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The Grineer Systems Transmission And U13 Hype Megathread


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That said, ZODIACMachinery has a point. GIven the repeated delays and "need 1 more week", there's only so long you can trust the devs to need "1 more week". Maybe focus on some other things like Badlands, the new Vay Hek, Focus, Lore, some new frames, weapons, tilesets, things that are doable for the dev team, and then come back to Melee 2.0 when all the doable things are out the way.

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Did DE originally intend a last minute second timer? No.

Do we want to trust Dev that they need just 1 week more time? Yes.

For those of you we've let down, see you next Wednesday and please play the apology alerts if they appeal to you - otherwise, see you Friday for a playthrough on the stream.

If you don't mind, would you mind stating this publicly in the announcement for the "preparation" alerts?  What you said here is likely to get buried.


Also, if you wouldn't mind (and are even yourself aware), was it a bug, last-minute change, or just poor time estimation that led to the current situation.  I don't particularly mind in any case.  The first is something I have personal experience with from the development side.  The second is understandable given the overhaul nature of U13.  The third is less justifiable, but even so, knowing which it was would be nice.

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I'm so confused DE you put up a website to bring the hype level to maximum power which you guys obviously knew would happen then when we get to the end we thought the update would be today because in the past updates when you have done this when we got to the end we got the update. Only now you put a count down timer for an unknown amount of time whats with that you have confused over 7 million people in one day not to mention &!$$ed a lot of people off and slapped a lot of dedicated players like myself who have been playing since closed beta why?. What is happening here DE I mean I think I speak for the entire community when we say we would rather find out all the content our selves and have the joy and excitement of doing so instead of watching a live stream were you just hang all the stuff in front of us and make us watch that's no fun.

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Sorry to hear about the delays, DE,  and I'm even more sorry about the way this community is reacting. Thank you for making the effort to try re-compensate us with a dual Potato + Forma alert week. This has never happened before, it's pretty big!

Hope that whatever issues you had with Update 13 will be resolved, and I hope you guys don't feel too bad about the delay.

Best of luck!

You dont speak for us. I hate it when this kind of people act like the "good players" of Warframe. You think dual potatoes and a Forma suffice for all the people that commented and shared their love for U13? Just look at this massive thread, the support has gone too high. Nevertheless next time guys don't expect that much. Good day all!

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Did DE originally intend a last minute second timer? No.

Do we want to trust Dev that they need just 1 week more time? Yes.

For those of you we've let down, see you next Wednesday and please play the apology alerts if they appeal to you - otherwise, see you Friday for a playthrough on the stream.

Still disappointed like many other Tenno.


But this concrete response helps some. Much appreciated for clearing the air... The wondering, hoping and waiting is the killer.


Soooo... What's on the menu for today's update? Will there be one?

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Anyways, what's done is done. And judging by REbecca, we can assume that there was a setback. I'm just glad the whole second timer thing wasn't planned. Apologies are in order in that regard; DE did not mess up their planning. And for that, I apologize for me words earlier.

At any rate; I think that more or less says that this tease WAS intending to release U13 today, but couldn't not due to choice, but due to technical issues.

To those saying that the teaser was not intending to lead up to release, just to be a hypocrite about the whole "I told you so" business; IN YO FACE.

Buuuuut, that does make me worry what got you guys so worried that you had to add another week onto it. Is it an issue with Melee 2.0? The new frame?

Edited by Triburos
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No, not +1. You dont tell your children something big is gonna happen and its round about christmas time then on chrismas day they get a cookie. That is not cool. That isnt cool at all.

Hopefully your children will be mature enough to understand when you say that hour house was broken into and the presents stolen, or they caught fire. Something out of your control, or you said "Actually, kids. We've decided you can have your Christmas presents next week, and that they'll be even better! But in the meantime, please accept this cookie and know that we love you, and we just want to make sure you get the best of presents ever."

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Anyways, what's done is done. And judging by REbecca, we can assume that there was a setback. I'm just glad the whole second timer thing wasn't planned. Apologies are in order in that regard; DE did not mess up their planning. And for that, I apologize for me words earlier.

At any rate; I think that more or less says that this tease WAS intending to release U13 today, but couldn't not due to choice, but due to technical issues.

To those saying that the teaser was not intending to lead up to release, just to be a hypocrite about the whole "I told you so" business; IN YO FACE.

Buuuuut, that does make me worry what got you guys so worried that you had to add another week onto it. Is it an issue with Melee 2.0? The new frame?


It's probably Melee 2.0, again. It's always been 2.0. Maybe there's an extra delay because they think they can add Badlands to it (honestly, who was expecting Badlands to come with this?).

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Did DE originally intend a last minute second timer? No.

Do we want to trust Dev that they need just 1 week more time? Yes.

For those of you we've let down, see you next Wednesday and please play the apology alerts if they appeal to you - otherwise, see you Friday for a playthrough on the stream.

So it's not coming today :\



Well I'll take a week off, burning out on things now and on the wait. We were told early March and now it's April  :(


It's beta anyway, give it to us and fix bugs as we go, ppl will always complain   =D #TeamIrony


An actual announcement explicitly stating that the update was getting delayed would have been a lot better than a timer.  you just let people rage for a bit over an hour without directly addressing the problem.


And to top it off, your only statement on the issue is a post that will get buried in a couple minutes.


This whole thing has just been handled poorly all around.

Wish they had told us sooner, I had been looking forward to today, for nadda.

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You dont speak for us. I hate it when this kind of people act like the "good players" of Warframe. You think dual potatoes and a Forma suffice for all the people that commented and shared their love for U13? Just look at this massive thread, the support has gone too high. Nevertheless next time guys don't expect that much. Good day all!

No, I don't speak for you. But I'm ashamed to call myself a player of Warframe after the behaviour I've seen here. I don't believe hostility is ever necessary, and that's just me. Please respect that.

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Hopefully your children will be mature enough to understand when you say that hour house was broken into and the presents stolen, or they caught fire. Something out of your control, or you said "Actually, kids. We've decided you can have your Christmas presents next week, and that they'll be even better! But in the meantime, please accept this cookie and know that we love you, and we just want to make sure you get the best of presents ever."

But that is just it, A development studio isnt a NATURAL DISASTER or A THIEF. People work there. They ARE in control.

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