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The New Water Frame (Hydroid) Hype And Anticipation Megathread


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They would receive complaints, but despite that it would be the RIGHT thing to do. It would be the proper thing to do, because many warframes are still neglected, and the game is still obviously a perpetual open beta.

See "employment diversity." People who come up with new content aren't the same people who balance it later. We're here to give feedback, after all.

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Is that just another angle of the new warframe or is that a prime? If its a prime, by the shape of the head, it looks like a bulky volt.
Or it could be the same frame with an alternate helm. Has anyone discussed the shadowy figure?

EDIT: LOOK BEHIND THE NEW WARFRAME - there is detail on the helm of that background figure. It is not a Rhino...

EDIT 2: Apparently Reading comprehension is at a low this evening - the thread is about the WARFRAME BEHIND THE NEW ONE.





So upon further inspection and help from other users it is possible that the darker warframe is just another angle of the principle figure. Wishful thinking on my part about it being a prime version of Volt.

Edited by ViLeDeth
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...in your opinion.


People have a nasty habit of phrasing personal opinion like it's an objective fact.


You've obviously played long enough so you must realize that the only thing Warframe has going for it is the new stuff that shows up every update to keep the grind going? That without new updates, there'd be nothing left to keep people on warframe? There have been people who've dropped the game and only come back to see what's new, get it and then drop it again.


The core game is not strong enough to keep people hooked without a steady stream of new stuff to grind for. See Diablo 2 and LoD. That game had a small number of overhauls spread across a decade, but it was the game itself that kept fans hooked for so many years. It by itself had so much replayability that it didn't need constant new stuff to keep players interested.


So you have all the warframes and ton of mods and weapons. Then what? You can try different builds on your warframes, but only one or two work, and some warframes don't work well period. There's no incentive at all to replay from scratch because you'd end up exactly where you were before anyway, only some number of platinum poorer. Diablo 2 had an incentive for people to play from scratch, and there was no monetary loss in doing so.


Eventually you'll run out of things to do in warframe. I can finish grinding for rhino prime. Maybe finish 6-forma-ing my synapse, penta, soma, and put formas on all my other weapons. But that doesn't intrinsically make the game more fun for me. Granted it's pretty fun now and it's what I play majority of the time lately, but once Reaper of Souls lands on the PS4 I'm moving straight to that. It's just as much if not more of a grindfest in some regards versus warframe but at least whatever replayability it has comes in-box, and not totally dependent on a steady stream of new updates from the developer. I've also been delving into the MOBA scene with LoL and Dota 2. Those are different games, but they have an endgame, something to keep going, and warframe doesn't have an endgame. You know it. I know it. People on these forums have complained about it. Start another topic about it and I'm sure it'll have pages of people complaining about the lack of endgame in warframe. What is it? See how long a team can last in defense and survivals? What fun is there in a playstyle that is so risky and neurotic that a single mistake allows an enemy to disintegrate your whole team in a single swoop? It's even more frustrating than fighting champion packs in Diablo 3's inferno mode back when it was released, and I've been there and gone through the torment and it sucked pretty hard. At least you get something for going through that hell in diablo 3. In warframe you get resources, prime parts, and mods that you can get through normal farming anyway, plus bragging rights. Maybe.


So yeah I'm sorry for this sidetrack, but that's how it is and I know a lot of people agree with me.


If those beard-locks on the new warframe's face are tentacles, I hope they animate.

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a NEW warframe has risen from the OCEANS depths its gonna be a NEW warframe.


Yeah, people seem to be missing the reference to the announced water frame.

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now that we know the new frame is water. that means where that much closer to having a tenno squad called avatar. So we got water, fire, and air. All we need now is Earth if that's not the next warframe after this one i don't know if i can trust DE.

Also with the propaganda thing I think the screens count down till the sword alone update. Cause everyday the change one of the screens. Anyone else thinking this.

Edited by rechot
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a NEW warframe has risen from the OCEANS depths its gonna be a NEW warframe.

After reading the posts I've conluded many people lack basic reading comprehension.

P.S It's just the back of that water frame. The shoulder pads are exactly the same.

Edited by JessicaAlba
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