have you guys seen this?" instead.  (I'm trying to be helpful to you.)  


Don't worry there are many players here who aren't native English speakers.




However, in general discussion we have too many vague thread titles an appropriate title would be "Past event missions to be played via codex." or something like that.

Edited by sushidubya
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English is not my first language, I was debating on if it should be "see" or "saw" and apparently I got it wrong.

meh... not like Europe, or the US say the words knight, knee, or knife correctly anyway... English is pretty weird that we let pronunciations, and wording fall through the cracks that way. besides the Grammar Nazis were forced to read your topic now because they couldn't help but click on this to correct you lol.


On the main topic though.


They way it was suggested was that it would be implemented across the board so no one would miss the lore. It wasn't suggested that the rewards would be given just a way to access the missions again.

I highly doubt they will give these back without rewards. There has got to be rewards of some kind involved. All DE has to do is make the missions required harder for the sake of players going back, and playing them for the rewards.

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How cool would it be if you could go back and get the rewards from those events if you didn't get to score at all? Cicero mods here I come! (only event I've EVER missed :( and i'm sad)


that would be tricky, as no one would do another event again knowing every reward would be back if you wait long enough.


that destroys all the concept of an event.


this was mentioned for players to being able to get to date with lore, but not to bring back rewards IMO.

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Well, that's what I get for missing the dev stream.


I would run that Darvo mission several times, probably once a month at least.  : )


Though, I bet the first Darvo mission wouldn't be quite the same though, unless they make the unexpected guest guaranteed not to drop something ;)

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