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The Grineer Systems Transmission And U13 Hype Megathread


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Me and a few others discussed this last night.

We had a talk on Update 13 and basically went over what DE should have done.




I prefer this than actually discussing on the forums now actually. It seems to be a much more friendlier and civilized way of doing it because we're not at each others throats all the time.



Apparently from what I heard they didn't push it out because one of the frames were broken. As well as that they don't release updates on a Friday because if they did then it'd mean that there would be bugs that they couldn't fix on a Saturday because of the weekend and such. (Most people don't work on a Saturday.)

I haven't got facts to back this up, unless I find any possible posts which could prove said points. This is only based on rumors. 

Edited by Sutherland
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DE are only human, they are working their butt off to make this update amazing, who cares if its delayed a week, hell delay it 3 weeks i love ironed out updates.

The only thing we can do is wait.

Carry on truckin DE we believe in you!

Edited by xoxcloudxox
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Great. I'm going for a trip, back next friday so kinda nice that this got delayed, atleast for me.


Im also glad they delayed it, as this week im dedicating myself to battleblock theatre PC beta, as it;s only for this week.

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This whole occurrence reminds me of this: http://i594.photobucket.com/albums/tt30/johannn98/rage58.gif


It is rather amusing, though, how they figure a few alerts will completely push things out of the public mind. The sad part, however, is that they're probably right, just like the 50 plat was great chaff during the void table fiasco. DE, at this stage, has a sizable amount of invested players, and many of them keep investing, keeping buying Prime Access, despite all the vitriol. Things like this will be history in about a week's time, I'd wager, depending on when the apologists and white-knights come out in force.

The very reason that DE even gets away with S#&$ like this and will keep getting away with it is the sheer number of rabid fanboys and white knights praising every decision DE makes. 


And the other game companies that these fanboys are *@##$ing about, when they make a deadline, they either meet the deadline or announce a delay alot earlier than a couple of hours before they need to meet their deadline. This S#&$ just doesn't fly in those so-called 'evil corporations'. There's a reason why those corporations grew to what they were and why we gave them the money to grow. And customer trust and goodwill is a major part of it.


And they are deleting with criticism.

Edited by Deathstroke2000
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I really would just like a "hey, this, this, and this are messed up, we will push out this update for sure on *what ever date they are pushing this update out* here have a balance pass and maybe a new fan art in the codex

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new content will probably keep me playing this in 1 week,

after that im back to my current mmo


next time dont dig deep on hype threads, makes u expect alot from the devs sometimes lead to dissapointment :P

Edited by Ritchel
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The very reason that DE even gets away with S#&$ like this and will keep getting away with it is the sheer number of rabid fanboys and white knights praising every decision DE makes. 


And the other game companies that these fanboys are *@##$ing about, when they make a deadline, they either meet the deadline or announce a delay alot earlier than a couple of hours before they need to meet their deadline. This S#&$ just doesn't fly in those so-called 'evil corporations'. There's a reason why those corporations grew to what they were and why we gave them the money to grow. And customer trust and goodwill is a major part of it.


And they are deleting with criticism.

Things happen


They mightve tried to fix it but came to realize the few hours they had left wouldnt do


Im sure theyre trying their best so we shouldnt be so hard on them


They do alot of good work and are good to the players

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Relax. It's a video game. It's free. It's going to happen, so you have lost nothing. What you are doing here is tantamount to a spoiled brat flailing on the ground because they got they can't have a toy today that doesn't go on sale for a week. Just stop.


Love this comment. Reminded me of this little dude:


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I keep hearing the argument "Rather the update be delayed to be perfected than to have released it with this bug."


But I've been thinking; what if the bug isn't that major? And that the only reason they need a week is because they want to keep their update schedule consistant? In that case, it probably WOULD have been better to have released it, then to have focused on the bug.


Considering the bug was so huge and threatening that they had to throw together a last minute timer, I don't think that's the case but... Imagine if this Friday they came out and said "Oh some of the textures on the new Katana were replaced with Vor's face texture so we had to take a week off to fix it."


I can guarentee you those people saying that a delay to make the update perfect is fine, would be incredibly &!$$ed.


Bbuutt, again; not saying that'll be the case. Just a funny thought.

Edited by Triburos
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I think that in all of the Grineer Systems hype the majority of the community has forgotten something- stat helmets. Maybe they made a last-minute decision to make the decisive move on helmets in U13, so they had to put it off for a week to do that. So instead of whining about how the update was delayed for a week, you guys should be warching the alerts and getting Platinum to buy stat helmets before they're gone. Melee 2.0 has been delayed so many times already that a week is small potatoes (pun intended) in comparison.

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The very reason that DE even gets away with S#&$ like this and will keep getting away with it is the sheer number of rabid fanboys and white knights praising every decision DE makes. 


And the other game companies that these fanboys are *@##$ing about, when they make a deadline, they either meet the deadline or announce a delay alot earlier than a couple of hours before they need to meet their deadline. This S#&$ just doesn't fly in those so-called 'evil corporations'. There's a reason why those corporations grew to what they were and why we gave them the money to grow. And customer trust and goodwill is a major part of it.


And they are deleting with criticism.

See the funny part is that a lot of us are actually in complete agreement that DE dropped the ball, we just have a big problem with acting like an angry mob the moment things go wrong. DE are a good company, and aside from a few mistakes here and there they treat their player base well.

Most of us aren't "white knighting" or fanboying. We just know that unexpected problems occasionally come along and we don't react like pissy little children flinging temper tantrums when things don't go our way, or accuse DE of deleting criticism because we've worked ourselves into such a frenzy that we'll accuse DE of anything we like.

DE most definitely could and should have handled this better and most of us agree on that point, the difference between those of us defending DE and those of us trying to rip them apart is that we're actually grateful for the vast amount of work that has gone into this update in the first place and we don't go frothing at the mouth when things don't go our way.

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I've been looking at the grineersystems page and it suddenly struck me


Why has nobody made a grineer font yet?


I searched for it on dafont but there were no results.


Any fontmakers in the tenno family? Get on it!

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The very reason that DE even gets away with S#&$ like this and will keep getting away with it is the sheer number of rabid fanboys and white knights praising every decision DE makes. 


And the other game companies that these fanboys are *@##$ing about, when they make a deadline, they either meet the deadline or announce a delay alot earlier than a couple of hours before they need to meet their deadline. This S#&$ just doesn't fly in those so-called 'evil corporations'. There's a reason why those corporations grew to what they were and why we gave them the money to grow. And customer trust and goodwill is a major part of it.


And they are deleting with criticism.

 we all still have to wait. Nothing has changed nor will it apparently no matter how much anyone complains. It's already thursday less than a week to go now...dude. Sorry you are upset. If you're lucky it'll pass. Continually bashing a company or a product you obviously support is your right but its sad and  a bit annoying to observe....is there nothing better for you to do? You resort to name calling of peope that support the company that makes the game that we all obviously enjoy when they mess up. Hell they apologized and they are fixing it. It'll be done in a week they will explain on Friday. I am not a fan of how things turned out but the fact is that is whats happening. If the release was broken or bugged we would have raged harder I am SURE. Now if next week anything goes wrong you and I can do an uberthread of rage. There will be no shortage of posts I assure you.                             

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