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The Grineer Systems Transmission And U13 Hype Megathread


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There was a old award-winning Guinness ad that said "Good things come to those who wait", and i think that applies here.


I never get over-hyped over anything myself, mainly due to not having the means to afford it on the launch day, and I get why people were excited about this, but I'm thankful that DE took the time to say "This still isn't up to quality, and we're sorry" then to just push a half-finished product because "The date said so".


A lot of companies have taken the mantra of shipping first and fixing later (case in point, Battlefield 4), so to have DE take it back and say they're gonna make it better is...actually kind of a good thing. Its shows it cares about its product rather than the deadline, and will work on it to make it better in the long run. Yes, fans are disappointed that it didn't come out today, and that the potato broke, but I say take the good with the bad.


After all, this isn't Mother 3 we're talking about here, then I'd agree with the mob mentality!

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No, I will not calm down. 

Games are just entertainment for some of you, but for me it's BEYOND that.

It's a life. It's the only thing that helps me go through the day without killing myself. Games are supporters that keep me from doing so. 

No matter what you say I'm still angry. I've been trying to hold back but it's becoming almost impossible. 

This is you life support. it was created to extend the life of the Sega Genesis and now it extends your life. What a mess indeed.

Look at all the wires hooked up to that thing.

Edited by SirAuron
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As a professional coder in a high pressure company that was losing tonnes of money every time the software had issues working in a constantly changing environment, I had around 60 minutes to push out updates.


In a situation like today I would release as much content as possible, even of that is only new weapons and skins. Then push as hard as possible to fix the other issues. If I fixed them in 3 hours I'd release them in 3 hours. If I told my boss sorry I only roll out updates on Wednesdays I would have been fired on the spot. 


Yeah coding can look difficult and time consuming, but if you're a professional coder it's something you excel at and enjoy.

It's not just about being a coder. It's successful businesses that have to abide by these kind of rules. They dont make claims if they cannot meet them. By the time you make a release date for a product, you know you HAVE to meet it. Otherwise announce the delay at an earlier point, not at the very last day before release, let alone on release date.


We have DE staff lurking in this thread, but still no one has bothered to respond. I am still hoping that all this is a very elaborate April Fool's joke and we will still get U13 by the evening. Wishful thinking, I know lol.

Edited by Deathstroke2000
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Thank you, DE really has no excuses here.


lol how did you take that as "having no excuses."


He reinforced the point that things can spontaneously go wrong with code. What he actually said is they they should seek to get it out as soon as the problem is fixed rather than waiting next Wednesday.


We don't know how long the problem will take to fix, but I do agree it should be released asap.

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Literally brought me to tears










Thank you for clearing this up.

If you feel a little hurt, please accept my apologies. I get that you're not having common problems, & I'd be really glad to help.


I hope you are still able to wait a little time...And that our expectations will be well served.

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It's not just about being a coder. It's successful businesses that have to abide by these kind of rules. They dont make claims if they cannot meet them. y the time you make a release date for a product, you know you HAVE to meet it. Otherwise announce the delay at an earlier point, not at the very last day before release, let alone on release date.


Did you see a release date anywhere dude?


It was safe to assume that they were aiming for today for the update but there is a different between some pictures everyday and giving a release date.


There's some reason to be ticked, but you people are taking a bloody mile with your accusations. DE suffered a goof, but this is fair from some completely unprofessional stunt.

Edited by SolidSp33d
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Complaining about the complaining will accomplish nothing either.

*Asks question*

*Gets this*


Hopefully teach DE to aknowledge problems instead of letting hype build up.


Then again, they have said they would improve their communication long ago, but nothing has happened.

They still have better communication than most companies.

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So, I figured we should list all the cool new things coming out in U13 (that unfortunately is coming out next week).


- Melee 2.0 (the spotlight one)

- New Frame (water-based)

- Grineer Shipyards (new tile-set)

- Badlands (seems like so)

- New Vay Hek (revamped)


And if you can help me add other things you know, go ahead ^^


Badlands is closer to endgame content. I doubt that is coming. Everything else eps the new tileset looks really good. Earth is easily my fav tileset ingame atm. Grineer needs to give their interior decorator a promotion  =D

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Did you see a release date anywhere dude?

Actually, there was one.. Melee 2.0 being in the end of February, then early March, then late March. Vay Hek had one in U11.5. Actually, I think Melee 2.0 was to come out with U12, but I'm not too sure if that's correct.

Edited by sedu13
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You've got nothing to be angry over in the first place. 


Yes and no.


DE gave us a neat part of the website that teased U13, which was pretty different from the other times they tease. And because DE doesn't say anything, players are only forced to believe that today was U13 day. What could you expect? They almost never give us a date ahead of time when the update happens, so the community just usually goes with logic, and some hype. A lot of hype. I would go further into the semantics, but you have to admit it was last-minute to see that timer meaning 7 days later, ON update day, when it would've been nice to know sooner.


Then there's the over-reacting to the point that people just need to relax and understand what damage has been done here. It's simply a delay, and we actually got a release window. They even got us some potatoes, although they didn't work at first. The game servers didn't crap up or the gameplay didn't all of a sudden get worse.

Edited by Xelorx
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Or if they explained what happened, and why it was delayed.



I'd just like to know the reason for the delay. Bug? Design change? Bad time estimation? Loss of manpower?


Want this. Transparency would be great here... we get silence.

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well, i now have a potato for my Dakra Prime, a potato for the new frame, and a forma to polerize a Stance Slot to something i want.



Im happy. Keep bug bashing DE, i want my first experience with Melee 2.0 to be a gloriously macabre dance of death.

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It's not just about being a coder. It's successful businesses that have to abide by these kind of rules. They dont make claims if they cannot meet them. By the time you make a release date for a product, you know you HAVE to meet it. Otherwise announce the delay at an earlier point, not at the very last day before release, let alone on release date.


We have DE staff lurking in this thread, but still no one has bothered to respond. I am still hoping that all this is a very elaborate April Fool's joke and we will still get U13 by the evening. Wishful thinking, I know lol.

Depends on the business you're in and if it is actually a production date.

In softwares for like automotive business you simply can't have showstopper bugs. Also with U13 we didn't get any official release date and it's not a final product at all which can't be changed anymore because the factory is running.

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