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The Grineer Systems Transmission And U13 Hype Megathread


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You haven't been looking around the forums much since this morning. People have already been rage posting about the delay. I've been avoiding the forums most of the day because of it.

DE hit a snag, pushed it back a week, admitted it was a last minute decision, and even offered some nice alert rewards over the next week as compensation. That last part really isn't required of them, but nice of them to consider us in the process. People are making a way bigger deal than they should about it. First world problems and all that I suppose.

Point is, it happened, its over. Wait patiently or move on. No point in discussing it further since it won't change the outcome. There's a reason why a solid/specific date was never announced, this is why.

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DE doesn't generally release so much new content in an update, and it is expected that many things will go wrong. I'm not sure why DE didn't allow themselves more time, or split the updates in half.



Today: Warframe and new weapons

2 weeks from now: Melee 2.0/End game content (the big problem)


DE is trying to please us by releasing so much, and it's having a negative effect. People need to stop being so demanding. DE is the best at updating game content and catering to our needs, and we have been taking advantage of them.


On the other hand, DE is kind of stupid to think they can mention U13, melee 2.0, a new frame, end game content, and new weapons and not start a crazy hype train. You get crazy hype trains for a new/prime warframe alone. I don't know if they were remaining blissfully ignorant, or just don't really get that yet. Now that there's no update, I know I'm disappointed. All because they didn't anticipate hype and allow themselves enough time.


I hope they have better time management in the future. Don't give yourself too little time to push things out, and also don't start a hype train if you think there's a possibility it won't come out.


Maybe next update should be a complete surprise. Don't even tell us when the next prime is coming out, just let us log in one day and see that beautiful saryn prime (hint hint) sitting there waiting for us to grind for.

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Stop blindly defending DE.


Yeah, U13 and Melee 2.0 got delayed, that sucks a lot, but so what? Something wasn't quite right and they had to add another week. Not that big of a deal.


But whats really bad, is how it was handled. Take a step back and look at this entire week up to today. Pretty much EVERYONE was hyped up because of that site. Everything pointed to U13 coming out today(and they even intended for it to happen today!). Then all of a sudden, we just get a new timer???


Unless this delay was literally decided at the last moment(highly doubtful). they could have gave us the news way earlier, in a much better way and avoided most, if not all of this backlash.


I appreciate all the work that they are putting into this whole thing, and the game itself hugely, but DE has to learn from mistakes like this and not let them happen again. Defending them like they are kids every time they screw up won't help anybody.

It's been happening for a while now. Not just with this update. Been happening since way back with the Frost Prime update. Would be nice to their customers if they gave us at least a part of U13, either some weapons or the new Frame. Not EVERYTHING in U13 can be broken at this time.

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Stop blindly defending DE.


Yeah, U13 and Melee 2.0 got delayed, that sucks a lot, but so what? Something wasn't quite right and they had to add another week. Not that big of a deal.


But whats really bad, is how it was handled. Take a step back and look at this entire week up to today. Pretty much EVERYONE was hyped up because of that site. Everything pointed to U13 coming out today(and they even intended for it to happen today!). Then all of a sudden, we just get a new timer???


Unless this delay was literally decided at the last moment(highly doubtful). they could have gave us the news way earlier, in a much better way and avoided most, if not all of this backlash.


I appreciate all the work that they are putting into this whole thing, and the game itself hugely, but DE has to learn from mistakes like this and not let them happen again. Defending them like they are kids every time they screw up won't help anybody.



Indeed if DE had stopped the teaser page and just let everyone know earlier that they still had things to work on I would have thought better of them. Unfortunately they let the hype train continue to roll on as well as more spoilers which is just awful of them to do as a company.

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LMAO seriously Melee 2.0 couldn't be delivered on time because it grew bigger and bigger. DE trying to forfil the hype the masses wanted from the teasers. They cant Deliver on the Rainbow bridge that was spoken of 7 weeks ago and cant say why, (which in itself speaks of legal crap).


I personally think U13 shouldn't have been ready until the end of April. DE are wanting to take this game from the idea they had at the beginning to the lofty goals of a Sandbox. Not going to happen over night people.

With all previous updates we got a rough idea of when they might be out, but until the day they arrived we didn't have a clue. This time they give you a build up then pull the release date for a week or two.

Be happy they want to give you something that works, and not something that is going to blow up in there faces and take the next 4 weeks to fix

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I am personnaly disapointed but can wait. Through I belive the comunity will extreamly angry after giving the impression of it being today and at the last min changing it. I think they schould of just said it was not this week from the start and would have been fine. That is the prob through I hope the update they have been working on for now 5 weeks (from what I got) is really Worth it as more they take to deliver more they hier expectation and more they will anger the comunity is this is bad. It is a bit like the X2 ressources event we had and now no one farms anymore. I do not see the aim as in my example have like 20 neurods 45 orikons 15 morphics and 8 neurol sensors with like 96% of craftables crafted.


Lets see how it plays out and I hope they at least give us the prim grid they posted about erlyer this week that could be moded.

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The Teaser site was planned for the Update to go live today, so we understand the frustration when players saw a Timer instead of an Update. We goofed and we know it. But please stick around with us, and at the very least accept our apology alerts. We're still working on Update 13 so that when it goes live we can say we're happy and proud of what you'll be playing.


I can imagine how hard you as admin to say this. But nice that you know this happend and trying to do better and better. +1

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Im not sure if this is technically possible for you guys over at DE...but if it is...can you guys allow us to download some assets already?

This patch seems to be rather big and while my internet is fine for playing and hosting...my speed is rather low...and downloading 1+ GB updates takes rather long for me.

I doubt that I am the only one... but with the amount of content coming up (new animations for melee weapons, expanded mod slot system for weapon stances, new tileset, new weapons, new frame(s), last spoiler also hinting at something else [badlands or lobby stations?!?]) I think that it would be neat if you allowed us to DL at least some of the assets into the client already.

I hate having to wait around +1 extra hour while all my friends over in asia already get to play :[ 

P.s. I am aware of the patch delay...which is the sole reason I am asking about this now.

Edited by Shehriazad
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No, I will not calm down. 

Games are just entertainment for some of you, but for me it's BEYOND that.

It's a life. It's the only thing that helps me go through the day without killing myself. Games are supporters that keep me from doing so. 

No matter what you say I'm still angry. I've been trying to hold back but it's becoming almost impossible. 

lol you're joking, right ?

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I will try to make the most constructive post I can possibly do.

DE, I'm sorry but I just can't wait anymore. I would be more than happy if you could at least give us something that would help with the amount of irritation. What has gone through your mind to do this and think that a few Orokin cells and a forma would fix that? No. It's adding salt to the wound, it's sad enough to almost make me laugh if I wasn't so mad.

I'm finished with Warframe for today. I'm gonna continue on playing another game or something like that, but trust me when I say this, if update 13 isn't released the next week what ever happened today would happen five times over.  

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I will try to make the most constructive post I can possibly do.

DE, I'm sorry but I just can't wait anymore. I would be more than happy if you could at least give us something that would help with the amount of irritation. What has gone through your mind to do this and think that a few Orokin cells and a forma would fix that? No. It's adding salt to the wound, it's sad enough to almost make me laugh if I wasn't so mad.

I'm finished with Warframe for today. I'm gonna continue on playing another game or something like that, but trust me when I say this, if update 13 isn't released the next week what ever happened today would happen five times over.  

Free things to compensate for the delay is salt in the wound?


Well alright.

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