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The Grineer Systems Transmission And U13 Hype Megathread


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The only disappointing thing here is that they used their hypesystems page too early, by next week hype will be gone. I just want a kubrow walking next to me while I'm murdering grineer. If that's in U13 I don't care how long it takes. Find another game to play, sit back, relax and prepare your body for warframes awesome new update, next week XD.

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BECAUSE REBECCA BASICALLY CONFIRMED THAT IT WAS INTENDED FOR TODAY. How much clearer do I have to make it. I've got no problem with you or others saying that the excessive rage is unwarranted, but stop spewing this crap that it wasn't intended for today.

Yes it was intended for today but we only learnt that after we found out it was going to be next week.


People guessed and hoped it was going to be today and they would of been right but they were still only guessing that does not make them right.

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Nothing to with creating a game is created easily. In the world of programming it's not always possible to keep to deadlines. Has anyone stopped to consider that the team have found something which doesn't quite work with U13, or something that is actually breaking?


Just consider this.


Would you rather a complete bug filled release, or a slight delay to the update, so it fixes bugs/exploits/instabilities & DE Get a little more time to improve functionality of M2.0 and other features they wish to bring into the game?




Regardless what DE Do, there is constant QQ on the forums about the slightest thing.


Oh, This does not work! DE Please!

It's delayed, I cannot go on! It's such a disappointment that they promised & cannot deliver

Spoon feed me updates whenever I want them!


How about show some appreciation for what DE has already done for the game? Instead *@##$ing and crying about another 7 day delay which will benefit the game.

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 You do not own them. They owe you nothing. I am not overjoyed that we have to wait another week, but you have absolutely no right to reprimand them for choosing not to release unfinished content.

but they could release the finished content instead of holding everything back.


think clearly before you fly into a rage of inconsistencies please.

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If you always go by that logic everyone would be like Meh its just a game I dont want to spend money on it. Then there would be no DE, NO WARFRAME. So no its not just a game its a masterpiece that they must handle with care and not let it get damaged. (A la Update stunt)

Taking time to perfect content and systems is not "handling with care" in your opinion? Whose logic is flawed, really?

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then delay the release by a few days. just because something went wrong doesnt mean you can just wait around to fix it and release it a week later like nothing went wrong. They could split the update up send whats working through and fix whats not. no point in angering millions of people. 


And people are always "take a step back" "better late then broken"  and 5 months of "hype" and a solid release date get thrown under the bus invalidates that mentality. ON TOP of the fact they wont split the update.

As a grandmaster and a veteran of the game you have seen how much this game has grown since closed beta assuming you were in it like me then would also know DE tries there hardest to get stuff in on time but if there is something horribly wrong at the last minute then there is nothing they can do it just popped up today so they would not have known days in advanced.

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People freaking out. It's like they were going to get a puppy but as they were about to hold its cuteness a bear jumped out of no where and moved the puppy just out of reach.


 Yes, it is exactly like that. They presented us the puppy, the bear unexpectedly appeared, they took the puppy back to safety until things get good.

 They presented us a teaser, problems appeared, they delayed it until things get fixed and good to go.

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I like how you positioned that image perfectly.  I can appreciate that.

Lol I'm glad.


Too bad my post was deleted. Can only assume it was too big but I REALLY appreciate the msg saying why it was deleted. Thanks a lot. I love it when posts are deleted 'whenever' without any explanation. The communication is amazing. /sarcasm


Wasn't needed because it was placed to try and add some humourous content in response to the annoyance in the community. Either you can cry/get angry or you can just laugh and be amused.

Edited by Naith
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This is what they wanted. People to get excited for U13. But remember that you got new content last week. Patience...


Also, since I enjoy saying it so much, Its DE's game, they can do whatever they d@mn well please.

and when and if they run the player base off because of rampant inconsistencies and extreme lack of communication, then seeing as they "did what they damned well pleased that was funded namely by the founders from the player base" what then? they did what they wanted. go them. this whole mentality of its mine i can do with it as i please, is selfish, and garbage.


im married, does that mean i get to beat my wife because she's mine? do i get to drive my truck over my dogs, because they're mine?



this game, belongs legally, to DE, and would be nowhere, without its support base: us.



am i saying we are entitled to anything? yes we are, and it is only one simple thing: communication. we, as testers of this beta, are entitled to proper communication from the development team. if you feel otherwise, i may be put into a position to start questioning sanity in general.


we test, we give feedback, and.............silence. that, needs to be fixed.

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Really? Melee 2.0 isn't the first of it's kind you know that? I remember when the mod tree system was still around and then got changed into the current card/slots system and they basically resetted everyone back to mercury. That would be what I would call alpha to beta. Heck, we ARE actually still in beta, and unless U13 is the actual release, this is no patch of the magnitude you speak of.

I was there two when the mod system was changed good lord it was horrible back closed beta lol but the one we have now is a million times better.

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ok, sure, programming is difficult, blah blah, but if you can't make it, do NOT release a webpage anticipating the whole deal, and delay it for another week, exactly when it should be released.


It's not that it's been delayed, it's that the players were mocked.


"prepare, we're releasin- nah, nevermind"

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but they could release the finished content instead of holding everything back.


think clearly before you fly into a rage of inconsistencies please.

Surely they could do that. I never said that they couldn't. They haven't said that they will or won't on that score, so I chose not to comment without information. Ultimately, however, it is their choice, and my comment still stands: We have no right to reprimand them as we have no authority over them.

Users: "B-b-b-but you owe me an update, I bought all this Platinum."



Edited by TheSeannachaidh
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This is still in beta. I WOULD rather have updates pushed out a little sooner despite some bugs. Glaring game breaking bugs no. Those should be caught before release. But why keep it in a beta if your going to delay things for bug fixes. We're all "beta" testers essentially. Use us.

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Yeah no, I'm still pis*ed off.


Also, by making threads like this you're basically telling them "It's okay to hype something for a full week, complete with sneak peeks of features every day as countdown, and then not deliver at the last moment".

Which is not okay.

Stop defending that crap.

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